
Are the Yea Forums moralfags still mad?

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Very very angry, very

Do moralfags actually hate this? That might actually make me pick this up.

Should have stuck with her becoming a concubine for Shalltear. Humans deserve to be the onaholes of superior beings, no? Killing them is such a waste.

you're thinking of elves

I'm still shocked people actually cared so much about the fate of this nothing character.

She became Shalltear's sex toy in the webnovel. Only in the LN that they kill her and uses everything in her body.

Reminder that her imoutos get sold to slavery and raped to death.

I am still fuming

She violated the NAP.

How would they defeat Nazarick?

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Imagine being mad that the spooky scary skeleton man from a series called Overlord isn't a good guy


Not because of morals though, more in that I know she was Shalltears anal slave in the WN and that is just a lot more appealing to do with a cute girl than kill her.

These two are the real issue. Someone dying in an anime is whatever. Someone being made *specifically* to die, most of them in some of the worst ways you can think of, and then tossing in a "btw her sisters got sold and raped because why not LOL" is just clearly being edgy for it's own sake rather than any actual reason of merit.

Only because she had a good character development. One can only hope that some day the poor imoutos will manage to become Nazarick's citizens and live a happy life, whatever happened to them after losing their dear sister and only source of income for their family nobody knows but it cannot possibly be anything happy.

There was slavery in the Empire? the nobles don't even have any power anymore.

No we don’t care anymore ever since the author went muh piracy bitter bitch mode.
Even Nigel doesn’t want to translate the series anymore.

>muh piracy
When did it happen? in the TV series at the end of the second season it even says thanks for the people who supported from overseas.
I haven't checked the LN since the start of volume 11.

There is slavery in the empire. They kidnap elves with the Theocracy and sell them in the market.

Aqua solos.

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The season 3 bd 400+ page novel bonus exclusive was translated and the author went salty mode saying he wanted it to be an exclusive and will end overlord early since it was pirated.

So it was okay to pirate the non-exclusive fantranslated volumes and make the series popular overseas? also the main reason why the anime was so hyped to being with.
The quality of the anime adaption was shit, does he think the BDs sold so well in the first place because of the QUALITY?

That's precisely all the more reason for him to be upset though. Because the anime isn't exactly going to sell on its own merit, so pirating the only good part of it, the novel, will lower sales. Throwing a tantrum about it and saying you'll end the series early is still kek worthy though.

>the first vaguely evil thing Nazerik did in a show hyped up as isekai except MC is demon king
>still justifiable as self-defense

>luring people into your home and then murdering them is self defense.
Is that your excuse for the pile of dead elementary kids in your basement you waved candy in front of?

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Castle Doctrine motherfucker

He's such a little kid, it's disappointing considering he made the series with the premise of a mature MC too.

>Momonga is a grown up
>he's a member of society
>he works a lot
And all that bull shit. I thought it was forced to appeal to the working class, as if normalfags read LNs or spend money on them.

That's not what castle doctrine means.

But those elementary kids could have been hiding weapons in their backpacks that they must have brought to store stolen items in!

What do you mean there isn't a law that says "so long as someone is in my house I have free reign to capture, torture and horribly kill anyone I want"?

I was mad but i'm no moralfag so i just dont care anymore.

I was until the CG fest happened, Nazarick’s debt has been repaid in full

I'm mostly just sick of Ainz's band of idiot weirdos being able to just do whatever they want.

I'd love to see Touch Me incarnate into this world and just smash Shaltear's teeth down her throat.

what's this story about Maruyama getting writers block, depression, wishing he was a office wagie?

Shalltear did nothing wrong.

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>Edgenigger wearing cargo shorts and cod t-shirt masturbating to snuff and gore thinks he's any better than a moralfag
If there were two buttons. One for moralfags and another for edgeniggers and they're failed families and communities that allow them to exist, and pressing one would wipe each out and I got two presses?
I would press the edgenigger one first.
Edgeniggers are the slimiest, greasiest Jewesque scum the world has ever known. Their taste worse than marvel mcu scum.
They are the blight on the world and will never contribute anything to it. A group of the most pathetic man babies and fuccbois that not even tranny posters can attain.
If I could I would round up every edge bigger and first castrate them to prevent the world from having to deal with more failed edgenigger shows.
But don't worry, since you are a race of nutless little faggots it wouldn't stop you being a whiny high pitched fag yard that no one likes or wants near them or their families.

Shalltear felt remorse of killing her. Ainz will get what he deserves.

You sound like a self-hating edgenigger.

lol. Do you have any self awareness in this post, bitching about edgelords?

You violated the NAP, those kids could be assassins for all I know.

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Never watched the show, but seeing those threads and finding out a summary of what happened to that cute girl and her sisters made me put this on my never to watch list, so o well.

I don't think remorse is the right word. I'm not remorseful when I spill my coffee or drop a cigarette in a puddle, it's more...irritation at the waste.

>archefags still seething
kek, get bent m*rtals

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Remember how Overlord is dead and Maruyama is tired of it and is looking for a way out?
I remember.

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I want to be a heteromorph ;_;

Fuck humies and fuck Maruyama. Overlord will never finish because of this hack writer.

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Three horses of Web Novel apocalypse

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Why would I want to watch a show entailing drawn out graphic displays of torturing and killing the innocent.
Overlord was great when it was just about Ainz doing what he needed to do to achieve his goal. Show went to shit when I became about torturing people for no reason.

>Why would I want to watch a show entailing drawn out graphic displays of torturing and killing the innocent.
Why wouldn't you?

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Because I havent been rejected by society so hard as to have a hateboner when people suffer.

Have you actually watched the show?

Fucking who?

Of course
Tell me what they did wrong exactly. Surely youre not going to mention them lying to try and get out of a death trap.

Never violate the nap.

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The skeleton man is chaotic good.

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>Tell me what they did wrong exactly.
Tomb raiding.
Every single one is guilty of that.

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Its not raiding when you were invited.

So they did not enter with the intention of gaining plunder and profit? That's almost as bad as saying that it's not murder if you're a hired hitman. The crime was still commited regardless of the instigation.

There is nothing wrong with killing/robbing EVIL monsters. There's nothing wrong with monsters being evil and torture the intruders. But I am a human so I side with humans and don't want to watch monsters torturing and dominating humans.

Its not murder if you are the one to put the hit out on yourself. Its assisted suicide.

They wouldn't have been killed if they weren't there to steal shit. Imagine being invited into a home by someone, that doesn't give you permission to start shoving their belongings into your backpack.

If they were just there for the adventure instead of the treasures, they'd probably be honorary heteromorphs of Nazarick by now.

That was the point of Fluder hiring workers over adventurers. Adventurers wouldn't have broken the law to enter an undiscovered tomb in another country. The workers even said they would kill any humans they found in the tomb on sight.

Not like they were law abiding citizens.

user, that's still a major crime in most of the civilized world.

>Alright kiddies, follow me to my home if you want some candy
>Oh boy candy, I love that stuff
>Whoa! What are you kids doing in my home wtf!
>O-oh, we can go if you want?
>Nope, I'm going to torture and imprison you now, tough luck kiddos

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They took shady job and payment for it. They're also adults.

The only reason being because you have to be mentally ill to kill yourself. You just have to be evil hire someone to enter your home and then kill them

I don't know what any of this shit means and the wiki doesn't explain any elf rape or torture, is this shit good or not?

If you're looking for orc on elf rape you've come to the wrong thread.

>You just have to be evil hire someone to enter your home and then kill them
You have to be evil to hire somone to go into somoene else's house knowing full well that they will be killed.
Fixed that for you, and yes, Fluder certainly is evil.

