Best anime of the decade

Best anime of the decade

Attached: fate zero.jpg (472x649, 62K)

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based fatebro

Zero was pretty good, yes.

Zero was shit and people only think it's good because they compare it to a porn game or a mobile game.


It was pretty good, but to say it was the best of the decade is a stretch.

>>be me
>>watch fate:apocrypha first cause jeanne design is amazing
>>not that bad, the fight is cool, why complain?
>>watch fate:zero to prepare for fate:stay knight
>>holy shit apocrypha is a pile of shit compared to this
Seriously is fate:zero the best fate anime with UBW comes close as second? Cause both apocrypha and last encore are shit( Nero is cute though and Karna vs Sieg is one of the best fight in the series). I watched fgo first order and feel nothing except happy that Cu escapes Lancer's fate

What does watching Fate/Zero have to do with playing or not playing F/GO?

t. literal retard

> SEETHING fatemonkey
Face it, you only liked it because you were a teen when you read it.

Attached: not_a_secondary.jpg (800x600, 119K)

The first season SUCKED, but the 2nd is AOTD

It really is a contender. People easily shit in it but not as easily recommend something better. Direction, pacing, animation, stakes, characters you enjoy... It checks all marks, including one of the best endings you'll find in anime. There are wins and loses, they don't cheap out. Madoka and Mob Psycho are the other contestants for AOTD and one was done by the same author of Zero,his writing is simply the best.
... Go watch heavens feels. It's the proper sequel to Zero and is equal to it.

pic unrelated

How new? The gachashitters are tertiaries.

Do you mean 1st and 2nd season of fate:zero? 1st season is not as good as 2nd but I think overall it's already better than 1st season of other fate series except UBW. The king banquet is really cool

F/GO is the main product of the fate franchise. Sure there's some shitty eroge of the same name from more than a decade ago but no one cares about that. If you think otherwise you're just plain delusional.

The only good thing that came out of fateshit is Prisma illya

>non canon mobageshit
>main product
Delusional at best

Best *Fate anime of the decade


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>Sure there's some shitty eroge of the same name from more than a decade ago but no one cares about that
Is that why Nasu had to basically beg his longtime fans to not hate him for shitting out the abomination that is FGO? You gachashitters are so fucking stupid you don't even realize that Nasu will drop your "main product" just as quickly as he's dropped every other installment as soon as it stops printing money. You thinking that a lootbox simulator will have any lasting impact is what's delusional.

God I fucking hate secondaries.

> b-b-but muh canon
F/GO is the canon.
> Is that why Nasu had to basically beg his longtime fans to not hate him for shitting out the abomination that is FGO?
Nasu doesn't care about you neckbeards any more. Where is Mahoyo sequel? Where is the Tsukihime remake? They're fucking gone because he doesn't care about you. F/GO is Fate.

People are only watching HF because Dark Seibah is in it. Your delusions are sad. The sooner you face the truth the sooner you can move on.

This but unironically. Fate is just one step above shonenshit. At least Prillya has good fanservice.

>download ep 1
>40 minutes
>starts with some long winded exposition and some retards circling the protag like they're fucking sharks or something

>the ones not dumping hundreds of dollars for jpegs are the neckbeards
You really are a fucking idiot.
>F/GO is Fate
Literally read the second sentence of that post, dipshit.

Try watching episode 18 and 19 first. They're good standalone episodes that set up the main character's past and motivations.

Don't get me wrong F/GOfags are trash too but at least they don't have any delusions about what their franchise is. It's people like you who cling to silly fantasies about how good your eroge was before those F/GO meanies ruined it. Fate was always shit and it got even worse with F/GO, and it's sad that you can't see that.

Not the best even among the Butcher's work, but I definitely enjoyed it. KnK was great too. Does anyone know if Canaan is worth watching?

This scene has not been topped to this day

>non canon mobageshit
>main product
pic related

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