Absolute Cutie Field

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Other urls found in this thread:


post moar screenshot-kun

I want more art in these outfits.

Attached: key_visual.jpg (1120x440, 368K)

What am I even looking at? Some workwear company promoting themselves with eva?

It's a line of industrial gear. evastore.jp/special_atfield_senryu

Attached: 1550872799652.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Yeah, screenshot-kun! I love you!

based screenshot-kun

Small detail, but not one I had noticed before. Throughout ep 22, Unit-02 only has one shoulder blade mounted, so that the positron shoulder can rest on the other shoulder. Neat that they'd take the effort to draw a different version (I suppose? Not my area of expertise).

Attached: shoulder.png (1440x1080, 1.73M)

How would you react if a dude showed up to work on your house with the Evangelion wire cutters, wrench, and cordless power drill?

Attached: ATFIELD_info_tri.jpg (681x359, 239K)

I would hire him

I'd let them drill me, if you know what I mean.

I like this shot because it looks like Shinji doesn't have a penis.

Attached: [Sephirotic] Evangelion - 06 [MULTI][BD 1080p 8bits 5.1 AAC][B8663473].mkv_snapshot_11.02.772.jpg (1440x1080, 203K)

>implying he does


My waifu is a giant alien android that's VERY hungry.

this gonna be great

How much you wanna bet that he could give Mandingo a run for his money? It's always the guys who you least suspect, you know...

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>How much you wanna bet that he could give Mandingo a run for his money?
Yeah right

Would Shinji even get to inherit Gendo's beast or would he get Yui's family's dick genetics?

Rei, post-penetration in DC 23.

I knew the DC material was made later, but wasn't sure if that sequence in particular was or not. Thanks. Couldn't be bothered to take the time to look it up right now.

Attached: rei_and_the_angel.png (1440x1080, 812K)

Well Yui's genes is those of a member of the secret society that controls the world. I am sure they have great genes.

>Well Yui's genes is those of a member of the secret society that controls the world.
>I am sure they have great genes.

Some people seem to believe that the differently-coloured liquid flowing from between her legs in this scene is meant to symbolize what she ( feels that she ) ultimately lacks to be a fully human woman - she doesn't bleed.

How could they control the world with faulty genes.

Speaking of that, Asuka did bleed in one of the episodes, didn't it?

To me it just looks like LCL.

Attached: desu.jpg (470x293, 38K)

They got shit genes and are unhappy with life, so they want to fuck up everyone's physical bodies.

Also they have big ugly noses, and Keel looks to be part cyborg or something

If only you knew how bad things are
Also this

postteh rei

Here's the liquid (which is very easy to miss!). However, the one submerged seems to be the Angel, whereas the floating one appears to be Rei. Weird. Not sure off the top of my head what the meaning is there.

She has her period, but I don't think any blood is shown? Could be wrong and I went past it.

Attached: the_red_liquid.png (1440x1080, 992K)

Its a contrast between them.
Asuka has her period, complains about it and not wanting to ever have children, while Rei reflects on lacking one. They'd both trade that if they could I guess.

Yeah, she gets her period right at the beginning of 22, I think.

It's all LCL, but God knows if the imagery is meant to be symbolic or not. I wouldn't be surprised if the mother of all life on Earth had fertility-related imagery associated with her, or if she was a bit self-conscious on a very deep level about being infertile when she's the mother of all originally.

Just finished watching End of Evangelion. I guess my main takeaway from it is "dude vaginas lmao".

>She has her period, but I don't think any blood is shown?
Indeed, it wasn't shown, but it is still interesting of how her dialog developed like pointed out, and also how she couldn't pilot the EVA the next day

If you mean the stuff in the middle I think that is just her shadow.

I cant be the only one who felt gratification after seeing Asuka suffer after all those episodes. Confess

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Easy to miss, but when Armisael starts expanding from Unit-00, you can see that components of it are shared with earlier Angels - in this example, Zeruel's face is pretty clear.

Rei definitely muses on fertility and blood during at least one scene.

Attached: expansion_past_blockade.png (1440x1080, 1.27M)

Suck my cock

It means you are a terrible person.

At first I thought she was a spoiled annoying brat, but after we get to know her story better and see all the suffering she passes, I just feel sad for her

I already picked up that Asuka was suffering after episodes of jobbing, failing, or being an emotionally unhealthy teenager. Her best moments would have to be Asuka Strikes and Magma Diver. Even then, she had to have Shinji play a part somewhere.

Look more closely. There is a separately-colored flow within the shadow, emanating from her center. With animation, it is pretty clearly not the same liquid.

Ritsuko says a physical event like a period couldn't possibly effect something like a sync ratio, but who knows? She's been wrong before.


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>Ritsuko says a physical event like a period couldn't possibly effect something like a sync ratio, but who knows?
She did, but probably she did not count the psychological effects, which she pointed out as being nocive for the pilot

Based dubs showing how Netflix fucked subfags and double-fucked dubfags.

There is an additional release of the darker liquid, followed immediately by the the Angel looking up and asking, "This is pain. Yes. Do you feel this pain?"

Rei replies that it's different than pain - it's loneliness.

Attached: pain.png (1440x1080, 1023K)

Just complaints about cramps, Misato trying to excuse her test scores with it, and this next to "DEATH" and "SEX" in her head.

Attached: [2D4U]Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_BD_22DC[1080p_DualAudio](BC15F7AF).mkv_snapshot_16.26_[2019.06.23_20.3 (1440x1080, 3.5M)

The original translation was honestly pretty weird here. He blurts out the "stay with you" seemingly out of nowhere. Given the context of instrumentality, this new translation makes more sense for the "merging" of people and the focus on love and connections.

Fuck off, shitposter. Post more Rei.

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>Ritsuko says a physical event like a period couldn't possibly effect something like a sync ratio, but who knows?
In context, Misato was passing off Asuka's poor performance on the period.
Ritsuko was saying "No, she has a problem in her head" and Misato just continues ignoring it

The Tower of Angels, right?

The singular purpose she, as Lilith, was created for originally was to spread life wherever she landed - being infertile as Rei must make her feel like she's dysfunctional on a primal, elementary level, I imagine.

I'm not a woman, but I imagine it must be quite the traumatic event for any real woman to find out that she's infertile. I guess it's the female equivalent of castration in a way. Being robbed of something that your very being is meant to be able to do.

Rei has this comment in episode 14

Attached: [Sephirotic] Evangelion - 14 [MULTI][BD 1080p 8bits 5.1 AAC][DACAAD89].mkv_snapshot_12.45.012.jpg (1440x1080, 140K)

More Rei
but also asuka

Good find, I was skipping past all of the text!

This is pain. Yes.

Yes - and I agree with the rest of what you say. I'm sure being infertile is even worse for a woman than a man, but obviously there's a lot of factors there.

>Given the context of instrumentality, this new translation makes more sense for the "merging" of people and the focus on love and connections.
Doesn't really make sense since this is before instrumentality starts and Shinji has yet to reject the world.

idk about all that psychological philosophical peepeepoopoogical mumbo jumbo, i have always liked eva for the cute girls (especially rei, she makes me happy when i look at her). even at the end they all remain cute

Attached: reismiling.jpg (328x253, 21K)

I thought about period at that time as well

Asuka eating at the other burger chain to spite Rei.
Rei is probably making tofu burgers anyway.

Attached: gos2_055.jpg (800x1124, 707K)

Definitely more Rei.

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>this is before instrumentality starts
Instrumentality starts the second the sandbox scene begins. Everything else is a visual formality.

And Asuka

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Not an interesting shot, but relevant to discussions that have been happening. When Unit-00 gets penetrated, Gendo orders Unit-01 to be released from cryostasis (where it has been since it awakened) in order to support Rei. Asuka is withdrawn, being unable to activate her Eva, and on the way down she wonders why they didn't consider activating Unit-01 when SHE was the one being contaminated by an Angel?

Attached: worthless.png (1440x1080, 1.07M)

esl here
In my language they did like the one in the left

Thanks doc

I noticed that too, I think my memory is flawed but I thought nothing was going to happen, and in the next episode she is on a bathtub in a middle of a crashed house

This here is obviously the start of the third impact and instrumentality. It is also when Shinji rejects the world.
Shinji wouldn't be talking about merging with people until after this scene.

Attached: [Sephirotic] Evangelion - The End of Evangelion - 26' [MULTI][BD 1080p 8bits 5.1 AAC][84BEB803] (1920x1080, 270K)

Evangelion is a trash anime with low tier girls and a loser protagonist.
Anyone who enjoys it might as well go and jump off a bridge.

Not only the sandbox, but a playground makes an appearance here as well. Not the same one from EoE though.

Attached: playground.png (1440x1080, 1.74M)

Glad you made an appearance too

Something interesting is that Shinji yelling at Gendo to let him go help Asuka is the final time he talks to his dad in the series.
They don't interact at all after that.

I love that bit. The final, crushing despair that nobody cares for her and severs her will to live.

She looks so defeated, staring out into the abyss from the bathtub.


Why not both?

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More rei
and asuka

Angels feel pain! Rei's voice is used to tell "Ikari" that it hurts when he stabs the Angel with his prog knife.

It's good some things never change.

That is some prime-grade observation, user.

Attached: it_hurts_Ikari.png (1440x1080, 1.82M)

Rei making paper airplanes for Asuka

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Rei uses Unit-00 to vicariously experience pregnancy.

Attached: pregnant.png (1440x1080, 1.39M)

I don't have a lot of pics with both of them, unfortunately...

