What’s your favorite arc of Prison Break?

What’s your favorite arc of Prison Break?

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the arc where they break out of prison

Why does the image convey such homosexual tendencies

Prison break should have ended by season 2 yet continued after prison escape. Hope this yaoi manga fixes that

Season 1 and Season 2 was decent.

The cavalry arc

This cover looks like it was drawn by some capeshit artitst attempting to draw in an anime style.

The artist is actually Japanese.

Wait ... like the american tv show? Is it a manga adaptation of that?

Yes, that Prison Break.

The new chapter leaks are out, friends.

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Cute Poison.

Obviously the arc of the persecution (S2), there appears the best girl Mahone

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lol, they are not that big and the older brother is a manlet.

>prison breaking
>on the run
>MC gets thrown into another prison
What happened after that? I stopped watching around there.

cavalry battle

Are they setting up a sol arc?

Judging by this image, the one where the brothers have to hide their homosexual desires from the other inmates.

Why does one of them looks like Woody Harrelson

Spoilers are out. One of them gets raped and finds happiness with his male rapist in prison

the series turned into a fucking mess.
>michael rescues lincoln and a bunch of other guys from the prison, proceeds to flee from the police and fbi, mahone and bellick in particular
>company gets more screentime, features an ominous old man who only communicates via written notes
>actually starts talking to his subordinate when he's at sea in a small row boat because the company can't track what they're talking about there
>michael and lincoln reach panama, still getting tailed by mahone
>meet up with sarah, get caught
>michael gets thrown into another prison in panama, sarah gets "killed", lincoln has to negotiate with the company in order to free michael
>oh bellick and mahone are in the same prison as michael lol
>mahone, who was established as a genius and peer to michael, gets degraded to a useless junkie who can't do anything by himself
>guys break out again, michael vows to destroy the company and avenge sarah's "death"
enter season 4
>my name is michael im here to avenge sarah
>surprise lmao she's still alive
>btw if none of you wanna go to jail you better help the government take down the company
>the company, which was established as insanely powerful, multinational corporation that controls about every major event in the entire world, turns out to consist of like 4 people
>hey michael and lincoln im your mom let me just kill your brother michael btw lincoln is adopted
>mom gets killed by sarah, company gets destroyed
>michael dies from super cancer even though he got treated by the company with their super-advanced military tech

as retarded as the 4th season was, the 5th turned out to be even worse though

Probably the arc where they stop trying to get into each other's butts

why would it convey that?

it's why i don't like american tv anymore - they always shoot for 6 seasons even if there's no real plot there

Stone Ocean with Araki's old stile

i mean, there still was a plot and there were still loose ends that needed to be tied, but the approach was utterly fucked. the show was heavily inconsistent, with the general suddenly starting to talk to everyone and everywhere at any given time even though it was established that he had a reason not to talk, but it was never elaborated what that reason could have been.
the whole plot around the company seems like an afterthought in the 4th season. god this show makes me irrationally angry with its wasted potential.