Why are western fights so bad compared to anime ones?
Why are western fights so bad compared to anime ones?
So why does the blue cape beat up the black cape? What's his deal?
Because they're animated in Korea.
It's fine. Superman is just a shit character.
looks like an average shonen fight desu
What's wrong with what you posted?
That's pretty cool though, sauce?
They have to actually pay their animators more than twenty dollars
Yeah that's cool and all. But what are those boxes for?
The irony being that Koreans are absolutely fucking kino when it comes to fights in live action movies
It's off-topic for Yea Forums - Anime & Manga.
It's their first time meeting and in good superhero tradition the teamup starts with them fighting eachother briefly under the misunderstanding that they're not both good guys.
Gives the reader/viewer a brief moment to see each character's moves/skills.
>samurai Jack
>star Wars the clone wars
There, I took the bait and BTFO your shitty thread in one sitting
Nah, Superman has to be evil in this scene. He looks so fucking smug and malicious.
> Samurai Jack
> the second half of the sequel season
> the fucking ending
It's like they just stopped giving a shit after the first few episodes
Have you had supreme power and been in a situation that someone thinks they can challenge it? That tends to bring out the smugness and maliciousness. Might look evil.
So what's so bad about this scene?
No speedlines? No close-ups? No talking several minutes about how certain techniques work?
Sure, every day I debate brainlets who actually think naruto is bad. Needless to say, I crush them with sheer logic and reasoning every time, which cause me evil glee
It's full of forced animation
Looks better than 90% of chinese cartoons desu. I'm not even a Yea Forums fag
Literally what the fuck does that even mean
It means they use more than two frames of animation for each shot and didn't cut corners by making Batman a 3D model of course
It's their starting years, most people in their late teens and early 20s are smug and comparitively malicious.
That looks fine though
Why do american cartoons never have sakuga? The animation always feels static and stiff even in fight scenes.
The animation is outsourced to Korea because it's cheaper there. Very little substantial animation happens in the US anymore.
Did otaking777 make this?
He should stick to rotoscoping ugly camera movement around 3D models.
I thought Batman was the always prepared guy who carries kryptonite in case Superman goes bad for whatever reason, or is that not actual superman?
Ain't it like a material from Superman's homeworld plus isn't it dangerous for humans to handle for long periods of time? Be counter intuitive to always carry around some rock that's extremely difficult to obtain due to not even being from our planet and even more counter intuitive to carry it around all the time when holding on to it for long periods of time is bad for you
Carrying it before he even meets Superman and learns it's harmful to Kryptonians would be fucking retarded. It'd basically be
> "Oh hey this rock is super fucking expensive and extremely rare but has no real use and will actually give me cancer if I'm close to prolonged periods of time?"
> "Eh fuck it, let me just shove this in my utility belt. Never know when you might need to get cancer"
The video is from a story about their Justice league origin. Kryptonite isn't an established thing for Batman yet.
Nothing a bit of lead lined pouches on the utility belt can't protect against.
And you're saying it's weird for rich people to carry around rare rocks? Have you never seen people and diamonds? And Kryptonite is like a diamondx1000000000 level rare so everyone would want it.
Hell there have been stories of Gotham mob bosses having a stash of kryptonite because villains will pay whole fortunes for a way to stop Superman from possibly one day showing up on their lawn.
Diamonds aren't rare.
Rarer than copper, otherwise people would have that on their ears and grills.
It's kept artificially scarce and can be produced in labs.
Not the best example probably. Doesn't Kora have some decent fights? Never watched it but I think I remember some webms
>newbie at sport thinks he can beat me
>give him a huge advantage, to the point where people are saying I sound like a condescending asshole
>crush him easily
It really brings out the worst in me. I've been told a bunch of times that I do a 180° personality wise when it comes to sport competitions. But it's just so satisfying when you know that no matter how much you stack the game in their favor, they will lose.
I think you're getting away from the main point that kryptonite is ultra rare and would be coveted even if it didn't end up being the best weapon against one of the most powerful beings on the planet.