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They laid the suffering on far too thick. It was as though the writers felt she'd done something wrong and needed to be punished, when in reality she just a traumatised young girl trying her best.
>Mom has a mental breakdown and doesn't even recognise her own daughter anymore, then kills herself
>Dad remarries some random woman who doesn't really care if she's your mom or not
>Get chosen to pilot a giant robot, finally a spark of brightness in your life despite all the danger and responsibility it entails
>Have to travel to a foreign country to do this however, meaning you have to adapt to a radically different culture than your own
>Despite all this you always try and have a smile on your face and be friendly with people
>Give it your all, but it doesn't matter because the other two pilots are chosen ones and you're not so you eventually get fired from your job
>Also the older guy you have a crush on just sees you as a little kid and then goes and gets himself killed
>On top of everything you're only 14 years old and dealing with everything that entails, namely puberty and hormonal imbalance
>Don't have anyone to support you through all this because everyone else is wrapped up in their work, relationships and own emotional drama
>End up having your own mental breakdown that leaves you comatose
>During this time some jerk strips you naked and jerks off to you
>Manage to bounce back from this and fight your hardest to save everyone, but it doesn't matter in the end because you're not a special chosen one so all your efforts were in vain (also you lose an eye)
>Manage to have enough sense of self to pull yourself out of the collective consciousness of humanity and return to your own body, only for the masturbating jerk to start strangling you
Fuck the entire NGE team for making Asuka's life so miserable

H-Hold on

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Don't you think that maybe it's just trying to psychologically manipulate him? Although by that time the Angel and Rei were pretty much fused 100%... it's not impossible that it was the real Rei.

>I don't have a lot of pics with both of them, unfortunately...
ok :(

No way in hell that blood would be leaking through this suit.

She's also blushing for some reason when the Angel-tentacle first "penetrates" her. Kin-ky!

Im a good person
Less would have had been more really. The doll scene was overused

*steals your man*

Attached: BfTQIU-n_400x400.jpg (320x320, 31K)

It's not meant to be literal menstrual blood flowing from her cooch, user.

Does someone have the book cover that inspired the EoE cover?

Attached: Evangelion.jpg (1018x568, 65K)

That is why Asuka is the best character, despite all the damn bullshit life threw at her, she made it through to the end of the series.
Even Shinji strangling her again won't stop her, she can still make one more try and finally show him that she cares.

Attached: t9372.gif (500x215, 1006K)

Oh god, what am I looking at?

Don't forget
>forced to spend the rest of her life in the post-apocalypse because the masturbating jerk (who you are irreversibly attracted to, to your eternal detriment) fucked over everything

Dear god please let Asuka and Shinji make up with each other after the end of the series. That's all I want. She deserves that much.

Attached: Screenshot (705).png (1429x1039, 904K)

Asuka is Anno's favorite character, and I believe Anno stated at some other point that he has a tendency to often write the characters he likes suffering.
So blame Anno for liking her too much.

There you go. It's apparently a sci-fi short story collection.

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But Asuka is the first one to break down.

Attached: [Sephirotic] Evangelion - 24' [MULTI][BD 1080p 8bits 5.1 AAC][25378AB4].mkv_snapshot_02.46.264. (1440x1080, 303K)

Rei II's last sight... is of this handsome devil. Let's remember that for later.

Ah, Tom and Jerry - the choice of the Master himself.
Very possible. But the Angel's goal here (this would be a long conversation) is not hostile, it wants to bring the humans back together. It's trying to show him that it doesn't want to be stabbed - whether it actually feels pain or not isn't really relevant. It wants Shinji to realize that is an "Other" just like Rei or anyone else. A later part of the scene suggests that Rei herself hasn't been integrated so fully with the Angel at this point.

Yeah people had posted that a couple times before, so I didn't, but that's a big detail for sure.

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Stay calm and read Retake again.

I was worried for a second there that her hand slipping away was because she'd died. I was so relieved when her eyes moved and she spoke.

Any other one of the characters when exposed to as much shit as Asuka would have broken down twice as fast.

In the first episodes, as I pointed here, I thought she was a spoiled brat. But after everything, I really felt sad for her. She is the most damaged of all characters and still, she resisted and moved forward.
Meanwhile, Shinji won't get in the goddamned robot

She went through the worst suffering out of all of them, I won't give her a hard time of wanting to die after all of that.

Shinji is in the same state sitting and waiting to die because he killed a guy he knew for like a day who attacked and betrayed him first.

Best girl

Attached: eva.jpg (1500x1080, 326K)

Is Rebuild any good

>Stay calm and read Second Try or the AxS segments in Genocide again


check this out
and then this
curious right?

No its not

Neither Shinji nor Rei broke down like Asuka after getting fucked in the head by angels.
The only reason Asuka is hurt more by it is because she has more baggage.

Cool, thanks for saving me like 5 hours user

If Shinji got mind-raped, he would have actively suicided on the spot.

what is this evangelion: death(true)²?

Shinji had the power of Mommy on his side, Asuka didn't.

Death with the DC extra scenes removed. Basically, it's the recap movie without any extras.

An Angel just exploded and made another giant lake, there are potentially "antibiotic materials" left behind, but security can't be tighter at Rei's plug recovery. Armed guard and all.

Rebuilds get progressively worse. It starts off being merely dumbed down, but done in an admittedly interesting way. The battles and animation are better, but the writing, characterization, soundtrack, and overall quality are way, way worse. The third one is sort of amusing in a clusterfuck sort of way.

Attached: wrecked_plug.png (1440x1080, 1.78M)

She did though. She just didn't love her enough.

>Ah, Tom and Jerry - the choice of the Master himself.

Attached: f9eNC3Kj.jpg (320x320, 11K)

I don't think she made it.

Attached: rei_ii.png (1440x1080, 987K)

Did she actually attempt suicide?

I wonder what souls look like, and how they recover them from charred corpses at all.

Nevermind then

Why was the OP so godtier? I mean its so fucking good. 2+ decades and its still so good

Or Epilogue.

Attached: x4.jpg (1371x2000, 385K)

Wow, I don't remember that

They change Asuka's name, and each one is worse than the last one

Wait for 2+ more decades and will still be good

If bathing in filthy stagnant water is suicide then yeah

Knowing this series that's probably just period blood in the bath

She didn't do anything like slit her wrists or anything, she was just laying down waiting for lack of food/water to do its job if she was not found.
In that sense, she set things up so she would die if nobody was trying to save her.

Given her mantra when the depth charges hit Eva-02 in EoE, Asuka has no desire to die, she just felt so alone in that moment that she could no longer handle it.

Ritsuko staring at an old photo of her, her mother, and Gendo, after Rei's plug recovery. I've always liked the way they did this.

Attached: ritsukutie.png (1440x1080, 1.25M)

I thought they were going for the cliche redemption for her at the end but she ends it all completely fucked.

kudos to Gendo, for banging both mother and daughter

Never realized at first that the entry plug made it and there was a corpse.
Originally believed she was instantly cooked to a crisp, but now that looks like it probably hurt a lot if a body was leftover.

yeah not gonna lie that's pretty hot

I'm a brainlet. How exactly does Rei work? I thought at first it was just a simple cloning thing, but the characters seem to imply that the clones are more just organic replacement parts than their own people. So even though Rei 2 dies and we get Rei 3, it's still the same Rei? Is it because they transfer Rei's soul between bodies or something?

Also known as the "wombo combo".

Yui's pussy caused an entire apocalypse of sorts, though. Can't beat that.

>Yui's pussy caused an entire apocalypse of sorts, though. Can't beat that.

Attached: HCWT4Z2.jpg (434x512, 110K)

Rei's soul remains the same but it is put into new bodies every time she dies. This process causes severe losses in her memory, unfortunately, but she retains some deep memory of what happened to her during her previous "lives".

>Is it because they transfer Rei's soul between bodies or something?
Yes, Rei 1's soul was split between Unit 00 and Rei 2. Rei 3 has a full soul since she was created after Unit 00's destruction.

Famous shot sequence from DC 23, after Rei II's death. Commonly used as evidence that in this scene Misato was offering sex to Shinji. Note the chair "sticking up" from around Shinji's waist, and she puts it "inside" her.

Not to mention Yui and potentially Rei, which is sort of a mother-daughter/mother-of-us-all. I wouldn't put it past him.

Attached: sitting_on_it.png (2880x1080, 2.68M)

The souls transfer.

One theory is that when Rei-1 died, her soul got split between Rei-2 and Eva-00. Rei-2 syncs with Eva-00 through her own soul.
When Eva-00 self-destructs, both parts of Rei's soul re-unite.

I've worked off and on construction for a few years and I've seen a couple other weeb/nerds. Unfortunately I can't engage with them and just pretend to not know what there talking about or feign an entry level understanding so my boomer boss doesn't realize how much of a degenerate I am. Usually these people are terrible at there jobs or do not mesh with working crews so naturally you don't want to associate with them much.

Ah, that makes sense. Was wondering was 00 was made from since Rei didn't have a mom.

I find it kinda funny that Yui's pussy causes the Third Impact, while Rei's ( as Lilith ) originally created all life. Clones bookending the beginning and the end.

I don't want to diminish any of them. Shinji has a lot of the same beats as Asuka but was actually present to watch the mother be destroyed before the father abandoned him to the uninvested caretaker. Rei was actually murdered and spent the rest of her life knowing at some level she wasn't a person but afraid to think of what else she might be.

Attached: thinking about things and asphyxiating trapped outside of the universe.webm (960x720, 2.75M)

Meeting Rei III in an old favorite spot in the hospital.

Yeah, Rei should have her whole "soul" back at this point. Although it isn't totally clear how much of Rei's soul is "Rei's", or what that means, when she is partially based off Yui but also potentially Lilith herself. Note that a lot of the spare Reis were probably being used as the bodies within the dummy plugs. They lack souls and don't function exactly as a real pilot would.

Attached: rei_iii.png (1440x1080, 1.44M)

Why couldn't they keep fighting monsters with cool robots until the end instead of all this gay psychological shit?