This is why I find Overlord interesting. Everything he and nazerick have done in the first 8 volumes/3 seasons, up to the battle of katze plains, would happen in any other story. You just wouldn't see it because you would be following some teenage heros perspective. The first time we would even see Ainz would have been during the war and his public reveal.

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"Someone else"
Sadist apologist fuck off. Ainz hired them with the intent to torture them for no reason.

Are these characters actually evil? I watched the very first episode and it felt like normal isekai trash so I dropped it.
Even the /implication/ of this shit makes it more interesting

Im all for following a villian, not watching innocent people graphically be tortured. Its not shown in other series because the author isnt a degenerate.

I dropped this shit long ago.

He hired them to kill them. They brought the torture bit on themselves.

Workers aren't innocent, they're criminals. It would be different if it was a group of adventurers sent by the guild.

>They brought the torture bit on themselves.
Yeah pleading for your life is asking to be tortured. Fucking sadist I swear.

A test on the limits of human dispoability is hardly evil, ultimately nobody is truely forced to carry out the raid, everybody who commits to it does so of their own volition and does so motivated by, for the most part, nothing short of avarice.
They are quite literally jobbers.

This. I understand his actions but I get uncomfortable rageboners during torture scenes.

Working isn't a crime.

No, but lying about dude' ded friends is.

Do you not know what workers are? Workers are criminal adventurers. They don't follow any laws, don't belong to a guild, and do anything to complete the job they were hired for. This includes killing any human witnesses.

You cannot be held accountable for any action taken for self preservation in the face of imminent danger. Its the underlying principle of ethics in any civilized country than can afford to read Kant.

>Making a bluff in an attempt to escape is basically just begging to be used as a living breeding ground for insects.

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No, but jobbing is.

Ainz and nazerick are the villains of the story. The first season of the anime cut a lot of subtext context from the LN that would have made it clear. Demiurge runs the "happy farm" after all. Where he skins his "livestock" to turn their skin into spell scroll parchment.

Nice generalization. Point out where they did any of that.

I think it gets back to one of the over all themes in overlord, in that how most of the genre over glorifies adventurers to the point where no one questions them or holds them accountable for their actions. We're supposed to see them as heroes or underdogs when in fact they are either just glorified murderers or thieves.

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Dying is a part of that specific line of work though. Otherwise they very well wouldn't need those weapons and armour and all that combat experience as a prerequisite. More so this is a setting where things such as Liches are known to exist. Anybody taking on a job through that line of work should expect to die young and likely at the hands of some manner of horrific monster.

And it's your own fault when your attempt at self preservation happens to strike a particularly sore nerve with somone who can swat you like a fly.

You should if you take illegal jobs.
Dangerous illegal job, they knew the risks.
Starting with crossing border to plunder ruins in another country then not leaving when learning ruins are inhabited.

The problem is Ainz himself literally baited them and invited them in. If this had happened in season 1 while Ainz was trying to hide his base and keep himself safe no one would have cared.

Did she grow a dick to rape her or was it tentacles

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>Dangerous illegal job, they knew the risks.
Cool. Doesn't have anything to do with my post though.

>They don't follow any laws
The broke into a tomb in the re-estize kingdom as citizens of the empire.
>don't belong to a guild
Wouldn't be workers if they belonged to the adventurers guild
>and do anything to complete the job they were hired for. This includes killing any human witnesses.
"in ruins not discovered by a national body or the Adventurer’s Guild, killing illegal squatters was tolerated."

>try to live
>get tortured for eternity
Overlord fags for you. Just a bunch of sadist.

Nice, nice. Sounds like I'll have to pick up the LN sometimes but I really normally hate isekai because it feels like the same hero story.
idc if this shit is edgy as it sounds because it sounds like a nice change of pace

neutral evil

Its not breaking in when you are invited. What squatters did they kill.

Prime dindu logic. They should have lived honestly like those 130k peasants Ainz killed on Katze.

People accept Demiurge actions because they happen off camera and its just Ainz going about his own grand plans. The issue here is that Ainz is no longer allowing evil, hes partaking in torturing.

Regardless he never forced them to go. They accepted a job and were under prepared for what they encountered. Did you also forget how the season ended? It was apart of the grand scheme of things to make himself known to the surrounding kingdoms so he can spread fear easier and conquer them without having to lift a finger or let me guess you dropped because you really these "heroes" would actually live through invading a fortress with powerful monsters everywhere with a force of less then 30. I mean really? They were doomed from the start and thief guys lie sealed their fate.

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Yeah civilized world logic must be too hard for you.

>Its not breaking in when you are invited.
A call went out to explore a newly found tomb in which yes Eins did leak this intentionally but that doesn't mean they were invited to just walk in. Did you not actually watch the episodes in question?

so this is the only thing overlordfags have left? trying to bait with the same dead horse over and over again?

It's implied that workers do kill people during their jobs.
”“Of course. I won’t say it before the other teams. After all, the workers might have accepted a secret request from the Eight Fingers. The other teams might be related to that organization, but we can’t make baseless accusations. At least, not before this request is completed.”“I don’t know how much blood and tears our money’s been stained with.”“—No matter how dirty it is, money is money and we have to live off it.”

If he just killed him no one would give a fuck. This never would be an issue. The internet would have never been mad.

Good try.

There's a distinct difference between just confessing the truth and making up bullshit in the dark. Could have said "We were hired by proxies of a certain noble", which Ainz would have recognized as the truth, but he chose to BS his way out. Putting aside how the decision to lie immediately over telling the truth reflects on jobber-kun's moral standnig, when dealing with a completely overpowering enemy there's no reason to believe they can be decieved, least of all the grand-high undead poobah of that dungeon that nobody stood a chance of coming out of.

>Did you forget it was part of a scheme
No obviously not. That's kind of exactly why it's bullshit for him to be pretending to be mad and for people to defend his actions. Because he would have kept baiting and trying to get people to come into his lair until he finally found some shmucks to kill and torture while pretending to be in the right.

>The decision to lie to an evil lich to try and get out of a dungeon alive reflects poorly on his morals.
Based retard. Because telling him the truth "yeah we were hired to come and steal your shit" would totally have been the first thing you did right? Because that obviously would have made the situation better right? You dumbasses have to stretch so fucking hard to pretend that Ainz was in the right, he's the fucking villain, stop pretending otherwise.

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>he's the fucking villain
Nobody's saying otherwise. The point I'm saying is that the jobbers got what was coming to them.
they were mercenary scum. They took on a dangerous job. They suffered and died as a result of their actions and decisions to proceed with that job.
When they encountered a far superior foe with no chance of escape they chose to resist. As a direct result of this resistance they only enraged Ainz.
They didn't have to enter Nazarick.
They didn't have to go deeper when they found out it was inhabited.
They didn't have to lie to Ainz.

They chose a path of resistance against something they could never have possibly defeated, they suffered the consequences.

Jesus Christ you guys. I'm a human but i enjoy Momonga's brutality. Stop fucking self inserting like a cuck and just enjoy the story?

The post above mine was typed by skeleton hands.

>real human bean
go away Ainz


"throwing a tantrum"

it was two tongue in cheek tweets you autists.

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get back to ledit

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I still don't understand what the fuck happened here
He made them go there and then he was mad about them going there and killed them all?

He only got mad when they lied about his comrades, them getting baited in and then killed was the whole plan

>Because the anime isn't exactly going to sell on its own merit
It was top ten for dvd and bd sales with each release retard.

>People arguing that it was fine to kill them since they decided to go deeper
He killed the group that just wanted to go home as well

seems more like lawful evil.

>why elven slaves are alive
Because they did not make illegal decisions.

