"I don't want to be alone, why isn't there a guy for me"

>"I don't want to be alone, why isn't there a guy for me"
>finds picky reason to turn down every guy
What the fuck is her problem?

Attached: 304531.jpg (225x338, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


she's a woman.

Being an accurate representation of your average roastie

have sex incels

Is he /ourguy/?

Attached: Anai.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

sanrio doesn't want to end the gravy train

I hated him even after this

He is a bastard

She doesn't know what she wants of life yet

>Main characters choose to sell out and make themselves the instruments of a sinister, faceless corporation that uses unethical labor practices and is motivated only by unstoppable corporate greed
>They never stand up against this oppressive system or create an alternative intentional community

How is this okay?

>can't do basic tasks
>needs kabae to mommy him like a child

Attached: anai.png (500x562, 254K)

that's life my dude

It seems that at some point you forgot that the series is Japanese

because it communist

I want Haida to get over her and do some of his own growing.

Here's Anai.

Attached: salarymen.jpg (1600x1004, 270K)

she's a true-to-life depiction of a 20 something woman.

always believing she's entitled to more, wanting to be accepted for all her flaws while rejecting men for the smallest perceived defects, shallow and materialistic, looking to bail out of the life she wasted by falling into the life of a successful man and mooching off of his resources, flighty, unmotivated, never knowing what she wants but always knowing what she doesn't want, self-absorbed to the point of narcissism, unsympathetic towards those who don't fall into her ideal vision of what her life should be, driven almost entirely by her emotions in the moment, being driven insane by her biological clock...

She's such a picturesque caricature of a woman about to hit the wall.

But we can both name at least some Japanese anime about the flaws and evils of the systems the main characters build and live in. Try again.

She was just nice and understanding towards him. She didn't try to push him out and take over his work like Retsuko. He's still an autistic faggot, but that part was reasonable.

Damn.. fuck capitalism...

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>lol fuck jobs dude just have robots do all the hard work that'll work out for everyone

Given how smart his AI was he could actually pull it off.

Those are wish fulfillment shows, this is going for realism (furry characters aside)

I realized this morning over tea that anai is probably the aftermath of going thru japanese schooling dead in the middle of social castes. Like bullied sometimes, no particularly pleasant experiences, unspectacular parents.

Anai is the result of a young guy sacking up and getting work, but feeling like he is owed something just for doing that.

>this is going for realism
who HASN'T dated a billionaire with a sophisticated AI after meeting them at a fucking DMV?

Anai is just us but with the autism turned up to 11

I heard that season 3 has a bit of a twist where the predators capture earth strongest fighters but drop them off on the wrong planet
I.E Retsuko planet; specifically japan
>load up boys
>we gotta get some dinner, i'm feeling meat tonight

Attached: sexy gun.jpg (250x140, 5K)

sounds like Yea Forums to me

That's just how roasties are. They aren't lonely, they just have a very specific type of guy they want to settle down with and he's usually a Chad.

Post pics and/or art of the cute dog girl

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The only thing worse than being alone is being with someone who makes you feel alone.

sounds like woman philosobabble for "I want chad dick"

You probably constantly hover between your discord servers and Yea Forums
That keeps people from thinking they are lonely

sounds like you're just confirming that you're a woman by jumping right to "y-you're just a lonely incel"

women can't argue, so they use character assassination and name-calling.


Women are literally never satisfied. Retsuko is going to end up alone and unloved and she's going to fucking deserve it.

I wish I had that newspaper comic where Lois Lane was lying in bed with Superman wondering if she could do better. It perfectly encapsulates the female mentality of nothing ever being good enough.

Don't men do the same thing? If we still don't know what we want of a man, you just call us roasties

more liek roastiekko


Difference is men can back up and outline roastie behaviour in blatantly roastie opponents. Women just assume anyone who dislikes them is an incel because they basically think of themselves as a series of holes.

shall I play you the world's smallest violin, roastellina?

No, men are very easily satisfied. All a man wants from a woman is for her to let him fuck her and just not be a complete fucking cunt. Women, however, are literally NEVER satisfied and nothing is EVER good enough. You could find a guy with a great job, his own house and car, great teeth, hair, extremely handsome and with a long, fat cock and it would be fine until you inevitably start craving more.

It's called hypergamy. It's literally how your biology works.

Literally lock and sticky this thread

I don't even like anyone, I just think both men and women alike should allowed to explore and decide what kind of partner they want

Reminder that this cunt of Tadano wanted her to leave her job. If she ever stopped sparking his interest, Retsuko would be heartbroken and without a job

That's fine, just don't complain that you can't find a good man/woman. You're just riding the cock carousel after a certain point.

>All a man wants from a woman is for her to let him fuck her and just not be a complete fucking cunt.
It really is that simple. All a woman has to do to be considered a good woman is provide access to their holes and not be literally insane and frothing at the mouth, and they literally can't even do that.

He's going to automate her job away anyways.

>please let me ride the cock carousel, I'll let you do it too
Absolute state of PD

after 30, you're out of the dating game for the younger crowd. even men will have trouble attracting a fresh 18 year old.

>What the fuck is her problem?
Why do you care?
If you knew a woman like that would you really give enough of a shit to care who she settles with?
She's all kinds of bad news and if she's that flighty and selfish and ignorant of what she wants or needs then she's DAMNED sure going to be a shit tier GF/Wife or heaven forbid mother.

She's just another victim of the modern movement that makes women completely retarded when it comes to their true value as wives mothers and girlfriends combined with unrealistic expectations created by fantasy media and marketers and birth control(which quite honestly neuters a woman and makes her fairly infertile and makes her susceptiable to fuck knows how many horrifying problems. Seriously look it up) and shadey sexual pasts.

They're mostly going to end up alone with cats and keep a large bottle of sleeping pills on her bedroom night stand. "just in case"
Or with a large humpy male dog that she'll have more pictures of then any male in her entire life...that will inevitably kill her because reasons.

You mean the job she wanted to quit


>I just think both men and women alike should allowed to explore and decide what kind of partner they want
Except women are privileged in the dating market so it's unequal.

>tells Retsuko to find motivations and interests outside of her job as her labor becomes obsolete when he replaces her as a worker with AI
>Retsuko called out by Ton for being a wageslave and can only strive to be a wageslave
>the only thing she really wants is marriage and kids
Retsuko a shit.

First post best post and redpilled

Again, typical woman. They're all like that. They want to be a wife and mother, but, again, no one's ever fucking good enough. Hypergamy is a MOTHERFUCKER. This is why women didn't have any rights until very recently. You just can't fucking control this shit, they want everything and more. You can't build a society on that, there's just no structure to the capricious whimsies of a woman.

>No, men are very easily satisfied. All a man wants from a woman is for her to let him fuck her and just not be a complete fucking cunt.

And to look good
And be a good woman and potential mother to any children and loyal.
Can work with a lot of other stuff but the above are needed.

Yeah a man can be satisfied with a collection of warm holes, nice smells, and a cute face for a while. That's how it is.

Said woman?
A man can drop her for a better model at any age.
A woman who forgets thatn is a woman whol be alone

Last season. She discovered that she likes being useful and she doesn't seem to be have a vocation for her to be ditching her job to chase a non-existent dream

>the only thing she really wants is marriage and kids
And that is bad, how?

>only cares about guy's salary
>anytime guy tries to make small talk responds with "it's on my sheet"
>calls all the men trash until meeting le high paid surgeon man
>lies about being good at cooking
What a bitch.

Attached: speed-dating.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

This reminds me

Whats that new show with the racoon girl?

Watch out, we got a scientist over here. You get your degree in brology from Harvard or MIT?

>And that is bad, how?
It's a perfectly valid thing to dream for and accomplish. It just doesn't align with my own values and she's shit because of it.

>implying understanding women is a science

You just have to open your eyes and stop lapping up the cucksauce baseded up media.

Modern woman in a nut shell. Absolutely kino and redpilled.

You're a shitposters on 4chins, you ain't getting a better model, lad. You'll settle like everyone else here.

Dude doesn't seem to mean it, but putting your ideals over the woman of your dreams is pretty fucking stupid. Especially when you're as rich as he is.

A lot of men don't even want women to be mother's or housewives. They literally just want them to support and love them, but women are so narcissistic and flighty that they can't even do that basic shit.


Sounds like someone has never satisfied a woman

I mean what's the deal with women?

Attached: seinfeld.jpg (700x437, 151K)

Sexually frustrated nerds are surely the best experts on womanhood.

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Woman of his dreams? Retsuko is a dime a dozen roastie with nothing to offer besides a vagina and half-assed emotional/social support. He could find five of her growing on a tree.

Have sex, okay?


Attached: 1556855804981.jpg (640x480, 51K)

Once again, the woman inadvertently implies that the only reason a man could give a shit about them is if she provided him with access to sex.

She wants children, he doesn't. That's kind of a big thing to have in common with your partner

You don't need to be very smart to understand women. They're very simple and childlike.

>muh vagina
Develop personality

I don't think women really get how lacking in complexity they are. Or they conflate being bipolar and noncommittal with being complex.

Attached: schop.jpg (1131x652, 493K)

I'll take "things only roasties and cucks say" for 400

Attached: otto.jpg (520x258, 57K)

Rising of the shield hero.

Ladies first.

>Watch out, we got a scientist over here.

>You're a shitposters
>You'll settle like everyone else here.
you mean reddit? surely you can't mean Yea Forums, I mean it's your first day here and all

>Have sex, okay?
go back to tumblr

>conflate being bipolar and noncommittal with being complex
*ding ding ding*

TIL A bunch of cucks are angry that women don't want their dick because life is more than just sex

Indeed he could do so much better. Good for him, I'm glad he got rid of that whore, hope he can get an arranged virgin qt from the same species.

These opinions about women are nothing new.
The only thing new is that women think they can do a man's job and be entitled to the special treatment women have historically relieved.

Attached: rhejestjt.jpg (845x413, 43K)

t. roastie


She is literally me

Just because you were never loved by a woman doesn't mean other people aren't, you are just stuck in Yea Forums with people that are similar to you and with similar personalities echoing similar thoughts because they are too much of a failure to actually develop a significant relationship with someone that thinks you are worth it and to make yourself feel better you rationalize that any man that has an actual relationship must be a cuck.

so your defense of having a shitty personality is "u no sex waaahhh"

Attached: 1561151000492.jpg (600x1296, 259K)

Why do women immediately jump to sex when it comes to arguing against misogyny? It feels like an admission that their only value and strength is in deciding who gets to be inside their vaginas.

frick off, summerfriend

Tits or gtfo. Also you're going to be cool whine aunt if you dont change

>you're just an incel, that's why you disagree with me

Yeah, I know Yea Forums doesn't watch any actual anime and is always shitposting about awful waifus, but please try harder. Retsuko had genuine reasons for dumping his are beyond you calling her a "whore" like a bunch of dumbasses.

