I thought this was over. What a shitfest
Nanatsu no Taiza 316
No not really.
It's not finishing until its ratings fall below kodansha standards (very very low) and is definitely going to have a shit ending whenever it does finally get cancelled.
If you hop back on you're basically just condemning yourself to dropping it again sometime later on, might as well not even bother
You're absolutely kidding yourself if you think this is going to be stretched out for another 100 chapters or whatever. Every loose end of the story is getting wrapped up, I'd be very surprised if this goes beyond ch 350.
>Indura releases millions of spores.
>Ban kills them all, except one, in a single combo.
>The top knights altogether job to a single one of them.
Remember when Gil was a match to Mel?
Yeah but that was like a week ago. Get with the times, loser
>a week
Didn't Ban spend like 1000 years in purgatory?
New King is the swaggiest.
If anyone was serious about this reveal your power level shit then probably Elisabeth would have done something already or Merlin give back Ban's weapon.
Yeah but that's like 20 hours irl
It's great (except for Merlin, fuck Merlin), just read it instead of listening to what some untrustworthy Yea Forumsnons tell you.