
Bote with Sword

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Other urls found in this thread:

Looks like shit.

Read the Guide

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those are some thick thighs...has to be a GK


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Amiami should have payment options to help combat the rising cost of figures.

You should get a better job for that

Would my family and friends disown me if they walked in and saw this on my shelf?

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Your dad

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I want her to spit in my face


Attached: D8gTNz1U0AAB_RM.jpg (2874x4096, 1.13M)

WonFes is just over a month away. Don't forget to prepare your bingo sheets.

Fuck off with that shit, only MFC and facebook retards make them now.

Kys, newfag.

Says the retard who haven't lurked enough to notice the facebook filenames

I want these 2 botes. Hope there will be a painted Kaga at wonfest.

Yeah no, Yea Forums dropped them years ago when they got infected by random fags from MFC, also shitty western retards spamming them during wonfes at twitter feeds

>Yea Forums dropped them years ago
They were posted at the last WonFes.

people havent stopped posting bingo here but ok

By newfags that is, you could notice the facebook filenames and reverse search them to MFC/reddit.

I mean actual old Yea Forums. Not just self proclaimed "weebs" from leddit

I'm still making a bingo sheet and there's nothing you guys can do about it.

Make sure you post it in discord and FB for some likes

dont forget to make one filled with fgo and boat

This is an unusually direct acknowledgment that even though you enjoy something, you won’t do it because people you don’t like are doing it

Yea Forums in a nutshell

Are you new? That has happened to plenty of old memes created in Yea Forums that are now magically related to a certain group of retards on the internet.

And I mean actual memes, not image captions.

it's called being a faggot

I started being a buyfag this year and this is going to be my first WonFes, What can I expect from it?

>actual old Yea Forums
I've been here for fucking ever and I haven't stopped doing things that started here just because other dumbfucks decided to spread it elsewhere.

Fate shit, boats, Sonico, Miku

Don't expect anything, just enjoy the ride.

Attached: OceSlope1552791159.jpg (2048x1365, 421K)

nothing so you wont be disapointed

Don't hope too hard like a certain user.

Attached: 1551322449612.jpg (172x353, 16K)

A flood of figure announcements and photos for about two days. You'll have seen everything new usually by the time a couple hours have passed since the start of the event, but new photos and info trickle in for a while after.

Love anime. Acquire plastic.

i hope to god this doesnt come out in May next year that month is already raping me

next wonfes for sure

Aaaahh I can't wait this is going to be so fun!

Attached: 705C3CE9986599006C4892D0CAC539056439EBED[1].gif (500x500, 1.06M)

Yeah no it won't, Takao just went up for preorders and she'll be released in May, Prinz is not even painted yet. Add Alter's delays on top of that and we'd be lucky to get her before 2021

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Obviously, but it’s unusual that someone can so directly acknowledge that it’s the reason they stopped doing something. You’d think at that point you could just read your own words and realize that you’re headed down a very sad and joyless road

Fast threads, don't post unless it's relevant and no reaction images. Follow the twitter hashtag if you want the fastest info but there will be a lot of duplicate images and it's obviously all in Japanese. There's a few anons here who pretty much post everything though. Each new thread during wonfes should also have a post with links to the previous threads. Expect a lot of Fate, Miku, and seasonal waifus. It will mainly be unpainted prototypes or generic posterboard figure announcements so you won't see them painted until the next 1-2 Wonfes (6-12 months).

I'd probably suggest seeing if you can find the last Wonfes blog post on MFC to get an idea of what gets shown.

Canadian Yea Forumsnon here, just wanted to thank my fellow leaf that recommended me that american website for buying loli doujinshi about a week ago. The rozzers didn't expect a thing.

Attached: nice try mounties.jpg (1152x2048, 364K)

>you won't see them painted until the next 1-2 Wonfes
at best

>You’d think at that point you could just read your own words and realize that you’re headed down a very sad and joyless road
Or realize there's no point on perpetuating it and being linked to those retards and just move on.

>man i love eating chicken
>wtf niggers eat chicken too ??
>worst food ever dont eat it unless you are a faggot
>i fucking hate chicken

>Man I don't like chicken
>wtf niggers eat chicken too ??
>worst food ever dont eat it unless you are a faggot
>I still don't like chicken

fixed, no one said I liked them in the first place.

Yeah you right
but please refrain from posting my wife, thank you

Bingos were already attention whoring when they started, not many actually made them and now them being tied with normalfags and retards seeking for attention just make them even worse.

Its not like they were even liked to begin with

>he doesnt like chicken
shit taste

Imagine not liking chicken holy shit

Who even cares? Just ignore them and set Twitter to Jap only.

how can you not like chicken? not even the fried one?

I can't imagine not eating chicken. Grilled chicken, chicken wings, chicken alfredo, chicken katsu, chicken tikka masala, chicken kabob, etc. It's a very tasty and easy to produce animal.

guys please stop talking about chicken. This is even worse than all the economics talk from the last thread.

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What nendo has a swappable Chicken part so I can put it in my Yuru Camp set=up?

We should just submit ourselves to the Grims desu

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I bought some half breasts for pretty cheap, what should I make with them /ck/?

How do you feel about pubes on figures?

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I mean, I'd let a number of them step on me.


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Not gonna bother with a bingo sheet.
Just going with pic related.

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If they're done well and suit the character, they're welcome like anything else.

As of the last thread people preferred blue over black. I'm about to buy one or the other but before I do I'll ask just one last time, which do you prefer?

Attached: pochacomaid.jpg (1566x1580, 516K)

might get this bad girl for xmas .

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>all blacks eat chicken
yes i'm sure you've met them all

I want her to piss on my face.

you already got your answers and the reason to pick which one

Yes, and so will your assigned FBI agent.

Attached: FBI Stickman.png (679x427, 5K)

black, now it's tied
see you next thread

So looks like Licorne wants to try and take on ALTER's Jeanne Alter.
Can they pull it off?
How much more will this one cost over Alter's?
When will it even be released? 2021?