People who are fat should not share their opinions on anything desu

I am saying you are worthy of pity

It's no different from calling a woman a roastie for disagreeing with your mysoginst bullshit

it's admission that they are sexual objects to be bought and bartered for.
men can offer their salaries, talents, and personalities in exchange for (hopefully monogamous) sex from these women.

Attached: 1560631865738.jpg (520x588, 121K)

then why are you here

Is Retsuko supposed to be fat?

Are you enjoying your 4channel tour?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>at 7 and 30

Is this some retarded Greek way of saying 37?

No, men should be married at 7 or 30.
Either straight shota or middle age.

Shut the fuck up

You get called a roastie because you conduct yourself like one argumentatively. You have no way of navigating logical debate or expressing disagreement that extends beyond trying to discredit the other person by implying that they don't have access to your vagina. You contribute nothing to this board besides a false sense of entitlement and demands that it bend over backwards to accommodate you. You contribute nothing to me but mild annoyance at having to skim through your constant childlike babbling and regurgitated buzzwords which you've convinced yourself are valid in your complete lack of intellectual ability.

Women are disliked for no other reason than because they are unlikable. They do not try to be likable, and yet they feel entitled to the same level or respect and affection that would be reserved for someone I actually enjoy communicating with. You are children, and you will forever be treated as children so long as you remain incapable of rationalising.

no it's a way of saying 73

I don't know what I expected when checking to see what the aggretsuko threads were like on /a but holy shit it is legit nothing but fucking incels in here

Attached: incels everywhere.jpg (1200x1215, 117K)

Fpbp to be quite honest. I know it's not 100% true, but it is what it is.
On top of that she's a commie and a feminist. So what do you expect.

Is she really a commie?

I am so sick and tired of women everywhere I want them all dead I want them all skinned alive I can't handle this anymore

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Tell me skipper what does a face-having corporation look like? And why should these wellsprings of productivity be all kittens and rainbows in the first place? Does this help the bottom line? No you soccie reddit faggot it doesn't.

You're right, bro. There is literally nothing wrong with women, at all, ever.

For argument's sake, let's say every man on this board who doesn't love women unequivocally is an incel. What does that mean for you? Why is it so important to you that these men be incels? What is your objective?

yep, everyone who doesn't like women is an incel, it's not like INTERACTING with women would EVER make people not like them

Not really, but the show is clearly too "woke" sometimes, for japanese standarts, that is.

It feels like more and more women are making themselves known on Yea Forums, and they drag down the quality of any conversation with their attempts to turn every thread into a pro-woman hugbox and their rampant attention seeking


She's literally me with tits*

>thinking women are stupid and annoying means you're a virgin

No, women are just stupid and annoying. Sex is easy to get, just lower your standards.

Attached: somebody.jpg (400x302, 24K)

It should be illegal for someone to claim they're a woman on the internet. Think of how much better threads would be.

Continue not having sex

Do you think Resasuke got a happy ending?

Nah, the only easy to categorically improve thread quality would be to somehow ban women from posting unless they pass a test that proves they'll adapt instead of trying to make others adapt to them.

>inb4 Have sex incel

Boy's got his plants and his Chad best friend. He's doing a-okay.

>Yeah, I know Yea Forums doesn't watch any actual anime and is always shitposting about awful waifus
Get the fuck back to Yea Forums.

He tends to his 50 house plants

Have sex you sad loser

Good, he's literally the only character who deserves happiness.

You can literally just pay for sex, it's not that hard. I don't know why women need to believe all misogynists are incels.

>non anime image
And crossboarders wonder why people can tell they are outsiders.

That doesn't count. It must be a form of buzzwords and catchphrases.

As a fat ugly woman I just want to say, most women are really awful and entitled and aren't worth anything more than their vaginas. Most women are just as awful, if not more so, towards other women as they are towards men, due to their jealousy and need for attention. Also, a lot of women assume that men are just as obsessed with appearances and sex as they are (women are WAY more obsessed with sex and care WAY more about appearances) and that's why they call people things like "incel" as an insult. Because being called something like a "roastie" is actually offensive to them, since they don't want to acknowledge that they really are only good for sex.

nice, did you read that on kym

He's kinda right user

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Thanks for proving my point. You're literally no better than Yea Forums, Yea Forums or any of the other shitholes on this site, by the way. You just delude yourselves into thinking the opposite.

You wanna be a stay in dad? Whats wrong with you?

Don't know what or where is this.

>referring to Yea Forums as a third party
Your opinion is invalid and shit, now get the fuck out of here.

Sounds like you're just mad we hurt your fee fees with misogyny

>Landwhale hanging out on Yea Forums

Attached: chad.jpg (600x450, 19K)

women don't want to admit their holes have a dollar value. but the value of a woman's hole is 500-1000 a night with the state taking 30-50% as taxes. it's even cheaper if done illegally.

Attached: Disgusted(14).png (714x963, 192K)


Show feet UwU

God, it's so refreshing to see Yea Forums stand so completely against female bullshit. Yea Forums is fucking lousy with women and there's even a female nanny who deletes or auto-sages what she perceives to be misogynistic.

>even men will have trouble attracting a fresh 18 year old

Sorry kid, that is NOT true, as a 35 years old bank slave, I can say if you have a good car, a nice job, and money, all 18 years old want your dick...When I was young (I am short, fat, ugly, and have a small penis) no one date with me, now I can change girl everymonth

Guys stay in school!

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction I get it.png (4333x3683, 445K)

Shut the fuck up
You're a fucking cunt
Suck my dick

Kek, I could buy some Romanian tramp's hole for $50

>incel this incel that
>cope, dilate, etc
I can't wait for the next flavor of the month buzzwords to come so the ones we have now become obsolete, Hiro could even make good word filters if he had any creativity or gave a fuck about this place.

>stay in dad
That's cute

Attached: __akemi_homura_kaname_tatsuya_and_kaname_tomohisa_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_oda_takayuki__ (800x640, 160K)

You need to get laid more user

Attached: Zannen(25).png (1240x1080, 978K)

Where else am I supposed to hang out? I'm not a massive faggot so that's half the boards ruled out already. And I wouldn't say I'm landwhale levels of fat. I look like a female Alex Jones.

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Yea Forums isn't called Yea Forumsmblur without a reason.

Where do you meet them?

That is all of Yea Forums(nel)'s culture now. Now if anyone everyone did not have such thin skin around here. Like, why can men handle a roast, but not the roastie? There is a joke here.

Attached: 1441995588780.gif (300x300, 1.49M)

How nice of a car?

>fee fees

Attached: 1511447218283-1.jpg (320x320, 25K)

Of course they are!, nerds are inmune to women tricks, is like scientist and animals, women are worse that animals, even dogs are loyal!

Attached: Reaction - awake.jpg (750x869, 81K)

This is why you're still a virgin.

Men develop humour as a coping mechanism in a system of cruelty that women themselves perpetuate and enforce. Women rarely develop that same appreciation for wit and humour because they're privileged classes and they're used to getting attention and companionship without having to develop actual personalities

>my vagina, user

Oh, well that changes everything!

Do you fellas have all this stuff saved somewhere or what?

Look at the size of theses messages

Attached: Confused(61).png (733x1200, 565K)

Nigger, what are you even saying?

fpbp as always retsuko is kind of a cunt

for you

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did you hide under a rock during the 2016 election? all these are talking points about modern feminism.

No, we're just capable of organising our thoughts into salient arguments and opinions is all. I know that's probably a bit foreign to the average woman.

I don't even understand the second sentence, like what does that even mean? Are you saying we're incels? You already said that. Are you saying that we have japanese fans who are incels? Like wtf?

Attached: lonoely.png (500x499, 160K)


Attached: incels.jpg (500x733, 71K)

Look, newfag crossboarder-kun, an incel by definition is a married man whose wife won't let him have sex because of reasons, it's shit that happens, but the shitposting definition of it is a virgin who wants to have sex, and badly, which basically describes /r9k/, now if you had lurked 2 years before posting you would understand why using such word on Yea Forums is moot, but since you are just a petty shitposter I'll tell you, not because I'm attempting to convince a nigger to read a book, but to educate the newfags that are actually lurking and reading this.

Unvirgin scum are despised here, mostly because (somewhat just like women) try to make a point on any argument by posting something that can be summarized on the one liner "have sex virgin" which is a really stupid "argument" since having sex is extremely easy on this time and age, on the contrary, being a virgin is fucking hard and must be done voluntarily.

Attached: journey-destination.jpg (700x2098, 234K)

You two should hook up.

being nice to women doesn't make you anything but a cuck.
women want a rich, attractive, and talented man. men just want an attractive woman. it was the same in the past and it will stay the same going into the future.

Attached: nice guy points.jpg (640x960, 125K)

In the office, here everymonth girls from the University and college come to work, even for free, they want to know some guy with money. Yep, I don't even need to seach for them...The girls with big boobs and nice face are the most common here, thanks to my office they always come to say hi and laugh about my stupid "jokes" fucking hipocrites, they always invite me to "eat and party", last time we went to a party like the one in the pic

BMW and a AUDI, the bank pay for both cars...

Women are horrible creatures, bros can be hard one with other, but you always find honor...women are hatefull creatures, no loyality or honor

Attached: 4Chan - west woman.jpg (2000x1503, 512K)

Why do women even come here? Aren't there enough hugboxes full of white knights and biased moderators on the likes of Reddit and Twitter to stroke their fragile egos? Why do they choose to try and infest a website where there isn't a system in place to protect them from differing opinions and meanies?

>sure, nice of you excusing your social disability and fat ugliness just by saying you are a virgin because you want to and not because you are a lonely faggot who can't into relationships
Even if you project this hard, remember that having sex is piss easy, something that you can literally pay for and that isn't even that expensive to boot.
Calling someone a virgin on Yea Forums isn't even a dead giveaway of how fucking new you are, is also something that any sane user won't even get offended at.

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>being nice to women doesn't make you anything but a cuck.
My mom is a woman, and I don't mind being nice to her. Does everyone on Yea Forums who isn't an incel hate their parents?

Women have really turned positively spinning their capriciousness and promiscuity into an art form.

It's an evolutionary adaptation to ensure their continued ability to behave how they want.

>The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.

>The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer. He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings, and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.

>If fortune drives the master forth, an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by the graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death.

