What fitting punishment would you give Malty if you were in Naofumi's shoes?
What fitting punishment would you give Malty if you were in Naofumi's shoes?
Sex slave
Sharp serated blade in the cunt and rectum, make sure it glows red from the heat.
Cut her ugly hairs to the simple glorious one pony tail
Public cum dump, what else? And then do a doujin about it.
She faked a rape, so she deserves to know true rape.
>pic related
She deserved death really but I understand how the series rationalizes that she's better off helping deal with the waves. Killing people during a desperate time really doesn't make much sense, but yeah regardless all the shit she pulled she deserves death and her weak ass father should be imprisoned for being such a tool.
please delete that..
Personal maid slave, she will be in charge of cleaning, washing, food, buying stuff, carry something, etc just like domestic worker.
Take away her magical abilities.
This. I've always thought that woman who falsely blames someone for rape should get actually raped. It's not an accusation you can throw around lightly.
>slave brand
>forced to be my doting wife
>will treat her as if she is actually the doting wife.
Ahhhh. That's the life. On the outside it will look like my love has saved her. In actuality she is living in her own personal hell.
She didn't do anything wrong
Impregnation by me
How come mexicans have not tried to do this?
Thats all folks!
>implying they don’t do this shit every day
Theen she gets pregnant with Naofumis baby
I literally entered this thread to suggest a breaking wheel but I suppose that works too.
The closest I've seen in /gif/ is the chainsaw beheading.
Fucking europeans
Lmao just kill her. "If you kill the bad guys, you become the bad guy" is the stupidest fucking trope in media.
>this thread
Wow. What a bunch of edge lords.
Just give her a swift death and get over with
The court of justice is meant to deliver justice and maintain peace, not to satiate some personal agenda. Anything other than a humane guillotine is aiming to spread terror to the people and make the court look unreasonable.
Well then you have to prove that it was a fake accusation
>guilty of intrigue against the crown
Execution. They're the worst type of compulsive reoffenders and the realm can't suffer her inevitable next attempt.
Fuck Batman. He ruined everything.
Chinks liked the waist chop better.
incel thread?
Forbidden from wearing clothes.
Well, too bad that WN was all about torture executions.
Too much work when you can just behead them
You're supposed to be innocent until proven quilty yet a rape accusation can destroy one's life even if he's innocent. It's probably worse than getting falsely accused for committing a murder.
This is not the LN, though. It's just asking the shitposters to see who can be the edgiest
I would pardon her
>You're supposed to be innocent until proven quilty
Unless you're black
However it's your post is neither here and there and dosen't really have anything to do with what I said. You say that if someone who throws around fake rape accusation should get raped as punishment, ignore you're fucked up view on how justice works the point still stands that you have to prove it a fake accusation.
Baby factory for chinks with tiny dicks. That way she won't enjoy a single second of it.
Brand her face with the word 'Traitor' and make her seal shock her if she tries to cover it up in any way. It's humiliating without being over-the-top edgelord cruel, and makes sure everyone knows who they're dealing with.
I'd say part of maintaining peace is to send a message. So a gruesome death could do the job.
Also didn't the queen basically give Naofumi the choice on what to do so he could settle his personal grudge?
Forced labour for some time, then forced to live on her own as a peasant.
Removing all her noble privileges.
Brand her with the word «TRAITOR» on her forehead or her cleavage, so she won’t be able to use her pretty looks to have her way anymore.
I wouldn’t go the forced marriage route. Not only it’s wrong, but it’s the best way for her to backstab me in the bed.
Question is: what message are you going to show with a public torture? That you're a primitive ruler?
If you give criminals a painless death, the message is that you are fair and just.
I agree. On her cleavage she’s so proud of to add salt to the injury.
have you tried fucking off back to plebbit or perhalps gaia, faggot-kun?
Why stop there? Why not brand the word on her ass as well, or make it a tramp stamp
Have the word magically reorient itself to wherever someone's looking at her. Face, tits, ass, cervix, open wound, anywhere.
Still being part of Spear's party is one thing, but the fact that she could still go around the castle without a fucking armed escort is retarded. She poisoned Shield's food and what the hell came of it?
No no that's going to far, forehead, cleavage, womb tattoo and tramp stamp. That's going to be enough
Cut her tongue out; let’s see her manage throughout life in a world where sign language doesn’t exist.
