I don't even know what I'm watching anymore

I don't even know what I'm watching anymore.

Attached: WTF-Nobu.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

It's called ANIME you baka gaijin

Looks like regular activities gay high school students would engage in.

>watched first few episodes
>what a trash show
>decided to watch this last one
>missed that one time they said "-kun"
>thought she was just a cute girl with a butt that needed a bit of work
>everybody's reactions in the show are weird
>check the thread
I really should have been able to figure it out on my own after seeing so many anime traps before.
So I guess my question is, was I gay while watching the episode at first thinking he was a girl or only gay when I checked the thread, and then went back to watch it a second time?

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>no ass


traps aren't gay when the penis is feminine

what show?

It shows a dedication to authenticity. Male butts are fundamentally different than female

So is there actual penetration?

the fuck show is this

name so I can fap

Bokuben. ova preview

That's the most realistic Jap ass I've ever seen.

Is there going to be a second season?

I hope, and for better or worst they left the final open, so there's that.
But man, I love how the last episode was almost trap sex, the creators are so based.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.43_[2019.06.23_23.31.20].png (1280x720, 1.11M)

Dropped it when the gay showed up. Disgusting.

Thanks for reminding me I haven't pegged my boyfriend recently.

Is this guy actually getting fucked or is it bullshit?

>Ranma will never finger your asshole
I've never hated my life this much before.

Getting fucked in the ass by a beautiful trap with a huge dick and letting him cum inside of you is the most wholesome form of sex that there is.

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