>go to female imageboard
>whining about about how hot guy at work has gf already
>shit talking attractive women
>catty drama between regular posters
woman are the meme gender

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>Do you hate your mother too?? Checkmate, incels!
Mothers are basically mindbroken by hormones into caring about something more than themselves for the first time ever. I love my mum, but I acknowledge that prior to being brainwashed into loving and protecting me, she was just another roastie chasing dick and making terrible decisions.

The sad part is when some guy in their early 20' falls in the trap, poor guys...

>He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer.
>mfw dogfuckers actually believe this

Attached: Other - Tips.jpg (225x225, 6K)


That's the thing user, sane ones don't get offended by it and write walls of text about it, they just ignore it and move on
But that's not what happens 1/3 of the time unfortunately

Attached: SoTiresome(36).png (433x510, 148K)

Both dog owners and cat owners are idiots and are completely cucked by their respective animals. They waste time and money providing for an animal that has basically no benefit personally or on a societal level.
It's even more disgusting when you realize the scale of it in western countries and the US.
Dogs and cats in the vast vast majority of cases (sorry but you're a not a blind farmer), are pure luxuries and not needed. The push by the pet industry and pet evangelists to normalize pet fetishization and seeing the pet as family member is disgusting and needs to be stopped. We have people think of dog as family member and on level of human, why is this okay? It's like normal person version of waifus, except they have even more cognitive dissonance and it has much worse impacts on our lives. Waifus are mostly harmless. Compare to dogs which average has carbon footprint of two SUVs and there are about 80 million dogs in the US alone. Why should accept this? All this waste just so some sad fucks can delude themselves into thinking their brainless pet "loves" them?
How retarded is the idea of no kill shelters? We have an epidemic of stray dogs that are useless and a drain on system at best. So what do pet lovers do? They campaign so that they cannot be killed and instead we have to waste money and time caring for these dogs that do nothing and will simply die eventually. Strays should simply be killed on the spot and it should be legal for any one to kill one. Similar to population control for deer.

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I want to believe they are falseflaggers or shit plain shitpoters that do what they enjoy the most, shit up the place.

>go to female imageboard
Those exist?

the logic of modern women is painful.

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But doggies are useful.

You have a better chance of being struck by lightning than meeting a reliable woman. No hymen, no diamond.

/cgl/ is a horrible board by definition.

Or maybe she's so pissed because this whole show is ONE FUCKING JOKE.
>Retsuko work hard!
>Retsuko feel mad!
>Retsuko go WAAAAARG!
It's not about the modern feminism or anything, it's just a vehicle for a dumb joke where a shy girl sings metal. It only translates that way to you guys because it was written by a modern woman. It's a fucking one gag show about a cartoon red panda, relax.


lolcow is the female equivalent of Yea Forums. they're really catty and in-fight all the time though.

>I can say if you have a good car, a nice job, and money, all 18 years old want your dick
hypergamy, everyone.

there was a response to that tweet where that same girl was asked "what if a guy cheats on you" and she replied, unironically, something to the effect of "dump him"


You know who I hate more than women? The pathetic betas and white knights who see shit like this and debase themselves by falling in line with it because they're so utterly cucked and desperate for female approval that they'll wilfully feed I to their every narcissistic inclination.

Dogs and cats are loyal, I wish a woman can undestand love and trust like a common pet, but women hate even her own husbands, kids, and pets

Fucking Filipinos man, I swear to God.

Jesus Christ, don't go on that place if you don't want to have negative feelings about women.

Chink please, at least remember that dogs can't be that useless if you eat them.

>He thinks virginal waifus are different

>literally gender-bent /r9k/

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Look at how triggered dogfuckers become when you call them out on their shit.

>>finds picky reason to turn down every guy
>she's a woman.
Not exclusive. That is basically Seinfeld.

Attached: seinfeld.jpg (587x812, 48K)

They are statistically less likely to cheat and divorce you.

I agree wholeheartedly. The ONLY reason women are able to continue with this behavior in the modern era of "equality" is betas and white knights allowing them to. No chad or incel is allowing these women to treat them like this, only beta cucks and the literal worst humans on the planet, white knights.

He’s an annoying zoomer

I dont want to sound like a white knight, but what separates her from men who cheat a lot. The girl you posted is just a dumb hoe who has to lie behind a significant other's back.
I've seen guys in University juggle women behind their backs and vice versa. Humans are horny and can be scummy. At least Retsuko wouldn't cheat, she's just a wagie with high standards.

Why bring 2D all of a sudden?

There's literally no excuse to still think positively of women in this day and age. In the past, men had the excuse of never being privy to the true thoughts and opinions of the average woman, but the internet and social media has given us full insight into the workings of the female mind. Anyone who can see that shit and still bring himself to think of women as being worthy of love and respect is either a complete cuck or a basket case.

fucking le based /r9k/ fuck yeah
*dabs on roasties*

I want this dommy-mommy secretary Bird secretary to use my face as an office chair while she fills out 8 hours worth of TPS forms!

Her Gorilla friend can join in to, if she likes.

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>not wanting to eat a dog makes you want to fuck it

This shit is just full of trannies

Quality post.

>wagie with high standards.
Choose one user

I like how you mentioned chads and incels in the same breath, because one observation that amuses me to no end is that chads and incels tend to share very similar views on women for the most part. The only differences is that chads keep that shit to themselves because they're winning the game whereas incels harp on about it because they're losing. And women, of course, gleefully excuse misogyny from chads while decrying it in incels.

You ever heard of the "lock vs key" argument?

Damn... maybe Anai is right..

Attached: 1551218903039.webm (800x292, 1.67M)

Shit post for a shitty off-topic thread filled with crossposting scum.

Fpbp, she is just waiting for fox-chad-kun to appear.

Washimi best girl. Gori platonically best girl.

how DARE you call women fat?!?

Nice attempt to fit in roastie

sounds like my sister 2bh

Satan know the truth!

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Go back to whichever one spawned you

Toastie roastie

Yea Forums is full of SJW liberal cucks who defend hollywood jews, ironically the perfect place for you. the fact that you don't even know this is showing that you're new and a feminist.

>" less likely to cheat and divorce you."
admittedly, yes. but STILL HAVING that little chance for her to fuck you over in the future is imminently damning.

I think it's a dated analogy fit for a time when men and women were more accustomed to gender roles and traditional family values.
The more locks a key can open the better it is, while a lock that is easily opened is a bad lock, I get it. But it doesn't sit right with me, because it places so much emphasis on sex. Why would a man who abstains from sex be inherently inferior to a man who is always having sex? There's more to people than the sexual partners they have/had, that's what I want to believe. And reverse that for women.
Why does it matter so much, is it because American culture tries to tell us that sex will lead to happiness because it is represented as the only form of love through media?

Thread should have ended right here.

How odd, i didn't expect such thing to actually exist, i wonder how many are actual women and how many are trannies.

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Thread over

Reading a little it seems like a lot are trannies, but there are some actual fatties

There are reasons most of Yea Forums hates 3DPD women.
Maybe you just hadn't realised it yet.

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With all the Rape Culture bullshit they don't even do that.

The truth is that anyone who engages in promiscuous behavior is a sexual degenerate, but the reason that women get more shit for it is because it is EXTREMELY EASY for a woman to get sex while a man has to actually WORK FOR IT or be willing to trade his resources for it. This is why women are called whores but men aren't. Women are selling sex. Men never sell their sex, they are buying sex.

Welcome to gone, now stay.

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I came here to post about Retsuko. What the fuck is this shit. Shut the fuck up

No, you misunderstand the analogy. A key must be brought to a lock. A lock simply has to wait for a key to come to it.

>retsuko is a modern women
>stop talking about modern women

>I've seen guys in University juggle women behind their backs and vice versa.
question: do those girls pay for the guy's date?


some mods shut down r9k

refugees heading north

>All a man wants from a woman is for her to let him fuck her and just not be a complete fucking cunt
Don't forget cooking and cleaning.

Wow I don't need to visit /adv/ and /r9k/ anymore.

>Asian Detected.

Oh ok, that makes sense. What about the aggressive woman archetype in anime who initiates the romance? The analogy was still more prevalent even in anime back then, like Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura with men who actually tried to flirt with women.
I think it's a fair trade. I don't have to ever think about child birth, period cramps, or ever not being beautiful or born with the right physique.
Sometimes, it's not that uncommon. I had a girl pay for my meal a few times. I'm not a "Chad" since I didn't sleep with her. My guy friend felt uncomfortable letting a girl pay for his meal and called a previous date of his a neofeminist. I hate blogposting and I'm going to stop posting anecdotal scenarios to support my gray way of thinking. Maybe if I didn't let her pay I would have gotten laid. Hmmm.

What else does a woman bring to the table? Christ. You don't want to work, you don't want to provide sex in tap, you don't want to look after kids or the household, you don't want to cook or clean, you don't want to be emotionally supportive, you don't want to be the breadwinner.

Provide one thing besides your looks and maybe you wouldn't be expected to cook or clean.

>263 posts

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What boards do the characters browse?
>Fenneko - /soc/

Post feet and unironically lose weight
you'd double your digits with simple discipline

yup this right here

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Nice anime discussion, stupid goblinos.

This is the world we live in now

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Already got dat foot posted. Don't know what "double my digits" means. I'm not lonely though. I have an ugly boyfriend and we love and support each other. I don't care that he's ugly and he doesn't care that I'm ugly. He works and I take care of the home. I'm perfectly happy, I just HATE other women. I have no female friends at all since I graduated.

>breaks up with tadano for the perfectly legitimate reason of him not wanting to get married or have kids

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Notice that people are highlighting other instances of roast beefery, you fucking woman you

There's like a thousand different reasons male suicide rates have risen, and you're gonna blame it on women? Who am I kidding, that's who you blame all your problems on.

makes me think

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Nigger everyone has the chance of stabbing you in the back,the trick is finding those who have the lowest chance and fit your desired traits or wishes


Care to state those reasons?

See . These other judgemental people talking about how women are inferior or simple and entitled refuse to see the irony. Yes, women by and large exist by their stereotype, but well adjusted people accept and cooperate with these differences to have meaningful lives while not actively holding a grudge for the personality traits of the opposite gender. This whole thread needs to be archived already, the discussion isn't about the show anymore and is about psueophilosophical debates, and this comment is no exception.

Whether the animal actually provides love is irrelevant, so long as the pet owner simply perceives that they are loved. Like it or not, the perception of being cared for makes a person psychologically healthier, and all else held equal, this simple difference WILL make a person more capable of performing jobs and having a more healthy social life. If you want to think of this as the normie version of waifus, then you must exist in a world where telling people about your waifu makes you an interesting and approachable. Your metaphor is riddled with holes.