Attached: Licorne Alter.jpg (1000x1450, 262K)

>obnoxious normalfags ruined something yet again
Pigs can't fly and the Sun continues to rise from the east.

Pull it off as in outsell Alter? Doubt it.

Lucky Jervis!

Attached: 1554728260128.jpg (800x800, 54K)

Best girl, based

Dumb /ck/!

Can't wait.

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They're still making KC figures?! Fucking hell.

Attached: foxes.png (3300x3300, 3.34M)

>somebody made fun of my bingo sheet and now i dont like them
>the other guys said bingo is dumb so now i hate them too so i can fit in

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How about you make up your own fucking mind and stop caring about what other people think.

? What's wrong with it?


Retard, buy V instead

So what's the consensus on Phat? I'm willing to give them a chance since GSC is willing to distribute their figures. They sell mid-end figures for a decent price?

Attached: 117969.jpg (600x700, 114K)

They're pretty okay depend on figures

They sell mediocre figures for a high price. Not exactly the worst company out there but they're on the mid to lower end of the spectrum.

They are, but they're making less of them.

Attached: KC and AL.jpg (1180x480, 117K)

All their bases are fuckhuge for some reason, but I'd compare them to Kotobukiya, midtier, but every now and then they put out a gem

A bit concerning. I have this figure on my watch list since I like the heels. Hopefully it ends up good.

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It look great, wait for the painted ver

hopefully he looks better then dante and nero

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I hope this one turns out well. It looks really nice.

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That's not a bote, that's a mentally ill prostitute that believe's she's a ship.

The face is already a bit off.

Hello lady

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Penis, it's okay. She never would've gone on display without a cast-on option anyway.

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That's like the perfect amount of nipple.


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finally olga by native is preparing to get shipped.

Two can play that game

Attached: chadkancolle.png (2518x1162, 202K)

What site?

Should I?

Attached: should i.jpg (533x800, 136K)

I already did, got payment request this morning. Can't wait.

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Attached: IMG_20190624_122132.jpg (1536x2048, 327K)

No, fuck fateshit

The fucks going on with this? Thought it got delayed until June? It's nearly July

Attached: 220005091307-2p.jpg (800x1200, 849K)

It was released days ago

>Pussy outline

What's the most you've ever paid for shipping? I just topped my personal record at 11200円

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Mine hasn't shipped from toranoana yet

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its called cameltoe


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Yes for a moment I forgot that word exists.

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Up for PO tomorrow.

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when you go from feet to potato

A lot. Enjoy your coffin box.

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I wish. They're going to take years to release her.

>good game
Oh you.

18000 jpy for Sal for a 1/2.5 kirino
Holy shit, still hurts


Attached: Zzdc7.png (432x415, 177K)

Legs are sexy as fuck but what's with the face?
She literally looks retarded.

Fucking retard

why not 2/5?

Why is that face look weird as hell?

Because no one writes scales like that you fucking nonce.

Gachatards will buy regardless

Ah, not familiar with the drops are you?

>the drops
T-The wat?

Attached: 1532418173297.png (720x672, 401K)

>he doesn't know

On her way home. I'm excited for this one.

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What's with every figure's price skyrocketing lately, wft?

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Or you can both fuck off to Yea Forums.

>muh Yea Forums boogymum

Capitalism baby

>literally Yea Forums
Not them but you're a fucking retard.

man that's cheap, it would probably be 25k to south america, I've paid 11k for some 1/4 scales.

So everyone that buys the figure is a cuck?

Attached: file.png (126x39, 11K)

>normies like it so now I hate it REEEEEE
>ceasing an enjoyable activity because other people are also doing it
You are the reason that you are unhappy.

A Raccoon

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Attached: FigurePreorders_005.jpg (4000x3400, 2.66M)

No, they are supposed to be wives of other men, read the source.

>what's with the face?

And a bird.

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In shipping fess, in case it wasn't obvious enough.

Gonna have to go with blue for the Oktoberfest feel. The black really does look like a trash bag with that heavy gloss.

Watch out!
They're gonna get ya.

size and material costs, a 1/2 scale is roughly equal to 8 1/4 scales, meanwhile a 1/2 needs only 5 1/4 scales.

>size and material costs, a 1/2 scale is roughly equal to 8 1/4 scales, meanwhile a 1/2 needs only 5 1/4 scales.

>meanwhile a 1/2 needs only 5 1/4 scales
meanwhile a 1/2.5 needs only 5 1/4 scales

Sept/Oct going to be hot.

Attached: orders.png (1164x651, 1.04M)

And you'll cancel 3/4 of those anyways.

Lots of old shit, how does that Shunyta's Asuka cost nowadays?

I haven't cancelled 1 order. I am not a neet.


>Shunyta's Asuka
More than release :( I bought it used A/B for 180$

Just Holo and Seyana for now

Wait, isn't Holo's Nendo a Nov release?

Yes the nendo is november. Just most of my pre-orders are hitting Sept/Oct timeframe. No big deal tho.

Kancolle sucks

now shamble off back to /vg/.

I don't think you know how that word work, kid.
Maybe try study first before try acting tough to fit in okay, sweetie?

Just the Pokemon Hilda rerelease and latest Racing Miku figma. It's been a slow year for my buyfaggotry.

Fuck that LM7 figure is bullshit, fuck that price reeeeeeeee

jeanne is probably getting delayed again since saber has been confirmed for next month

Did you misspell a word?

My July is packed. Eight scales, seven of which have been already delayed at least once. Also getting the Yotsuba and Danbo nendos on top of that as well.

>Yea Forums isn't Yea Forums

Attached: baito dayo.png (480x480, 124K)

No? I was just saying I am employed with a job that pays well and don't need to cancel orders. I think the implication here is a lot of buyfags are neets who overstretch their funds (or allowance) thus need to cancel most of their pre-orders.

