brat is still best girl
Can we have a yuru yuri thread ?
Cute old lady.
Why the granny clothes though?
Yui is the best Yuru.
Sure, but what do you want to talk about? Kyouko is the actual best girl though.
Granny clothes are cute and modest nigger
I want to tickle her.
about sakurako kissing himawari
Akari x Sakurako is still the OTP and I cannot believe how many people are wrong about it.
>best girl x literally who
Sorry but bart is married to titty monster.
thank you user, that image makes me very happy
What a shitty opinion, at least ship Akari with her sister.
Best ships are Kyoko x Ayano and brat x boob monster.
at what manga chapter does season 3 end ? i want to start reading it
People like you are the reason we cannot have nice things
what do you mean ?
>not Kyouko x Akari
>almost July
>still no OVA news
Still waiting for that image to load.
Ayano x Kyouko x Yui is objectively the best.
Which YRYR enjoys anal stimulation to most?
Kyoko, then Sakurako
You should read the whole thing. It's not like there's that much.