>not the pear inserted into every orifice
Kill yourself
She betrayed, stole from, and falsely accused of rape a man whose life was absolutely necessary to save the world. This accusation would have carried the death penalty had he not been so important. She did this unprovoked and premeditated with the consent of the king.
Further, Myne's constant, intentional, and hostile obstruction of Naofumi's progress toward saving the world can be seen as a direct threat to the world on par with, if not more dangerous than the waves themselves.
Myne not only turned the people of Melromarc and many other cities against Naofumi, but also intentionally lied to the other three heroes and turn them against the Shield when the four heroes' success in saving the world depends entirely upon their cooperation in key battles. This can also be seen as a direct threat to the world.
Further, in Myne's attempts to obstruct and ostracize Naofumi, she deliberately involved and attempted to assassinate her own sister and replace her in line for the throne.
All of these crimes were already, or can be proven on demand, using a slave curse which prevents her from lying.
Myne shows no sign of remorse for her actions when confronted. Rather than apologizing or showing humility or shame, she instead begged Naofumi to spare her life, mentioning that revenge only begets more revenge. An eye for an eye. "If you kill your enemies, you become just like them," if you will.
Given what we know of Myne, there is likely no place in the world where she would not bring harm to others were she to be spared, and no just punishment which would allow her to live without continuing to cause harm to those around her.
The only sensible and proportionate penalty for her crimes is a swift beheading.
Death by torture
>This accusation would have carried the death penalty had he not been so important
It would not seeing as he is the shield hero, in case you somehow missed it her nations holds no love for the shield hero.
I know who you are retard, prove you didn't rape that girl
Is it fair to give criminals a painless death?
>thread about punishing a fictional villain.
>anons make up wakey ways to punish her for kicks.
Get out faggot. No one wants your no fun attitude here.
The message is: don't do criminal shit or this will happen to you. I don't think "primitive ruler" would spring to mind to per-enlightenment people.
>If you give criminals a painless death, the message is that you are fair and just.
Maybe, but our history is vast and people are weird. For example there was a time when Europe was more religious and had public executions. During that time executions were entertainment and the criminals a tragic actor meeting his fate. People would go there to see a spectacle, a drama, maybe some religious verses told by the criminal and see him join the afterlife.
Such a saint-like treatment of a criminal who's supposed to be the horrible enemy of society was troublesome for the authorities.
>For example there was a time when Europe was more religious and had public executions. During that time executions were entertainment and the criminals a tragic actor meeting his fate. People would go there to see a spectacle, a drama, maybe some religious verses told by the criminal and see him join the afterlife.
Well you don't even need to go back to medieval Europe for things like that, it's enough to go back 100 years in American history when lynching was a public spectacle where you would bring the children to see a man hang,
Brainwash her until she's essentially a robot. Then you can use her as walking artillery and as a sex toy.
They are still humans and have emotions. Request for a last meal is an extra bonus to show sympathy.
I know, mate. But the thing is, a swift death for criminals would give the people the message that their ruler still have mercy even for the vilest of scums and do not let themselves be persuaded by their emotions.
Always remember that absolute power corrupts absolutely. No matter how vile the crime, one must not let themselves be the monster they loathe.
Kill her and bury her in a nameless grave.
Anal sex.
Permanent slave crest.
And about 200 years ago England still had the "Bloody Code" which you could get hanged for the most petty crimes:
• Stealing from a shipwreck
• An unmarried mother concealing a stillborn baby
• Forgery
• Impersonating a Chelsea pensioner
• Begging without a licence if you’re a soldier or sailor
• Stealing horses or sheep
• Arson
• Being out at night with a blackened face
• Strong evidence of malice in children aged 7-14
• Cutting down trees
• Destroying turnpike roads
• Wrecking a fishpond.
• Stealing from a rabbit warren
• Writing a threatening letter
>• Impersonating a Chelsea pensioner
I understand not killing her and her dad, but why are they not locked up in some prison somewhere?
sounds about right. surely would help with shitskin overpopulation
For someone like her who's been spoiled and allowed to do what she wants, an actual prison sentence would be like torture. I have no idea why they bounced between death, to community work, to tortured death.
If you don't want to actually kill her, throw her in a box for a decade or two.
>Strong evidence of malice in children aged 7-14
This is children 7-14 suspected of being socio/psychopathic and malicious about it, right? Just to be sure.
Ah! that's better I know who you're talking about now
I force her to eat all the eggs. Every single one of them.