Stay mad nekofags

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I have received 4 AmiAmi coffins so far.

>liking anything from that aborted mess

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Yes, Pre-Orders.

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Kanako was cute though.

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who is that brown semen demon?

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.02_[2019.05.21_12.27.17].jpg (1920x1080, 141K)

There you go using that weird word again.
Tell me what you think it means.

Can't wait to clear this list.

Attached: two from the internet.jpg (1135x1250, 915K)


Not employed in education or training

aka most people who post in /jp/

It's an acronym for Not in Education, Employment, or Training. Most people don't capitalize all acronyms all the time. Even if it's technically incorrect, it's mostly accepted outside of formal writing.

Attached: preorders.jpg (2231x1600, 2.15M)

gachashit should be bannable

>Springfield delayed again
She still has an empty spot on my shelf.

Goodnight, buyfriends!

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Good night!

No Yunyun?

So now that the meaning of an acronym is understood.
>unemployment automatically makes someone a NEET
>employed persons don't cancel orders
>people only cancel for financial reasons and not because they are tied of waiting or just don't want the figure anymore
The ending for DtF alone caused for some cancellations.
Better versions from more reputable manufacturers are occasionally announced.

Weird legs!

Just got the third set of the Learning with Manga! series.

Attached: DSC_01281.jpg (2878x1920, 838K)

Welp, I did it. I preordered my first Nendoroid.
It's all downhill from here


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>Besides AL I don't play any other gacha so I'm not familiar
>Besides my boyfriend, I don't suck any dick so I'm not a faggot

Oh Jesus Christ, I want those yunyuns in my face so bad!

Attached: 2387456928734.png (610x536, 368K)

Big milkies!
and I personally would feel guilty not having all 4 girls together

It'd be nice, but I just don't like the legs/lower half on hers one bit. Darkness just looks bland

You are correct. The original person had suggested though I would cancel 3/4ths of my pre-orders and that is factually untrue. There are a few in the past however I would have liked to cancel though, like the mediocre Misato fig from Union.

Not gonna lie. I'm going to glue this alongside with Erina. No one can stop me.

Attached: bbed0df785f8ee69bf75e95bc41fc2ae.jpg (550x800, 133K)

MFC link? that is a big ass oh my


bunny are made for getting glued anyway so i would too

shame there's such a few content...

How old are the characters you own figures of on average?

Attached: orders.jpg (4000x1600, 1.19M)

Probably 20ish.

How is even a taste that normalfag possible?

18 to hag

Wouldn't her neck hurt with the kind of weight her boobs put on it?

with Melty in the mail

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>all 4 girls
To me, there's only three.
Not even bullying, she's more of a hanger-on to the group or an accessory to Megumin.

Attached: LEvWaiB.png (1919x1079, 1.86M)

I've got three Rorys, so that throws the balance way into the elderly range.

That's just rude as fuck, consider feeling bad.

Asking for the average doesn't really make sense when the outliers can screw everything up so badly.

pedo spotted

Very skewed due to an elf

Late reply, but 20k. I'd do it again.

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not him but she's definitely a side character by comparison
that was pretty harsh though

Attached: preorders.jpg (1300x720, 536K)

Where can I buy Chinese replicas that don't look like absolute shit?

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In your poorfag dreams

Sod off, Lao shill
Tiananmen, Independent Tibet, Winnie the Pooh etc

Lacia is the cutest

who dis?

>the red boogeyman is gonna get us
I wonder if you ever leave your hovel.

y'all excited?

Attached: FIGURE-049900.jpg (600x600, 68K)

Fuck off.

>Fuck off.
get lost

>get lost
Leave this place forever.

>get lost
Go away.

>Leave this place forever.
resituate yourself

Is bootleg posting the "have sex" of buyfagging threads?


She can take missiles, mines, bombs, and other things. I think he breasts are the least of her worries.
Bad backs due to breast size only happens to poor support via incorrect bra size, which can happen at sizes less than hers.

Delicious. What's her name ?

that's a good asanagi butt

Attached: 1561379355931.jpg (1620x1081, 289K)

what do you mean, have sex is the have sex of /buyfag/ along with
>what about your collection when you get wives/girlfriends?

I mean as an easy way to get (You)s from pissed anons


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I believe it was

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It'd be nice if they made a Kouka fig to keep her company, but I wouldn't bet on it.

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>300 bucks for an action figure

What's your problem with southern slang?

So I've been planning to get a figma and in a twist of fate ended up on aliexpress. What's the catch with Jeanne Alter's ones? Chinese saw the preview casts and ordered their slaves to recreate it with cheap materials or are they selling pics of it? Or are they second hand with eventual repaints? Because $40-80 compared to ALTER's $250 is tempting while skeetchy as fuck

guide doesn't really cover aliexpress in general

Cute Miku butt
I have this fig and I love it

I don't have it since I didn't like the outfit color but other than that, it's great

Attached: hurr durr.jpg (274x321, 26K)

help a retard out please even after mocking me

better than current prices

Attached: fdgdfgh.jpg (1071x927, 79K)

>unironically using ebay as a price guide

The guide doesn't cover aliexpress because it only covers shops that sell non-bootleg figures.


Attached: 776.jpg (688x909, 90K)

i blocked that out from my memory
thanks, point taken

true but you get the idea

You don't, that's the whole point you daft cunt.

when can I get that sader figure?

Watch your language, first warning,

Back-ordered items on HLJ are charged until they are available, right? FAQ mentioned that all items are charged once they are available and they mentioned POs, but not back-ordered items. Just wanting to be 200% sure.

weeb prices for you m8

Attached: mand.jpg (1177x807, 91K)

Seriously? Don't buy a fucking bootleg, come on. This is common sense.

Sorry sir

>preorder figure
>regret starts to sink ours later

Breathe. Just don't unbox it and you can sell to the people who did the opposite of you (didn't preorder and now regret it) once it arrives.

