In the end, after 6 years, this was a big queerbait.
From now on I will stay well away from what Kyoani or Takeda want to do in the future.
Hibike! Euphonium have already finished
But watching yurifags get BTFO time and time again is half the fun.
Why the fuck do the fans of this show only seem to screech about the shipping aspect? Isn't it a slice of life band anime?
when /u/ push nonexistent yuri to your throat, you have to fight back
>Isn't it a slice of life
Not really.
That aside however, Hibike is a character driven anime. I hope I don't need to say anything more.
Why the fuck they decided to do queerbait in first place?
And wrong, It's not a shipping subject, it's about queerbaiting, they are two different things.
And anyway, your favorite anime would not have gone that far without the queerbait and this is what it is.
>any intimate interaction between girls means they are gay
/u/ are retarded
Not so funny when this a fraud. Everyone involved have dragged this fraud to the end, after 6 years, with aggressive marketing.
and your comment is also retarded and you know it.
/u/ BTFO afterall?
I don't follow this, but I recall there's one autist either on the /u/ side or the het side. Probably the same autist on Gridman threads.
>any intimate interaction between girls
>exchange bottom swimwear
>not gay
Issue is not about sides, it's about queerbaiting.
My bros exchangesteal my underwears. No homo btw
Based on the author's totally straight high school experience.
The fuck. Are you sure this isn't some yuri fanfiction? Do they fuck in this?
I thought the same, a the full text search points at the official novel translation
I have the (english translated) first novel and it's pretty damn lewd like that. Haven't finished it though.
You sound like a little bitch, grow up kid.
Nothing gay. I do even more intimate shit with my male friends.
All girls are bisexual. If girls like girls more than boys then we'll have a crisis. That's why we need to tell em lies like "it's just a phase".
If this sounds a little bitch for you, maybe the only one who has to grow up is you, kid.
Nobody cared about the story. People were only in it for the shipping.
Good point.
Hetfags/sefl-insertcucks got blown the fuckout in the end right?
That's not true, but the relationships were clearly a huge part of the story. Hell, one movie was literally focused almost solely on the relationship between two characters, rather than the band elements.
Who are "we"?
"They" sure don't seem to mind "it" though.
>wwaaaah they didn't do muh gaylord shit
>better never watch anything of the producer again
Literal definition of a crybaby that didn't get what it wanted.
the time skip at the end of the last book implies that Kumiko isn't married. Not to Shoe, or anyone.
This is not even the most gay part of the series. Here are 10 novels where Kumiko has lust for Reina.
I'll take that. As long she's away from that pathetic excuse of a character.
"we" means entire humanity. Girls and girls can't produce babies. Test tube babies are retarded.
>Girls and girls can't produce babies.
>Test tube babies are retarded.
Literally what? How stupid do you have to be to have such an opinion?
This is basically the minimum, after what they had implied.
Takeda is still writing side stories right? She might imply Kumiko-Reina end there.
>t. Animeonly secondary
Wrong, there are at least 100 of them
So are you, dumbass.
Just a phase after all. Homos btfo
We can only hope so.
I Hibikek'd.
This is what you yurishits deserve for demanding moyoshi confirm your fanfiction at that seiyuu guest panel.
The face of a successful president.