Quite horrible fate for Rei I
Also, what was Rei I? A literal little girl who Gendo was babysitting?

Why does Kaworu always look so smug? It pisses me off.

I don't think I should trust you, user.

das rite

Rei immediately starts cracking these glasses when she sees them again. She doesn't know why she recognizes them, or why they make her cry, but she doesn't seem to have the sort of appreciation for them you would expect given the end of Rei II.

She definitely isn't just a continuation of Rei II.

Attached: glasses.png (1440x1080, 1.74M)

Wouldn't you be smug as well if you were the daddy of a dozen almost invulnerable eldritch nightmares?

I thought she was a clone of Yui which is why Gendo cared about her so much

Rei I was based off Yui, with Lilith's soul.

Please don't use Usagi to shitpost.

that's disappointing, I loved that shot and cover but that is a straight rip.... Certain things about the show have become more disappointing over time realizing he did just throw in random bullshit pretty often.

Could be

They're pretty good user come on

Because Anno's therapist told him to work out his psychological issues through his work

>Also, what was Rei I? A literal little girl who Gendo was babysitting?
That's how Gendo presented Rei to Ritsuko's mom. At that point Rei must not have been an official pilot (strange, since that occurred in 2010 and Asuka was made a pilot years earlier yet is the 2nd Child), and Gendo was keeping her existence largely hidden.

Its assumed Rei was made as a side-result of Gendo trying to retrieve Yui from Eva-01.

Jesus Christ, I never noticed that.


Ritsuko doesn't "FEEL any shame" during SEELE's inquisition.

Attached: no_shame.png (1440x1080, 647K)

This is where I feel the "split soul" theory has the strongest evidence.
Rei-3 regains the anger over being used and killed as Rei-1 that were sealed within Unit-00.

>Its assumed Rei was made as a side-result of Gendo trying to retrieve Yui from Eva-01.
That actually makes sense

She just doesn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing her ashamed.

Her eyes go wide when she's told that Gendo let SEELE have her because he didn't want to let them talk to Rei III.

Attached: second_place.png (1440x1080, 1.23M)

It's assumed by wikia articles that can't cite it to anything.

Attached: Rei's no accident.jpg (1440x1080, 172K)

Was this track ever used in the series?
I feel like it was meant to be played during the scene when the clones of Rei are revealed, but they switched it to Thanatos...


Why did SEELE attack NERV when they had the exact same goals as Gendo?

They didn't.

I still wonder how SEELE voiced their request that she come nude.
Obviously it is to humiliate her, but did they just plainly request "come naked pls" and NERV goes "yeah, no problem"

And then she kills all the Reis as revenge just like her mother did.

What a pair of awful women.

Attached: 1547585095028.gif (360x263, 623K)

They didn't. They just wanted to use the same method.

SEELE wanted to be united in the Eva to lord over the instrumentalized humanity as eternal rulers.

Gendo just wanted to see Yui again.

They both wanted all of humanity to merge didn't they?

Seele wanted to turn humanity into one big whole.
Gendo wanted to be with Yui which meant turning humanity into one big whole.

Like mother like daughter

She didn't kill anyone.
They were just empty shells.

Though it was a dick move to bring Shinji into it and traumatize him just for teh lulz. What did Shinji ever do to her?

Keel Lorenz : "show bob und vagene"

God Eva's soundtrack is so goddamn good, listened to it all the way through like 10 times.

Attached: feast your eyes.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

The scene where she despairs realizing Casper stopped the self destruct sequence is one of my favorites

I finished EoE yesterday, and I'm still listening to Komm Süsser Tod
Shit is beautiful
Fly me to the Moon is fine too, but netflix had to fuck it up and remove it, right?

Thanatos was so good that I probably wouldn't care if it was in every emotional scene

Attached: my heart.jpg (253x199, 8K)

After some facial contortions after being returned from SEELE, Ritsuko's gaze loses focus. She's reached a conclusion, potentially after some inspiration from looking at the photograph earlier.

I think that's strong evidence for this "completion" of her soul as well.

For sure. They are two steps ahead of her though.

I doubt they requested it. It probably didn't happen with her cooperation.

Attached: determination.png (1440x1080, 1.35M)

It did mean she was putting Rei's life in danger though. If Rei III died there would have been no new copies to put her soul into.

no self-respecting illuminati would be without weird sexual rituals

A valuable lesson in that when you are designing an AI with human personality traits to assist it in making key decisions, you DO NOT make one of those main personality traits "Woman."

Also Gendo's dick game good enough for computers.

>second impact never happened in our timeline
why live?

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How does that make sense? How is unit-00 used more than Rei II?

We should have all been tanged together 3 and a half years ago bros.


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Why do you faggots think I want to be associated with you

Can you imagine all of Yea Forums tangled together as a singe entity? It probably would have killed itself after 5 minutes.

t. asuka

A rare shot of what is, presumably, the bare walls of Lilith's "egg", within which the GeoFront is located. Looks like a beehive, where eggs/larvae would be inside the hexagonal cells.

It's pottery. She even dyed her hair to try to not look like her mother. Can't run from your fate!

Yeah that's a brutal scene. One of many gut punches in EoE.

>Also Gendo's dick game good enough for computers
Fuck, that got me good.

Attached: cells.png (1440x1080, 1.59M)

Every main character (except Kaji and Rei) deserved each other and the suffering in this order.

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(and that's a good thing!)

Did you know that Komm Süsser Tod wasn't the only song they planned on using? Apparently it beat out this song during the final stages of planning.


"You can sail the seven seas/and find love is a place you'll never see/passing you by like a summer breeze"

"You can wait a million years/and find that heaven's too far away from you/love's just a thing that others do"


Hi Commander Ikari

Ritsuko taking these two for a ride. Shinji oblivious/detached as always, Misato pissed and demanding to know the full truth for once, and Ritsuko no longer able to give a fuck. She's having a good time anticipating Shinji's and Misato's reactions in the near future, though.

Attached: going_down.png (1440x1080, 1.88M)

ayy friend I'll send you what I think are the best of the soundtrack so you don't have to sift through but the whole thing is worth a listen. If they left Komm Süsser Tod out it would have been a fucking robbery but even no fly me to the moon is disappointing.

Attached: peak comfy.png (640x480, 439K)



Attached: 1516109534410.jpg (492x479, 33K)

Ritsuko was killing as much of Rei as she could and that included spoiling the only friend she ever made on her. She couldn't go after the active clone without being caught right after, a new one would be fished out, and Shinji would just carry on being warm and accommodating to his traumatized friend until she got better.

Thanks, fren

Rei 1 was a kid. Presumably Rei 2 also started as a kid, and then grew to her current age by the time the series starts. But then Rei 3 is 14 right from the start, and all the other Rei clones seem about that age too. Does that mean they made all the Rei bodies in one batch at the start and they've all been growing up while floating around, or did they periodically make a new batch of clones every so often that were the same age as whatever the current walking around Rei was?

Yeah. I can't fathom why would anyone want to be tanged with anyone else, unless you're like star-crossed lovers or something.

This is the best version of Komm Süsser Tod:


>Does that mean they made all the Rei bodies in one batch at the start and they've all been growing up while floating around
This obviously makes the most sense.

Most people probably wouldn't. It's just a bunch of old guys forcing their beliefs on everyone else.

I assume they had the Rei's growing as one batch, but who knows.

They all had to have some level of accelerated growth given that Rei couldn't have been made until after Yui died, and Rei-1's appearance and death as a small child was 2010.

Attached: 1473252332843.jpg (850x1197, 680K)

Why do the faces look so weird in ep 6? Is this one of their outsourced animation episodes like ep 11?

Attached: [CBM]_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_-_06_-_Decisive_Battle,_New_Tokyo-3_[720p]_[D6B64CEA].mkv_snapshot_07. (960x720, 53K)

So who was the one that sabotaged Jet Alone?

WHAT THE FUCK, how have I never noticed that


Attached: you just know.jpg (474x681, 58K)

Gendo did evil for the greater good, Asuka did evil because she was self centered

Hard men, hard choices


And they said the budget ran out on episode 24

I believe they had different animation "leads" for all the episodes. Each ep has a slightly different style. There's a chart of them somewhere.

Gendo did evil for Yui.
Yui is even more evil than he is.
Ergo, Gendo did evil for the greater evil.

They were already blowing their budget by ep 9 IIRC.

I don't actually think it is used in the show. The soundtrack is 10/10 for sure.

Rei is also always shown taking all kinds of pills and such, probably to keep her body functioning correctly as a clone, and who knows what else. I'm sure they can at least partially control aging of the clones.

Maybe Ritsuko or her team was involved. At the start of the episode, Gendo is on the phone with a guy who says that he will "proceed with the plan".

>Neon Genesis Evangelion New Testament
>Set 5 years after End on a ravaged Earth where about half of humanity has managed to come back
>Every so often someone else will pop back up in their original body having gained enough sense of self to rematerialise
>Random monsters sometimes show up too when people have enough sense of self to come back, but don't have enough sense of what their body should be
>Rei's giant body has been carved up and used to create new Evas to fight these monsters

>for the greater good

Asuka did nothing evil, and everything Asuka did was for herself and she is the greatest good there is.


Fuck Gendo
And FUCK the human instrumentality project!

What evil did Asuka do?

Is that why so much of the show was still frames where even the characters lips wouldn't move when they were talking?

Asuka didn't do evil in general but alright

bit lame desu


Either have it be Asuka/Shinji post-apocalyptic slice of life, or just a short epilogue of the others returning and finally getting some therapy - no more angels, Evas, or monsters shoehorned in.

The logo on this lab image sure looks familiar. However, they look like chemical spectra to me.

Attached: artificial_evolution_lab.png (1440x1080, 1.69M)

>t. Kaji
how'd that bullet taste bitch boi?