Does she have fucking autism or something?

look man, I agree with you, but posting so many charts is a good way to get pruned

>"This is why women didn't have any rights until very recently."
>sees the late roman empire before its collapse
>sees the byzantine empire before its collapse
women's rights weren't that recent, user. its just people tend to forget history, and predictably, keeps repeating.

Think you could go back to /r9k/ or actually discuss anime?

based mom telling it how it is

archetypal roastie
in my 2d
stop shilling this fucking shit

>"posting so many charts is a good way to get pruned"

Another case solved by the astute observations of our local detective Yea Forumsgency

Imma about to drop a bomb,kinda
check this

>"actually discuss anime?"
then why start a thread about an anime that EXACTLY reflects reality?
seriously... aggretsuko was a mistake.

I don't blame women for being stupid, capricious, irresponsible pieces of shit. They can't help themselves. It's cucks like you that absolutely refuse to acknowledge these flaws I can't stand.

longer work weeks, rising unemployment, rising rates of depression, the drug crisis, the stigma of men being discouraged from talking about their feelings, the list goes on. blaming women for this epidemic that has very real, solvable causes is embarrassingly missing the point.

Why do people defend this shallow gold digger?

Attached: gold-digger.png (900x466, 391K)

Women caused most of those things.

Then how come you're a virgin?

fellas i need you to bump this stupid thread with something that you think a women would say,let the shitposting begin

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god it must be so easy to have a boogeyman to blame every single problem on instead of having to confront real issues. just for fun, why don't you explain how women caused the drug crisis?

Was tadano best boy?

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This thread reeks of Yea Forums

you can't love a commie
He will change absolutely nothing and he will die complish nothing as capitalism regrow itself.

Retsuko will be fine, she just needs more yummy cocks until she's 40.

Literally me and it's very common in current generation.
>shit self-esteem
>but somehow ridiculously high standards
>guys not wanting to waste a lot of time courting female that is just so-so by their standards
>date for few weeks then offer to spend the night
>immediately cut all contact in case of refusal
I've heard more than one of them lose their shit and ask why the fuck males are like that nowadays

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admit it. women's rights WAS the one catalyst of most of these problems. w/o it, the drug prohibition act wouldn't have come to pass and didn't cause a domino line of destruction.

He will comeback in s3 as the villain of society. Turning everyone infertile

He's literally right, though. Women's presence in the work force lowers wages, causing longer workweeks. Women vote for government social programs, raising taxes and lowering wages. Women are the ones that raise the stigma on emotional men in the first place, because they fucking HATE men that do that shit.

Got any arguments? Like, AT ALL? Or are you just going to go "who hurt you?" or "lel le boogeymans" over and over again? Because it's extremely boring.

>Women are the ones that raise the stigma on emotional men in the first place, because they fucking HATE men that do that shit.
That's categorically untrue

Now they know how we feel.

hate to be a shill but look up TL;DRs video on a biological reason for slut shaming on jewtube

roastie detected

Difference is they can still get sex from alphas.

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Are you fucking serious right now? You're trolling, right?

then why not start working out and become an alpha?

>the stigma of men being discouraged from talking about their feeling
Last time I looked there's no evidence that "opening up your feelings" is good for you, at least for man. It's like crying therapy which is bunk too. Controlling emotions is healthy.

I fucking hate women that do this shit, they push and push for men to "be emotional" when it's the opposite of what a woman wants in a man and is not healthy.
I had a bitch teacher do this to boys in school and force them be emotional and cry and shit in front of the clas, it was fucking torture.

Is /r9k/ down or something
what the fuck is up with this thread

Because I'm not sure it's worth it?
Like literally: people say
>you don't know what you're missing on
and I wholeheartedly agree, never trying something makes giving it up much easier.

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>start working out and become an alpha
>Newborn infants prefer attractive faces

>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces

>Your face heavily affects your entire life

>Love at first sight is real

>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality

>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

>Height is extremely important

>Halo effect

>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)

>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

>Women care about face much more than body

>when surveys are done. Men place attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.

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Retard post.
Keeping shit in makes you rot and contributes to early death.
Of fucking course you don't cry on female shoulder that you intend to bite in from behind, find a specialist.

You autists are still at it?
"We" get it, you don't like woman

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You're not wrong, but to be fair they did have the most legitimate reason to support prohibition out of anyone in that clusterfuck.
>When my husband drinks he hits me WAAAAY harder than normal.

Women are all for men being emotional when that emotion is anger or passion and it's about them.

Yes, that's right, keep posting "go back to r9k". I'm sure eventually someone will take you seriously enough to do so.

Where's the evidence?
Your like an ancient greek talking about medicine and the humours. There isn't some toxic feeling chemical building up in your body.

Men can open up just fine to other men, parents and healthcare professionals. It's healthy to do so.

Just don't open up to a woman who isn't related to you by blood. They don't care, they don't empathise and they will always think less of you.

it's almost as women are no different from female animals looking for the strongest mate they can attract.

>literally being a wageslave nip and keeping shit in until you want to take the loop forest trip
I mean are you fucking retarded?

>Maybe if I didn't let her pay I would have gotten laid.
paying her or not, you won't get the pussy.

Seethe harder. I don't say we should be complacent with these differences, I mean we need to accept that they in fact exist in the first place and that we need to cooperate with them in some way, which can include both tolerance of OR active change of these traits. Unlike you I'm not actively triggered at the mere thought of this pretty simple concept.

Obviously women have shared negative personality traits, and obviously if these can be avoided or fixed that would be better. People can have this discussion without throwing a tantrum or actively holding a personal grudge. People like you want a discussion for these issues but have zero capacity for talking things out and considering other peoples' points of views without defaulting back to your own and calling everyone else a retard or cuck for it.

Can a mod please delete this thread or delete these comments? This thread off topic

Nuke the thread, you fucking retarded nigger mod.

suicide is better than being a weak cuck in the eyes of women.

fuck I can't disagree with what the bear thing is saying

there's no way we can talk about the main character without discussing the behavior of women

Then don't read the whole fucking post you're replying to.
>find a specialist
This too Trying to be a badass cold silent type when you aren't one is unhealthy. Obviously don't let your route targets see you like that, that'd be retarded.

They've been going back and fourth for hours now
To get so worked up from someone's opinion on Yea Forums of all places
pathetic newfags need to grow some thicker-skin

>It's healthy to do so.
based on what?

>dude lol every board should just be for everything trust me i came here in 2016 xD
Kill yourself. All obvious crossposters must be purged for the good of Yea Forums. Every thread like this that's allowed to exist without resistance is another step closer to this place turning into Yea Forums or Yea Forums

Black Mirror called they want their S6 scenario back

Your world is molded by your perception. Learn to change that first. I'm not trying to be preachy, I feel anyone can change if they try hard enough. You're so good at gathering information that supports your arguments, look into cognitive therapy or motivational videos as well.
I know a lot of motivational videos are garbage so you'll have to sit through a lot of nonsense before you get to sensible one. Jordan Peterson's great, there are a few other examples.
Anyways not anime so I'll fuck off now.

>He doesn't get fit for the sole reason of finding his peak body limit
>He doesn't get out to chase his dream because he is afraid to be hurt
>He doesn't get smarter because reading is for nerds
Big surprise faggot,everything will hurt you,physically and emotionally,end yourself if you want to end the pain,only true chads will go against everyone and chase his dream logically
At the end of the day,i win,my children will be above average because of my nurture,i'll raise them in a magical wonderland and then after the age of 6 i bring them down to the shithole that is reality,they won't die,but they'll remember the very essence of the hapiness of the ignorant,from that day forward they'll realize slowly that they must not be little shits and value themselves so they can go and fight the world to change it how they want it to be.
That and having my own lab.

Attached: dancingpoteto.gif (396x396, 538K)

>my feelings over facts
>jordan peterson
lmao go clean your room loser

Except they was dedicated /r9k/ thread on Yea Forums since forever, until it wasn't.
Do you want that shit concentrated in one place or smeared all over the board?

It's hamfisted enough for it.

>replying to an unironic lookism-obsessed mentally-ill autist incel

it could've been a better way to solve the drug problem. instead, women were like: "ban drugs now!! we want men to suffer just as we did!!" and the government capitulates because women have more voting rights than men.

Tadano is perfect for me. He doesn't want to get married or have kids and is okay with how the relationship is now.

>Your world is molded by your perception
If I wanted to spend the effort I'd mold females out of it. In fact I can if Google Glass wasn't illegal in my country and Virtual Burka app was a thing, the one that pixelates every female you see on the street.

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True chads are born not made.
You probably have mediocre as fuck facial aesthetics and bone structure.
A true slayer would mog you 100/100 times and make you look like a subhuman.

what game is that?

>finding his peak body limit
Retarded, doing /fit/ should be for health not results, because that's how you lose health.
>chase his dream
What's that? Because it's getting your dick wet - way to be manipulated with what's basically a flower to a bee.
>doesn't get smarter
Except higher intelligence brings greater boredom and disappointment.
>bringing another sorry soul into this boiling, screaming ocean of madness
Now that's evil.
>His own lab

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are you ok? even if you're being ironically edgy, I don't think most anons find that sense of humor funny, because it's hard to tell if you're being sarcastic or not without hearing your voice


It's a really bad game, it's just walking left or right across the map, listening to dialog, and the occasional minigame
Night in the Woords

Where I live government, cops and special services are running drug traffic.
Have you considered that banning drugs inflates their price and brings profit to the very people who banned them? Also very convenient law: what else you can drop into a guy pocket to jail him if you really need to? A fucking gun?

Fuck off and stop trying to make your sociopathic disregard for men seem reasonable

Nothing I said is wrong.

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Nothing he said is wrong. 10/10 would continue to reproduce with other 10/10 and 5/10 with 5/10 and in 1000 years we'd have elves and murlocks.

yeah I'm thinking he's based

What are you talking about? Who are you talking to?

That's fucking hilarious.

Posting cute grills

Attached: Anotación 2019-06-22 032713.jpg (320x491, 27K)

>in 1000 years we'd have elves and murlocks.
The differences in couples are already beginning to appear.

Attached: mog5.png (597x595, 596K)

>sociopathic disregard for men
It's almost like women are evil.
It's almost like The Book told you so for thousand years.
It's almost like many cultures have
>keep them reigned in lest they destroy society and civilization
It's almost like it's happening right now.

Fair enough. Although I think the majority of this thread has shifted to a personal discussion of women and their flaws, as opposed to how being female relates to Retsuko and how her flaws in question are somehow unique from the flaws of the other females of the show.

Is Retsuko a virgin?

So cute!

