>Yea Forums is slowly becoming Yea Forums
Yea Forums is slowly becoming Yea Forums
Yea Forums has been shit for at least half a decade now. I blame moot for allowing shonen discussion.
Yea Forums has been Yea Forums for the past 5 years.
People would rather complain about things they don't like than talk about things they like.
Nah it just summer. Everything will be magically fixed at the end.
There is literally nothing wrong with Yea Forums.
user I...
unironically this. Shonen is ruining the board.
I blame it on the isekai, we need to return to school battle harems.
Blame the fappening and the 2016 election. This whole site has gone down the drain.
Absolute state of /a
The irony is strong here.
I never got this meme, are you implying underages don't have access or don't use computers outside of summer time? Like majority 5 year olds have access to smart devices like tablets or phones.
Blame also d*scord
>tfw new election in a year which mean this site, including this board will be flooded with even more people
>It's an ""oldfags"" reminisce about an imaginary time when this board was better than it is now
Remind me when we started allowing these empty meta discussions?
I've been here 2007-08, the board creativity have been gone downhill since 2016.
>Yea Forums is slowly becoming Yea Forums
That's because mods ban anything that's new board culture.
N/a/ruto was the beginning of the end for Yea Forums. We never recovered from the damage it caused. Fuck you luggage lad.
Why show any creativity when ebin shitposters will just call it cringey? People just have no affection for the site anymore and it's users have no sense of community anymore.
Case and point.
You first
>Yea Forums isnt even in the top 3 most populated boards anymore and has lost all relevancy
What a future we live in
Man, nowadays I forget Yea Forums even exists most of the time. It's so bizarre.
The So Ronerys have been largely usurped by the Incels, but they fortunately haven't gotten quite as firm a foothold yet. Shibboleths like "cuck", "jew", "tranny", etc. aren't nearly as prevalent, so there's still hope.
Well, never mind, we're fucked.
Yea Forums is infinitely better than Yea Forums anyway
>more OC and original discussion
>people can handle bants without going full autismo and screeching boogeyman terms at you every 5 seconds
>can make posts without worrying about upsetting the tranny janny and randomly getting hit with a ban for the most mundane shit imaginable
and most importantly
>less ESLs and pinoys since they'd actually have to buy games to talk about them
God it was so bad then, can you imagine how it's gonna be this time?
This is why nobody likes you fucking moefags. You're openly hostile and pull all sorts of gay underhanded jewish bullshit and then when you get some blowback, it's never your fucking fault.
Fuck little anime girls and fuck you. They only appeal to you because you're fucking mentally ill.
Well... are visual novels games?
Tired of you trannies constantly starting shit then playing the victim.
What did he sneed by this?
nobody is going to come here because Drumpf turned out to be an israel shill so elections don't matter anymore
Maybe we'll get a bunch of Berniefags this time to counteract 2016's /pol/ influx. Things will still be shit, mind you, but at least there'll once more be balance to the force.
I hope all you Yea Forumsermin defending your shitty board die in your sleep.
More like every board is slowly becoming an offshoot of /pol/
my thread is doing just fine
thank you very much
this is why
>people can handle bants without going full autismo and screeching boogeyman terms at you every 5 seconds
Congratulations on most delusional post of the day.
You disgust me.
Back in the day you can kind of tell the difference in posting during summertime or even daytime. Also kids had no smartphones 14yrs ago.
moot left and started a new secret club.
Yea Forums here
I thought trannies were just a Yea Forums thing because of D*scord
>"I-I'm telling the truth!"
Holy shit based
Yea Forums was magnitudes worse than Yea Forums until like 2011
>less ESLs
you brain damaged or something?
This, unfortunately. Board hasn't been the same since that day
>Yea Forums is slowly becoming /pol/ and its a good thing
Yea Forums died to moment it stopped fighting against the Yea Forums /int/ and /pol/ invasion
Are you a fucking idiot? Almost every post on Yea Forums is a single buzzword response.