Attached: BEGONE REIFAG.jpg (770x442, 20K)

I don't think either Shinji or Asuka deserved their suffering. Sure they had issues, but for the most part they were just angst-ridden teenagers. Misato definitely deserved a bit, but Gendo especially did. Imagine being a grown man and lashing out like a fucking autistic manchild when your wife dies.

>no more angels, Evas, or monsters
That's like asking for Pokemon without Pokemon. You could just watch any SoL highschool series if you want that.

Dumb frogposter.

Attached: 1534583011831.png (640x432, 337K)

Bye bye, dummies.

Attached: rei_0.png (1440x1080, 923K)

>implying it isn't already

Attached: 1552657055385.jpg (600x450, 21K)

More graphic version for anyone that prefers that.

Attached: rei_-1.png (1440x1080, 898K)

Shinji seems more muscular here than in most of the other shots, perhaps just the light since it's early in the show.

If there was more time or things delved into the more day-to-day activity of the pilots, I'd figure there'd be a physical fitness aspect.

Why did Kaji simply hand Adam over to Gendo?

it's shockingly good. No real engrish, beautiful vocals and she really shows her range and control of her voice. I believe the VA was a musician as well so that would explain how she sounds better than some of the other VA's (this version is cute as fuck)

Attached: nice.png (1700x1208, 1.51M)

>Rei is also always shown taking all kinds of pills and such, probably to keep her body functioning correctly as a clone, and who knows what else
Any screenshots?

We'd probably be nuked from orbit in a matter of minutes, every world nation would agree to it. In some twisted, fucked up irony, we'd probably help the world by giving them a common enemy to fight.


Misato pulls a gun on Ritsuko and tells her to stop, after she destroys the clones, asking her if she knows what she's doing. Well, more than you know what she's doing, Misato...

I missed quoting this post earlier, but this is the line Ritsuko says when she realizes Gendo has been using her the entire time. She knows the Reis are not fully human, but she says she "lost" to them for Gendo's attention. She also says that she would have endured "any humiliation" or "torture" for him, which raises questions about what happened during SEELE's interrogation earlier. It would have been difficult for them to make someone so dedicated snap so completely...

Attached: too_late.png (1440x1080, 999K)

She takes a fuck ton of different crap

Attached: pills.png (640x480, 425K)

Indeed, cute as fuck
Not leaving? Good then :D

Why did Naoko hate Yui so much?

Damn it Mari, you could have gone string bass and complete the set. But you went and ruined it.


15 years after End. Then they can have a pretty developed city and there can be an arc mystery about what happened to the old characters, who came back when, how the new 14 year olds are connected, and stuff like who are an unseen director of Project E2 or a ragged figure in the slums refusing any right to decide how this turns out.

Screenshots, you say?
The one this guy posted is from the room she was "born in", in the artificial evolution lab. The one I am posting is from her room at the apartment. Obviously she even drinks water from a beaker - Ritsuko explicitly states that her subconscious is heavily influenced from the room she was created in, and that the lights and water droplets she sees in her dreams are from experiences in that room.

What else would he do with it? It's implied he was sent to steal it for Gendo in the first place. He might think Gendo is more easily manipulated than SEELE. His personal goal is to learn "the truth", not really to serve either one.

Attached: pills.png (1440x1080, 1.41M)

Nah man, Piano for the harmony and melody, flute to backup the melody, high strings to back up the harmony and cello for the bass. Pretty patrician arrangement.

Things come tumbling down for the clones and Ritsuko.

Attached: tumbling_down.png (1440x1080, 962K)

comfy af indeed user
I wonder why they didn't picked this one
Both are equally good (although this one is more comfy), but still, why didn't they used it?

Starting off ep 24 with some raising of spirits, after that sad conclusion to ep 23.

Attached: feets.png (1440x1080, 875K)

not fair bros

Shinji just can't get it through to Asuka that Kaji isn't around anymore.

Attached: kajis_gone.png (1440x1080, 1.5M)

Coming to think about it
Did Asuka ever got to know that Kaji was rekt?

She learns it right there.

good footgame desu


In that very scene Shinji tells her he's gone.
I think Misato implies it to her too

Asuka realizes she can't function as the second child anymore, so she takes a spa day to relax. She has quite a few vacation hours saved up, since they couldn't go on the high school class trip earlier.

Yeah I think she realizes at that particular moment that he's gone, and that's part of what makes her run away from the apartment. I don't know if the kids ever realize that he is "dead" though, rather than just "MIA". He is a character prone to skulking, mind.

Attached: disqualified.png (1440x1080, 1.39M)

for asuka, him being awol somewhere would be a much heavier blow than him dying honestly. another 'betrayal' and abandonment by a guardian figure

Why were Section 2 such shits at being a pilot's secret service?

This is actually true
With death, at least there is a body to know he really died, but just missed? Thats fucking harsh

This whole exchange is devastating; but I won't quote everything discussed here. There's no coming back for Ritsuko after this, in Gendo's eyes. He probably realizes at this point that he needed Ritsuko to have a kid long ago, so he could have a replacement ready by this point.

I think it's implied in the show a couple times that SEELE is directly or indirectly hampering their activities to undermine NERV's ability to resist them.

Attached: you_disappoint_me.png (1440x1080, 783K)

Me top left

motherfucker doesn't even bother in taking care of shinji but wants another kid?
fuck, at least honor yui and take care of that fucking pussy
instead, he just creates rei and resolves to fuck ritsuko until death
whats the fck is his problem?

Shinji caring about other people here, wondering where Asuka disappeared to, and if he'd be able to discuss what he just learned about Rei, NERV, and Ritsuko with her.

Attached: asuka_MIA.png (1440x1080, 1.66M)

he was a manchild who couldn't deal with the pain of living and making new connections and all that symbolic struggle of the human condition the show is about

God bless you, screenshot-user. Poured a drink and going to watch some Eva.

a hedgehog

Why did Asuka like Kaji again? Doesnt she realize Kaji used her to get into Nerv

He did take care of Shinji, he was there clapping after all

>Asuka did evil

How? She was a bitch at times to Shinji because she's one of the biggest, if not the biggest, basket cases in the entire show and because she was attracted to him, but that hardly constitutes'''evil'''.

Gendo literally wanted to bring about the end times just so he can re-unite with his waifu.

Attached: o8xAua7.gif (500x281, 871K)

Tokyo-3 ain't looking too hot by ep 24.

One thing I wanted to do was compare the control room maps of the Tokyo-3 area throughout the series to see if the geography reflects the addition of these lakes, but I don't know if I will have time to do that or finish the 26 eps tonight. Another shitty part of the human condition is having to eat food, sleep, and get off of my chair. But it's what Anno would want.

Glad you're appreciating this semi-random collection of shots. From what I hear, I hope it's not the Netflix version you'll be enjoying.

Same reason everyone likes Kaji - he's a real man.

Attached: lakes.png (1440x1080, 1.22M)

because he was cool and charming and took care of her and on some subconscious level probably filled the need for a father figure that mr. langley never seemed to give two shits about

Although, I'm on Magma Diver. Opinions: should I skip it this time around?
Also, my drink toothpick looks like the lance of longinus.

>He did take care of Shinji, he was there clapping after all
He was a complete asshole, that died knowing he'd never make up with his only child

I doubt Kaji needed to use anyone to get into NERV. He was already acquainted with Gendo

Shinji has no friends remaining, everyone has been evacuated, killed, or proven that they can't be trusted. Right when he realizes that though...

I always watch them all. You can go up a meta-level and wonder why they made it the way they did, or what the episode does in terms of the overall structure. One thing to note here is that the shot of Shinji diving into the volcano and grabbing Asuka before she slips into the abyss is used later, during her mindrape, when she is saying that Shinji "never helps her".

Attached: BFFs.png (1440x1080, 1.45M)

Asuka had affection for Kaji due to him taking care of her. She also used him as a tool for validation, hence the disingenuous "crush" she had on him.

Attached: 1517769018968.gif (500x375, 1018K)

magmadiver is based ya simp

I can't get through a single ep without fanning the screencap button.

Attached: Just-Play-02.png (1440x1080, 2.19M)

Can you post your other shot of Tokyo 3 as it was before shit hit the fan?

>Shinji has no friends remaining, everyone has been evacuated, killed, or proven that they can't be trusted. Right when he realizes that though...
...oh, I never materialized that on my mind

>I hope it's not the netflix version
Nope, it's the 1440p Seriproh (?) version. Not a fan of their translation of the intro though, the old translation before the blu-rays were out held a special place in my heart. I still know it by those lyrics.

Gendo's sole motivation is to reconnect with Yui, he abandons all other commitments and desires in pursuit of that. He realizes just how much he failed when Yui crushes him. He didn't want a kid for the sake of raising someone , he wanted it to serve his interests towards instrumentality and reuniting with Yui which is the exact same way he views and uses Shinji.

Its probably already been discussed, but I'm late as always.

Why did Netflix censored Kaworu "I love you?" I mean, what are their motives behind it? Netflix is known for gay shit and being SJW, so why this time they decided to do the opposite? I need to know, it's driving me crazy, whats their endgame? Is it to highlight the scene, make people talk about it, make people research it, in a kind of sick twisted "see bigots there was gay shi in the 90's stop being prejudice"? I mean, the scene did get a lot more attention than it would get otherwise, is that it?

Attached: images (47).jpg (735x417, 45K)

Have fun, user

it's also worth watching to note how cavalier misato is with asuka's safety versus how she behaves in operations where shinji is in the line of fire as well

Fuyutsiki doesn't buy the Fifth Child's ability to sync well with Unit-02, even before they have "reconfigured the core". The core still contains Asuka's mother's soul at this point.