>In the Web Novel, she became Shalltear's sex toy and she also teaches Ainz how to dance.[4] She was also given the privilege to later live as a civilian in a log cabin on the 6th Floor with her sisters.

>had at least the decency to kill the ones that were forced to go in
Doesn't wash out the rest

Humans are the real monsters, though monsters are also real monsters, so who is humans?

Mistake, i meant *not* kill

How will Neia lose her virginity?

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He didn't want them there. It was part of Demiurges plan to establish their own kingdom. Get the empire to send people to investigate the tomb so Nazerick would have a reason to get in contact with the emperor and invite him. Ainz as Momon asked them why they were taking this job and they all said money. So he viewed them as just greedy mercs. He already knew the reason most people become workers instead of adventurers from his time working in e-rantel. He knew that workers normally do it because they can't or don't want to play by the guilds rules. Workers can make more money because they can take jobs that adventurers can't do due to being borderline or outright illegal. It is an open secret among them that some workers have ties to criminals such as 8 fingers. Basically the general viewpoint of workers in the empire and kingdom is that they are shady individuals that will work for the highest bidder and do what ever they are paid to do.

>had at least the decency to kill the ones that were forced to go in
Elves are alive and well, they wait on Màre now.

Today I will remind them

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>He didn't want them there
Based retard. As soon as he actively assented to the idea of inviting them and actively made steps on his own initiative to bring them there he lost the right to act surprised and enraged when they did exactly that.

Can someone explain what was the point in even doing it? Just to gain fame because a large group of adventures failed to conquer the dungeon?

Ainz race change item.

Am I the only one who found Arche the least sympathetic person on their team? She got a relatively good death too. I felt much worse for Roberdyck since he was a nice guy but people focus on Arche for no other reason than that she was a cute girl.

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No. They wanted an excuse to attack Jircniv the Emperor and blackmail him. So, they paid off one of his nobles to send a party to Nazarick, and used that "false-flag" as an excuse to launch a counter attack.

People focus on her because of her sisters as well
Also obviously a cute girl gets more sympathy, let's not pretend that's weird

Just because he went along with the plan doesn't mean can't be annoyed with them being in his home. He wan't acting surprised and angry that they were there he was surprised and angry that they would lie about knowing his friend and giving him a moment of hope that it was true.

She'll get drunk and dress up an altar boy as a skeleton sometime in her late twenties then feel very bad about it.

I should also add that they wanted to test the defenses of Nazarick itself against an attack from the new world. This way, they managed to get two birds stoned at once.

Her sisters just ended up with a 'normal' fate not dissimilar to what ends up happening to children in that world.

Roberdyck went into the worker career to be able to help more people and he got tortured into a vegetable for his trouble.

This series is a snorefest.

Reminder that she died because the Author just wanted to be edgy, literally nobody wanted this except for this retarded fucking author and yet the absolute madman did it anyway.

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Would have been accused of being a pussy instead since he kills every other character but he doesn't touch the little girl

threesome with CZ and Pandora's Actor

The same moralfags that bitched that the down-and-out adventurer bitch got croaked are also the ones that cried bitch tears when killer cunt Clementine bit the big one. They don't give a fuck about the women as characters, they're just pissed that titbeasts got offed.

I hate it because Overlord is just b8 every plot is just b8 to lead to some "shocking" shit because
>muh skele orverlord is evil muhahahaah
it's boring.

that's not even what a penis bone looks like

>Rape is worse than death

Is this your mind on American?

It is worse tho, especially if it's not a one time rape but a life sentence that'll be over only with your death

Worse then some deaths, definitely. You can have a quick, painless death but rape is always traumatic.

I'd rather have my skeleton chill under the dirt with worms instead of getting goosh gooshed every day until my body gives out

That'd be your mind on Sweden.


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>no matter the form it may take, the man is always innocent
but what if the rapist knows the woman can't bear children for some reason

Do the other Nazarick females also desire the bone but hold back on account of Albedo and Shalltear, or do they worship in a pure, non-sexual way?

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>moralfags are actually all Clementine waifufags
Are you on fucking drugs

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I am a Clem waifufag and I sexually enjoyed her slow, drawn out death scene. Many times.

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Whats up with that green spell you see on him sometimes?
I don't even remember anymore

The passive one that stabilizes his emotions to a calm and collected state?

Emotion suppression, some undead types have it (we know Yuri does and Shalltear doesn't).

Yuri has it. It's mentioned in her side story.

That's what I said.

Would have to care about that trash show anymore to be mad

Wait what, when? which?

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I liked season one should I watch the other two or just read the LN?

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Dragon Emperor did everything wrong, he just wanted to make his world resemble videogayms.

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Pleiades day.

why is Brita so fit yet so weak?

Pleiades are best girls

He wanted powerful magics that doesn't permanently desoul their world each time his two dumb sons have a bout.

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yup. we always knew Ainz was a villain but it took him butchering a cute and innocent girl for it to sink in. hope he and his crew of inhumans get exterminated

who cares, the humans deserved it
Lord Ainz did nothing wrong whatsoever

>Lord Ainz did nothing wrong whatsoever
The civilians kidnapped by Demiurge did nothing wrong.

So? They were stupid enough to be kidnapped. The needs of Nazarick > dumb peasant humans.

Where is the "kill everyone in the thread" button?

>doesn't permanently desoul their world
That's only Elder Coffin Dragon Lord's personal magic, no? That's why it is called "the worst".

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>Lv. 5 heroes enter lv.100 lich's dungeon
>they die

Lmao who could have possibly forseen this

All Wild Magic is fueled by souls.

Just like everything else. In New World "experience" means soulpower. But of Wild Magic only Cure Elim's breath ability is said to be so vile as to erase souls.

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No nigger dragon queen spell would need millions of souls too. Wild magic uses accumylated souls as mana, elim spell just happens to also delete target soul

Spic Dragon Queen's spell would cost so much only because she hasn't even been lifting all her life. She is said to be not stronger than a normal human so to cast Bright Dragon Lord's ultimate spell she needs a million souls as a sacrifice. Wild Magic still hasn't been explained properly but calling Cure's spell "the worst" only because it erases opponents' souls doesn't make sense if it already sacrificed a thousand more just to be cast. Cure also cast that Wild Magic anti-teleportation spell even when he thought that Suzuki was just an overconfident Night Lich so clearly they don't need to spend souls on those.

I think they just can't spam their strongest spells and need a lot of time to recover after doing it. Except for Cure Elim, whose strongest spell is the worst.

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You know if the re-estize kingdom found out the workers were grave robbing in their lands they would be captured and executed right? What Ainz did was no different, the workers die in either case.

Based Shinoa poster

what do you do with this thing?

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To cast his strongest spell once would have consumed his own soul completely. That is why he sacrificed every living thing within hundreds of kilometers and absorbed/stored their souls. With the stored souls not only was he able to maintain himself as an undead dragon but cast his ultimate 3 times before going poof. It wasn't just the humans in one city it was everyone in every city/town/village in that vast area as well as the souls of every beast and monster. Potentially millions of souls just to fuel his wild magic spells.

Kill and establish the one and true religion of Eight Gods or maybe Heavenly Dragon Lord God. Best fucking Dragon Lord ever, he just flies around and is probably stronger than 3 Gargantuas. And he fucking flies around. You can walk on him and he will be just flying around. Sprint, and he will just fly around. You can fly and exercise at the same time, fucking amazing. Probably some delicious berries are also growing on him while he just flies around, awesome.

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It's less of a moral issue and more of a storytelling issue, but crazed fanboys can't comprehend anything related to writing so why even explain this again.