Attached: Anotación 2019-06-22 033010.jpg (319x311, 20K)

>are you ok?
This is such a sassy female response

>this is the reaction to objective research and statistics because it creates and pushes a narrative user dislikes
LMAO stay toastie

>wondering if she could do better
I first thought about her thinking how to get better in bed to better please superman.
Then I realized she's not a male.


Attached: Anotación 2019-06-22 033238.jpg (1100x1040, 142K)

>t. retarded DYEL
eat shit

Prolly not, she's had casual relationships. While in highschool she might have still been one, at least in college/post graduation she's probably had sex.

I wonder if there is any anime that will make me hate women less.

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Anime will only make you resent women all the more for being so shamelessly horrible to be around

Many, but those would be 2D women.

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>if these can be avoided or fixed that would be better.
if only...
>I'm not actively triggered at the mere thought of this pretty simple concept.
because you've already cucked yourself to the gynocentric narrative. you're a lost cause, pal.

then why have waifus? what's the alternative?

You are getting into SnKfag territory,be careful,my dear friend
>What's that? Because it's getting your dick wet - way to be manipulated with what's basically a flower to a bee.
It's basically an unreachable objective,something has to push me forward besides the biological self-preservation,else i might lose many examples around here,
>Except higher intelligence brings greater boredom and disappointment.
IF you don't use it,that's why you go out and be practical for your own desire and entertain yourself,not for others sake.
>bringing another sorry soul into this boiling, screaming ocean of madness
I'd like to raise my little slaves and laugh at their faces once they realize how fucked they are,yes it's very evil,but i'd get a chuckle out of that.
Soon,but not close enough.
>Who are you talking to?
Defeautists who can't get over the fact that they lost the genetic lottery,why the fuck would you whine about it when you could just off-yourself,hear other's decent arguments to improve or just don't give a shit and do what you like,it's the only way to "win" against life,live a long and entertaining life.
Now get out of your PC faggot or i'll end you.

Attached: roongun.png (1000x1000, 276K)

No Haida is.

The Girl Who Lept Through Time, maybe. She learns a lot by the end of the film.

>cooperate with them

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Waifus are an idealised perception of women as empathetic, caring and supportive human beings as opposed to the rutting beasts that they are in real life. That's as good as it gets until they start making AI and robot girlfriends

Shush. Shoosh. Be quiet. No one cares.

The most important part of a waifu (and the least realistic) is that they are faithful.


>unreachable objective
Then you know nothing of human psychology, unreachable objectives is one thing brain doesn't ever work for properly.
>that's why you go out and be practical for your own desire and entertain yourself
So you're telling me I should get smarter so I can entertain myself?
This sounds counter-productive, why would I want to raise difficulty level of my leisure?
>but i'd get a chuckle out of that
t. woman

>that guy who thinks he's got life figured out and likes to hear himself talk

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then why do NTR manga exist? If the target audience, NEET/Otaku generally want someone faithful and understanding, why is NTR so popular when it preys upon their fears?

Why would you want to hate women less?

>who can't get over the fact that they lost the genetic lottery
That doesn't make women less evil.
>why the fuck would you whine about it
Fertile topic.
>you could just off-yourself
I was into Zen in uni now I don't believe suicide solves anything.
>hear other's decent arguments to improve
Sadly sex is biggest psychological and physiological motivator. It takes a lot of training and effort to cut those impulses off or sublimate them. Whining how it's hard to realize them or ignore them is much easier.
> just don't give a shit
Some 30 years in lotus pose and you're golden.

he's just chasing pussy. he's clueless on how to avoid divorce or not get cucked.

Nips are so robotic they need the filthiest impulses there are to drag them out of overworked apathy even for a moment.

You're supposed to insert as the bull retard.
and some men have broken psyches, e.g., irl cucks

>"Now get out of your PC faggot or i'll end you."
why don't YOU get out of your PC and be a "useful man" of a chad like the rest of the 20%-ers. don't mind us losers. in fact, we're doing you a good favor here. seek women's validation like you always do. we won't be in your way.

Red or Blue?

Attached: 1555908846979.png (1564x1930, 1007K)

I-...I don't want to insert as a fat greasy balding old Japanese CEO that's into scat

>just have good facial features bro
>just be taller bro
>just have a bigger dick bro
>just have a high-paying job bro
>just have good hair bro
>just have a deep voice bro
>just be confident and talk to the people who didn't even acknowledge your existence before bro

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>mfw 60% match

Attached: 1535483183759.jpg (853x480, 71K)

>Sadly sex is biggest psychological and physiological motivator. It takes a lot of training and effort to cut those impulses off or sublimate them. Whining how it's hard to realize them or ignore them is much easier.

you're right about that.
But I have to try to be my own man. I want to live a genuine life.

At least my salary is okay.

Attached: AND THAT'S IT FROM THE LIST.png (1033x1262, 747K)

Call me when you know easier way to achieve that than to go full hermit or monk.

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you first

Congrats, you'll be the beta provider that gets the used-up 30 year old roastie who had enough of riding the cock-carousel.

>you'll be
Why so sure?

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why are most people in this thread so bitter about women. How can you generalize so much, do none of you have a healthy relationship with your moms or grandmothers?

How much?

Have you ever met women?

because most people that browse /r9k/ and eat up its propaganda are mentally ill
like most people that browse Yea Forums

It's almost funny, how every time user tries to get back on topic they is completely ignored.

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There's already an actual on-topic thread. This thread is doing a good job of catching all the crossposting /r9k/ faggots.

>red pill: she still has the power to fuck you over, nonetheless.
>blue pill: now YOU will get the power that ((they)) bestow upon you to hurt men.
hmm.... choices, choices.
the thing is when i swallow the blue, do i still have that masculine thoughts inside my brain? because i wanted to stay that way.
but let's be real. once i'm turned into a woman, my nasty nature will kick in. i don't want to be a woman. sorry.


>I'd run pussy charity
good luck.
sad part is, there's nothing like that exists. you will ALWAYS have to pay. one way, or the other.

Honestly I'd like to believe it's just bullshit, I'd like to believe I have a good chance at experiencing love.

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and yet the observable reality of the modern era is VERY VIVID when it comes to shunning men generally. i don't want to swallow the black pill, yet i keep seeing the signs of societal collapse.


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>now, its 372
wer'e REALLY living in a gynocentric world, gentlemen. prepare for the slow impact.

As expected of a slave of the patriarchal society with internalized misogyny. Men should be always waiting in case the woman wants them later, you never know.

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>double my digits
get more dubs, obviously
Like this

its the sad truth lol

>only wants him after he's already taken



>implying all the guys who replied to that post and will also reply to mine are not the same

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>double 98s
Impressive, very nice.


>i dont like it so much that i cant imagine more than a single person agreeing with that sentiment

Don't question anything. Just keep consuming. You are happy like this. Like.

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One can only appreciate the mountains from the plain and the plains from the mountains.

In a sense, yes, these people probably are quite capable of making astute observations on women precisely because they are so distant from them emotionally and socially. They do not have certain precognitions or been 'pussy-whipped' into accepting the world through a certain feminist lens.

There's nothing that says "I don't belong here" like labelling all misogyny and hatred of women as being /r9k/ as if it's impossible for anyone who isn't an incel to hate women. Way to out yourselves as trannies and female newfags.

just ask any married man in his 50s to 60s what he thinks about women. even if they still love their wife they'll give you almost the same reply as you'd get from some Yea Forums user, just less harshly worded.

Ton should have punched him in the face

the only thing men really want is a woman who will pretend to love them.

sad, isn't it? we crave that female affection so much that we're willing to delude ourselves into thinking we have it, knowing all the while that we're merely being used like objects.

sometimes I wish for that too, but then I remember that each time it happened it got worse.

or redditor cuckholds
typical behavior of them

Tell me user, how many wome did you try to have children with?
Zero? Oh, you're opinion is invalid then.
neck yourself incel.


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>I want to get married

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It's true though. The only woman who will listen to your (negative) emotions without being disgusted is your mom, and that's because she doesn't see you as a man but as her child.
Any other woman, if you ever give in to her probing about what's wrong, will lose all respect for you if you let her know.
I'm speaking of actually relevant stuff here of course, not just a bad day at work or something trivial like that. Women don't like insecure men, so you have to hide all emotions that are linked to it from them.

working out only changes so much. people should still do it, especially if they are fat, just because it will improve their quality of life overall.
but working out is not some magical secret that suddenly makes you desirable.

god damn is your BMI even below room temperature

Writers wrote theirselves into a corner
>dont develop character and bomb
>retsuko realizes shes been acting like a cunt and knocks it off but then be accused of sending the wrong message to women
its hilarious

based eastern untermensch

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But Wu Fei...

It's not that popular, you just react more strongly to it because you find it repulsive. When you go through 10 doujins you don't think much of seeing the anal tag 3 or 4 times, but if you see one that's NTR you'll feel like that's a really high rate of occurrence.

In a world where waifus would be held in the same undeserved regard as pets, talking about your waifu would make you "interesting" and "approachable". His metaphor very much holds up if you actually understand it.

relationships within the family are different. they don't see you as a man, they see you as a family member.

>why are most people in this thread so bitter about women
more like they are being realistic as far as they are concerned. if you never got any positive female attention and that only changed once you started raking in the big money, you'd have to be pretty good at lying to yourself to pretend that it's about you as a person and not the money.

Does she even care about having kids?
When Tadano asks her why they can't be together without getting married, her reply is basically

Considering that it's just another instance of shallow Japanese babymaking propaganda, I don't think there's a legitimate reason behind her insistence on marriage and getting pregananant

Have sex: the thread

Gold diggers exists but not all women are gold diggers just like most men go for the looks over anything else but not everyone. My brother got married to her girl while both of them were piss poor and had to start by living in the shittiest apartment but got a house already and are living pretty damn happily.

shill me on this anime, Yea Forums

i saw people briefly talking about it last year but it just struck me as hello kitty for autistic millenials

I'm a woman but I see too much of myself in Tadano and that's kinda scary.

>hello kitty for autistic millenials
That's exactly what it is

slightly incorrect, it's hello kitty for autistic millennial women

You're a genius billionaire?

>"I don't want to be alone, why isn't there a girl for me"
>finds picky reason to turn down every girl
What the fuck is user's problem?

holy incels this thread. This is why "containment boards" should be deleted, as they actually don't contain anything and just attract more cancer to the website (Which inevitably spreads to the rest).

