Name a bigger roastie

Name a bigger roastie.

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Your mom




i'd say she's a close second

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What does this face express?

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fuck you nigger

Being the victim of a kidnapping, grand theft auto, and home invasion all at the same time.

Realising you are losing the only non AI you ever cared about.

>ignores the only guy who actually cares about her to chase after some lamer and some handsome chad because he has a good paying job


reminder incels

i bet she got a labiaplasty after Ton

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An absolute laddie.

I can't. Fenneko deserves Haida more

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she's gonna end up alone and empowered

haida will hook up with fenny

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>I want to get married
>why tho? We can be together forever just fine without a legally binding contract

Was this anime funded by Abe or somethimg

That bitch from the otaku OL show I forgot the title.

Is this the anime version of Sex in the city?

So that dude is into /ss/? Impressive

No, Abe would have had them had children and live happily and maybe talk about the tax breaks they were missing out on as part of some gag.
This is the work of (((them)))

Did she sleep with him..?

simp get redpilled

She slept with him in her heart

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>I ask for ONE fucking thing and she dumps me with a shitty metal karaoke

Tanado wants Retsuko to end her career and quit job but also won't get married.
That's not fair.
What if he gets tired of her in a year? She's screwed. He holds all the power in the relationship.

That's what she did.

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>shit, this relationship didnt work either, what the fuck am I doing wrong? Why cant anyone understand me?

He literally needs to see a psychiatrist about his emotional detachment issues, and so do I.

>still projecting onto tanado

From a logical perspective, I agree.
From an emotional perspective I at least agree that it was good that they broke up. If you demand that the other one give you a gun to point at their head it's clearly not working out.

Narumi? God, fuck her.
>treats him like shit
>never even thinks about apologizing for it

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Tadano IS me.

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Only proper response

he's done you again

What did she do again?

Congratulations OP, you played yourself.

>Tadano wants Retsuko to quit her career, she doesn't want to quit her career
>Tadano doesn't want to marry her she wants to marry him
>Tadano doesn't want to have children, she wants to have children
>Tadano wants her to conform to his ideals, she wants a traditional life and a family
If you can't understand why it didn't work out, you're a fucking moron. Go back to Idolm@ster or Watamote or whatever.

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god i wish that was me

oh shit

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>Tadano wants Retsuko to quit her career, she doesn't want to quit her career
That was literally the whole first season, she hates her job

>Tadano doesn't want to marry her she wants to marry him
>Tadano doesn't want to have children, she wants to have children
Except she doesn't really, she's letting her mother manipulate her emotions so she can have grandkids

>Tadano wants her to conform to his ideals, she wants a traditional life and a family
He's not saying she has to conform to his way of thinking but nothing he said is wrong, a piece of paper and a dress doesn't mean shit is set in stone and kids are fucking waste of a life

Meh. At least she's honest

Retsuko hates her job but she loves her friends, that's still taking her away from interacting with them on a daily basis, it's something.

>Except she doesn't really, she's letting her mother manipulate her emotions so she can have grandkids
Uh, did you miss the entire scene of her realizing that the boat wont wait for her/her knowing she will eventually want to get married and have kids? Tadano claims he NEVER wants that.

OP obliterated

Agreed. She's terrible for other reasons.

>That was literally the whole first season, she hates her job
Not anymore, speedwatcher. Washimi and Gori literally say "wow, you're not building stress anymore" and after the Anai bullshit was resolved, she was comfy with her job.
>Except she doesn't really, she's letting her mother manipulate her emotions so she can have grandkids
She wasn't sure about it until she saw the Hippo and Ton with their family. Then she realized that was really what she wanted.
>He's not saying she has to conform to his way of thinking
To be with Tadano means to quit her job and accept to not have kids. That's literally to accept his ideals.
>a piece of paper and a dress doesn't mean shit is set in stone and kids are fucking waste of a life
That is your opinion. Whether it's right or wrong will be completely irrelevant once your partner wants to have kids. Such incompatibilities are enough to break up a relationship.

I haven't watched this season yet, but my sister has(we usually watch these things together, but decided to without me... Bitch) but uh while I was in another room I heard her yell "JUST FUCK HAIDA YOU DUMB BITCH" How indicative of this season is this?

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Haida is super popular among fans, but Retsuko isn't interested in him.

blown the fuck out

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You know what's funny about Tadano?

His claims to not wanting to marry/have kids are bullshit. A woman will eventually make him wanna settle down, but that woman isnt Retsuko because she's a basic ass bitch with literally no personality. She's a trophy girlfriend.
A lot of women who are basically Retsuko, meet guys like Tadano and tell themselves "It's okay, he'll change over time" Or "I'll be able to change him." But what they dont realize is that once they even thought about changing that aspect is where they have lost.
Someone like Tadano will change only when he meets another one of his "kind", kinda like fighting fire with fire, they will eventually cancel each other on the grounds of mutual understanding.

>changing your life on the "chance" that someone will change their ideals down the road
lmao have sex

Nobody wants to grow old and die alone, user.

Umm... he's a billionaire?

>Willing to possibly throw your entire life away for the chance at possible sex
>Instead of y'know just getting sex
user you really are an incel

>His claims to not wanting to marry/have kids are bullshit. A woman will eventually make him wanna settle down
And you're basing this one what?

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So basically, Fenneko?


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Because let's be real Tadano didn't want to Marry Retsuko so he could be a player and give dozens of girls his donkey cock. She wants a man to commit to her not half ass it. I can tell you are an incel.

Tadano is the perfect boy. Honestly, he was so perfect it's hard to see him being in the show.

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>Name a bigger roastie.
her litteral gorilla friend who is 40

How will OP recover

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Ok, Mr. Shekelberg

I can't help but feel really on edge about him.

to be called a roastie you must have sex, user.

oh shit, BURNED

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So how is season 2? It's been on my backlog for a while