What do you watch when you are sad and depressed?

What do you watch when you are sad and depressed?

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Which one?


All of them.

Shitpost on Yea Forums

That's not an anime

It should be

When I get depression I always rewatch End of Evangelion. It always help. how much it helps varies

>It always help.

If I want to feel better than I watch something funny but if I want to stay depressed I watch Clannad

>want to stay depressed
For what purpose?

Drink alcohol and play video games. I cant enjoy films when depressed. Video games help escape far better, especially if it's a fast paced game.

Yea Forums, I instantly feel better about myself

The Celling

I come here and feel worse because I'm doing less than nothing

Honestly, banter on Yea Forums and /int/ helps more than watching anime.

the ceiling


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Unironically Love Live.

Victory Gundam

supah senko san taimu

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Never saw the appeal


Feeling depressed is familiar and comfy. Feeling happy makes me nervous.

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Depends on what approach you think is best for handling sadness. Is watching feel good stuff to cheer up better, or is it more appropriate to view materiale that tries to tackle themes of depression?

Boku no pico

Haibane Renmei and NGE are essential depressioncore.

At least once a year.

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Depression naps are the real shit, though very maladaptive in the long run.

You're insane

I avoid anime with romance and couples since it just makes me all more aware of my own situation


>"you can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness"

thank you gotye

Mind Game

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Not him but he's right.
I don't think I'm depressed but anxiety and feelings of despair are comfy as fuck for some reason.

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I avoid harems because they cast me to feel intense jealousy and anger.

I avoid harems because they're trash

Oh wow, that's the same reason I try to avoid your posts.

It's ok, I'll give you another chance now.

Not all of them

Boku no Pico always cheers me up

mind game comes to mind, something really optimistic. the last ep of tatami galaxy too.
this. after a few games of splatoon i’m always a bit better.

School rumble

Your lie in april, cheers me right up

I don't have enough anime to watch something every time that happens.
Also, I don't feel like doing anything when depressed, including watching anime

The real answer lies here, time to move on.

Retardy shit, like Symphogear
It isn't deep, it isn't comedy, it's just entertaining