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we get it, you have a vagina

Not a billionaire but I'm a genius in my line of work and I hold onto this really bullshit belief that marriage/kids is dumb because I'm scared underneath. I grew up in an emotionally broken home and his lifestyle, aloof behavior and not wanting to settle down and start a family clicks too well. He's probably terrified of raising kids under the same problematic circumstances that he grew up with and that's why he keeps a distance from anyone. Retsuko was just a convenient excuse for him, if you really love and trust someone you'd wanna settle down and start a proper life with them.

getting into a relationship with someone you're not compatible with leaves you feeling even more lonely than if you stayed single. even if they're head over heels in love, you can't escape the misery that comes from living a lie. the relationship just becomes a customer service job where you're acting out a script, which just leads to pent up resentment and bitterness that isn't fair on them.

>“How do you write women?"
>I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability

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>I'm a genius in my line of work

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get laid, losers

>Not a billionaire but I'm a genius in my line of work

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we get it, you have a vagina

There's no indication he grew up in a broken home.
You're just self inserting with some retard head canon you dipshit.

You're going to remain bitter and alone, work some soul crushing job, and become a paypig to some whore for the rest of your life; that is your fate

Study psychology a little.
Being aloof/detachment from your surroundings usually connects to distrust you were exposed to in your childhood.

He seems like a character from another series; he's so different to the normal cast that it's bizarre having him in the same series

>tech turbo genius that made a super AI isn't into tradshit like marriage
>"hurr durr he abused as kid"

From my long life, personal experience and understanding the experience of my friends and family and peers I know that's bull. Men put up a front that they only care about sex and nothing else, but deep down what they really want in their partner is a second mommy.

Not even memeing or exaggerating they want someone to live with and both take care of them and be cared for by them.

Women are often the opposite in that they mentally destroy themselves believing they need to attain some sort of rolemodel highground and partner up with perfection for only the most smart and emotionally fulfilling reasons while suppressing their urge to just have a simple partner in what amounts to a working, romantic union for building a household.

tldr: men lie to themselves. women lie to themselves. Everyone is unhappy and nobody ever fucking learns. 11 years going strong here.

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Why are you so obsessed with the idea of anyone who dislikes you being some sort of deranged loser who's going to be miserable specifically because they don't like you?

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Is that you Freud?

Nobody said anything about being abused, was that a Freudian slip, user?

Shut up, personality literally doesn't exist. It's all about sex. As long as she has a pussy, it's worth putting up with her. That's what most guys do, anyway

Just like me then, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor
um... sweetie? have sex

If ever some kikey western media finds this thread and decides to run a story about it, put me in the screenie onegaii uwu

I'm not the one who thinks anyone who doesn't want to get married grew up in broken home.
Do you project onto a character in every series you watch?

>personality literally doesn't exist.
this only applies to women. men have personalities.

You're half right.

Men actually want a friend in their significant other, someone who they can trust, can understand and connect with.


It's not that anyone who disagrees with me, per se, is a loser, it's that anyone who holds such incel-like opinions is truly a loser. Nice strawman though.

God I would be so embarrassed to have that saved on my computer. Hell, I'm embarrassed that I have seen it.

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Yeah, but only a select few of them.
Most men are also just as soulless with the depth of a puddle

You sound very defensive.
I think you have unresolved issues.

To answer you, yeah, hence why I said I see myself in Tadano. You do know all of these characters are based on real life people that the creators have most likely met in one way or another right?


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>incel-like opinions
what, that women suck? you don't truly believe that anyone who doesn't like women only feels that way because they've never had sex, do you?

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I can chime in then, I have a girlfriend.
I don't need much from her.
She expects gifts and dates quite often while I work my ass off and just want to relax after work and have beer with me mates every friday/saturday evening.
But having friends and spending time with them is apparantly not something she likes me to do.
Whenever I'm free she demands all of my time, wich she will not get.
Explain this phenomenom.

Women will date sociopaths even though they're incapable of forming emotional bonds.
Everything you said is 100% true

No Freud says you want to fuck your mother and the only reason you dont accept it is because you're too stupid to realize and afraid your dad will cut your dick off.
Hes saying men just want a nurturing figure in their life to support them that they can build a family with.

Still, even soulless men can at least be pleasant in a passive, uninteresting way

The fact that you can't imagine someone behaving similarly without having same life experience as yourself just demonstrates how narcissistic and self obsessed you are.

Thanks, you now know that I'm a woman.

Women are SEX objects
Men are WORK objects
Women's only purpose in life is SEX
Men's only purpose in life is to be a slave to the capitalist system

it's a /pol/ anime about modern society. you have the entitled woman about to hit the wall, unadjusted millennial getting his first job, and disillusioned boomer grinding hours for his family. if you ever see these threads just know it's gonna be a lot of complaining about the stereotypes of each character.

Yeah. I'd honestly love to go biking with a boring guy and just chill

Not really, I said here That this behavior *usually* connects to mistrust you were exposed to in your childhood, I didn't say it was 100% guaranteed, obviously there are exceptions, it's just that studies indicate that this behavior stems from this reason, and I'm one to testify that it's true.

You're attacking me consistently on a personal level and that makes you seem insecure, just so you know.

>the other entire gender sucks!
This is probably one of the most immature, shallow, and bitter opinions you can have as a person. It's just a tier above being a misanthrope. It's self defeating, narcissistic, and absolutely makes you an incel and horrible person.

that's because the only woman who ever really loves you unconditionally (and sometimes not even her) is your mom, so that's the only point of reference they have for what they want.

Okay, but have you considered the fact that you're just saying that because you're a woman?

get rekt by logic faggots

>it's just that studies indicate that this behavior stems from this reason
Let's see them.

This is what people fail to realise. It's not that men want to fuck their moms, it's just that men rarely meet women who fit that mold like their mothers do and are therefore confined to using them as a point of reference.

>woman only wants you if you're socially well established
>once she has you, she wants you to stop being socially well established
thikngen hard on this one


To all the female posters lurking this thread and repeatedly posting "incel" this and "/r9k/" that, I have to ask -- why do you come to Yea Forums? Why not Reddit or Tumblr or even Crystalcafe? Why do you come to the one corner of the internet where men aren't obligated and forced to walk on eggshells around you?

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Emotional detachment often arises from psychological trauma in early years, such as children that raised in strict households or were abused more commonly have the disorder[3], and is a component in many anxiety and stress disorders. The person moves elsewhere in the mind, and in a sense is "not entirely present", making them sometimes appear preoccupied.

Thus, such detachment is often not as outwardly obvious as other psychiatric symptoms; people with this problem often have emotional systems that are in overdrive. They may have a hard time being a loving family member. They may avoid activities, places, and people associated with any traumatic events they have experienced. The dissociation can also lead to lack of attention and, hence, to memory problems and in extreme cases, amnesia.

It is known that SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) antidepressants, after taken for a while or taken one after another (if the doctor is trying to see what works), can cause what is called "emotional blunting". In this instance, the individual in question is often unable to cry, even if he or she wants to. In other cases, the person may seem fully present but operate merely intellectually when emotional connection would be appropriate. This may present an extreme difficulty in giving or receiving empathy and can be related to the spectrum of narcissistic personality disorder.[4]

I actually was a narcissist growing up, then I did some research to find out the source of where that came from and bettered myself.

women want to tame men, because in their minds if they can take a complete chad and break him into a henpecked toady, it means they'll be loved forever.

Oh sweetie, you are being very problematic right now, honey.

Men date sociopaths too. You're just generalizing all women and blaming them for things you yourself are probably angry about. Stop being butthurt.

Wrong, but if you delude yourself into believing that you will get just that.

Love isn't entirely unconditional. It can build up to that point but that takes a long time and the right conditions. The fact that you and hordes of other young men demand a 10/10 who has undying loyalty, honesty, and would be with you no matter what shows how much experience you lack with living.

I'm not a woman. I just like to steer losers to a correct path rather than the lonely load they're going down.

If there's a social space lacking women then they see it as an opportunity to gain attention as a scarce resource. Same reason they join clubs full of men like gaming, etc.

oh no no no, honey, umm, it's called being a good person, sweetie. you should try it some time, okay?

but they stop wanting him once he's broken down.

Reddit's layout triggers me and tumblr is walking on eggshells.

You're probably in your 20s.
You haven't seen shit.

yes, well, that's the female mentality for you

>female lurkers
Are you only pretending to be retarded or?
There are no female lurkers, you dumbass. This is a complete sausage fest

UGH. Sweetie-pie, you don't seem to understand, honeyboo,

Reminder that your girlfriend has probably played with a dog's penis.

Todano is not emotionally detached. He just doesn't want to engage in the cultural tradition of marriage.
>I actually was a narcissist growing up, then I did some research to find out the source of where that came from and bettered myself.
Narcissists that self learn psychology are some of the most insufferable human beings on this planet.

Nah, mom's a bitch who just wants grandkids immediately.

>tumblr is walking on eggshells.
but that's perfect for you. walking on eggshells favours women because they're the ones who have to lead lives of intellectual and emotional dishonesty just to function. why come to a place where men don't bend over backwards just to please you when that's all women strive for in life?

I used to be like you when I was 26, even got engaged. You're setting yourself up for some serious disappointment. Women, for the most part, all operate on the same rules.

well fuck, that sounds a bit familiar.
not like that really changes anything for me though, once you're broken there's no way back. can put some band-aid over it but that's it.

Yea Forums was always for weirdos but lately the demographics have changed and its been overrun by losers. I hate seeing this place turn into their dumping ground, so I try to fight back when I can.

>female posters
none of them are biologically female, i assure you

>all this misogyny ITT
Y'all can't behave.
Do better, be better.

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>tfw even fucking Aggretsuko goes over Yea Forumsutists' heads
>tfw /r9k/ fags resort to "muh sjw" "muh feminism" in a JAPANESE TRADITIONAL SETTING to cope with fucking Aggretsuko
Jesus Christ, you guys are pathetic.

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wow, okay, honeybear, why don't you just try going outside for a little bit and having sex with a woman, okay, sweaty? oh and, umm, like, umm umm maybe shower first :))

By FACTS and LOGIC you moron! FACTS and LOGIC.

losers are just weirdos you don't like

>The fact that you and hordes of other young men demand a 10/10 who has undying loyalty, honesty, and would be with you no matter what shows how much experience you lack with living.
name one sub 10/10 male in the history of mankind who has ever demanded and expected this

what the actual fuck
do women like this exist?

Why does Aggretsuko attract the tumblr crowd? Is saying "I hate women" or "women are whores" really too inflammatory for Yea Forums now?

>The fact that you and hordes of other young men demand a 10/10 who has undying loyalty, honesty, and would be with you no matter what
Who said any of us want this? I'd be fine with a 5/10 with loyalty, honesty and a personality.

japanese society is red-pilled in a lot of ways. the mom was the one who pointed out her daughter was going to hit the wall. then the daughter takes her advice and aims for the richest guy without knowing anything about him.

Reminder that no matter how hard you whiteknight, you will never get laid.