We never stopped though, its more that mods have taken their side too often, resulting in the invaders becoming the new majority. Now we're outnumbered and the mods have no desire to help us.
The site as a whole is completely bereft of creativity. Every fucking board posts nothing but Pepe, and every new meme is just reskinned Pepe & Wojak.
>trannies are new on Yea Forums
Of course newfags would think that—"I want to be the little girl" doesn't have an entry on KnowYourMeme, after all.
Reminder that moot was a false prophet and he doomed us all when he allowed Naruto and then sold the site to a jewish gook
The boogeyman for Yea Forums is resetera
This place is terrible and it's all your fault
Nowadays I'm seeing way more Wojak than Pepe, and it's somehow so much worse.
Yea Forums
>has loli threads
Yea Forums
>loli threads get deleted on sight
Yea Forums never fought the /pol/ invasion, there never was an invasion. Yea Forums died in spirit on the day moot allowed Naruto discussion. Since then the floodgate to normalfaggotry was opened and it never stopped flowing. Twitter becoming more popular and anime becoming more mainstream also took a toll on Yea Forums.
Wow, actually one of those retards who don't know why the phrase was used in the first place.
I like to think this never would've happened if moot were still here but even Im not that delusional
>The So Ronerys have been largely usurped by the Incels
Just like they always were? and they aren't even allowed anymore
Yeah! Yea Forums is so good,you should stay there instead of coming to this shithole
>moot's last post on SA was on Jul 13, 2008
10 bux well spent
>this is bad
moot is better than the jewgook but he still wouldn't have given a shit, especially after he was spineless enough to bring back /new/ in form or /pol/ (which he later deleted only to bring it back again)
I disagree, I posted tv meme on Yea Forums and got a warning, I did the same here and was banned for 3 days
Yea Forums is literally trash
Moot should have gone into party hard mode for like a month when chanology was happening.
moot was the one who pushed for this site to get bigger and grow its audience in the first place. Hiro's not really guilty of anything aside from cashing his ad revenue check and then going back to sleep while the site destroys itself and the mods do whatever the fuck they want.
Jewt allowing Naruto basically meant the board as it had existed had to die. He's partially
oh god
Why come to Yea Forums when Yea Forums is so great? Stay there nigger.
That's honestly a good thing user
it is
i wish accelspammer was still around so he could nuke this board into the ground for trying to ban lolis again
>these are the same people claiming Yea Forums is better.
Excuse me? The local fun police chased off any and all OC ages ago because you're all a bunch of braindead sheep
I blame it on /alter/, Type Moon is the widest point of contact and intersection between Yea Forums and Yea Forums, and /alter/ memes like brosposting/chadposting/ohnononoposting are the most recognisable form of Yea Forums cancer around these parts.
Unironically looks better than shounen generals 24/7.
I've been a crossboarder for over a decade now and there's nothing you can do about it.
God the Trump thing was so fucking cancerous. Reminder that literal boomer grandmas post on /pol/ now because they view it as an extension of the Trump subreddit.
there's a difference?
same shit
You're an actual schizo dude
So this is the power of Yea Forums... not bad...
seethe more
>>more OC and original discussion
Yeah sure. Compared to
>Yea Forums draws (manga and anime openings)
>Yea Forums sings
>two full-featured drawthreads
>occasional "LET'S MAKE AN ANIME" threads
you have
>Yea Forums sings (once in a blue moon)
>Yea Forums the musical
>one drawthread
>cyoas that have nothing to do with Yea Forums
>>people can handle bants without going full autismo and screeching boogeyman terms at you every 5 seconds'
Are you sure about that? Of what Yea Forums I've been on, half of them are referring to opinions they don't like as "trannies" and telling them to "dilate", while the other half are resorting to buzzwords like "have sex" "cringe" "bluepilled" etc. in order to invalidate arguments.