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>elementary kids
So it's about power?
Let's say that I have a few fat stacks of dollars lying on my lawn.
By this logic, robbers are to blame if I'm defenceless, but if I have a PMC squad ready to kill anyone who trespasses - I'm at fault.

isn't she too young for that?

If you hid the squad I'd argue that your goal is baiting people in order for your goons to kill somebody and not defending your stack of dosh. If you just leave the dosh unprotected lying in plain sight I'd argue it's your fault unless you live in a great neighborhood or kindness and justice.

>I'd argue that your goal is baiting people in order for your goons to kill somebody and not defending your stack of dosh
Obviously. So?
No innocent person will be harmed because decent people don't steal stuff.
You could argue that I'm bad guy, but it doesn't make stealing any less shitty.

Yeah, but that's still that one unique spell of his and we still don't really know the mechanics behind other Wild Magic spells.

that's the beauty of it: once all trespassers are dead or too afraid to trespass due to the risk of death it WILL be a great neighbourhood where you can safely leave stacks of money unattended on your lawn

it's not merely justified self-defence, it's a valuable public service

>If you just leave the dosh unprotected lying in plain sight I'd argue it's your fault
PS It's just means I'm stupid. No, it's still not my fault.

That was the most enjoyable episode of Overlord for me.

Should be more doujins. I want a tail from shalltearsama too...

Spread soothing lotion on its cute butt.

>No innocent person will be harmed because decent people don't steal stuff
What if somebody just walked on your lawn? Also death? Do you tell your squad to kill people as they end up on the lawn, move in direction of the money, pick up the money or pick up the money and trying to walk/run away?
What you are describing sounds like REAL terrorism and terrorists are usually killed or sent to some nasty places so that's it.

>What if somebody just walked on your lawn?

That's trespassing *cocks gun*

I think his WM working while he’s undead is why it’s the worst.

It's the middle ages.

Please point out to me where I ever said that.

I'll do you one more, how about he doesn't put a cute girl and loose nothing that way?
Or do the Webnovel thing of Shalltear making this weird little girl thing a sex slave or something, like some serious degenearate shit has been done to her in the webnovel, Why not?

We kind have a hint. The Obaloli Dragon Queen said she can use Wild Magic to help her kingdom, but because she’s only 1/4th Dragon, it’s so weak that it would require all the souls in her entire kingdom. So only when they’re on the brink of destruction would she use it.

>What if somebody just walked on your lawn?
Context matters. Reasonable doubt is a thing for a reason. If my neighbor trespasses on my territory during the day while calling me - probably he has some business with me.
If I see masked literal who at 3 AM - it's a different story altogether.
But yes, generally after they stolen my shit and trying to walk away.
>the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
Dealing with pests is not a political aim.

Well Enri and Nfirea fuck like rabbits and they're 16.

No, they wanted her WN ending which was to be the /u/ slave to Shalltear and have her little sisters join her in Nazerick, while being forced to eat cold pussy everyday.

>Obviously. So?
You're not allowed to just set up death traps like that burger.

>Why not?
Because it sounds way more terrible than how the events play out in the light novel. In both cases the team accepts that suspicious mission at least partially because it could help their teammate greatly, but in one version the girl becomes all buddy-buddy and sex slavery fuck yeah with people who gave each of her teammates that wanted to help her a fate worse than death.

No cigar, but yes, the law in my country is fucked, so you're correct.

How old is Neia supposed to be?

Dead series, author is a sell out. To think I used to reread volumes when I had nothing to do.

She doesn’t become buddy-buddy, she’s literally owned like a dog. She was a pet, a pet little girl that was forced everynight to “play” with Shalltear. Shalltear the NPC with the million kinks probably forced her fetishes on the little girl.

Even when she’s teaching Ainz to dance, it was under the master-slave relationship. The power difference between the two was never friendly, it was do as your told or else.

Moralfags hate is strong.


Nvm, at least 16 since she's in the paladin order. Although she looks at least 17-18.

Attached: NeiaReborn.png (346x1040, 438K)

Honestly, we could also do with the Middle point
She is mutilated, Tortured and stuff, and then thrown away for other people to see
She survives barely alive, the characters are all fucking evil.
Isn't this Win-Win?

I am mad that they did not fuck.

Megumine explosions her way past the first five floors.
Darkness lets all of the monsters attack her as a distraction.
Aqua one shot kills ainz
Kazuma rapes Shalltear

Bootleg Remilia Scarlet

>so weak that it would require all the souls in her entire kingdom
That's why I think Draudillon or whatshername doesn't work as an example. She is not a pure Dragon Lord, and what's probably more important she is weak, not even an adamantite ranked adventurer tier. And I don't think she can accumulate souls like Cure Elim. They could have enlisted a teleportation expert to drop her somewhere on the other side of the front to siphon the souls of beastmen and stop the invasion just by accumulating souls needed to stop the invasion. She'd become a nightmare worse than 3 Soul Eaters to those beastmen if she could do that.

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Shalltear mostly fucks girls

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Only fucks girls, the only man she wants is Ainz.

What about Peroroncino?

She only has attractive girls available. I'm pretty sure that she is willing to fuck most of the animate and non-animate objects as long as it's amusing.
She was flirting with Brain.
>Kazuma rapes Shalltear
I unironically think that Kazuma just needs to ask. I'm not sure if he can survive more than six seconds, though.

is licking Shalltear's shoes 'sex'?

He is basically Caligula

wouldn't put it past her to want to fuck her father
>She was flirting with Brain
well in the wn all she has brain do is watch arche masturbate or have them fuck in front of the vampire brides.

Extremely. They were too kind to her. Ainz should have ordered his men to bring her sisters to the tombs and forced her to cook and eat them.

>implying Touchme won't become a man-eating gourmet who finds human fleshes delicious

Yes, there was a lot of people mad when they finally realized that Ainz and crew are actually the bad guys.

>t. racist
Do you want to remove all people of races other than your from your country too?

Yes. Can you believe that people call niggers black people? They are grotesques, like a litch they are not human.

But even after becoming a minotaur, the Minotaur Sage had enough control of himself to make other Minotaurs stop eating humans and start using them as slaves instead. Why wouldn't the great Touchass manage to do at least as much?

You just got baited. None of the main cast is evil. They are your typical evil-but-not-really kind of "villains". Other people in the show only think of them like that because a lot of misunderstandings.
Like, in the "farm" the other user mentioned they really raise literal sheep to collect their furs, nothing more.

Fluder hired them. Ainz didn't even know who they were until he met them.

>author thinks his community made world is his

>two tongue in cheek tweets
Yeah just ignore how he has been constantly decreasing the planned volume count with progressively more retarded excuses that culminated in "reeeeeeee some translates a book that i am never going to release properly"

I don't dislike it because Ainz and Co. are bad guys, I dislike it because they are very bland one-note baddies, especially Ainz himself. Granted from what I've read of the Ln they seem a lot more flesehd out but the anime leaves a lot to be desired

Ainz didn't hire them though.

>He killed the group that just wanted to go home as well
There was no such group.

Arguably sfw shalltear
>post the nsfw version

Attached: shalltear1.jpg (1500x2000, 488K)

I don't really like his Albedo that much.

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So if I tell my coworker that I have like a few tons of pure gold hidden in my basement and he tells others until some niggers hear it and decide to break into my home, does it means I invite the niggers?

panty version

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>sting operations are evil because there are better ways to catch vile scum before they commit a crime.

Demiurge told Ainz to tell Fluder to tell the Emperor to tell the spies to tell to that nobleman to tell the Workers to go to Ainz's dungeon. It's not complicated.

Who hurt you user?

this will not get old until the archefags stop seething

We don't know if the minotaur sage ate human slaves in secret to satiate his hunger or not.

sauce on this

So not directly, too many middlemen, too many uncertainties.

