Here is your class to teach

here is your class to teach.

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Do gyarus smell nice?

What's the point? Their dark skin is fake, their blonde hair is fake.


that's the point.

all these godamn NIGGERS!!!!

Depends if you like cheap perfume and the smell of heavy makeup.

Can I teach with no pants? This is important.


>no black no life

How is it possible that you found Yea Forums and do now know how to use google?

Based nip author already knows Japan will import millions from Africa

What is google? Link?

Wait for the janny I called, he has your link.

>doing it for free
Based janny



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Teach what?

I thought this was Japan not Detroit.

Why are scanlations so fucking slow.

Depan or Jatroit?


Importance of preparing to be a respectable working adult.

from what I understand it's supposed to reflect their rebellious attitude to what a pretty girl is supposed to look like

works for me :^)

Majority of sites with cloudflare service is fucked right now. relax

Am I in the Bronx?

Works fine here in Europe, this is how you Americans pay for allowing net-neutrality to be demolished.

i can't get enough of gyaru after orgasm torture jav

Aside from sensei, there better not be a single virgin in that room

mind giving me an example?

I believe the scanlators said they'll do uncensored volumes as they become available because the normal releases are censored to hell.

>not wanting that one girl who's just faking it to fit in and is secretly in a panic about being found out

>All of the girls are virgins, faking it to fit in, all panicking about being found out
>One by one, they come to Sensei and reveal their secret in confidence

They are all massive sluts.

The smell like the peroxide they use to bleach their hair


>guys that go to the gym
whats the point? their muscles are fake and their genetics are already predetermined. Once they stop applying gym, they look like shit

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>The smell like the peroxide they use to bleach their hair
and their buttholes

short of muscle implants that might be the worst comparison I've seen all week

go fuck yourself europoor

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still true. The moment you stop going to the gym, you revert back to your genetically ugly self

>europoors have mangadex
>you don't
who's laughing right now?

what are some good gyaru-focused manga? i dont know why i find them so cute but i love them so much

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I just assume they smell like cocoa butter

>implying i care and didnt just come here to point out a stupid europoor who thinks hes better when his country has little no sovereignty
>imagine not caring about the fact that people who dont live in your country dictate what your country can do.
but fuck me for being American am I right guess I'll have to go to the millions of other manga stream sites to get my free manga ffs give me a break.

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too long post for someone who doesn't care
real man don't use manga stream sites
step up your game

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>imagine being this buttmad

now that's just sad

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this is what Shinjuku highschools looked like in the 90s

You really need to sort out your democracy, the corps have far too much power.

>The moment you stop going to the gym, you revert back to your genetically ugly self
Eventually, but for a long time gym junkie/athlete that process can take months or even years to lose everything they've worked on - and aside from that it's hardly unnatural or fake muscle in the first place.

It's not like they bought fake muscle at the store and spent an hour slathering it on every couple weeks

>go to gym
>fake muscles

maybe they meant something like cutting water weight to emphasise muscle definition?

Oh shit, how the fuck did I end up becoming a teacher in a black neighborhood. Fuck man, I gotta get outta here before I get shot.

what did she write on the board?

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just imagine the smell

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Can't wait to see article 13 fucking you fags over.

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>my controlling govt is better than your controlling govt
christ, what happened to the american dream

What happened to the American Dream? It came true! You're looking at it.

I think they reach american dream and just going insane because of boredom.

>inferior sister will be the winner of the D

Like heaven

You do realise Article 13 is just the EU version of the DMCA, right? Something you've had for years.

I'd start beating all the deviancy out of them.

Looks not really different from teaching in France but 2d looks nice

I completely forgot that I started reading this.

You almost made me hope in a new chapter.

like cigarettes & old men

What the fuck am I reading?

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nah they're all pure virgins

Picked up.

The story itself started on a bitch having a taste for deflowering virgins. Pulling the purity card after that is just stupid.

What about Nhentai? Is it working like shit for anyone else?

You are a stupid nigga

I immediately go the principal and tell them I am not comfortable teaching these girls, as the entire class is pedo and molestation accusations waiting to happen.

This sounds like actual hell. Black chicks get exponentially worse the more of them in a room.

Sure thing user, it's all the genes' fault.

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