Attached: skeptical.png (1440x1080, 1.5M)

In my language they did not censored shit
It's there "Shinji, I love you"
Maybe because the love Kaworu shows is not some gay shit

Fuck off.

definitely her biggest flaw, she also treats them differently and clearly favorites Shinji

The word "suki" is ambiguous. It doesn't work the same as "like" or "love" in english.

I don't understand where all this talk about censoring is coming from, the episode is still gay as fuck.
They just made Kaworu's feelings more akin to the love a God shows a human, whereas Shinji's feelings for him still remain 100% I'd let him pound my boipussy/

Attached: Kaworu and Shinji bathing.jpg (1437x1079, 238K)

This one from the last thread?

I feel you. I really like the shot you posted, so I'm glad you did. It's hard to be selective.

Definitely. The favoritism between all of the adults is really interesting to see develop.

Attached: tokyo-3.png (1440x1080, 1.71M)

Seconding this

asuka's literally the red-headed step child of both her actual family and their little household

Thirdronding this

>doesn't even bother telling Asuka the MPEVAs have S2 organs despite more than likely uncovering that factoid in all the data she pursed through

Misato's a fucking asshole.

Attached: 1517889267614.jpg (1440x1080, 197K)

Its kinda sad, and no wonder Asuka feels she has nobody other than herself - because it often actually was the case.

Misato sends Asuka past safety depth in the volcano and doesn't care, Asuka starts spirling down and she doesn't care, Asuka gets mind raped and she doesn't bother to see if she is okay, and then Asuka goes missing a week and found comatose she barely bats an eye.

While Misato cries over Shinji any time he is in trouble, like when Leleil took him, or when he was absorbed into his unit.
Heck, she shows Shinji more care for Rei-2 dying when Asuka is the one in major need of the help.

As Shinji said
Misato is not really a mature woman for her age

Rei doesn't buy him either, and is shocked to see Kaworu.

Attached: recognition.png (1440x1080, 1.4M)

>This one from the last thread?
Yes, thanks. Is that crater really Tokyo 3 though? When I saw that crater it didn't seem like the rest of the landscape matched up.

Worse IMO is the only thing Misato tells Asuka after hearing she is awake again is battle orders. Fight for her behalf against ridiculous odds.

Misato doesn't tell Asuka that she is glad to hear she is alright or anything.

Not to mention when Gendo sends Rei to help Shinji against the angel while he left Asuka half dead
She even takes note of that

Asuka establishes since like ep 8 or 9 that she doesn't like Misato. Misato probably knows this and, like what women do best, becomes a bitch to Asuka and pulls that shit.

t's been a while since i've watched eoe, but wasn't she already making her way to shinji or dragging him along at that point? (though i suppose that's telling too) i think being in a gunfight is a good enough excuse for that one.

the part where she just kinda ignores asuka having a breakdown in the bathroom and screaming about how she hates herself is a bad look though

Never anything for whatever reason. There's stuff to notice even there, like Rei's surprise at the pilot of Unit 02 refusing her after she'd just recommended Ikari-kun take her place.

Attached: 1552926514868.png (1440x1080, 2.87M)

Misato has serious issues if she is upset at a 13 year old not loving her.

I remember in the draft for episode 24 Gendo tells Misato to send Asuka back to germany saying, "she's just useless trash at this point"

>Misato has serious issues if she is upset at a 13 year old not loving her.
That's Evangelion for you

Misato was driving in the car with Shinji at that point, giving Shinji (or rather the audience) an exposition dump of the information she uncovered, when they hear Asuka is active again.
They weren't under fire at that time.

>Misato has serious issues
Someone give this man an award.

misato and asuka are already acquainted, she just doesn't see asuka as a member of her 'family' the way she does with shinji. even her living with them is an operational necessity that happens after asuka's been living in her own place for a bit

Indeed, almost forgot about that

das life mang
u b a liabilitee you git the .303

God that's creepy.

in awe at the size of this madchen
absolute unit 02

Another two-parter. On the left is Misato's room from ep 23, the right is from ep 24. Maybe her old car was attached to Kaji in some way, and the poster was reminding her of it? Who knows.

I don't think those two shots are of the same place. Presumably Misato and the Gang live somewhere in Tokyo-3, and their apartment is still standing. I think the lakes are nearby, maybe on the outskirts? Because Shinji goes to the lakes to meet Kaworu (it seems), so it can't be too far. Like I said, I would like to look more closely at the geography changes in the series if I had time.

Attached: cars_move.png (2880x1080, 3.23M)

Does anyone know if the the leftmost nerv operator has a name? She appears in a few episodes and speaks a few times but I've never seen a name for her.

Attached: [CBM]_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_-_02_-_Unfamiliar_Ceiling_[720p]_[CC69C171].mkv_snapshot_20.31_[2019.0 (960x720, 69K)

das rite


How did they do lights like this back then? It'd be too early for cg, but it looks to clean to be a bulb behind the animation frame.

I'm watching each ep twice, one for leisure and screenshot scouting, second for going frame by frame.

Attached: Sachiel-02.png (1440x1080, 1.86M)

Wait a sec
Is the poster in the right an actual picture?

they did the same thing in gunbuster


You can do this with an eraser and the right colours traditionally, although I don't know if that's the method they would have used here, looks like something similar though

>IKARI: Yes, the fifth candidate will be arriving shortly. Overwrite Second's personal data in Unit 02 with the Fifth's.

>MISATO: But, what about Asuka……?

>IKARI: We can't keep useless items lying around forever. Send her back to Germany when you have an opportunity. That is all.



what a euroboo

Attached: porche 928.jpg (1000x750, 306K)

Sure you weren't waiting for him to leave work, Shinji. We all buy that.

Great post.

I don't, but I like Mr. Bushy-stache in the back.

Bless you for doing so much frame-by-frame. I'm trying to move fast and I've still been sitting here for many hours. I'd like to know what they did to make the lights as well. The same eye glow is used for other Angel attacks, like in ep 19.

Another viewing will be needed for soundtrack analysis...

Attached: totally_waiting.png (1440x1080, 1.48M)

>Another viewing will be needed for soundtrack analysis...
Some anons posted best tracks here in the thread
Listen for them now
Hell, must be the best OST I've heard in a while

Too transparent, Shinji.

Attached: fifth_child.png (1440x1080, 1.37M)

They used lightboxes, same as it ever was. The rainbow was probably some kind of diffraction paper.

>Misato has serious issues
no shit user

It's just a different one every time.

Attached: 12.jpg (1440x1080, 225K)

I am about to watch EoE for the first time. What am I in for?

Nice spotting
What did Anno mean by this?

There are a lot of medical staff at NERV, Gendo might want to get this checked out.

Oh yeah, I meant to see if there were any interesting relationships between when certain tracks are used in the show. It is a phenomenal soundtrack. I remember saying that to an anime fan I met, and he was genuinely confused, saying it wasn't memorable at all.

Attached: adam.png (1440x1080, 1.65M)

Huge robots and monsters
And high school girls

Okay I meant she is being incredibly petty, separate from her more serious issues.

When I watched EoE for the first time I hadn't gotten out of my chair for half of the day and when I finished I felt weak getting up

Asuka lusting after Kaji didn't help matters much.

>I remember saying that to an anime fan I met, and he was genuinely confused, saying it wasn't memorable at all.
He should be burned

Attached: 2a6.png (200x174, 65K)

Gendo being weird, telling Unit-01 (Yui) that he and Adam are going to be making everything all right soon. Sure hope none of the NERV employees saw this going on, it would probably be bad for morale.

SHIT! Very nice. Looks like she changed out her tissue box, chair, and skateboard as well. She's hardly a slob, she's keeping this place fresh!

Attached: husbando_and_waifu.png (1440x1080, 1.42M)

Anybody have a screen shot of Asuka and Rei arguing and since Asuka was in the shade her eyes were very deep blue

What meaning?

Attached: 3.jpg (1440x1080, 139K)

contempt for the audience

Eh, women are just fucking cunts to each other.

Shinji acts like the MC of a shoujo anime in this episode

Attached: 1465172797037.png (813x679, 649K)

I'm still feeling like this, tho
Right after I ended, I wanted to just throw out. Not in the bad way, tho. More like a reaction for the confusion.

Im refering to the dub.
Suck my dick
False. Suki may not always mean love,but it do means very strong feelings, its a lot more than "like you", always.
It was complete bullshit and I'm trying to figure out why. An Angel actually loving a human was a great twist and toning it down ruined it. It will also impact the reasoning why shinji got so fucked in the head afterwards and the events of EoE. You just don't understand nigga


the flare effect is filmed separately and then combined with the footage of the angel on an optical printer.

Attached: oxberry1600.jpg (1404x1090, 123K)

To the user who posted this: thanks

Attached: Screenshot (753).png (1422x990, 772K)

Gotta have another bedtime top-down shot.

She's calling for help. Without a car on the wall, she's lost.

There were a couple versions in the last thread, if you can still find it. I didn't post them and don't have them on hand.

Attached: bros.png (1440x1080, 939K)

Don't burn out, it's a marathon not a sprint. One or two eps a day it's a labor of leisure.

And for effects like the AT field? It looks like the airbrushed a paint that picks up the light of the photography more than the rest of the cels.

Attached: AT-Field-04.png (1440x1080, 1.83M)

Fuck off, dubfag.


Obviously it refers to the auto industry regularly changing their car designs to keep up with what is current and relevant.

Attached: 79719eb3a8008f12f4e6b83f89673d52de17cdd8_hq.jpg (670x377, 24K)

Nigga they replaced every 'love' to 'like' in the subs.
It's not something specific to ep 24.

And regardless if a word with less impact was used, it doesn't change the fact that Kaworu and Shinji cared for each other

Attached: like.png (1064x716, 781K)

It is way to romantically themed. Doesn't really fit.