Why would he? He is a cow, he can eat any meat he wants but consciously decides not to touch the meat of his former species, he is not a vampire who can drink only blood of humans.

Volume 12.

Other beastmen eat humans because they find them delicious.

Reminder that what Arche got was actual mercy.
>The dark and damp recesses of the innermost parts of the dungeon were coated with saliva and chitin on the walls. From a distance, one could see the thin and withered form of Gashokukochuuou in the distance. Though he himself was hidden by shadow, his latest prizes were embedded within a wriggling swarm of translucent worms.

>Among them was an orchid-haired half-elf, her eyes having long since lost their usage. Compared to when she had first been "welcomed" to Gashokukochuuou's domain, she had been far more shapely than her current form. What remained was a greatly bloated human figure, her facial features barely staying in their human form as her cheeks and lips were a mere prick from bursting. She was unclothed, with the tatters of her leather vest and clothes strewn beside her. Yet one would not have known it as her belly was greatly deformed, housing a nest of her own children, gestating and growing to greater size. Even within her belly and womb, generations upon generations of multitudes of worms and insects thrived. Perhaps more luckily, her former lover was nothing more than an empty husk, having long since rotted away and turned to food for Imina's new children.

>Words did not leave her mouth, as every utterance of a word saw more translucent worms burst out like vomit. It was not only from her nether regions where she gave birth. From every orifice, from her eyes, breasts, ears, mouth, and nose, saw a multitude of the great worm's spawn wriggle free from their mother. Her face has not made any change in expression since her arrival, yet the occassional tear would roll from her eyes as she birthed a particularly large number of insects and worms. In his old world, the Great Lord of Nazarick would have called this affliction as lymphedema, the bloating of limbs. Yet this fate was far worse. Death was a mere pleasant formality at this point.

Attached: Imina.jpg (582x599, 55K)

If you organize people to convince people to make some people train some other people to Bombah Boombar, it's your fault even if you have tons of middle people to do all the dirty work for you.

I feel like i was better off without knowing these details
What Arche got was a trip to disneyland in comparison

This. I don't like seeing evil people just be OP pricks and get away with it, that's just sadism and only low self-esteem cucks are sadists.

Shalltear would be way more sexy and interesting if she looked like this.

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>who hurt you
This again?
Black “People” duh

Something tells me that no way she can control a spell that powerful and there is chance she would kill herself first and no one else. Not like she ever practiced it.

>Black “People” duh
clearly you've never had your asshole eaten by a nubian goddess. I swear to god I could practically feel her licking the back of my tonsils it was so good. Never had a white or asian girl eat my ass, much less even volunteer, but god damn her tongue did things to my butt.


>wanting to create a literal utopia
>bad guys

"Their" utopia, even to those that disagree with their vision of it
Literally madqueendaenerys tier "i know what's good,they don't get to choose"

So why did Mecca still stay intact?

> Becomes a Power Fantasy edgelord who murders people.

It’s called objective morality.

How many will survive to see that utopia? How many will be killed after utopia is established, for the sake of maintenance?

Doesn't matter. Ainz needs no reason to kill.

>a place where everyone lives in peace and harmony isn't a utopia

>let the dumb masses choose
>oh wars starvation disease crime
>let immortal skelly rule
>perfect criminal justice system with mindreaders
>no starvation due to free skelly labour
>no diseases cause magics and shit
>golden age of art and development thanks to abundance of resources and no need to work all day on a field just to survive.
>but muh freedom to kill my neighbour and rape his wife
well sometimes it's not a good idea to give people freedoms.

I'm sure the 5 people left will enjoy it

>How many will survive to see that utopia?
Doesn't matter. That's the point of the utopia, the population will be regenerated quickly after its achievement.
>How many will be killed after utopia is established, for the sake of maintenance?
Very few, definitely much fewer than those dying needlessly in a warring world controlled by corrupt, greedy local lords.

>How many will survive to see that utopia?
most will survive because the acknowledged goal by demiurge is not to kill everyone but have them worship ainz.

Isn't Hekkeran alive and fat with parasites in the LN according to the author's comments?

He's just shitposting user, Maruyama did a troll move by actually having sheep demihumans in the place Demiurge is, but it's confirmed that it's humans in the same volume.

>the "utopia" where trolls can't eat all human meat they want
It's impossible.

>Overlord was great when it was just about Ainz doing what he needed to do to achieve his goal.

That’s BS, also he goal is to just take over the world like the power hungry manchild he is who thinks this is all a game and is obviously a self insert power fantasy.

No one said he was dead. A rotten man can still be alive, especially with healing magic.

>it's confirmed that it's humans in the same volume.

criminals will be turned into perpetual meat factories
It's already well tested that you can separate parts of a human, use them, and then heal the human so that the part is magically there again without "erasing" the removed part.
>also he goal is to just take over the world
>he doesn't know that ainz was the one who was most surprised about the world domination since that was never his plan.

They can eat criminals' meat.

Plundering is not that bad, especially when compared to a murderous, self righteous sociopath tyrant like Ainz.

But trolls consider rightly prepared human fetuses so great that they aren't afraid to present them to foreign ambassadors.

impregnate criminal
remove fetus
heal criminal
rinse and repeat

It's like you lack imagination mate

Or maybe they desperately need money and food and you’re just a first world a-hole.

Ainz wonders why the humans are being skinned, user stop being such a Narberal.

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>Or maybe they desperately need money
It's like you don't pay attention
none of them need money desperately except for arche, and the priest is the only one who isn't utter scum since he is a worker because of the forced fee on healing that the guild enforces for the temples.

When you commit a crime against the state, you are a criminal. In no court can you argue that the state is unjust and thus their laws are invalids.

>I understand his actions

Understand? He’s just a self-insert power fantasy Villain Sue sociopath who never get’s knocked down a bunch of pegs.

Even Arche didn't need that much money, she could have just taken her sisters with her and abandoned her parents.

There is no proof those humans were skinned to make parchment. Maybe it's just a form of torture.

Or maybe that’s just a pretentious postmodernist interpretation.

She couldn't if i remember right i am not certain why anymore but the dept at least partially lies on her which was why the loanshark tried to meet her at the start of the arc.
But that's besides the point she could have gone to fluder considering her magic skills, fluder even thought about how he would have liked her around.

Enough of that bs pretentious “Character Alignment chart”.

I am. Ainz is a dick I can’t wait for him to face the repercussions for his actions.

Guess you are one of those moral relativists/social Darwinist a-holes who think that all morals are subjective and man made.

>killing guiltless unborn children just to feed your citizens
Not a true utopia.

That was pretty weak, you can give me better bait than that

Objective morals would be too hard for him.

>self-defense is wrong

>implying morals exist anywhere outside the imagination of men

>killing guiltless animals just to feed your citizens
are you proposing that they should go vegan? that would be a dystopia not a utopia.

They are literal livestock without any right at that point.

If you are trying to create an utopia, you're a bad guy.

Nah, they weren't her debts, it's just that she was the one paying them off. Her parents were officially the ones who took care of her sisters, so it was like a hostage situation with them. But yeah, Arche was really dumb or insecure and could have just asked Fluder to be help her. he would have helped since she was promising.

How so?

That’s the same kind of contrived BS you see in other edgy exploitation shows, it’s a contrived environment for the unlikable edgelord cast to try and make look good and reward them instead of giving them karma andcomeuppance, instead of doing the sensible thing and just admitting that the cast are evil pieces of trash, they as Bennet The Sage put it: “Surround them by the most unbelievable f***sticks in the history of f***sticks”, not to mention all the “moral relativity” BS.

That would be just as bad.