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>Is saying "I hate women" or "women are whores" really too inflammatory for Yea Forums now?
You underestimate just how many women and trannies have infiltrated Yea Forums(nel) as of late.

>Todano is not emotionally detached. He just doesn't want to engage in the cultural tradition of marriage.
That's not normal thinking, that indicates that he has some kind of fear of commitment, and the way he lives is also pretty much indicating of it, he LITERALLY lives in his limo which just drives from place to place, he has no roots.

>Narcissists that self learn psychology are some of the most insufferable human beings on this planet.
Dumb narcissists, maybe.
You wont get far in life being a narcissists, you have to better yourself. So if you're not here to learn what you're doing wrong and stop doing that, what are you even doing?

I hate emotional dishonesty.

>Love isn't entirely unconditional. It can build up to that point but that takes a long time and the right conditions. The fact that you and hordes of other young men demand a 10/10 who has undying loyalty, honesty, and would be with you no matter what shows how much experience you lack with living.

I get that you're in attack mode because you're pissed at whatever, but that's not what I was saying at all. Men want a woman who will love them for who they are, which is fairly identical with unconditional love (so where it's not about money, social standing, influence and so on) and a want that's detached from reality.
The only person that can fit that mold in some way is usually their mom, which is why she can work as a point of reference for that fantasy.

Men don't want to fuck their moms, it's just that their moms often get closest to what they really want.

The few studies that have been done found that over 40% of girls who grew up in a household with a dog experimented sexually with it. The number was higher for households with larger dogs. This is in America.

>The fact that you and hordes of other young men demand a 10/10 who has undying loyalty, honesty, and would be with you no matter what shows how much experience you lack with living.
i was rejected by a woman with extreme burn scars to the point where she barely had a nose. I don't think she was a 10/10, to be honest, but she was real good at national math competitions

It's not inflammatory, it's pathetic. You retards are circlejerking and projecting your narrow Internet worldviews on a series that has nothing to do with it.

Wow, women sure are pathetic. It's too bad society mollycoddles them and never calls them out on their shit.
There's a reason only men are told to self-improve, while people make excuses for women.
>pull yourself up by your bootstraps, brah

>hasn't watch the series
you really don't belong here

Stop having abortions.

Then why the fuck are you still dating her

>You're setting yourself up for some serious disappointment. Women, for the most part, all operate on the same rules.
Your logic also applies to men then, and that means your misogynistic beliefs are just a thin disguise to hide you're a misanthrope. You have people and you hate reality.

Literally read this thread or go over to the other incel internet hangouts (MGTOW, theredpill, /pol/, lookism).

Understand that from a girl's perception, an animal penis and a human penis are both just strange, foreign objects that are frightening until they've adjusted to them.


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That's how speed dates work you imbecile.
>she's a le golddigger XDD
Retsuko literally sings about how she hates speed dates and how she feels as if men were just objects in that setting.
>muh surgeon
He was a con man. Charming and handsome. Other men had high salaries too and Retsuko rejected them too.

Take the dogpill. If the girl owns a dog twice her size, they're probably fucking

>The fact that you and hordes of other young men demand a 10/10 who has undying loyalty, honesty, and would be with you no matter what shows how much experience you lack with living.
why do women and white knights have to make up bullshit like this just to make themselves seem more reasonable?

most men don't want 10/10s. Hell, even Chads who can actually get 10/10s don't want them because they're fucking exhausting to have to deal with. There's no such thing as a 10/10 woman who has a grounded and affable personality. That's why even the top percentage of men date down. The old rule holds true: the more attractive a woman is, the crazier she is.

How old are you and how long have you been on this board? Please answer truthfully.

stop bringing up fucking theoretical incels and just talk to the people who are talking to you in this thread, you huge faggot.

Anyone here also wanna fuck Shirota?

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For sure.

Retsuko blew it with this based boy. Typical roastie, always holding out for more until all her opportunities pass her by.

>actually thinking some second season anime cash grab is deep criticism of capitalism

>why do women and white knights have to make up bullshit like this just to make themselves seem more reasonable?
Because how do you argue against "I just want someone who loves me back" without looking like a fucking asshole?
You don't, so you strawman the fuck out of them first by making them look unreasonable before you call them losers and virgins.

>proceeds to prove the picture right
The irony

Everyone wants someone to love them for who they are, but often "who you are" is a culmination of a lot of complex things that are based in reality, subject to change, and are a representation of your worth through a multitude of complex things. Though we want "love", we deny that same desire from others who want it from us, since we do not love them. It's the human condition; watch Evangelion.

>x happened without context
I'm not going to make such a logical conclusion on such a premise. Even though you are the one who experienced it, I would recommend you don't either.

She wasn't unsure if she wanted to marry by that point.

It's not a strawman. You faggots are just lying. Come clean already. It'll feel better and then maybe we can actually have some progress.

More for us then we should be thanking her

>I just want someone who loves me back
>You faggots are just lying
this is the state of the modern woman

You're still entirely off the point because I was never talking about reality. I was talking about what men would like to have if they could chose freely, and why that would often end up sounding a lot like their mom - because they have no other point of reference for it, specifically because no one else but your mom will ever feel that way about you.

>y-you're just lying
truly pathetic, the mind of a white knight/roastie. having to convince themselves that their opposition is literally lying to their faces just to make their argument seem semi-reasonable.

Who the fuck are all of you faggots? Go back to wherever the fuck you came from.
Leave Yea Forums and never come back, literal cancer.

women truly cannot accept that men are less shallow and materialistic than them. it says a lot about their mentality. they need to believe that the opposite gender is made up of leering lechers who have no interest in them as people so they can feel justified in riding the cock carousel and following their vaginal tingles wherever they lead.

>incapable of imagining that someone just wants love and companionship
don't try to paint me as the bad person then. I might be broken because I know it will never happen but at least I'm not so far gone that I can't even wish for it anymore.

nice try at appearing impartial, sweaty, but we know you're just a flustered female/tranny.

>doesn't watch the anime about social commentary
leave the thread, you're derailing

That actually has to do with upbringing.
Facing hardships when you're young leads you to eventually be a stronger person.
If a woman grows up in a household where everything is perfect and she has an easy life until she's an adult why should she put any effort into extra brain power and developing a deeper personality? She never had to.

>I just want a handsome boyfriend
>Y-yeah but he isn't invested enough in me, I want a more passionate guy
>Y-yeah but I want to find the man of my dreams by myself, a charming handsome guy with a big paycheck, genuinely in love with me and that wants to spend the rest of his life with me

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Faggots like you need to leave. Your social crusade is not welcome here.

Speak for yourself. Men are all very different and want very different things. You have a mom already, go find a wife which is not the same thing as a mom.

>Because how do you argue against "I just want someone who loves me back" without looking like a fucking asshole?
You can't because it's an immature and ignorant thing to say. If all you want is for someone to "love" you for you to "love" them, then it isn't love. Also, it's just not true. You want something much different than "just a woman", and you lash out on women who show that they have standards because you see yourself in them but refuse to admit it because of narcissism.

One side has actual arguments and the other just keeps screeching incels and r9k. Just saying

beauty can be a blessing and a curse. beautiful men, at least, are usually saddled with the societal responsibilities of being a man which allow them to define themselves beyond their looks, but beautiful women on this day and age are so completely removed from any social responsibility or obligation that a lot of them never learn to be more than just a pretty face and some quirkiness.

holy projection, batman

>umm let me instruct on what you ACTUALLY want, sweaty

Have your arguments somewhere that isn't Yea Forums

to all you white knights in this thread, let me give you a piece of advice to get laid. make some chad friends. women completely change in their presence, and the fact that you're mingling with chads will eventually signal to them that you're good enough to get fucked by. they'll rationalize this by attaching these fabricated "good points" to you, like being funny, easy-going, earnest, and whatever other bullshit they can conjure up. This even works if you're a manlet. You can stop defending women on an imageboard, fellas. Just have sex.

>>Speak for yourself. Men are all very different and want very different things. You have a mom already, go find a wife which is not the same thing as a mom.
>even after explaining it for the third time, you still haven't gotten it
I give up. Just pretend I want to fuck my mom and chalk it up as victory or whatever.

>like being funny
easiest way to tell if she likes you is if she laughs even though what you said was pretty fucking dumb.

Speaking as someone who's been the funny friend to many a Chad it really is eye-opening to see how women behave in their presence. Completely strips away any pretense of them being more than horny children.



You can hide behind your incel buzzwords from r9k, but that's not presenting an argument which means you know I'm right. Think about that for a while.

There are a lot of people and not all of them are meant for you. It's very normal to sort through potential mates like that. It probably seems foreign to someone who doesn't get any potential partners, but for people with options they have the privilege of choosing. Stay assmad.

Well I don't know what you actually want but neither do you (I could tell by your immature opinion) so I'd thought I would throw you some advice that might work for you. Generally, your mom and sexual partners serve very different purposes and you're setting yourself up to fail if you're looking for a motherly figure in your wife. Come to terms with your mom and then find a partner.

>incel buzzwords
now that is irony

>Women still incapable of making an argument beyond "muh vagina''

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>was best friends with the Chad in my class throughout secondary school (I've known him since forever, our moms were in the same maternity ward)
>he tried to wingman for me a couple times but it obviously never worked because the girls wanted him and not be redirected by him to me
It does change your perception when you get to see how they act around guys like him, but it won't help you become any more attractive in their eyes.

honestly just have sex already

eh, who cares? just buy a prostitute

>I'd like my partner to be a nice and caring person
>wahmen: REEEEE

How is "projection" a buzzword?

for someone who claims to be knowledgeable about life, you sure don't understand how "giving advice" works.

>buy a prostitute
That's called marriage.

Haha yes the perfect call+response for bitter incels like me!

that's just sex without any of the emotional aspect though

Beget offspring

i audibly kek'd

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>literally the female version of Jerry Seinfeld
jeeesus Yea Forums
chill out and have sex

>You can't because it's an immature and ignorant thing to say.
mate, how many partners have you had? after you reach a certain age, that's all an old man really wants, and it's particularly hard to get. I don't think you should be giving advice.

meant to say
instead of wants

I somehow came out of this thread hating women even more.

it's almost as if the reason so many men hate women is because they've actually interacted with them and not because they're incels

the women who frequent this site usually aren't exactly the best examples of their sex so they kinda poison your impression even further.
I don't think women leave this website with restored faith in men either.

Jerry Seinfeld is portrayed as being unsympathetic, selfish and conceited, though. Retsuko is meant to be sympathetic and likable.

I'm just gonna say instead of hating on women and their way of life, try to improve yourselfs.
Don't make women the reason you don't get laid.
Even the biggest weeb would get laid if he is happy with himself, confident and not a goblin.