I dont follow this too close. But is it true they let her go mostly scot free after all this. And then AFTER other heroes let her fuck them up too, , even when they know what kind of Bitch she is? It gave the impression pretty much everyone in this world is vile psychopath and/or downright retarded.
She is supposed to be billed for all the shit she's been doing and free shit she's been giving to spear and has to work it off. They have yet to show that though and might not be brought up.
i'd put a slave seal on her and make her join the party properly like raphtalia.
Thats too good for her. and tbqh wouldnt want her anywhere close
Her punishment seems extraordinarily light in the manga compared to the weight of her crimes. She's still allowed to tag along with Spear, who for some reason keeps her around and somehow trusts her to fight for him. She's still allowed to be a complete bitch to everyone around her. I don't recall how many chapters it was since her punishment, but she's back to mocking Raphtalia within minutes of read-time.
Not putting her head on a spike was a mistake.
>prove a negative
Here in Spain 5 spaniards had an orgy with a drunk 18-yo slut. One of them filmed it and stole her phone. She accused them of rape, but she never said no and in the video she was enjoying herself. Her excuse for masturbating 2 clocks was that she lost her balanced and grabbed the cocks and she even gave to one fatass an assjob.
The 5 guys got sentenced to 9 years in prison each. They appealed twice and in the end, they got a 15 year sentence each.
Meanwhile, hundreds immigrants drugged and raped minors for hours and nobody gave a shit
Rape accusations are a feminist tool only used to fuck over white cis males
get out pedo
Why would criminals deserve sympathy?
Something tells me you're not telling the full story
>• Cutting down trees
England has so few trees that each and every one of them are protected by law?
>Rape accusations are a feminist tool only used to fuck over white cis males
More like it's a defense for women to pretend they aren't sluts. They go and do stupid slutty shit and then they regret it when it gets out and they cry rape so that they don't get slutshamed.
Feminism only steps in the court where any case that's male vs female gets dipped into the female's favor no matter who was right or wrong.
Hatefuck her till she submit to the dick.
World is not black and white, mate
Once you hear their story, you'll think that you might have ended the same way
Crminals aren't born
>Bone Tomahawk: The Anime Adaptation
The full story is that the feminist organizations had demonstrations against these 5 guys every single day, the media talked about them every day, they pressured the judges and the one judge that believed they were innocent got his name and reputation ruined.
Meanwhile, nobody cared about the Equatorians, Nigerians, Algerians, etc, that really drugged and gangraped MINORS for hours or days, which happened after that.
The funniest thing is that the sentence for manslaughter goes from 10-15 years, so that slut's vagina was worth more than a human life
Have her marry me.
I am not even angry at her seeing how Naofumi turned out to be a pedo and how all his wishes in first episode were to "get a party of girls" i.e. be a harem protagonist. Like come on, she even sided with the guys who actually thought of using previous heroes' weapons somewhat collectively, shaking heroes' tyranny.
She is totally the "end justify the means" type of Villainess caught in an unfortunate spot of not being the MC.
>• Strong evidence of malice in children aged 7-14
This one is the winner. It's like a protection from otherworlder heroes' hellbent on destroying monarchy with cheats and OP skills
It was rich men who wrote those laws, so a lot of them were made to put down the poor.
Later Penal Transportation got popular as a more merciful punishment but surely also profitable.
She earns money by selling other female companions into sex slavery. It's why spear hero's female entourage keeps changing, none of them last more than a month before either ending up dead or as a slave in some back alley brothel. One of them even screams out for help from a window when she sees spear hero walk down the street but Myne distracts him and the ex-companion is never heard from again.
She's easily the most evil thing that exists on that world, she's directly ordered the deaths of hundreds if not thousands for nothing more than a whim.
Retired British army, there's a huge retirement home in Chelsea.
She shouldn't even be allowed to live in the first place, but why in the world would anyone in their right mind not imprison her and cut her off from people she could hurt?
Cut her hands, feet and tongue
Dump her in the street
Some dumb sap would take her in and unknowingly allow her to continue tormenting everyone.
She'd only be allowed to wear a microbikini in public.
I'd argue for a slave tag and have her track down everyone she's ever harmed. Mitigate the damage at least.
How evil is evil Yea Forums?
God, I'd love to rape her.
>One of them even screams out for help from a window when she sees spear hero walk down the street but Myne distracts him and the ex-companion is never heard from again.
lolwut when does this happen? Havent gotten too fat into it yet
Is that a dick between her legs? I think I can see glans there. What manga is that, anyway?