>are you proposing that they should go vegan?
No, that will make the troll citizens to suffer instead. I am just saying that clearly Nazarick's Utopia won't be a utopia.

Good lord, you are a self-righteous a-hole.

>Stop fucking self inserting like a cuck

You mean like how Ainz himself is a self-insert power fantasy.

>Stop fucking self inserting like a cuck

You mean like how Ainz himself is a self-insert power fantasy?

A Utopia is not possible with free will because people will always strive for freedom even if it means to suffer immensely because of it, the only way a true utopia can be made is if you remove that free will from your population, which inherently makes you a bad guy.
>doing the sensible thing and just admitting that the cast are evil pieces of trash
Well lucky for you, it is not overlord you are talking about since the story never pretends that they are anything but evil.

They all want the bone
Same goes for the males

>humans are worse than insects
Ones first thought would not be to stick their dick in

>they chose to resist by lying
>trying out a bluff to run away is resistance
Based retard

>It's not a utopia unless you have the freedom to break into a bank, kill all males staffs, rape all female staffs and steal all of their money

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If something is poisonous to a greater cause, why does removing it makes one bad?

Man this thread is filled with so many jerks constantly spouting the “moral relativity” BS.

I’m just going to paste this: “Since atheists believe God does not exist, they don't care about morality, usually stating that they prefer rationality over your primitive 'moral' ideas. This makes them amazingly easy to troll. Just ask them, "So are you saying that rationality is OBJECTIVELY BETTER than irrational morality?", then kick back and watch as the self-loathing God-hater ties himself up in knots trying to justify rationalism without morality.”

"Morals are God-given not man-made."

Their lack of belief in sin is used as rationale to do whatever they want, which they've been wanting to do since they were 2. Like a Roman emperor, atheists don't think anything is a sin: lack of empathy, lack of compassion, cruelty, killing, spree killing, serial killing, torture, crucifixion, rape, violence, child sexual abuse, bestiality, incest, public nudity, sex in public, orgies, polyamory, perversion, bullying, hate, discrimination, prejudice, exclusion, ostracism, vandalism, property damage, destruction, pollution, willfully spreading pathogens or toxins, extreme body modification, genetic engineering, animal experimentation, human experimentation, prison, the death penalty, labor camps, carnivorism, cannibalism, sodomy, drugs, slavery, captivity, genocide, bombings, immolation, decapitation, war, terrorism, extinction, poaching, deforestation, stripmining, mountaintop removal, oil spills, controlled demolition, carbon emissions, littering, nuclear waste, usury, lying, cheating, stealing, exploitation, wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony, idolatry, etc.

Unless they're a depressive, most atheists try to act like a Roman emperor in as many ways as possible: like a vain irritable condescending grandiose haughty hedonistic psychopathic megalomaniac. Despite what any atheist tells you, atheists don't give a fuck about anyone or anything besides themselves. In this moment, all atheists suffer from the sin of vanity/pride. Atheists worship themselves as a God and expect all the mere mortals around them to bow down before their learnedness. Again, like a Roman emperor.

“Since atheists don't believe in sin, they are left saying things like "hey, that's not cool" or "genocide isn't nice you guys" or "don't be a dick." When someone asks an atheist "Why not?" they will respond "Because that makes you a dick." Such circular logic is unassailable. So, social conformity and shaming by religious people bad, social conformity and shaming by atheists good. Although atheists don't really believe in "bad" unless they're referring to logic or religion. Atheists don't think people can be "bad", just "dicks" and "assholes", because dicks and assholes are all that gaytheists can think about.

Despite their extremely high score on a purity test indicating overall depravity, many atheists still believe they are moral people, just like most evil people do. But again like a Roman emperor, atheists don't believe in evil (unless evil is defined as humility, or putting your own wants behind others). A life goal of most atheists is to do as many degenerate things as possible while their heart is still beating because they believe they are headed for oblivion which means they won't be around to see the consequences of their actions. Every atheists can be summed up with #yolo. Also, you can't tell me what to do, you're not the boss of me.”

Much like a teenager takes up smoking or a standup comedian takes up heroin because they think it makes them look cool, an atheist dives into depravity because they think it makes them look edgy. This atheist drive to seem cool typically stems from being picked on which is why they don't believe in God in the first place. By living in sin, an atheist feels they are getting revenge on the deluded sheep around them, and they can pride themselves that they are a freethinker unburdened by superstitious notions of evil or sin, and that their brain has reached an advanced state of atheism just like a cockroach, until of course entropy sets in. Atheism reaffirms their sociopathy and misanthropy which was driven into them by bullies. Of course, many atheists will claim to be humanists, which is the same as thinking that God created man to rule the world and all of its creatures, like it says in the Book of Genesis.

Because once you argue that you have to go the final step and remove all sentients since their existence is a negative on the world.

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Morals are a spook.

>if you rape people to make babies only to use the babies as food for some of your citizens it's still a utopia

they are not people if they are criminals, the only reason we don't strip criminals of their human rights is because in realty there's always a chance of innocents ending up guilty

Cool to see that all it takes for lots of people to perceive evil acts as justifiable is to give them the pov of the perpetrators

Yikes the number of moral fags triggered by a fictional story. How many fucking stories are there where the main character is a bad guy? I'm tired of the good guys always winning, overlord gives you something original but you lemmings will just keep moralfagging.

Let's forget how all criminals in usa are defined as slaves in the Constitution. If you're fine with that, this should be fine too.

You don't seem to understand, having a show with evil characters doing evil things is perfectly fine and enjoyable since it's a rare thing
The "problem" arises when you have people spouting "no they're not evil at all, you're just moralfags"

Basically moralfags are capable of enjoying the show despite clearly seeing the morally disgusting things in it, it's just a show after all
Other people prefer to warp their mind and create excuses for the characters when it's not needed at all

If you perceive them as bad guys then it means you're a moralfag as well going by the logic of this thread

People still read this garbage? What I find hilarious is that the author asked people if this tard should live and they told him yes, and he still said fuck off. He has less integrity than DC who did the same thing to Jason Todd, pathetic. But he's an edgelord and this is the isekai milking age so I guess it makes sense since he never had any.

I'd argue i has integrity since he told them to fuck off instead of changing the story because the fans asked him to

But he's the one who asked them in the first place, as in make an official poll and advertised it as such.

Then i'd say he's kind of a cunt and enjoyed giving people hope only to take it away

Except that castle doctrine and self-defense are completely justifiable regardless of the POV. All this show did was just showing the hypocrisy of other shows where they glorify "adventurers" as hero instead of portraying them as who they are, greedy, murderous mercenaries without any moral. It also reminds you that "monsters" have their rights to defense their home too.

>Not dropping the show after Celestine's rediculous death hug
MC was suppose to be Mr. Logic but decides to kill a high level npc that knows about the underworld. Derp.

Didn't we already have that with goblin slayer? First chapter\episode all people talked about is that the gobbos had full right to defend themselves for the group of adventures that came in
Altho i kinda think they were going in to rescue survivors, but from the gobbos pov it's still intruding

>MC was suppose to be Mr. Logic
Imagine being this retarded.

What the fuck are you talking about? I am pretty sure that not even in the USA fetuses can be considered criminals.

By using to only type of magic that is super effective against ainz, autism

Attached: Oh shit.jpg (2169x2160, 673K)

It never says that anywhere in the consitution. Your thinking of prison labor laws that the states have.

From the goblins' point of view all goblins are shit, they don't kill each other ALL THE TIME only because they think they might be useful or are too weak to do it. They don't have comrades, and they don't have a home since their "homes" are always full of other ugly green colored strangers.

