Do you understand pain a little now?
Do you understand pain a little now?
forsaking empathy in the face of pain is the cowards way out
pain is empathy lol
but he was showing the world pain to make them empathetic to his own pain
>man, this war shit sucks
>better terrorize a bunch of civilians
I once put a clothes pin on the tip of my dick and tied it to a doorknob. Told my bro to slam the door really fucking hard just to see how much it would hurt. This faker doesn't know shit about pain.
I always laugh at people saying the pain arc was the highlight of the series considering its conclusion was probably the lowest point.
But he lacked empathy for them. He refused to acknowledge anyone else's pain or suffering because his was greater. As if that diminishes theirs. He wanted the world to share in his pain because he was selfish and childish.
What was his goal again? End war by killing everyone?
yeah pretty much make everyone feel the same pain
I am experiencing immense pain because I do not have a Rikudo Madara bf.
Naruto is full of villains who talk big as if they've experienced or seen things that elevate them to statuses beyond the comprehension of mankind. They call themselves gods or empty beings or whatever the fuck. But then the reality comes to light and it's just 'argh my friend died and I WAS WATCHING!!!11'.
Kishi is a hack.
Same thing that happened currently. The ninja world can’t even have peace when ninja Jesus exists, one of the ninja villages threatened war against Konaha.
Fuckers can’t seem to accept peace as a system. Always want to fight about stupid shit.
His idea was a kind of weird roundabout version of Mutually Assured destruction. Giving people horrible weapons, letting them enact mass death, then allow them to get scared enough to commit to peace for another generation or two.
>minimum wagecucking in the eternal cartonnage factory
yes a little
I still remember the hype when Kakashi died it was pretty sick
I even think the middle is extremely bad. Naruto should never have been a chosen one it completely shits on him being an underdog in part 1. Konohamaru asspulls a rasengan beats a path of pain then promptly goes back into obscurity for the rest of the series.
People are just too blinded by the high points (Jiraya’s death, Hinata’s confession) to notice that the arc is actually mostly crap.
Because Madara was right. People crave conflict. That's why he and Obito wanted to put them in a dream world, in the true world there can never be peace, people are doomed to fight and kill each other always, it's just human nature.
>An economy that relies on the hire of assassin wizards can’t just switch to having peace
Sounds about right.
Conclusion was straight out of Dragon Ball except with more talking the villain to death.
This is also why America will never be at peace
>20+ posts
>still no Madara dreamworld poster
I'm getting worried
If only America could be peaceful like Muslim countries.
>>still no Madara dreamworld poster
Oh fuck, i actually didn't notice him, hes there Thank god, i need something stable in my life
Be honest, Yea Forums.
If not for the arm problrms, would they have fucked right there?
Jiraya's death, Pain destroying Konoha, Kakashi's death, Pain's speech to Naruto, Hinata's confession. These are the absolute highest point of the series. Of course, the arc ending is the lowest point, but it's understandable why people praise it so much. It was the best arc until the worst ending.
I'm always here, watching over you. Come to the moon with me!
The biggest mistake Kishi ever made was not making Sasuke a girl.
Believing your own suffering is greater than someone elses does not mean you do not empathize with them.
They should've done it anyway, in a pool of their own blood.
Sasuke would never fuck Naruto because that would be conceding he yearns for Naruto as much as Naruto yearns for him.
No, fuck off I can't breathe in space Madara. Do I have to call Kaguya to show you who's boss?
Please, put me under genjutsu
I can't bear my miserable life anymore
N-no, please, I just want everyone to be happy
Fuck off with your cancerous roleplaying, you underaged Narutards
I'm calling her right now. I hope you like getting beat up.
He did concede that though. He asked Naruto what friendship was and once Naruto explained it meant "I hurt when you hurt" he said he had felt the same way. And he acknowledged losing the fight on top of that.