Can we have a yuru yuri thread ?

brat is still best girl

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Cute old lady.


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Why the granny clothes though?

Yui is the best Yuru.

Sure, but what do you want to talk about? Kyouko is the actual best girl though.

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Granny clothes are cute and modest nigger

I want to tickle her.

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about sakurako kissing himawari

Akari x Sakurako is still the OTP and I cannot believe how many people are wrong about it.

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>best girl x literally who
Sorry but bart is married to titty monster.

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thank you user, that image makes me very happy

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What a shitty opinion, at least ship Akari with her sister.
Best ships are Kyoko x Ayano and brat x boob monster.

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at what manga chapter does season 3 end ? i want to start reading it

People like you are the reason we cannot have nice things

what do you mean ?

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>not Kyouko x Akari

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>almost July
>still no OVA news

Still waiting for that image to load.

Ayano x Kyouko x Yui is objectively the best.

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Which YRYR enjoys anal stimulation to most?

Kyoko, then Sakurako


You should read the whole thing. It's not like there's that much.

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