I know Ainz and co. are evil, and their actions are evil. I'm not triggered by that like the rest of thread like the moralfags reeeeeing about Ainz's actions against the humans. There's literally nothing you can do to change it barring you write your own fanfic so what the fuck is the point?

>Didn't we already have that with goblin slayer?
That show failed to deliver the message.
In the end, goblins are still portrayed as rapists, murderers, backstabbers, generally irredeemable evil savages without any positive feature and thus legitimate the racist attitude GS and co. have toward them. The author did everything to portray them as pure evil and effective ban any other potential perspectives.
The adventurers in GS are also basically saints who can do no wrong despite killing sentient being for a living. He even gives them many plot armors that ultimately contradict with his supposed mocking of the isekai genre. Like how one time he criticized adventurers for their impracticality by not wearing helmet to protect their head, but he made his key characters bar one do that anyway and none of them suffered any consequence. No goblin even tried to attack their head ever.

I meant 13th amendment and thanks for filling in the blanks bc my autistic shithead cant articulate. In any case, no one shall be enslaved other than prisoners. Anything goes when it comes to prisoners , you can see that in gitmo so I don't see why ainz and demi doing whatever to their prisoners in their dungeon doesn't fly with moralfaggers.

>There's literally nothing you can do to change it
How about come to Japan with your gun?

Are you retarded? The only reason Workers were there because the monsters wanted it. Luring people into your house to murder them isn't self-defense.

>despite killing sentient being for a living
if you've ever eaten meat you've endorsed killing sentient beings

also the goblins are literally murdering rapists without a shred of remorse

In my opinion whatever way the show seemed to be going with the first chapter, all was changed when the author gave him a static party
He showed that all could go wrong if you make the tiniest mistake, yet we know fully well nothing dooming will happen to the main party, and a handful of side characters

But everyone already recognizes that. The term murderhobo exists for a reason.

It's called sting operation. In the end what killed them was their own greed. Ainz time and time again gave them many chance to save themselves but they refused to take them. They proved that they were scums who deserved no salvation.

He gave them one chance, accept the mission or not, he killed the party that decided to just go home and let the others go deeper

Unironically based user putting reddit Atheists in their place.

>My MC isn't stupid, YOU'RE stupid!
The entire show up until then was the MC's emphasis on "investigating the world". I could see this thirst for knowledge a double-edged blade for the MC but then he goes "I've change my mind. I don't need information if it comes from BAD people!".

Enjoy your show, it's not the worst out there but don't pretend like the MC is anything special.

He purposefully tempted them with tons of riches and easy enemies since he knew that if he showed too much they'd give up because no one would be that stupid
He didn't care to actually give them a chance to go home, he needed to kill them for his plans to succeed in the first place

>also the goblins are literally murdering rapists without a shred of remorse
Because the author made them so. Instead of the chance to make his work interested by portraying GS as an vengeful mad man who determine to erase a whole advanced, diverse civilization due to the actions of few rogue individuals, making the readers doubt their own morality when supporting him, he paints him as a righteous avenger who nobly extract his revenge on utterly evil monsters. The overly used kind of black and white morality.
He is a coward. He needs to make an example with Priestess, the way Maruyama did with Arche.

It feels like it's been 5 years without a new volume

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No, it's not, the monsters from a den unlawfully occupying the soil of a country that doesn't welcome monsters and luring people to kill them is not a sting operation, they called it "testing". How dumb should you be to fail to comprehend something as simple as that? They literally said that it was a test.
Tell me about how moral those creatures that punish their own for trying to protect innocent people that were kidnapped in thousands from their homes and sentenced to death just for some Demon King vs Bone Master roleplaying.
In short, fuck off. Ainz and co. don't have any moral ground in this story and at least Ainz knows that.


He first ask them their motivation, those who answered it was greed received punishments. The three elves who didn't do that received none.
Then he put enough riches that were enough for them all at the entrance to see if any of them would retreat but they decided to go further to find more.
The team decide to stop there didn't want to go home. Their leader, the old dude was just a cunning bastard who wanted other teams to activate all traps inside and went in later when it's safer.
When he faced Foresight, they once again had a chance to explain their situation honestly to beg for his mercy but they decided to lie instead. They basically signed their own death sentence.

A righteous death is the a God given right to all servants of evil. We don't need justification to lay low those who walk in parody of the God given natural cycle.

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>getting goosh gooshed every day until my body gives out
Keyword : everyday
No fucking way you'd prefer death over one rape incident
>comparing the processes
You can have a painful death as well

He is nothing special. The author explicitly created him as a retard. That's the humor. You are the stupid one for assuming the otherwise based on just a few first episodes.

He didn't want to harm the innocent. None of the three elves that were brought there against their will was hurt. Only greedy thieves were.

If you need to wait until God tells you killing is a sin you're fucked up.

>he purposefully tempted them with little girls since he knew that if he showed them the feds hiding in the next room they'd give up because no one would be that stupid

Nazarick is a sovereign state and Ainz is the authority. They laid a sting operation to capture the most scummy criminals. Murderhobos bit it, invaded his palace and got punished according to his laws. It's that simple.
Pestonya and Nigredo openly defied the order of their king and they just got a short home arrest. How is that immoral?

I used to read the light novels. This point is the one at which I stopped. I assumed that his form was starting to sap his humanity when he started with the kiddy murder. A touch surprised that the anime didn't follow the web-novel route, where Shaltear makes the loli her thrall instead though.

I have vague memories of reading somewhere that he let the fans of the web-novel vote on her death in the light novel, so it may not be entirely on his head.

I heard more cute girls suffer a fucked up fate in vol12, someone care to spoil me who? I only know it's 2 queens and someone else

You just got trolled. No cute girl suffered anything in later volumes. Volume 12 was about Ainz helping a country to repel invaders.

Yet i've just head Demiruge kills Queen Calca by using her as a bludgeon
Who are the other sones?

IIRC the readers wanted Arche to live but the author decided to kill her anyway.

That's what i mean by saying you got trolled.
The queen was captured to be used a political pawn in the future. They faked her death by giving her people the body of a literal who disguised as her.


I find it hard to believe since Maruyama confirmed her death as well

Theres two reasons why everyone is mad.
1) Arche was supposed to live but they didnt follow the source
2) There was no reason for Ainz to torture people and based on what was shown so far it was extremely out of character

They have a goddess who is strong against undead.

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Shalltear is so sexy.

Not only lived, but turned into Shallthear's anal sex slave

I won't repeat any more than this once.
>the monsters from a den unlawfully occupying the soil of a country that doesn't welcome monsters and luring people to kill them is not a sting operation, they called it "testing". How dumb should you be to fail to comprehend something as simple as that? They literally said that it was a test.
>How dumb should you be to fail to comprehend something as simple as that? They literally said that it was a test.
>They literally said that it was a test.
>literally a test
>a test
>unlawfully occupying the soil of a country that doesn't welcome monsters

>invaded his palace and got punished according to his laws
It was called a tomb. They were told they were going to an old tomb. Do you know what a tomb is? Do you know what a tomb in a fantasy world can become? Yes, some monsters can unlawfully occupy it and make it their den.
>How is that immoral?
If it wasn't immoral they wouldn't be hiding the truth regarding the event. For some reason they don't want the world to know that they
>kidnapped (thousands of innocent people) and sentenced to (them all) death just for some Demon King vs Bone Master roleplaying
Oh wait, that time they did the same thing the Workers were doing (according to you)! Except nowhere in Re-Estize laws is it said that monsters may legally occupy old tombs! So actually they did a worse thing than these Workers! Amazing morals!

Nope, it's immoral.

He also confirmed he would write 20 volumes as well. You just can't believe him.

not every story has to be some deep cringe-inducing reddit-tier bullshit

sometimes its just cathartic to see green little shits be butchered.