I kinda think Kaworu did not manipulated Shinji, he really wanted to show his love for him (no homo) and showed him charity and empathy where others failed
If anything, he manipulated nerv, he already was the next chosen kid when he met with Shinji

>porche 928
>alpine a110
>dune buggy
what does it MEAN

Attached: 1561298096012.jpg (1920x1080, 85K)

They should have used in the credits tho
>inb4 they did

It doesn't fit the movie.

Yeah, I don't think so either
It's because he cared for Shinji that he gave up on reuniting with adam/lilith and let him kill him, their connection was genuine - no matter what you interpret the nature of their relationship to be

it's alternate universe yukari from persona obviously

Attached: 12.jpg (1651x2228, 331K)

It fits the ending, tho

I always did wonder what SEELEE did throughout the series to undermine Nerv all the way up to EoE

the next page has some more background cuties too

Attached: 13.jpg (1649x2225, 392K)

Asuka's death in EoE is one of the most brutal things in all of anime

It was worth it guys
Shame I won't watch for the first time ever again

>It fits the ending, tho
It doesn't.

This guy DID get caught talking to himself. Of course, he wasn't, really.

Yeah, I think I will have to call it quits after I finish with ep 24. The last two eps and EoE are way too rich in shots to be done with the rest.

I don't think he was manipulating him either. I think the Angels were all trying to unite humanity, with progressively more capable means.

It's brought up a few times, but I myself can't remember all the instances right now. They almost certainly killed Kaji, and they probably kept a tighter control over the budget than they needed to just to deprive Gendo from having any discretionary funds.

Attached: talking_to_himself.png (1440x1080, 962K)


haha what if kaworu could see up misatos skirt from down there


Attached: voyeurette.png (1440x1080, 1.6M)

did they have a promotional deal with ucc at this point, or was that only later?

Bet he would puke

I'm an architect babby, so I don't know how many bridges this resembles. To me it looks similar to the bridge in Halo 2, because I recognize things from games and shows more easily than real life.

Attached: bridge.png (1440x1080, 1.41M)

First half: all the intense action scenes everybody wanted to see
Second half: Shinji trying to come to terms with himself and the human condition. Also, Tang.

Attached: the greatest story never told.jpg (1440x1080, 887K)

The first time was frustrating but also an eye opener
The second time was better though, you understand the circumstances better and learn to appreciate the characters, meta, references, background, and music even more

She's not worthy of his grace (penis)

Kaworu taking Unit-02 for a joyride.

Attached: wakey_wakey.png (1440x1080, 1.72M)

What do y'all think about this?

>pic related
kekd and definetly canon

Hospital staff clearly care about Asuka just as much as everyone else - she looks great!

This is from a surveillance cam when the command crew are trying to figure out how Unit-02 managed to activate.

Attached: just_chillin.png (1440x1080, 1.62M)

There's a bridge in Sevilla that looks just like that. It's called the Alamillo, designed by Santiago Calatrava, one of my personal favorite architects

that super fast shot of unit 02's severed head reminds me of miki's death from devilman, at least the one from the manga from how blunt and brutal it was
shinji's scream and unit 01 going berserk after that reminds me of akira's reaction as well

The hospital staff cares so much about her that when Shinji jerked off on her they did jackshit

she aged 30 years

Knowing her luck all the doctors in the hospital probably molested her while she was out of it

Misato is getting too old for this shit.

Damn that was fast. Looks almost exactly the same, I wonder if someone on the team was a fan of Calatrava as well?

She wanted someone to appreciate how much she filled out!

Attached: mad_misato.png (1440x1080, 1.27M)

>wahh things have homages
get the fuck over it you baby

90% sure this is supposed to be the same buggy.

Attached: 4.jpg (1440x1080, 236K)

Unit-02 is very protective of Kaworu. Good thing Asuka wasn't there to see that.

Attached: protective.png (1440x1080, 1.57M)

I wonder why though

user she looks anything but filled out in that hospital shot

Look at these dorks.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-24-14h11m09s404.png (1440x1080, 1.62M)

forget the jacking off, how about the fact that no one stops a random visitor from grabbing a weak probably sedated patient and just shaking them all around

I always liked the theory that Asuka was catatonic during the start of EOE, not unconscious, and knew exactly that Shinji beat off over her

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Anyone else find it weird that neither Rei or Asuka have pubic hair?

The doctors can't be in the room with her all the time.

...though the supercomputer Magi is monitoring everything and should be able to tell.


I used to live in Spain so I'm very familiar with Calatrava's work, particularly because I used to live not too far from Valencia, his home
It wouldn't be too far out of left field for his work to be featured since it does look like something out of Evangelion, especially the City of Arts and Sciences

Shinji feels betrayed that Kaworu is an Angel. But Kaworu was honest, and really he's being at least as manpulated by his fellow man.

I think because Unit-02 was based on the flesh of Adam, Kaworu can just command it directly.

Her words, not mine!

MAGI as a woman approved.

Attached: constantly_tricked.png (1440x1080, 1.22M)

Even if she didn't she'd find out through LCL. Which is probably why she said "disgusting" when first seeing him on returning to life.


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still, it's not some overcrowded inner city er where the nurses and orderlies are pulling like 48 hour shifts. the city is largely evacuated and abandoned, she's probably one of only a few patient i'd bet

I like the work on the nose in this one. Shinji is really getting fed up.

Yeah, she learns during instrumentality either way. Sexy theory though.

They know what the boys like.

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I think it's nice they don't. Plus, Rei is not human so maybe she doesn't grow any.

Did any of Shinji's cum get on Asuka when he jerked off?

Evangelion is about adult neglection
I knew it

the first six episodes will always have a place in my heart just for the character interaction between Misato and Shinji.

user... that shit grows later in life

Meh, my favorite screenshot is ep 3 when Shinji loses it and goes ape on Shamshel, it's the only time you see him get aggressive at all

Like I said last thread, what else do you expect but greatness?

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Some of the sensors for her vitals are also pulled off when Shinji shakes her, that should have caused doctors to rush in immidietely on that kid's jack off session.

Hard to say - they have the best tech there, and injured people are hard to evacuate. There have been a lot of citizen casualties to this point...

He knows he isn't worthy.

Attached: weird_place.png (1440x1080, 1.12M)

Ho Lee Fuk

Bravo, Anno.

Shinji doesn't want the world to end! Kaworu's got shit to do though, and he doesn't have time to hold Shinji's hand forever.

Oh fuck. Evangelion the series was the ORIGINAL Rebuild.

Attached: sorry_man.png (1440x1080, 1.51M)

if so it was probably yamashita, it seems he did all the major design work for the environments and architecture (though they didn't go quite as space-age as the concepts in the series itself)

Attached: Neon Genesis Evangelion - Concept Design Works -136.jpg (1775x2500, 1.12M)

better version

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Hey anons, how much is a reasonable price for a complete set of PAL NGE VHS tapes

14 is the normal age for hair, though I could but Asuka shaving to try and make herself sexy for Kaji

Misato and Hyuga getting ready to self-destruct NERV if Shinji can't stop Kaworu in a few seconds.

Skipped over one of my favorite little sequences, because I can't be asked to switch to WEBMs right now, where Kawori floats up to the door to Lilith's chamber and just straight up glances the door into unlocking.

Ooh, nice material, user!

Attached: get_ready.png (1440x1080, 1.43M)

>VHS tapes
I wish I copuld turn back time ;-;

well a little at first, then the rest I felt really REALLY bad for her.
You can compare her to Spongebob's Squidward. In earlier seasons, Squidward would always act like an asshole who is all about no fun, and would break the rules due to his own large ego and stubbornness This would cause him to be harmed physically by all sorts of shit, like a meat grinder, getting ran over, etc. In later seasons though, the writers made it so Squidward would act an ass just a little bit but the entire world would be pit against him, and it felt a lot more unjustified but rather sinister. Thats how I feel about it Asuka's suffering, as It felt justified for me at first, but then one thing led to the next until Shinji is strangling her and it just felt really sad.

Here's a detail, was Unit 01 protecting Shinji, or just mimicking his movements? (note Shinji is raising his own arms to protect himself)

Attached: EVA-01-Reactivation.png (1440x1080, 2.01M)

This scene was so fucking GOOD holy shit

Attached: eoe.jpg (500x277, 12K)

Maybe the Yui's part of Shinji communicates with the Yui's part of Unit 01

Who was the second angel and what was the first impact?

>the Yui's part of Shinji
i'm no scientist but i don't think that's how it works

yeah, neither do I

So do they have parts in Ultraman or whatever where the costume breaks and you see bits of the human actor underneath? That is probably the coolest part of Evangelion, and I wonder if it is lifted from something else from way before my time like a lot of stuff in the show.

>Immediately imagines the giant naked woman is a giant naked man
If it wasn't for the Asuka thing I'd imagine he was 100% gay

Shinji giving it his all in the fight to stop Kaworu.

Interesting idea, and a good observation. Maybe wireless drone Evas will be in Netflix's season two?

It's amazing that there are scenes that still stand out as good, even while surrounded by so many good scenes.

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She danced on his grave when he got eaten.

>Maybe wireless drone Evas will be in Netflix's season two?
Don't even joke about it
Tranny Shinji was bad enough

1st Angel = Adam
2nd Angel = Lilith

First Impact simply refers to the actual real life impact of the planetoid that collided with Earth and resulted in creation of Earth's Moon.

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hell yeah user, i'm gonna re-watch it on vhs, on a shitty old crt, instead of on netflix.

do you wanna come over and watch with me? we can order pizza!

obsessed incel

Why Netflix has no rebuilds?

Sorry user, I have other plans :(

Rei III isn't afraid to knock some heads if she has to. She don't like Unit-02 messin' with her boy.