That's why you're supposed to take a week or two to think it over. Most shit won't close preorders that quickly.

Yeah or if you are afraid of the price falling down you can always hand over your preorder to someone else on mfl but honestly im pretty sure you can break even at worst by reselling it

Jenny alter is kinda okay for a bootleg. Paint job was okayish, one of the face was off and missing some hands. Only get it if you really want her. You might get more help on /toy/.

>pre-ordering/buying before fap

>violently beating your meat instead of discoursing about the matters at hand without violence

Fapping doesn't really help though. You'll be in the same situation later.

The Nendoroid it's a boy user.

That's true, but you will be clear minded for at least a few minutes, so you can convince your bad self about not buying.
So what, faggot? You can't just buy nendos with a loaded gun. Always release and think.

Don't need to be so rude.

>baiting for bumps

Late reply, but mine was 9600JPY for the figma tank

Attached: Amico's Tank invoice.jpg (768x307, 56K)

>jpg for basic text screenshot

$200 US,
But that was my "I'm finally free from this nightmare job in which I work 84 hour weeks and am constantly threatened with being fired if I don't do 3 people's jobs at once" present to myself. The order without shipping was $1.5k. So worth it. My only regret was that I didn't have enough money left over to buy the super expensive case I had my eye on.

I ordered this along with the unit-02 metal release.

>YunYun is alone even in IQ
Her bullying transcends dimentions

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Guide doesnt have anything for cels, where do people get em? I mean older shows are in wide circulation but there should be something aside ebay

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (900x804, 78K)

Really good work here.

Beautiful eyes and hair that looks too perfect to touch. Mouth and chinline are a little pointed but that'll wear down overtime naturally creating soft, high-contrast tonage.

Body is perfect and breasts are juicy but still nice and smooth. Bright shading should help hold up the model's visual quality for years to come.

One of my favorite AL characters. Although I guarantee the sword's hilt and her hair will start chipping after two years without dedicated maintenance.

Wouldn't ever pay more than $240 but it'd feel like a deal around $175. Thanks for showing me!

As long as you make a Twitter so I can follow your pics and vids

He's just trying to fit in.
Maybe one day.

yahoo japan

No prob connoisseur-user

Glad to see you got your loli, I ordered mine from Manda and didn't get asked for it.

looks like user put roofies in her drink.

do whatever you want, but it's common knowledge that it's retarded

>Linking an image

Thanks user, didnt think that. Now the only problem is determining authenticity

I am so fucking TIRED of you people shilling your shit website, first you buy up all the hentai twitter accounts and have them advertise your bullshit and now you're doing it here thinking people won't catch on to your bullshit. Because of YOU people my favorite hentai twitter poster blocked me because I kept advising her against advertising for you fucking jews. You are just as bad a jewcob trying to monopolize the industry and up charge the fuck out of something that costs next to nothing. Please fucking neck yourself and leave Yea Forums forever you soulness corporate shills.

it's not a direct image link, it's to show it's been on the guide (and the old google doc version) for ages

>He wants me to save a screencap with just text in .png which makes it bigger in size compared to .jpg just for the sake of 'muh common knowledge image etiquette'

He's trying too hard

nigger I just tested it with some of my own screenshots and png looks better and ha a smaller filesize
you're just on maximum damage control for being called out instead of just admitting you were wrong and/or shutting the fuck up

I know autism gets thrown around a lot as a generic insult, but damn. Sometimes it fits.

i've been fapping to her and her sister

>literally no argument
>unironically using "autist" as an insult on a fucking buyfag thread

How the fuck do I get this thicc bote girl without her dumbass overpriced bote parts? Plum store exclusive, but I don't think they ship to the Eagle Union

Attached: 10605709a2[1].jpg (1200x1200, 276K)

the guide

>This level of autism in image formats
I would agree with you if the image that I was posting were vector arts or a screencap of a B/W manga page, but is pointless for a few lines of text
Keep upset and lurk moar before posting again

Agreed, he is a typical example

>Full damage control greentexting

Since when is pointing out an objectively better screenshot format trying too hard to fit in?
Fuck this place has fallen.

Fuck off phoneposter.

>Sites where you have to pay in full for a preorder in advance

Attached: 1550442432043.jpg (200x289, 10K)

okay enjoy looking like a retard just because your ego can't handle the fact that you were wrong

>Fuck this place has fallen.
This place have fall aeons ago, you're just being a slowpoke

Stop trying to fit in

whatever, keep obsessed over meaningless things kiddo

Attached: file.png (369x321, 13K)

I actually like this, no payment requests to miss.

It's a blessing and a curse. Much easier to forget your orders until they ship if you aren't reserving money for them.

if png is so bad why are you using it for your own screenshot?
fucking faggot

Auctions because orders closed.

>b-but my jpgs! absolutely meaningless!

Attached: Capture.jpg (367x319, 34K)

to tease (You)

>merely pretending

Attached: 1454951164665.jpg (2000x1900, 569K)

If by "the guide" you mean "check Manda every hour after it releases," then I already planned on it. I'll probably just fucking buy the 20k yen version and call it a day. I assume this is like the Heavy Armament KanColle figures and I can just opt not to take up precious space with the boat parts. Fucking chinks thinking I give a shit about the connection to the real ships. I'm only into AL for the ass and titties, what the fuck

I wish more sites would do this. If I'm saying "I'm going to buy thing", I want to give them the money for thing right now.

>I'm only into AL for the ass and titties, what the fuck
Heh, you picked the one best girl for ass and titties then.
That aside, remember this image.
If you can't find it under 20k later blame yourself.

Attached: Save.jpg (596x1000, 106K)

Those are great so your preorders don't get backed up and by the end of the month you have to pay 300+ like I am this month.

what dont you get about the word proxy

Can you dumb fucks not into basic budgeting and ringfencing money?

