I don't get it
I don't get it
nanami best girl
Nobody does
but she lays EGGS
The manga is straight boring!
Did you like the anime better?
The cowbell episode the best.
manga: typical shoujo manga
anime: Evangelion of shoujo
movie: wut?
Watch it again it makes at least 23% more sense the second time through
the third time makes even less sense
the forth time gets better again
I'll keep you updated as I continue to watch it; I don't know if I'll ever make heads or tales of it
>when you skip the recap episodes because recap episodes tend to be boring and contentless filler in other anime only to skip the most crucial plot events of the series
I watched the movie and she turns into a car for some reason.
No, the "filler" episodes are important too
That happened to me with Akibarangers, too. They stuck important plot points in the clip show episode.
Well I know that now but imagnie my surprise when people where talking about Utena getting HINDUED and retarded me was all like "when did that happen?"
there's no filler in utena retard
But there is you fucking retard, literally all Nanami episodes are filler.
Basically Utena decided she was tried of the dick and wanted some vagina.
nope they aren't retard. nice job proving you're a brainlet.
Only far reaching hipsters believe there’s some meaning to the Nanami episodes, if someone outed itself as a retard is undoubtedly you my friend.
I am not with this person and I never said Utena had filler. I just said that recap episodes of anime I watched in the past were filler so I foolishly assumed that Utena was too. I gomenasai
there is meaning, are you retarded?
Movie is obviously End of Evangelion of Shoujo. It's not canon too.
Cars are sex, school is puberty, swordfights are relationship trouble and roses are ???
Did I get some of that right?
Swordfights are a struggle to overcome, there's not actually lot of symbolism behind fencing, Ikuhara said he wishes he went with guns instead.
Roses are relationships because from outside they look beautiful and everyone wants them, but roses have thorns that can hurt. To the point where people like Akio use those thorns as a weapon.
It's garbage OP, people just pretend to "get" it and jerk each other off about how revolutionary it is.
All girls lay eggs.
oh well. I liked the pretty animation so it wasnt a complete waste.
then what do boys lay?
Lesbians fight with swords as stand ins for penises.
spoiler: just b urself. Who Utena plays at the school is not what she wants to be
The rose on the lapel is the outward symbol for their relationships themselves. The duels (interpersonal conflict) either sever that bond or protect it.
There's repetition for emphasis ad nauseum though.
uuhhh... sperm?