I'm the one who yammered about psychology and I dont let this discussion influence how I think about people in general. That'd be kinda silly.

I mean, they always do this "you just hate them because you had bad experiences with them" shit as if that would invalidate those experiences.
They still happened. No man wakes up one morning and decides out of nowhere that he'll now dislike the one thing his body is programmed to want.

You were also the only example why I went back and added the "usually" in there before hitting submit.
>That'd be kinda silly.
That's just how people work. If you constantly surround yourself with terrible company, your opinion of other people will decrease. Humans are rationalizing, not rational.

1. None of the Seinfeld characters are supposed to be sympathetic.
2. Jerry and George's reasons to end it with women are always more unrealistic/humorous than Retsuko's

Hers are normal cliche woman stuff like he doesn't make enough money, etc.
In Seinfeld it's because she looks like my best friend, she has man hands, she wears the same dress etc.

I very slightly dislike women and have a mild preference towards interacting with men.

You're right. However, I see myself as both a rational and an optimist somehow, I think it's good to hold a general opinion based on experience and facts but also thrive to find the one exception and keep an open mind until you do.

Yeah she's not really succeeding there.


ugh, sorry, I need more coffee.

This, Seinfeld was essentially an older, tamer, and more jewish Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Thats all really, as an addendum she'll suddenly want to "settle" for a man after she hits the wall (post 30), gotta have someone to provide for her, even if she wont have sex with them.

true, but people here generally talk about these topics in generalizations anyway.
if I meet 99 terrible women and 1 who is my dream woman who I'd marry on the spot, my overall opinion of women will have still decreased. that one woman is just an exception, not a representation of what women as a whole are like.

More so about women being able to date men waaay above their level. Men don't give two shit what a women does for work, you'll always see a rich man with a poor woman, but lord knows its a miracle to see the opposite.

Women are literally over sized children

"One need only look at a woman’s shape to discover that she is not intended for either too much mental or too much physical work. She pays the debt of life not by what she does but by what she suffers — by the pains of child-bearing, care for the child, and by subjection to man, to whom she should be a patient and cheerful companion. The greatest sorrows and joys or great exhibition of strength are not assigned to her; her life should flow more quietly, more gently, and less obtrusively than man’s, without her being essentially happier or unhappier.

Women are directly adapted to act as the nurses and educators of our early childhood, for the simple reason that they themselves are childish, foolish, and short-sighted — in a word, are big children all their lives, something intermediate between the child and the man, who is a man in the strict sense of the word. Consider how a young girl will toy day after day with a child, dance with it and sing to it; and then consider what a man, with the very best intentions in the world, could do in her place."

- Schopenhauer's "On Women"

Its because its all they have, the only reason men keep them around is because of our sex drive. If all women in the world suddenly became men, yet acted and thought the same way, they'd be massacred.

probably because men have to invest a shitload of effort into making themselves desirable, whereas the women can simply direct all that effort into finding a partner.
I simply wouldn't have the time to look for a woman who has a nice face, likes me, is pleasant to be around and also makes close to my wage. just finding a combination of the first three is already time consuming enough, with the 4th it would be a full time job. which I can't do because I already have a full time job.

Oh yeah, there is no changing the general opinion, that's settled. I just meant keeping an open mind for the possibility and not ruling it all out so easily.
And I actually would advise you not to marry that one on the spot even if she seems like the initial exception, by that point you'd be starved for the sort of person you may think she is, you would need to give her time and see if she's really that and not just your desires being projected onto her.

Schopenhauer was literally an incel.

good thread

>And I actually would advise you not to marry that one on the spot
That was hypothetical, of course I wouldn't marry anyone on the spot. That would be a recipe for disaster, even if you fit perfectly together doing it that quickly will ruin everything.

>and not ruling it all out so easily.
I think people should stop taking "all", "every" and so on literally. For most people that will just be a shortcut to getting their points across without tripling the length of the post by adding that exceptions are possible after every single statement.

More or less, the only thing that user should remember is that women don't love him for him, but for his resources. He should make sure to never get married, and beware of getting metoo'd

Sub or dub?
Most of the clips on youtube are the dub and it doesn't sound too bad.

>MFW I leave my cat outside all the time, don't pay for medication, and feed it scraps I wouldn't eat.

Huh now that I think about it i treat that cat, better than I have treated any woman in my life.

if you didn't marry your highschool sweetheart you can never be certain that she actually loves you and not just your possessions, because the only way of finding out for sure would be to discard everything you achieved.
which would be dumb because you already know what will happen if you do that anyway and after that you're in a worse position than before.

>I think people should stop taking "all", "every" and so on literally. For most people that will just be a shortcut to getting their points across without tripling the length of the post by adding that exceptions are possible after every single statement.

Well it's a common thing here for some people.
The more extreme your opinions are the funnier and more able to recieve (you)s you are, I guess.

Eh. The dub sounds really flat to me.

Yup these cucks are the type to hug poisonous snakes, and say "see they can love me" right before they get bitten and their flesh melt off. Honestly I don't feel sorry for them as society runs off the sacrifice and suffering of men, if cucks want to go ahead and jump in the meat grinder, then by all means. I'd rather they pay for thei ex wife's of ex GFs lifestyle in alimony than I would through taxes.

Depending on situation you can omit/downplay your personal finances until later.
There was that post about girl dumping dude because he was too frugal then she found out he was oil heir and had $$$$ and got butthurt.

> I want a man whos sensitive and in touch with his feelings

>Goes and makes fun of said man's innermost problems with her roastie clique, making sure everyone she knows know how pathetic he is

I feel bad for guys with micro penis.
Do they even try to date? What's the point.

Fenneko is best girl.

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Women only care about male feelings with the proviso that said feelings are about how much he loves her or how much he wants to beat up other guys for her approval. If he starts babbling about how hard his job is or how he's been feeling lonely lately, their vaginas close up like floodgates.

>tfw that story continued and she got her claws into him again later on
dude acted right the first time and then was too weak to keep it up

Such is the plight of the bluepilled beta male

You must have read different story.

Its also why nice guys exist, most men don't understand women and presume they have the same values as them, that being wanting to have a loyal loving supporting partner who'll always be there for them. Little do the understand that to a woman's mind that makes they seem as inferior (you usually act overly nice to people above you), and due to their hypergamy they spit on these type of men. The female version of this are business women, who toil years away at their career and think that men will want them because they have money and status, thing that men care little for in a woman.

some user dug it up. the same account that posted the story about him dumping her also posted another story some years later about being back together with "the one that got away" and so on.

Never mind I looked it up and you're right.
guy was kinda of a tool about it though

their whole relationship was dysfunctional. they had been dating for months IIRC and she knew fuck all about what he actually does during his days, what his views on life are and so on.
and the guy approached it in a weird way too but at least that was apparently just how he is rather than any ulterior motives guiding him.

Reminder marriage is trap to ruin man life, women desperate to get married and have kids only for delicious alimony money

like being funny means
like being attractive and funny

like being smart means
like being attractive and smart

like being sensitive means
like being sensitive and funny

my problem with roastie's isn't their values but instead the fact that they manipulate men into believing the bull shit they spew out and cause said men to put through years of bull shit before they (maybe) finally understand the truth.

Oh yeah. And women demonise these nice guys because they have to both maintain the facade that they're sensitive and empathetic while providing valid reasons to treat men who support and care about them like garbage. They've created this bizarre narrative that any man who shows them emotional support and loyalty is some kind of scheming creep trying to get into their pants.

>good female friend
>turned to her when I had serious problems and no one else to talk to
>she promised she wouldn't tell anyone
>years later date one of her friends
>she makes an offhand comment about something I said back then
You should just keep in mind that if you tell a woman something, you also tell all of her friends. Even if it's something extremely personal and she promised to keep her mouth shut, she will tell them anyway.

>Hurr Durr he don't understand women because he no want sex

"Schopenhauer occasionally had sexual affairs, usually with women of lower social status, such as servants, actresses, and sometimes even paid prostitutes.[54] In a letter to his friend Anthime he claims that such affairs continued even in his mature age and admits that he had two out-of-wedlock daughters (born in 1819 and 1836), both of whom died in infancy."

Wow he sure seems like an incel doesn't he.

pretty much, yeah. men and women want completely different things and if they miss out on that fact for whatever reason they are in for a lot of suffering and regret. women don't want to date women and men don't want to date men.

well, unless they are fags.

Most women just lack integrity. It's a real shame.

Yooo I remember this there was a follow up to it with her ass being depressed that she dumped him and that he moved on to another woman. She also planning on getting back with him. I hope some deity from above smites her before she can enact her plan.

>/r9k/fags are seething
>>>>>>over Aggretsuko

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Women seem to miss internalized guidelines/rules they follow. If they think they can get away with something they want to do, there's no inner voice holding them back from doing it anyway.

Yup, every single time. My favorite is when they somehow make every conversation about them, and go endlessly about their petty bull shit. Then the icing on the cake is how the berate you for not being open... Honestly im glad i don't have the sex drive I used to and thus won't tolerate this shit anymore.

Everytime, as a litmus test(even though they'll all fail) pretend to give them some really embarrassing information, like being into clowns or being a secret fag, then watch and see how many people find out and give you weird looks or smirks. Its a real good test to see who's worth staying around and who isn't.

The don't even have the same morality as men, whereas ours is justice based, there's is care based. (i.e bullshit depending on how they feel at the time).

too late, she got back together with him eventually.
assuming all those reddit stories are true of course.


you already know they'll fail the test anyway. they absolutely will tell them and if it's only to show how close they've gotten to you that you'd share secrets like that with them.
better to just never tell them anything you wouldn't want others to know.

That's true. Emotional impulses also play a very big role in that regard. When I was a dumb teen out with my roastie friends it was common to gossip, so whenever any of us had something to gossip about it was hard to fight against the need to just spill it out.

Eventually, it all comes down to what you're later exposed to and what you deem as right or wrong. I barely even have any female friends that dont piss me off anymore.

If real then shit, but at the same time while I hope he nothing bad happens to him, if it does then he deserves it.

New thread

I'm not above gossiping. But if someone told me something serious in private and asked me not to share it, I'll keep my fucking mouth shut.
He doesn't want anyone to know and yet he still trusted you enough to share it with you, how the fuck can you betray that trust?

oh god no, please. I don't have enough self discipline to just not open it, why did you have to point it out

Honestly when people tell me secret shit, I just forget about said information until they bring it up again. All to be fair towards gossipers the usually don't have anything of significance to talk about (like most women) and thus to keep up the facade of a person of interest they have to bring up other people's shit.