>he doesn't get convinced to buy figures BECAUSE he fapped
I fapped to some Raita the other day, and preordered the newest bunny after cleanup, nigga

I absolutely can, I just prefer not to spend money in the future if I can spend it now. If something unexpected happens, I don't want to have to cancel.


Attached: 20190624.180321.jpg (997x1501, 331K)

If you are bitching about spending too much money for a figure you want then this isn't a hobby for you.

You absolutely cannot if you buy shit and then don't ringfence the money.

Attached: 20190624.180402.jpg (997x1501, 260K)

The fuck are you on about? How is that even remotely related to budgeting your shit properly?

Attached: 20190624.180446.jpg (997x1501, 255K)

>Heh, you picked the one best girl for ass and titties then.
Fucking cats and dogs, man.

Attached: 20190624.180513.jpg (997x1501, 251K)

I do. It's not a rational thing, but the feeling of having already paid is still nice sometimes.

I'm being a fag right now because she comes out this month, but my June order is already more than I'd prefer (all my delays ended up here), so I'm hoping I can get her in July. That is, I'm hoping I can wait just a single week to slap her in my July order, without giving enough time to let her get out of stock. If she becomes available, whatever. I just want big fat juicy 2D ass, and the Oshiri Hime figure is fucking UC so this is a decent alternative.

The other guy said she's out of stock for preorders. How would a proxy magically find one when she's sold exclusively from Plum's own store? As for what I don't get about the word proxy, I was never sure of the etymology. It's one of those words I always understood, but never knew why it was called that. I guess I'll look it up now


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The dress looks a little plastic-y, but cute.

>haven't bought a fig since before Christmas

Do you guys ever buy anything just for the sake of buying it? I feel like I'm going to fall out of the hobby if I keep this up.

Not them, but I honestly can't. Like, my TTGL racing girls were delayed to August, freeing 20k for my June order, and I knew I shouldn't add anything, but then I saw ARTFX May in stock, and remembered I wanted the Pop Up Parade Miku, so I've basically eaten up the budget for one of the TTGL figures, meaning I have to be more conscious of my saving so I'll have enough money in August. (I always have enough money, just I'd prefer not to spend so much on monthly figures so I'd have more money for manga and things)

>with red ribbon
Why the fuck do they do this? Nero's main thing is the red ribbon, keep red away from Arthur. Triggers my autism. Bad enough a small handful of figures downplay Nero's Muv-Luv vents so she looks more like Arthur. Goddammit, fucking faggots trying to make this stupid cunt take over my wife's niches.

Liking the fact that you know all your purchases are fully funded is hardly irrational user, it's what more people should do, either by paying upfront or like I've said repeatedly ringfencing the money.

Stop buying shit when you don't have the money on hand or aren't 100% (literally) sure you will have it by then. Why is this so fucking hard? It's like everyone on these threads is an irresponsible 16 year old with no financial sense.

Any recommended forwarder?
Noppin and Tenso are pretty expensive and shitty so I need something that is a bit cheap and fast in shipping.

I used whiterabbit but i think they are a bit more expensive than tenso


2You4 is pretty g--
>fast in shipping

Some don't like the identity verification thing but I blurred out almost everything but name and address

>Some don't like the identity verification thing
Can't really blame them, it's technically a legal requirement.

I like when sites make you pay on order specifically because most don't, so months later when that figure is getting ready to release I have a lovely moment of remembering I already paid for it making it feel like a free bonus to whatever other sites preorders I have that month

Alright, /buyfag/, how many times have you said you won't buy certain things yet broken your own vows? How many lines have you crossed as you slid down the slippery slope?

>no Sonico; she's too fat
Ended up buying the Clumsy OL figure from fucking Rightstuf during their Labor Day sale last year to celebrate getting an office job after years of min. wage foodservice. I now own 5 Sonico scales with 2 more on the way

>no 18+
The same OL Sonico had optional parts to make her boobs pop out of her vest (pics didn't show anything lewd). Ended up getting the Seven Sins Leviathan figure a few weeks later, a couple more Sonicos that turned out to be castoff in a pleasant surprise, and just preordered the Ban figure with the strapon.

>no bunnies; they're too tall and all look generic
Preordered Ryuko re-release without having yet seen KLK because I intended to scalp it. Watched the show and it turned out to be quite nice. Intend on keeping the figure now. Also have preorders for Steph, Chiaki, Lalatina, and Yunyun. Probably gonna get Erina for her sexy embarrassed face. Probably gonna pay scalpers for Jibril and Baconhands to go with Steph and Chiaki (dicked around waiting to preorder because Jibril was more expensive than I wanted, and I don't care for Baconhands much at all)

Thanks for reading my blog

It's very simple, I see thing, I want thing, I have the money to buy thing, I buy thing. No surprises, no shit to forget about, just an email notification that thing is waiting for me to ship it when it becomes available.

tatami mats are heavy.

Can't count how many times I've bought a lewd elf only to regret it within minutes.

>>no bunnies; they're too tall and all look generic
this is how I feel as of now, so I'll let you know if I 180 on it

I just said I can afford everything I buy, I just don't want to buy so much. The problem is I can't help but see the loosened pursestrings and imagine extra money for my monthly budget, when on the surface I know a delayed figure just means I'd still have to pay for it later. I'm not suffering because August was a light month anyway (I think just a couple nendos), and the extra shit I got for June was stuff I wanted anyway. For the Pop Up Miku, I'd almost forgotten to preorder, and so remembered this morning. For Pokemon May, I believed I'd already missed the boat for preorders months ago, and being a re-release I figured I'd give up because it would probably never show up again and/or would be scalped ridiculously (I've been monitoring Manda for Lyra and Rosa for some time with no luck). I preodered Hilda because she's my favorite Pokegirl, but now that I have May I feel compelled to preorder Leaf and Serena as well

a daki
i dont regret it yet but i havent used it either

Nice, I had to tear myself away from the big tittied elf and the DFC elf that come out soon