>>can make posts without worrying about upsetting the tranny janny and randomly getting hit with a ban for the most mundane shit imaginable
You won't get banned on Yea Forums, sure, but that just ensures lower quality discussion and shit threads rampant across the board at all times.
>>less ESLs and pinoys since they'd actually have to buy games to talk about them
>>>>>>>>implying Yea Forums plays video games
Yea Forums is not becoming Yea Forums
Yea Forums is funny
As much as I love loli threads, how the fuck would one be on topic on a board about video games?
That's just one of many big ones responsible for it. The shounen generals are just as much a problem because they're an entirely different userbase, but they bleed over into other threads to shit them up when they get bored. Its become such a widespread problem now that its impossible to pin it to one group. Even if we finally banned all the shounenfags it wouldn't fully solve the problem anymore.
How can someone even follow a thread amidst all those buzzwords?
/aeddit/ is worse it's just a frot for Netflix and crunchyrollshills
You blame who?
jesus fucking christ Yea Forums bootlickers are pathetic
Yeah wojak edits sure are hilarious.
It's not "less ESLs", it's fewer ESLs.
I hate autistic retards screeching about board cultures
Yea Forums needs more comfy board like Yea Forums with greatest meme like bane
Come on man, who doesn't know the creator of facebook?
Buzzwords are killing this board
Just filter all the generals user, that shit is not going away anytime soon
Yeah yeah, this place being festering garbage is always someone else's fault. Precious virginal Yea Forums is always blameless.
Not even stickies get that much shitposting.
FGO is too recent and the connection is too thin to actually matter. The Trump thing blowing up during 2016, Naruto being allowed and Twitter crap regarding anime effectively ruined this board more than Fate.
Shounenshit NEEDS to be kicked off this board.
/shounen/ when?
Yea Forums and /pol/ are complete shit and should be deleted
Same people!
you sound like a smelly crossboarder
go somewhere else
t. /jp/
How many times have /pol/ been deleted user?
That's not the solution
>stating facts
>boot licking
>Yea Forums doesn't play videogames
Then what do they talk about? Let's Plays?
I'm tempted to peek over and see what Yea Forums thinks about Necrodancer and Cadence of Hyrule.
This reads like your average Dragon Ball Super thread
delete /pol/, ban all frog/wojak/based/cringe posters afterwards.
> would you a X ?
> this is your X for this this evening?
> why is she so perfect, Yea Forums ?
holy shit this board blows
I told you guys to be more hostile against salesfags and shounenfags. You didn't listen, and now they feel right at home. Mods want to kill Yea Forums even more so than any crossboarder so relying on them to help was a retarded move.
Buzzwords are just an instrument used by shitty crossboarders whose final goal is to shitpost.
Don't, save your brain cells
Maybe leave Yea Forums if you don't wanna share space with 4channers you wet sack of garbage
Let them be,just don't let them come here
>Then what do they talk about? Let's Plays?
Oh you pure soul. Please do yourself a favor and don't bother.
So what's your plan then? Ban shounen? That's a bit unfair considering that shounen are anime too. You can just hide and ignore them. Or If you have Yea Forums x, you can also filter them that way.
>muh board culture
Board culture is just an excuse to make posts that would otherwise be considered low quality. Sakurafish was funny back then sure, but given today's circumstances, I doubt people would've liked it now. I'm sure that everyone would've called it a forced newfag meme. And I also know for a fact that a lot of people unironically hated it.
Yeah. E-celeb cancer is a plague over there.
honestly there is at least one part of Yea Forums that actually plays videogames, the necrodancer threads from what i remember are pretty good. You just have to find threads for games you like that are actually about video games and not industry drama.
the only thing Yea Forums needs is good anime
It is. Cracking down on their autismo right now would be ideal since they are more fighting amongst themselves than anything else.
Delete /pol/, quell any outburst on other boards and stay firm about your position. They'll fuck off to r*ddit and stay there, where they belong.