Attached: rei_iv.png (1440x1080, 1.21M)

Wonder if Shinji ever fantasizes an Asuka Kaworu threesome.

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Didn't they say Adam came from Lilith though?

Even netflix knew better than to touch that shit

How did SEELE have access to Kaworu?

"object of despair" is still pretty vague, could still be Fuyutsuki trying to do what user said

But they have the slopjob recap movie

They're okay if you view them as their own thing
Kinda want to see how it ends

Kaworu meets Lilith. Takes him a bit to realize it isn't Adam. Strangely slow on the draw here.
>"I see. I understand now. The Lilim! Lilith!"

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i can come over to your place if that's easier for you

>But they have the slopjob recap movie

Attached: e15.png (1280x1587, 1.72M)

>The battles and animation are better

I realize the old thread may not be up anymore, but here is another take on the hand/grab shot. Shinji grabbing Kaworu.

Attached: another_hand.png (1440x1080, 1.06M)

That Truth movie

It's not my home anymore

Adam and Lilith are both seeds of life, being called Angel is really a misnomer for both of them.
Adam gave birth to Angels 3-17.
Lilith gave birth to the rest of life on Earth.

Can anyone explain who the third girl is that is sometimes posted? She wears a pink jumpsuit. I vaguely remember seeing her in a movie or something with pirate Asuka but I can barely remember anything at all desu

Never saw before, never will

It always looks to me she just came to observe.
She activates her own AT Field to breach Kaworu's containment and get closer, and then stops right after.

Mari. She is in the Rebuilds.

Mari, an original character from Rebuild.

Why the fuck would I want to look at that bitch Mari when I could be looking at my nigga Toji?

Attached: 78BD768A-3C26-4150-A174-770016133422.jpg (400x291, 10K)

Mari. Glasses girl forced in to movies to sell more merch

das rite
tohji eternal bro tier amirite?


she doesn't appear in the original, she debuted in the rebuild movies, that act as a re-imagining of the series and/or is probably a sequel

And another one bites the dust.

I certainly won't put much effort into defending it. There are a few things I think are pretty neat, but on the whole, the sick feeling in the stomach one gets from watching it is more than enough to offset anything good.

Yeah she is presumably putting out that field, but doesn't come further. Kaworu looks up and smiles at her when he decides to stop fighting, though. Maybe she realized she didn't have to intervene further.

Mari's worthlessness as a character is truly stunning.

Attached: getting_ahead.png (1440x1080, 837K)

I wish they could have at least re-used Mana instead of making up Mari.

But yeah, poor Toji got fucked over.
Doesn't even get his role of dying / being crippled in the Eva-03 incident, instead Asuka gets super-powers that should have been his.

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death is actually a really interesting film, a great showcase of editing and recontextualization of familiar material. it's not just a by the numbers straight recap, i think anyone with an interest in the filmmaking of eva should watch it.

Attached: [Sephirotic] Death [BR-Rip 8btis x264 1080p AAC][ENG] (1) [8393A063].mkv_snapshot_00.18.28_[2016.02. (1920x1080, 978K)

Help! Misato is lost as fuck and wearing a skirt, help Misato get to NERV Headquarters: Central Dogma B20 before her dignity and ward both abandon her!

Attached: Nerv-Map.png (1440x1080, 2.53M)

Washing the blood off of Shinji's hands. Good as new, old chap!

Attached: washing_hands.png (1440x1080, 1.2M)

I always took that as a foreshadowing of Eva-01 going berserk. As in you know this thing was no robot, but a living being

I don't get the point of Rebuild. Why not just make a sequel?

Rei I is angry at Ritsuko's mom and Ritsuko; for some reason she is supposed to be angry at Gendo as well, not sure how that works. That part of Rei I ended up inside the EVA, which is why that robot is so fucking mad all the time. Rei III gets that part back into the Rei body etc etc

How do you make a sequel to Evangelion?

Should I watch Evangelion if I've been completely spoiled

Kinda hard to make a sequel out of this.

Attached: lowest.jpg (703x971, 106K)

I had never considered watching it, but now I will. I think there's a lot of potential given all of the material.

Good post. I didn't notice earlier that she has two bathrooms marked on there.

Attached: comfy_beach_date.png (1440x1080, 1.14M)

...don't tell me you read all this thread before watching the real deal?
Damn, even I was cautious enough to see all of it without spoilers

I went into the series completely spoiled on EoE, the underlying plot details about the Evas, and other major events in the last fourth of the series, and I still enjoyed it a lot.

Yes. I'm in the relatively large group of people that consider Eva's plot to be the least good aspect of the series.

No, someone else did a while ago.

Rei-1 hates Gendo because she got stuck in the robot and was replaced by REI. I think anyway

Well some say Rebuild is that sequel, but Eva will never need one

You'll understand it more if you did, also it should be mandatory for every user lurking Yea Forums


There is always an asshole
Matters not, watch it anyways
I suffered the same fate with Cowboy Bebop, it was still pretty good
Also, the memes they tell about Evangelion (i.e: shinji is a pussy) helps you to get surprised when you see the actual deal

I see this bit as Shinji losing the last bit of hope he had in MIsato helping him, since she doesn't bother sympathizing with his guilt over killing Kaworu.

Yes. I only watched the full thing this year and despite knowing some spoilers it was amazing.

Going into it the only thing I knew was the ending of the show was disappointing/confusing, and the ending of EoE was depressing.
I was able to enjoy it well enough, but knowing the feeling of the ending really impacted that enjoyment and I would have liked it a lot more if I went in completely blind. Instead of being able to really get into the story as it was happening I found myself constantly wanting it to get to the end just so I could see the infamous endings.

I have to go eat food now, so I'll have to come back tomorrow or later to finish doing shots from the later eps and movie. I hope there's still a thread going by then, and that some good discussions keep developing. I haven't really been to Yea Forums before and had a good time today/tonight.

You fucked up hard, user. But it's OK. Leave and go watch it. Not the Netflix version. Both sub and dub are OK, both have pros and cons. Keep in mind that most of us think it's worth watching even though we've seen it several times and know it very well. Certainly plenty of reason for you to do so.

Nice! Good to know that works out.

I think the largest contingent of people that don't like Eva feel that way for this reason - they feel the plot was incomplete. But the plot was not the most significant storytelling device in the show, just one of them.

Man, how I was invested into this series

I don't really know if there will be a thread tomorrow
And I think I'm close to leaving as well
Damn, this was the best thread I had in years

Well by that point, between Kaji dying, almost getting blown up by Bardiel, the base assault by Zeruel, seeing Zeruel get devoured by the Eva, losing Asuka, losing Rei, Nerv getting into shambles, and her depression.
What the fuck else could Misato do in that situation? She became broken

Asuka x Kaworu confirmed?

For oldfags who were on the internet in the 90s (or in anime club at school I guess), was there a lot of theory crafting going when the show was first airing? Like what Evas are, what Angels are etc? And what was people's initial reactions to the ending?

i might be bias because i love that kind of juxtaposition and changed context in filmmaking, like that herzog film about oil well fires, but it's worth an honest shot regardless. the small framing device scenes are very nice too and the use of intertitles & text is as always superb

Attached: [Sephirotic] Death [BR-Rip 8btis x264 1080p AAC][ENG] (1) [8393A063].mkv_snapshot_00.27.29_[2019.06. (1920x1080, 272K)

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With this thread wrapping up I just want to remind everyone that Asuka and Shinji were more than likely all over each other after about a month in Post-3I and got their happy ending. All is right with the world.

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I wasn't on the internet but there was, I've seen some screenshots here on Yea Forums.

>I suffered the same fate with Cowboy Bebop
I got fucking spoiled figuring out how to use spoilers SPIKE DIES!


Of course they were, since they were Adam and Eve and had to repopulate the entire Earth themselves. Asuna was probably popping out a kid every 9 months until she was 50.

I think Misato is trying to get Shinji to not feel responsible - she wants him to look at it as "well, Kaworu chose to die, so that's that. He didn't want to survive".

But that doesn't really address the whole issue for Shinji. He knows that Kaworu chose to die that Shinji and all of humanity might live. That just makes it worse. Shinji feels to be a pretty low person (not yet the lowest), and Misato is accidentally just emphasizing how noble a life form Kaworu really was. He died so all their sins could continue.

Yeah, you never know. It was a fun thread for me too. Lots of good discussion and plenty of things I'd never realized about the show being contributed in, and would never have found myself.

Definitely excited to give it a try. It will be a fresh spin on material I otherwise know quite well.

I hope so. He went through so much pain, but finally got to live out his jerkoff fantasies. If that isn't a resolution we all can't support, I don't know what is.

Kyoko x Kaworu
>Asuka, honey, come here and meet your new stepdad!

what did that line become in the netflix dub?

Still, pretty good anime

Do you guys think if Naoko wasn't such a massive raging cunting assfaggot, NGE might have turned out alright? I mean she caused a shitload of problems
>Jealous of Yui and that's why she's hungry for Gendopenis
>If she wasn't jealous of Yui she wouldn't fuck Gendo and she wouldn't kill Rei I (who looked like Yui)
>Ritsuko might not have massive self-esteem problems if her mum wasn't a raging faggot and wouldn't have dissolved the Rei clones

Attached: %22please kill my dad%22 meme.png (1462x972, 1.69M)

The same way Gendo&co had access to Rei, I guess? Apparently just randomly taking souls (even that of a giant ancestral alien) and putting them wherever you want is a piece of cake in this show

But Rebuild confirmed that Shinji just retimelooped the world

>about a month
about as long as it takes to find a comfortable patch of sand

I think I can definitely say Evangelion is one the best anime ever made in history

Gotta get that society back up somehow.