You should make that flip just so I won't feel alone and ashamed for dropping roughly $200 on samey-looking figures. I think my slip into bunny-appreciation has sparked a new fetish, when previously I had little interest in bunnies whatsoever. Almost got a boner when a few Playboy girls are shown in the trailer for the new Tarantino flick

Big Box!! Holy Crap

Attached: 64875236_612534745921986_2410354879378751488_n.jpg (640x480, 23K)

>I preodered Hilda because she's my favorite Pokegirl
I tried to play pokemon white because i liked her design but i guess i was too old to enjoy pokemon anymore at this point, didnt help that i emulated it

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I still haven't crossed that line, but I did get a Mega Nesoberi with which I feel I'm disturbingly intimate (petting "her" head, &c.). The only thing stopping me from buying a daki was mostly my inability to find a proper pillow, until I re-read the guide and saw the Amico link for new pillows

Its a pretty box! Better be for the fucking price + Shipping

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"Man she looks great!
Butt weld is a little annoying but really not bad

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I just think 1/6 is a great size and 1/4 is huge but the honest reason I've never gotten a bunny is because they haven't made one of a girl I really truly love yet, except kurisu who's bunny I don't like because the hips and bust they gave her are (in my opinion) disrespectful to her design. There will probably eventually be a bunny I can't pass on

I will say the Erina bunny is really incredible, and I do not at all care for shokugeki

Weird, I was the opposite. I passed on BW way back when because at 16 I felt "too old" for Pokemon. I replayed Blue on a whim in late 2015, it was nostalgic as fuck, and I bought Black to "celebrate." The all-new 150 Pokemon blew my dick away, perfectly simulating the nostalgia I have for the original games/anime. When I later played Y and Moon, I was absolutely disgusted, a) by how generally shitty and ugly they looked, but b) how gratuitous the Gen I pandering felt with Megas and Alolan forms. I felt the new 150 in BW were a better attempt at recreating RBY. It's a shame later generations suck so much dick. Doesn't help that the amazing character customization made it so I have zero attachment to the MCs of Gen VI or VII because my girls looked almost nothing like the original designs.

And god damn, the ass on Hilda's sprite! Someone put a lot of love into BW1.

what are the chances we see chloe at wonfes?

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Yeah i dont even have a pillow for it, i saw a mail from mandarake about an alert i set up age ago for a daki that i was interested in but kinda lost hope so when i saw the mail i just got it without thinking, as i said i dont regret it because it looks great and its soft as fuck but i dont plan to use it for now.

Is BINDing the opposite of FREEing?

2 so far
>No lewd
I ended up buying Chachamaru
>No characters from things I'm not familiar with
I bought pic related

Attached: FIGURE-012603[1].jpg (600x600, 73K)

they're two sides of the same coin

>pokemon BW was 10 years ago
What the fuck i thought it cames out earlier, i knew i didnt test when it launched because i think sun and moon were already out when i emulated it but 10years, damn im old

I envy your self-control. I haven't pulled the trigger on Erina yet for similar reasons; I've only read the first two volumes, which I enjoyed, but then I read on Yea Forums how shitty it apparently gets. I'm about to just watch all three seasons of the anime to try to justify the purchase. If I don't like it, I guess I'll save $200.

Otherwise, I feel you. I love Jibril but I initially passed on her bunny because of the absurd price. I preordered Steph because I felt it was disrespectful to her character to have wasted so much time not making figures (her whole deal is getting bullied by Sora/Shiro and I felt the lack of figures was a meme extension of that). I was going to get into buyfagging way back when because of another Chiaki figure, but I passed, and now it's hard to find, so I jumped at the chance to get one in the bunny. The Konosuba girls were outright dickbuys, but I guess I do like Darkness and Yunyun quite a bit. I'd kill for a Wiz though

the only reason I don't have a daki yet is because I only want to commission one and don't want to pay for it
the nintendo ds came out 15 years ago

I havent seen a preview of her by any of the modeling artist I follow so I am not sure. We do have 5 months still though!

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>favorite pokegirl
Figure when

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>wiz in a bunny suit with her huge knockers
uh oh

She's a really unique figure with that costume and all, I have her too. The show is fluff but it's cute and enjoyable. I'd watch it if there's any chance you'd like cute idols being cute.

Attached: Locodol - 02.04.webm (1280x720, 618K)

considering the attention she is getting i wouldnt be surprised to see something at the winter wonfes

its unfair for a children's character to be this erotic.
the new professor too.

Which version is this, even?

after dawn and new female trainer

Will get solely because of pic related

I was putting off getting dakis because I didn't think they'd be too soft, but I guess I'm now tempted

>>No characters from things I'm not familiar with
Damn, I don't blame you. I'd probably buy that for the ass if I knew about it. I'd ask for an MFC link, but it may lead to me dropping some money willy-nilly but for real, link please?. I forgot to write about characters I don't know myself, but I guess I've done decently on that level. I was about to preorder Chachamaru way back when, if you mean the one from last December with the shimapan showing in her tiny shorts.

Yeah dude, I felt ill when I realized the disparity between Pearl in middle school and passing on Black in high school. Worse still, my uni had a Gamestop on campus and people waited in line outside for BW2, then XY the next year. This was 7 and 6 years ago, respectively. Jesus Christ.

Attached: my entire body.png (1366x768, 1.36M)

I'm salivating at the thought. And I thought Yunyun and Darkness looked good

>no Dive Ball
You guys are alright, don't come to pixiv tomorrow

Searching the files name of on mfc gave me /287865
Some people are selling it super low damn

Like said, it looks to be asanagi.

Attached: 001c.jpg (1280x1815, 369K)

I found it shortly after he posted the webm, but thanks anyway. Kinda want to cop, but I'm downloading the show first. I have far too many figures I've ordered for great asses and had to watch their show after the fact. Maybe I should watch first then buy this time.

I'm salty because I can't afford shit right now, and I won't be able in a long time.