>Begging without a licence
licking my ass clean after every shit i take
I would turn off the isekai garbage and gas myself.
50 years in a dungeon and all her royal status permanently revoked.
Brainlets larping as sick sadistic feudal lords.
>big brain poster applying his morals to a hypothetical qeustion about a fictional world.
Ewww. No fun faggots are the worst.
No thanks I'm comfortable as I am
Why didn't they just use the slave curse to force her not to cause anyone harm? The first thing she did after the trial was trying to poison people.
Degenerates like you should be hung from cross.
No Service = No Citizenship = No Vote.
Wow, this gets worse every time shes mentioned. Also the Spear, I knew he was biggest dumbass of the four but still.. just wow.
Define "harm".
She would be unable to defend herself or the Hero.
Her trying to poison people after the trial was unforgivable though and should have gotten her stabbed by the guard
Spear is criminally stupid. He's like a standard shonen protagonist who sticks to his ideals no matter what, except his ideals are "trust princess woman, rescue slave women from bad shield man, hate bad shield man."
I prefer soviet system where everyone working on non-government (meaning non-worker and enterpreneurs) jobs got their voting rights revoked for a couple of decades.
Nothing, get fucked shieldincels
prison in life
Message is: You don't fuck with me or this will happen to you!
Same reason Vlad the Impaler actually impaled people instead of the other methods of death, to scare criminals and turks shitless.
That's the fucking point.
You're spreading terror....to your own people.
Criminals aren't in the right mind anymore and no matter how much you try to intimidate them, they are practically immune.
Save yourself some time and just give them a merciful death to impress your supporters with how generous you are, even to the most evil people.
Actually proceeding with the beheading and not pussying out.
Forced to get blacked until she’s mindbroken. Then seal her into a boat after feeding her nothing but milk and honey for days so the dingy is filled with her putrid shit and nigger cum. Then set her out on a lake or river and mock her as maggots and other insects feast on her
Hitsugi no Chaika
The anime screwed the whole execution part(the only good shit was the shocks on Bitch). If they didn't want to show Naofumi's edge, instead of using flashback episodes in the fucking pope fight, they should've saved it and show how Naofumi saved his troubled brother from drugs and shit because his mother didn't want to give up on him.
That'd be an analogy to Queen's situation where she doesn't want to kill Trash and Bitch because she believe they can change and Naofumi now has a reason to forgive them.
It's only when you have to dispatch your Knights of Evil to slaughter more peasants in Auchtermuchty that you really need to start worrying.
>troubled brother from drugs and shit
he had a brother?
>He's like a standard shonen protagonist who sticks to his ideals no matter what
>we are going to win this fight thanks to the power of friendship!
>why does shield man still kick our asses? fug!
this scene will never not be hilarious
Yes, a younger brother that he saved from drugs by introducing him to VNs and turning him into an filthy otaku.
execution by headsman
fuck this absolute whore, expressly tell the headsman to botch the beheading and extend the pain before successfully lopping her head off
Justice itself is a personal agenda.
for fat old nobles who have a snuff fetish and like shipping things in small boxes
justice is determined by the aggrieved party and regulated by the judges as to not be overly-inhumane
if the times allowed it, any execution style was permitted
and you're naive
the general public loved to watched executions of perceived criminals back in the medieval era
convince them a little and they would roar and cheer for the headsman on the kill
>she believe they can change
Bitch goes for serial killing stunt literally within an hour
I agree they shouldve just kill them.
The entire point of New Testament is to show that democracy isn't Justice.
The mob is literally the worst people you could ask for keeping justice.
Because, in a mob, people have no responsbilities. It's a high feeling to know that you cannot be blamed as an individual. Be wary of that.
>saving his brother by forcing him to otaku mode
t-t-thanks, i guess..
I know, but I was talking about the anime adaptation where they didn't want to show Naofumi's edge for reasons
Introduce her to this and let the locals play it out. French style of course.
If you kill you're just as bad
banish her and send her to bumfuck nowhere in the country
then after 10 years when she got used to the peaceful life in the countryside, kidnap her and have her gangraped for a month. rinse ans repeat until she dies
Marrying me would be punishment enough lmao
That's... Arguable in case of Malty.
You know why she is so cartoonishly evil in the first place? It's kind of tragic really.