Attached: Sono_Go_No_Evangelion_Ai_361trans.jpg (1280x874, 188K)

You've still got the illuminati killing billions and Gendo co-opting their plans over his oneitus, so in the long run no

Well, that's it lads
Man, this anime was fucking LIT and so was this thread
Thanks for everything screenshot-kun

>and clearly favorites Shinji
Stop making me search for the Misato douj, please.

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Thanks screencap user, this was legit a great thread. Hope you post on here tommorow around the same time, had a fun time reading everything and talking with you niggers

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I like the idea of a world made of their descendants where all the women are tsundere and all the men are massive self hating pussies

Caring about spoilers is a brainwashed mentality. You can be cured, anons, you just have to realize "spoilers" are a consumerist mind-trick

Holy shit
That's the blessed image

He's starting from nothing. He IDs Rei as non human but only name drops the Lilin at that point, he doesn't know specifically what she is. He doesn't know this is the Black Moon or that Seele are also the Committee behind Nerv, they told him this was all Gendo selfishly opposing the hope of the descendants of the Black Moon to be destroyed. He does figure out that he was meant to die there so somebody else could proceed to Third Impact, because he avoids saying anything even inconvenient to them like that he didn't work alone or that the correct pet Angel is watching from over there, and then he has no objections to Third Impact in EoE.

>tfw even ritsuko has better doujins with shinji

You take care too, baneposter

The doujin ends with some of their older children starting to flirt with each other in a similar way.

Kinda disturbing actually.

Attached: And she is pregnant with a ninth.jpg (1280x1888, 482K)

>there's some girls that look like Rei/Yui

I don't know user. Denkichi is pretty good.

And the thread ended just like EoE

She wanted to fuck so bad

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It was a running gag, they had nightmares of having 100s of children that looked and acted like Rei

Attached: twins.jpg (1280x3668, 1.24M)

PS Definitely not enough Ritsuko doujinshi.
It's never enough.

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bye frens
gon miss u

asuka's kids ending up looking like their grandmother would be the ultimate irony

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>can't pull an all-nighter talking about EVA
smol time, you're never going to make it

How the fuck are their kids red-heads?

And why would Shinji be blushing?

>And why would Shinji be blushing?
Like father, like son

Definitely. Holds its own against other media as well. Not everyone can appreciate it, but that goes for all art.

Very happy you liked the screenshots!

Some of this is going over my head. What does he think SEELE are? Not related to Lilith? What do you mean by "correct pet Angel"? They don't give a lot of clues about what Kaworu knows/has been told.

also true
you just know she would be an absolute FREAK in the sheets

Is there a dump/reconstruction of the Dead Sea Scroll's predictions? I'd be really interested to actually see how many moving parts there were to this.

Also, does anyone have that image that outlines how the rebuilds are continuations from EoE? Trying to prove a point.

How many half-japanese or even sometimes quarter-white characters have you seen that are blonde and blue-eyed like a Himmler wet dream? Anime gaijin genetics are the most powerful force on earth, those kids probably popped out the womb with dirndls already on.

Correct. It was a nice thread.
It's time to go to wageslaving, user.

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>those kids probably popped out the womb with dirndls already on.
fucking kek, my sides
I'm sorry user

>tfw I am a blue eyed carbon copy of my grandfather on the mother's side
Genetics is amazing I tell ya

>not watching and discussing Eva and while pretending to work while deployed in some Middle Eastern shithole while getting paid BIG BUCKS

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Incest is important at low population

So why was Asuka there at the end lf EoE?
Is it because she hates and rejects everyone and everything?
is Shinji pounding her pussy and repopulating earth?

Why was Shinjuku choking her at the end

It's been a long time, user

is this post about you? Good job man
maybe pic related kek

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That's the holoconference with the monoliths on the lake, and making eye contact with Rei before he starts telling Shinji he's the only threat of Third Impact and everybody will be saved if he dies right now.

There sure isn't.

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She wanted to live, no matter if it got shitty and painful at parts, because she believed in a happy ending, just like Shinji. I'm sure she got it.

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in-universe because she went through her own instrumentality experience and epiphany like shinji, thematically because the two of them are used to illustrate the core conflict of the series in the film, the motiff of choking, of hands, the linking of sex and violence, ect

>says she doesn't want kids
>literally forced to birth dozens to restart the human race

Truly the deespest anime of all time.

the fuck happens to Gendo at the end? Does he go to 'hell' by his own choice or something?

Yeah it is. We got our own commercial computers in the office and I just torrent anime over VPN and play XCOM 2 almost everyday. Thanks for the cash tax-paying GOYS AHAHAHAHA

It'd be great.

Attached: Sono_Go_No_Evangelion_Ai_334trans.jpg (1280x1884, 378K)

>restart the human race
I still don't get this part. How?
There is no food and, if I remember correctly, one needs forty-something people to avoid degenerative diseases.

Yui punishes him for being an asshole.

It never goes well for Asuka. She is the real punished character of the show, as we all learned tonight.

She wants to be with Shinji. I can't find the image right now, but during instrumentality he states that "no one needs me" and he doesn't really care if everyone dies or whatever. The final scene is titled, on-screen, as "I need you", and Asuka appears. She knows after instrumentality that Shinji did care for her all along (and finds her super sexy).

remind that a happy ending is canon

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>He jerked off to me right in front of me.... he actually loves me....

Objection, this comment is pure speculation

>We're so fucked up

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She would know that he cared for her both emotionally and physically. An ideal relationship is not one where you love the other person very much, but find yourself having no physical attraction to them.


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Was her desired outcome a family of Shinji, Gendo, and Unit-01 living together?

Because he feared rejection. Though eps 25 & 26 allow Shinji to recognize his own self worth and desire to live, it's not until the choking scene that he understands why life is worth living. Asuka is the person in the world he's most wronged, and yet despite that, despite the fact that he's actively trying to kill her, despite the fact that she clearly hasn't forgiven him (and maybe never will, though I think most of us think/hope she does) she shows him kindness and compassion.

He's the only one left out of instrumentality because Rei-III wanted to give control to Shinji.

that labcoat over swimsuit outfit is severely underrated

Maybe other people will start coming out of instrumentality eventually. They can't be the only ones.
As for food, they'll figure something out.
The saddest thing about instrumentality is that Rei is never coming back.

kek I can already imagine watching Eva and shitposting about it in Dubai

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>YWN take a walk on the beach with your red head waifu wearing the entirety of the hypebeast.com front page
why even live bros

I wouldn't touch her with a 39 1/2 foot pole

Maybe the people scared about it and/or trying to run from it will regenerate fast and most people who embraced it are judt gonna stay like that.

As far as apocalyptic endings goes this one felt pretty hopeful.
Compared to Ideon and Devilman, some of the major inspirations I'd say it's the most hopeful

brb hanging myself with a supreme belt

I leave for a few hours and you fuckers already filled up another thread. Good shit, boys.

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this is probably my favorite shot in evangelion, how ironic that it's in one of the episodes I skip

Attached: Shinji looking over the city EP 26.png (1436x1654, 1.75M)

there's too much to talk about. it's the series that keeps on giving.

>skipping 25&26
beggin ya to acquire aesthetic sense

Jesus Christ I didn't notice before but those are some twig legs.

what do you expect from a 14 year old girl?
thin legs are fucking hot sometimes too

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It's one of if not the most discussed anime on Yea Forums, Yea Forums and the internet as a whole. I wouldn't be surprised.

Meh, I just go straight to EoE and then I watch 25 and 26 afterwards. It just makes sense

posting arts

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This is relevant to my interests. Eventually I will try and get my roommates to watch this show. But I am never sure which order I should show 25/26 vs EoE. I've shown it to people both ways, and neither feels totally right. It does make sense to me to do EoE first, to finish the physical world plot, but it leaves 25 and 26 feeling really soft/trite afterward. I think next time I will go back to doing series then EoE. Do other people have experience with alternate orders for new watchers?

The cutest!
The purest!
What a sweetie!

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this thread will die, but soon enough a new one will take its place. its been fun posting with you all tonight

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Not complaining, just surprised that I didn't notice how thin they look in that picture until now.
Actually, I think thin legs are fucking sexy too.

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if the release order tv ending is going to be a dealbreaker for your friends they're pinheads and aren't going to get much out of it anyway

Oh that's right - I forgot that Hikari's family were the ones to take Pen-Pen along during the evacuation. She really is the best; she probably spent the least time at that apartment of all the major characters.

bump limits are bullshit

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When I got my friend to watch NGE I told him to watch 25/26 first and then EoE. He liked it, but thought the TV ending was underwhelming.

feels bad man

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What I like to do is 1-24, EoE, and then 25 and 26.
To me it just makes more sense thematically and you can argue that 25/26 explain just what the hell was going on in Shinji's mind during EoE and EoE shows whats going on in the real world. It just makes sense to me.
Your roommates should watch it though. I'm showing my little sister Evangelion but she only got up to ten before she left back for uni

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Good thread, everyone.

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You watch the fucking show the way it was intended, then you take a break of dunno a couple hours to a couple days and then you watch EoE.

What kind of mega retard watches EoE first?

honestly for me it was the other way around, EoE felt underwhelming and baggy after the tv ending

It's even more underwhelming if watched after the bombastic and visually strong end of EoE

I do, what now?

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>implying the tv ending isn't visually strong

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But that doesn't work. EoE and TV are completely different and don't complement each other. In EoE Shinji is given control and rejects Instrumentality whereas in TV he's just another random person affected by it and can't reject anything.

25/26 are separate endings from EoE, don't mix them up together

I simply saw it as what was going on in Shinji's mind especially during the first half of EoE, you do realize that he is mute through most of it?

I guess it just depends whether you want more of the psychological and character-focused parts of NGE or something with more action and an ending that provides closure to the series.
Not that either of the endings completely disregard one aspect or another, of course.

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