I'll buy a figure for you if you let me turn your boipucci inside out, friend

sell your body

How many times can I cancel from AmiAmi before they get mad?

I've done it a few times due to life and shit cucking me out of money when I needed to pay.

its a fun little show, zombieland saga without the zombie comedy angle and no necroducer

>He didn't stash away money

The upcoming Sword and Shield

To be fair, she had a dive ball in the trailer but during actual gameplay she used a regular pokeball

Attached: illust_75198833_20190612_211954.jpg (1083x1396, 603K)

I do plan on watching it eventually, looks cute.
>if you mean the one from last December
The DX version of this one

Attached: FIGURE-006897.jpg (600x600, 94K)

I have a lot saved, just no income, lost my job, and it would not be smart to keep buying figs.

I say that but I am also about to pre-order two more figures.

Attached: 1561419873239.jpg (640x863, 224K)

Not surprised. It is a very niche/unknown show, it's probably been binned pretty hard for a while.

It's very cute.

Attached: Locodol - 03.12.webm (1280x720, 580K)

Damn, i got the exact same reaction when i saw the tits jiggle

Welp, time to prepare my DS ag--. Wait. Do they still even make DS games? It's been so long.

It's on the switch, and it's going to be shit so don't bother.

>what are the chances we see chloe at wonfes?
>We do have 5 months still though!
>5 months still though!

I hope her figure is not based on that boring pose. Need her to pair with my Olga.

I don't think so. People still make PS vita games though.

Attached: D83baOrU0AA5J1O.jpg (4004x3020, 1.09M)

hope you like generic spread-eagle pose

While I did love ZLS, it's hard for me to fathom what it means to somehow have ZLS without the necroducer. He was the soul of the show, man

Wew lad, so the chick with the jiggling boobers is the same girl as that figure? Seems promising.

That's arguably cuter than the one I was thinking of, but I find the other one sexier. Nice spider, though
VN translation never

See Half the Pokedex was culled to make room for "better animations." To see what this means, look up how Wingull looks in the overworld, and try not to cry.

In fairness, Switch really is the Vita 2. All the weebshit kusoge that I keep spending money on. Graphical issues work for me because I see XBC2 and BOTW as being analogous to Sen no Kiseki or something. They look shitty for console, but fantastic for handheld. I've never played Switch docked actually

of the figures listed on the MFC page its non of them, reverse image search just gave me a dead 2chan link, so idk gonna keep my eyes upon for those delicious thighs though

>tfw no Rean or Valimar fig or towa


Attached: valimar.jpg (240x240, 22K)

Its a GK, check Asanagi's twitter hes supervising the sculpt.


Usually about four or five times in spaces, but they're more lenient if you buy more than cancel.

they usually arent
god I hope not, please be standing

Still waiting on this one. I think it's been at the last 3 WonFes? Any day now it will go up for P/O...
VN Translation never ever

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Also, Im sure its LeslyZeroSix's models and of course its the pair

Attached: D5d-qnoUwAAUvIH.jpg (1873x1178, 148K)

I think I have only canceled two times. I know I buy more than I cancel.

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Why did he delete these off his twitter. what a fag.

He always does that for the teases and streams

Attached: D93exOOUcAARarH.jpg (929x1680, 138K)

I hope sword and shield does poorly so gamefreak stops being incompetent

btw hes streaming that , right now

Attached: DvubT3JUcAAyatf.jpg (1280x1280, 216K)

me too man

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I'm torn on preordering her.
>Missed out on the first one
>Release date is in November
>Have the money in 2 separate savings accounts, but worried that I won't have enough for /ss/ in December
>Also have 2 preorders for December, one is late in the month (there's a chance it may get delayed)
If push comes to shove, I suppose I'll keep an eye on the first version and get her preowned.

Attached: FIGURE-049828_03.jpg (533x800, 65K)

Black one is 15k with extra parts, you aren't being forced to pick the white one.

>Implying they will work hard
>Implying they won't take Pokemon down to the grave
>Implying they won't abandon it

>Implying I care about your shit opinion

maybe you should switch to statues then, F4F & Sideshow & Prime one have payment plans.

>Implying i care about you care about my opinion

I wonder how much of their profit is from financing.

Who is your favorite pokegirl?

Attached: 600961.jpg (600x900, 95K)

As i told you, just remember to always get a opened one w/ corrected parts, a sealed one could have that short garterbelts straps issue (which isn't fixable even by hot air/water)

Attached: Capture.jpg (1372x831, 169K)

>If push comes to shove
Don't even wait for that; red>black>white. If you can get black, just get her.


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>VN translation never
Have hope.

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Yeah it's kind of a shame she didn't get her OG look, I want to see Dawn sculpted.

Red will be impossible to get, Red V1 was limited to 200 units, it jumped from 14k to 50k in a couple of days, the very first few sold inmediately for 25-30k.

say what you want of Asanagi story/art but that fucking lad can draw some thighs

Asanagi best girl!

I know, that's why I didn't tell him to wait for red. Black is still the superior color of the two you can get.

Try to get one with corrected parts

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Not him, but I jumped at the chance for white. Maybe I have shit taste, but I think it looks better. Better contrast with her black hair or something

God, Skytube is taking so much of my money this year. I'm almost glad I missed out on the saitom bunny now

Sadly those are light on the skindentation compared to Kurone

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>Wew lad, so the chick with the jiggling boobers is the same girl as that figure?

Attached: Locodol - 03.05.webm (1280x720, 316K)

When it doesn't matter.
The filesize is small and the resolution is appropriate.
The detail of the text isn't relevant when the message is clearly apparent.
Nobody is going for artistic presentation here.

Somebody posting giant pictures in native resolution is where the thread etiquette becomes relevant.
These problems are exacerbated by using a shitty camera, poor lighting, or improper file format.

The ass was fat.

Attached: victorviper1548388354.jpg (650x650, 77K)

Now the fag that was on the fence about no legs is out of excuses.