It's easy to miss and I don't know if it was implementend in LN and Manga at all, but in original WN, she is literally their Damien from Omen.
The big bad of the whole setting, evil goddess Medea, send a splinter/copy of her soul and personality and implanted in a newborn baby. It produced a woman with exact replica of her vile nature, not even aware that she is a copy/pawn of a higher force. Much later in the WN, Medea uses Malty's death as another card to be an extra bitch, so even her unaware clones are expendable for her. Yes. Plural. She did this multiple times in multiple worlds. Probably more than once.
The name thing works decent, but at the same time give her a very public yet demeaning job while scrubbing public restrooms out. Forcing her to interact with the general public while having it rubbed into her face on a daily basis how she is beneath practically everyone.
Malty is an evil cunt she would start mentally abusing peasant if you placed her around them.
>I don't know if it was implementend in LN and Manga at all
it isn't. apparently it isn't just one evil goddess but a world of technological advanced assholes who collide worlds and heroes out of boredom. malty stays an irredemable, evil bitch though.
I didnt know that part, but it would support my overall feeling that whole setting seems to be a giant joke played upon the heroes and everyone else. (and even readers themselves)
Make her an anal slave for the entire kingdom to use whenever they please.
Pussy use is prohibited.
I would create a Republic after executing the royal family except the queen, i would make her my first lady.
Doesn't make difference. She's wholly a cunt. Har har.
>he'd execute melty
That if anyone fucks with your people like that you'll have their backs and do the same to their malefactors.
>Brainwash her until she's essentially a robot.
Something in between would be better. Her consciousness will remain intact on the inside but she will have no dominion over her own body. A magic crystal of some sort can be used to communicate with her inner self. You can also use it to satisfy yourself by hearing her screams and agony. You can even set it up so she can see her own self while you violate and treat her like an animal.
How could she Torment people without the means to talk, grasp or walk on her own? That would render her absolutely useless and at the mercy of citizens she abused
So Devillish~!
The one who should be punished is shieldcuck for being an insufferable misogynist.
Because they are royalties.
Post source or you are lying.
Because they have their situations. Like in Myne's case, she was neglected and hated since birth by her own biological mother.
Go away Persian.
Goblins, the answer is goblins
So shitty parenting is an excuse for her to do all the horrible shit she did?
It mean the person who should be held accountable is her mother not the poor girl herself.
>revenge only begets revenge
>implying anybody would want to avenge her after knowing about all her crimes
Yeah, I'll be a bad guy for killing a human, but I'll never be as bad as you who lead several other women to their deaths/slavery
I'd personally cover her in oil and throw her into a pit of rats
The mother should be held accountable for stuff she didn't do?
I'd give her a choice between:
A. A slow and painful death.
B. She is to sexually pleasure me for a year, then she is free.
C. She is to find a goblin hive and become a goblin breeding machine.
Blinding and then forcing her into exile on some remote island
Because it's her fault her daughter turned out that way.
How do you know those women she sold weren't just as bad as her?
If you go by the spear spinoff, they all are pigs.
>a life of sexual slavery
I wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy what the fuck
>fucking you for a year is the equivalent to death or being bred forever by goblins
You need to work on your self-esteem, user.
You know that mexican cartel funkytown video?
I'm gonna get bored of Bitch eventually.
>redhead cunt is actually a yandere who wants spear to succeed and be happy no matter the cost and will punish anyone who dares to try anything on him
I havent read the spear spinoff yet but if this is the case, holy fuck
Let's make her useful. Drop her to Overlord's world. Maybe she and Ainz destroy each other with idiocy.
A fair trial. What the fuck is wrong with you incels?
>A fair trial
So she can escape on a bullshit technicality?
i dropped shield-hero after 23
Malty has committed so many heinous crimes and has been a constant source of frustration this entire season; and she's let off the hook with a slap on the wrists and silly-nickname
What a crock of fuckin' shit
Don't believe in capital punishment because it offends you're moralfag sensibilities? Fine i'll bite; at the very least she should of been thrown in prison for the rest of her natural born life
Instead she gets to walk scott-free and continue adventuring with her boy-toy "hero"
Worst part of all this? Episode 23 has her trying to poison shield hero's party.....that mercy she didn't deserve she just completely wiped her ass with it. This is one episode after her trial......
>but..but my malty would never do something like that
oh my fuck....this show is actually retarded
fuck shield hero and fuck malty.
