ITT: Garbage shows with great character designs

ITT: Garbage shows with great character designs

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Congratulations. You have good taste.

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The only good thing about that show was the music.

Imagine putting the word "hack" on the title of your show.

Still better than SAO

For me at least, the difference is I never even gave SAO a chance. I watched most of .hack and had to drop it.







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Those costumes are fucking shit, there's nothing well designed about them. And the faces are disgusting.

It's a shame this anime is as bad as it is because the concept, designs and music are all pretty good. It's not insulting like SAO but still a massive disappointment.

hard mode: show me a great show with garbage character designs

The characters looked shit and un-animeish, but the plot and story was faithful and fun to follow.

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This. It was Kajiura's greatest work so far.

Is any of .hack good?

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I enjoyed the original games a lot, a better take on offline mmos than the SAO games.

The music.
The character designs.
I want to impregnate Subaru.

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Oh, .hack//G.U. was the best installment by far. .hack is better than SAO by a fucking mile, including the worst of the series .hack//SIGN.

Kirito is a shitty self-insert character for manlet chinks.

Yes, but not for everyone.
it has momments where it shows the middle finger the the mainstream audience and panders to the niche fans along with the pretentious fags out there.

Adding to this, it's also a massive multimedia franchise that often needs other parts to make full sense of. SIGN was weak on it's own but was part of a bigger story involving the first series of games and light novels. It's a series that rewards the hardcore fans with little references to each part throughout.

Always wanted AI Buster to get a short OVA, best girl Hokuto deserves animated.

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//SIGN is pretty good.

The mistake people make is expecting an action show, when it's closer to an iyashikei.

Very much this, Sign was mystery through and through and the one thing loners didn't understand too well, that's communication.
Also considering it's gender bender and Yuri, it baffles my mind how this series doesn't get discussed in a lgbt and sjw current world. Just goes to show these flags have literal mainstream taste and take people for a ride with their own stuck up opinions belittling Anime as a whole.

You got that one backwards

GU is one of the best trilogies in ps2 and honestly a good story comparable to anime. The original 4 games are nice too .hack in general has amazing music.