>there are people who actually hate Asanagi when he created this masterpiece

Attached: 75338593_p0.png (500x500, 173K)

White does look elegant, but I agree that black is the best choice.

That's what I intend to do. It isn't so much as a last resort as it is a second chance, but I suppose it's better to go with what's already available. I asked in the first place because White is up for 13K on BiJ. Thanks for the advice, broskis.

That bisko just made me realize a u-556 by Asanagi would be great

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>tuesday morning in the land of the rising sun
>still haven't delayed her out from my june order thats otherwise ready to ship
I don't understand why I can't separate the orders manually

forgot pic

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this was amakuni right? never played a persona game but I'm probably going to pretend she's original and get it because she's lovely

>TOMs current best sellers
tells you everything you need to know about their customerbase

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I fucking hate TOM but I keep the pro up because it's free money for exclusives.

Hope train keeps on rolling!!!

Weird back alley doctor who screwed up during her subject tests, later revealed that she never fucked up and it was all staged and got blackmailed.

She sells super shady medicine to the MC, basically a potion shop owner. She's also into some kinky /ss/ stuff.

Miku FAG.

Attached: 1552879184395.jpg (480x720, 144K)

>back alley doctor
>She sells super shady medicine
I like it, thanks for the background so I can at least know a little.

Custom job, or recolor?

I think that's a recolor.

Yep, hobby japan colors.

Attached: file.png (467x700, 435K)

I see. Koto sure loves their HJ pack-in exclusives.

Just one of those things.

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Attached: FIGURE-049802.jpg (600x600, 83K)

Shitty girl, shitty support pole. Otherwise, standard Koto. I've seen people complaining about her mouth, but it looks like that in the source material.

Be buried with your figures/statues/dolls/etc
Let them be preserved and entombed with your body, as they are an essential part of your life
and I promise, in 2000 years, when all thats left of us is what they find in our graves, our figures/idols/waifus will be all thats left of our civilization to identify who we were/are/our Gods were

and also, no matter how perverted/sexual/deviant/fetish/LEWD your figure/doll/statue may be
that is all part of our natural process in typical advanced civilization type collector shit
its absolutely nothing new under the sun
and more than likely prude and silly compared to shit from 2000 years ago (pic related)


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>no Fateshit
First run of Alter's Saber Alter dress ver. obliterated my conviction. Day one PO, I couldn't not get it. Since then I've gotten a few more Fate figs, damn it all.
>no Mikushit
Stronger's hanairogoromo Miku. It's only 1/8 but I liked the look of it too much. I spent over a year on the fence before eventually caving in and buying it. To date it's still the only Miku I've got, fingers crossed.
>no idorus
Pic related binned hard and Eli's design was by far my favourite. I picked up a practically mint A/B from amiami for a pittance, but have no plans to get the rest of the line.
>no nendos
Thankfully only have a few, and most don't catch my interest. Those Yuru Camp ones are seriously tempting me right now, though.

Attached: 317826[1].jpg (600x836, 127K)

I understand FLOAT and SPLASH but SHUK is a hard pass.

Pretty bad I think, I hate those bases, and her face looks pretty bad.

Can't blame you for that Eli. She's pretty much best girl and that figure is gorgeous.

I'm the guy who posted that. I literally just bookmarked the site a few threads ago because me and another user were in Canada.

Attached: 1559222607289.jpg (670x964, 253K)

I think they erased too much psycho and leaned on cute to make sales, also that support rod front and center, but her hair looks really nice
I actually like the word-base mha girls line but shuk isn't a word, are they going for suck or the noise of a needle stab?

>No more than one figure per character
I have three of Anastasia from iM@S and two of Gwendolyn from Odin Sphere, plus a second Korbo on the way if Revolve ever fucking release theirs.


Attached: goof.png (312x400, 93K)

Told myself no lewd figures until I move out.
Bought the Saitom bunny and Softball girl.

at least you're not gay


Attached: 24_laura-statue02.jpg (667x1000, 93K)

>not naming it sombra.jpg

Probably the best she's gonna get

So, was Qin Shi Huang the first (and supreme) buyfag in history?

Attached: Qin-Terracotta-Army-3.jpg (600x450, 104K)

I like the pink, but the red really clashes with her hair.

Got this in the mail a few days ago. It's a music box from the Spice and Wolf VR kickstarter.

Attached: IMG_20190624_193112420.jpg (1365x1024, 246K)

And this is what it sounds like.

Attached: IMG_20190624_193247974.jpg (1365x1024, 277K)


is that your video

are you an idiot?


Attached: IMG_20190624_201910.jpg (600x800, 79K)

Adding more pig and bald to my shelf. Might try to catch Kubo if she comes back to US again for illustration.
Also ordered custom plush.

Attached: gays.jpg (800x489, 59K)

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Will my PVC waifu survive 2000 years?

I need more anime music boxes

What would you want? I got a good collection of sailor moon, ghibli and elfen lied. All the same box but nice songs.

>notice on the third delay
Tanya coming next month now too.
Maybe it'll cost less than a grand now total.

Anything really, I have an Eva one and the Nier music box.

Those pants must be insanely tight.

they're out there, I have this one preordered
not really, pantylines are a pretty normal issue

Attached: 1536540234182.jpg (600x518, 53K)

She looks better in professional pictures than the exhibit pics but I'm still skipping both of them. Also their faces look plain.

>not really, pantylines are a pretty normal issue
I kinda wonder how you missed the extreme wedgie she has going on and just focused on that.

Attached: sorry.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

based migu and bunnyfags

>I kinda wonder how you missed the extreme wedgie she has going on
I actually did entirely miss the wedgie, fair play I'm retarded

or did you call me gay because of /runningbros/ cause that show was peak str8 m8

Attached: 1533879153463.gif (540x340, 1.02M)

>show about dudes running
I haven't watched it, but it looks gay to me.