But I understand your frustration. I'd be livid too if I spent almost 8 hours of my time watching a trashy revenge porn power fantasy only to get blue-balled when the time for revenge has come.
i haven't felt this much frustration towards a character since OG Cersei in game of thrones. Malty is a thunder-cunt, and it does make me seeeeeeth that the whole trial was the "wrong thing to do"
Don't worry that's why i dropped it, i can't subject myself to that angst anymore. I hope she gets shanked down the line
And thats not all of it, this is proly future stuff but as the story goes she goes and fuck up each hero. So in the end, Shield gets best of it by being screwed right away, so he gets most time to deal with.
And yes it seems the whole point is to make whole setting as absurd as possible.
Death by gobbing.
>I hope she gets shanked down the line
one of the bitches she sold as a sexslave was saved by mommys ninjas and joined them. she backstabs malty. but it's a long way to go until that point
malty dies but her friends revived her in a homunculus body.
>Strong evidence of malice in children aged 7-14
Can we bring this one back?
That's great fuckin' news!
If they ever get to that point in the anime i'll drop in for the cathartic release
Until then, i'm done with SH
Me on the left.
Something similar as Elizabeth Báthory, life in prison in solitary confinement but in a bare room and with bland food for the rest of her natural life. She is free to take her life in whatever way she can manage.
It was never drugs, his bro only became one of them typical japanese delinquents. Otherwise how would becoming otakus cure them?
By the way, this thing about naofumi's family gets more explanation in the fucking drama CD we'll never get translated.
Backstabs and then brutalizes before crushing her with a flail. Naofumi helped.
Revenge is a dish best served cold. With a knife and fo- lail.
I would give her the Himekishi Lilia treatment and whore her out to the whole town/kingdom.
Please I'm in the lunch breakroom with everyone, I can't go full diamonds right now
What Naofumi did in the anime, because violence is not always the answer.
In that case you've not applied enough violence.
And you will have to kill her later anyway, but she will bring a lot more pain to the world in the meantime, because of your weakness. duh
Violence is not an answers. Violence is a question. The answers is "Yes".
This one.
If the tortoise didn't happen then she would've stayed within range somehow.
There are clips of (gory so I'll spoiler it) Cartel members ripping the flesh off a guy's face, cutting off his hands and slitting his throat which makes him wheeze for air in a disgusting way
It's like the most grotesque shit I've watched online.
Slave crest and have her join the party and fight but forbid her from wearing clothes or armour.
Ye that one is fucked up. It's all a bit much like....just kill the poor bastard already. I hope the executors of that torture die in a similar way.
Death, incinerate the corpse.
Take no chances with retards that try to frame you and shit nonstop. They will try again no matter what you try to do as a rehabilitation, even if they may not succeed they'll do something stupid nonetheless that you will regret not having killed them before then.
Punishment must be three things to be effective.
>It must be swift. If punishment is delayed, it loses connection to the crime
>It must be inevitable. If there is a chance that someone might get away with their crimes, others may take the chance, however slim
>It must be proportionate. If the punishment is too light or too heavy, either it does not deter, or it drives people to greater crimes
In light of these requirements - particularly the last, there is only one punishment suitable:
Burn her at the stake.
americans invented hobbling
>Criminals aren't in the right mind anymore and no matter how much you try to intimidate them, they are practically immune.
It fucking works you cuck. When petty theft is punished by torture til death a lot less people will try it. A lot more will do it if the punishment is a slap on the wrist.
People respect power and shows of strength.
>You're spreading terror....to your own people.
You aren't spreading terror, you are spreading fear. Fear that they are next if they are disobedient.
"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--at the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your little minds to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles
No it doesn't, you cuck
Look at the Middle East who has public executions. Do they have 0 crime rate?
>>implying anybody would want to avenge her after knowing about all her crimes
Did you forget the spear hero? He even denied her attempt to poison the shield hero despite it happening right after she was forced to tell the truth about her crimes.
>petty crime
The fuck? What retard defines arson as a petty crime
Read fucking Foucault you hack.
There's no reason to fucking execute people in liberal democracies, we have instead moved over to surveillance and covert assassinations
I would let the horses have fun till she dies.
Brazen bull's more fun.
We are speaking about a medieval state. For modern ones (post internet) you want a facade of Brave New Word with it being 1984 under it for those that do not conform.
Armor dies that way and motoyasu internally calls him smoked jerky