Can't stand shows that are traditionally thought of as great. FMA(B), Meguca, Eva, Wolf's Rain, Clannad etc...

Can't stand shows that are traditionally thought of as great. FMA(B), Meguca, Eva, Wolf's Rain, Clannad etc.. Muh fantastic stories, muh deep plots, muh characters. If the show doesn't have a self insert MC (or at least a relatable MC) and cute girls your interest should plummet to below 0.

Date a live, Danmachi, the two dozen isekais that pop up every season, Amagi park etc. etc. are where it is at. Anime has no need to be meaningful, you should pick up Dostoevsky or so if you wanted a meaningful reflection on the human condition, not fucking anime.

So in light of that, here a thread for all anime considered shit, containing cuties, that are objectively superior.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nice blog faggot, kill yourself.

Not a blogpost, just the start to an excuse to post pictures.

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If I related to the generic self insert MC-kun I would end my pathetic and worthless faggot life.

Truly the pinnacle

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I did say "or" as in, either self insert OR relatable. That being said being pathetic or not, it doesn't reduce the enjoyment I get from these shows.

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A series is only as interesting as it's MC.

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What series have self-insert MCs?
I've also never really found things 'relatable'.

Wrong, absolute shit taste and worthless opinion.

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But do you at least enjoy the cute girls? Because really everything else is secondary to that

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>jerks off Yea Forums-core
insecure pseud detected

Cute girls are nice.
Helped carry Guilty Crown and Pandora Hearts for me, and was a nice bonus for Knights of Sidonia.

>you should pick up Dostoevsky or so if you wanted a meaningful reflection on the human condition
You need to be over 18 to post here. Try reading some real books before rotting your brain with anime.

I too enjoy trash.

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Cool adult opinions, nobody cares.

There are quite a few shows I only ever bothered watching because of it.

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>you can only like this thing one way and not the other
manchild detected

Dostoevsky is just Bulgakov for brainlets, prove me wrong

It has gotten me to consider a couple shows. Maybe I'll take the plunge and watch them.

Echo > Ada > Sharon > Lily > Lotte > Alice > Alyss > Lacie

A fellow trash lover.

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You are in an openly admitted thread for trash shows, I am not sure what you were expecting anonkun.

>Wolf's Rain
No ine has talked about this show in years, how are you butthurt over it?

Alice so low, b-but why, this makes the heart sad.

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I find it hard to get butthurt over things I don't watch.

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Nothing against her; I just really liked the Baskerville girls, Sharon and Ada both hit a lot of high points for me, and Echo is one of my favorite girls from any series.

I agree that eva is unbearable

a man of culture

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Although, it is pretty trash, has a self insert MC and cuties. Too bad its sticks its head up its own ass.

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>considered shit, containing cuties
How can they be considered shit if they contain the most important thing in the 2D medium and do it better than anything else? Are we so far down to be appeasing normalfags instead of shitting on them now?

one day anons, one day, if not in this life then in the next.

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I enjoyed Eva for the fight scenes, the cute girls, and the slice-of-life.

this but unironically

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I can get behind this.

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Well considering the thread so far has been just posting cuties and all the people that usually write MAL worthy essays seem to have left or never entered, I would say the wording of OP has done its job.

But otherwise ya, agreed.

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I wish we had more girls with silicon

I mean, he's not wrong

I can't tell if this is bait or not

You are just wrong OP, like you said anime doesn't need to be "meaningful", but it also doesn't mean that it's immediately shit once it tries to have one, just take it easy and enjoy both.
What you probably hate are the people who disregard anything if it doesn't have a "meaning", fuck those fags and fuck MAL.

Any good manga for cute girls?

Any Meguca is cuter than any girl in this thread.

She is not even in it that much, but she is the only reason I bothered even watching the show. I kept watching ep after ep for the golden nugget scenes she was in.

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Meguca is trash, so why didn't you post a girl?

True, but if I word it like that all I get is the MAL fags.

You take that back right this instance

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Can I use a megecki pic to mock a meguce poster or am I going full circle in doing so?

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>post cute girls
>people actually posting cute girls
I mean, if this passes for bait nowadays I can live with that.

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Someone finally had to say it.

The only cute Megucas are Sayaka and Mami.

>faces wider than they are tall

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So it is true, the only good meguca is dead meguca.

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Only the good die young.

Now you take that back.

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Has there ever been a show for which "I only watched it because it looked nice" rang more true than for Evergarden? I swear to god if it had been animated by some run of the mill studio and the story had to carry it, I would have dropped it 10 minutes in.

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Fair enough

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Gundam 0083, but for different reasons than cute girls.

I wish we had more girls that wear string bikini

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I do in fact enjoy dumpster diving with old school anime. OP is a faggot though

>started reading Berserk for the fight scenes and great art
>continued to the current point for the cute girls

I fell for the 2deep4u meme.
What are good entry points into ecchi, isekai, and other comfy shit? Is Negima worth reading/watching?

watch all of these

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>Seikon no Qwaser
Skipping the shallow end of the pool for him I see, nice.

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

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>threads that are supposed to be good turn to trash
>thread about trash turns out to be halfway decent
Amazing, united in our love for 2D

or just the fact the "good" anime are usually enjoyed by autists that don't think people should enjoy anime they don't like and then you get the "trash" anime enjoyed by people who just want to enjoy their waifus and therefore are not as bitter, angry, and judgemental about everything

Based haremchad

KoS had the best pseudo-harem for the MC.

>Awkward androgyne cyborg whose body altered itself to be female out of her lust for MC
>Cute mecha otaku girl
>Immortal, eternally MILF-aged, ship captain
>Giant bioroid genki girl
>Yandere-ish alien clones of his dead gf

>People who think putting "muh" before a word or phrase constitutes a good argument

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>Wolf's Rain
When has anyone ever considered this good?