>Except nowhere in Re-Estize laws is it said that monsters may legally occupy old tombs!
this is why people don't like humans.

The workers already knew that the place was inhabited by intelligent being, not mindless monsters right before they entered, but they did it anyway. They even decided to kill any human inside if there was any.
>If it wasn't immoral they wouldn't be hiding the truth regarding the event.
It's a matter of national security. You can't expect the government to announce all of it's secret to the world.
>Re-Estize laws
The place they invaded belongs to Nazarick, not the kingdom. Nazarick is its own country with its own laws.

I caught you, Mr. Skelebones. You are not human!

Now I know that you can't be serious. Took me long enough to figure out that you were joking.

You cant just show up in a country's borders, build a castle and declare that its now your country

You can if they can't prove you wrong by force i guess

you can if you have the military power to enforce your claim
t. all of europe for hundreds of years

How dare you bring Rowdy Roddy into this.

You're talking about who is right though. Not who is stronger. We all know who's stronger, but its definitely valid to say nazarick is in another country's borders and will need to make a deal with said country before it can be considered anything but property of that state

>they didnt follow the source
the source was the LN you weenie, not the shitty WN
>out of character
not only did ainz casually kill people previous to this, and not only did he also casually sentence people to torture before this, but these people (unknowingly) shit on one of the very few things he actually cares about

then who are these people to lay claim to an uninhabited plain between two population centers?
what right do they have to lay claim to anything they arent actively occupying?

I expected Ainz to be more like an anti-hero, but him being more like a villain is definitely interesting. Not even mad.

>your borders only extend to where you have actively developed and no farther
Based retard

Post the nsfw version.

We can assume their right comes from established borders and treaties with other countries, of course Ainz doesn't care about all that since he's above whatever law the world had established before, or after, he appeared

Border laws exist for a reason. Just because you don't live in your backyard doesn't mean a hobo can claim it without your permission/knowledge.

so youre saying that because they have laws that they themselves created on their side that theyre right?

>property of that state
>you bring in something into a state and it automagically turns into property of said state
Not to mention that nazarik lies mostly in a separate set of dimensions.
the only right they have to is the land nazariks entrance occupies which is what was nicely requested of them when ainz made his country official.
Your borders only extend so far as you can defend them, and they notoriously fail at defending their border.
Border laws only exist with sufficient power to enforce them, there is no godly power that gives you such rights.
You can come up with as many laws as you want and it won't matter if you can't actually force everyone to follow them, there is no inherent validity about such concepts.

Ainz is literally the good guy.
He was just defending his property as they violated the NAP.
Not to mention the fact that the filthy thieving niggers tugged at his heartstrings too.

You got short term memory loss son? That was literally your own argument for why Ainz was in the right.

>muh might makes right
Sure is summer in here

Nah, he's literally evil
Enjoyable, yes, but still evil

I guess a robber can take your things if he's stronger than you then?

When you are as powerful as Ainz, pretty much
I don't think anyone is gonna prove him wrong any time soon, if ever
If he's an immortal all powerful god, yes he *can*

I just came into this thread recently my guy
who are you to say that an uninhabited patch of land belongs to you?

The argument was never about if Ainz was stronger kid. Go back to your corner.

>muh summer meme
no because the state enforces my rights with overwhelming force, force that no robber can trump.

I sang it

Hope you realize you're using bully logic, which is basically what Ainz is doing pretty much, no one cap stop him so he does what he wants and he can just say "who made you the authority, piss off", or obliterate them i guess

Kingdom and Empire did not exist 200 years ago, that land belonged to other nations. Might makes right in this case they were the ones to establish a nation on land that originally did not belong to them, I hope you haven't forgotten about the fact that humans were at the bottom of the food chain over at this side of the continent just 600 years ago before 6 great gods helped them. Nazarick claiming this part of the continent is no different than what humies did

Except he's actually a good guy, that is.

bully logic is state logic retard
national lines were drawn in the blood of soldiers who died for them
laws are enforced with the force of men

Even if you want to play that card they only claimed it *after* all those crimes were committed dumbass.

Something doesn't have to be inhabited to be considered your property. If you owned two houses does the house you aren't currently in stop being yours?

But what if you were in a place with a weak state presence? What if the robber couldn't be captured? Does that make them right?

You know they're just gonna argue for the contrary right? Even if it came true in real life, where they'd say "no that's my property", they're still gonna spout in this thread that possession is only directly related to what a person is holding

it doesnt stop being mine because unless its the government taking it away then the government will enforce my right of claim to it
with physical force, ie policemen

What crimes? Murder in a medieval monarchy infested lands? Or do you mean baiting? They were originally going to die without pain, it's their fault for trying to mess with Ainz emotions, even though they just thought of him as just another monster to be exterminated he showed their companion mercy by killing which is the highest of high mercy within Nazarick

depends on how you define right, he is nor right in the sense that he broke laws and violated the nap, he is right in the sense of he forces his law onto you making him superiour to your state and giving him the same position as a state in regards of law.
>What if the robber couldn't be captured?
In that case the robber was plain lucky that he was able to avoid the holder of the major force, that does not magically mean he is suddenly free just because he couldn't be caught, his life will be restricted in the territory of the authority.
Of course then you can bring up cases where the robber couldn't be identified at all and thus is left with no prosecution, but that is merely an exception which i would put into the category of "surpassed the major force" just as if the robber in the weak state.
Because life is not magically fair and there is no divine authority handling all these things if you don't suffer consequences then you were right

>it's their fault for trying to mess with Ainz emotions
What else do you expect them to do? Their only crime was trying to survive.

>even though they just thought of him as just another monster to be exterminated
But Ainz is just another monster, he baited people to their deaths with the promise of easy gold, that is exactly the kind of things monster do, this is without even going into Ainz allowing Demiurge to kidnap innocent civilians for his happy farm, Ainz is a monster, the same kind of monster his guildmates would happily kill if they were summoned into the new world.

Do you actually read what you post before you post it or just shit out whatever comes to mind without any reflection on how insane and stupid you sound?

Based teen.

> the same kind of monster his guildmates would happily kill if they were summoned into the new world.
I don't think they would mind. Maybe Touch-me at best.

A well-written villain has consistent reasons for every one of his actions, whereas Ainz seems to do most of the shit that upsets the audience out of gratuitous sadistic whims. Not a good/meaningful villain, but more of an 'evil for its own sake' villain that you usually find in american cartoons.

Firstly it is humanity's stupid logic to think all undead are evil and non humanoids to be lesser. I should remind you even in the novels after conversing with Ainz they first tried to manipulate him, this is fine because they were trying to survive but then the entire fight none of them saw him as anything but something to eradicated. user they were thieves, they signed up to raid the place to kill the non humans residents and got what they deserved,

Also baiting thieves is not a crime, they quite literally are looking for loot, they'll judge whether or not they could kill and take it from you. If Ainz were weaker than them he would long be dead. Also Ainz letting Demiurge kidnap innocents was part of the plan he allowed, but denied any torture to allow them a quick death even though he could reap more benefits with them alive. One last thing, come over to my property, yes i'm baiting you and I promise I will shoot to kill, let's see who the local police department sides with

Aura doesn't see him in a sexual manner.

It's not that Ainz is evil, it's that he's unlikeable. Even villains require some aspect of them to be likeable otherwise they just become plain old assholes, which isn't very fun to watch/read.

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I think ainz is likeable, as do I assume all the other people who read the LNs, which of course makes them fun to read

Apparently yes.

>stupid logic
Without Theocracy, Six Gods and Eight Greed Kings there would be no humanity aside from maybe small enslaved or "domesticated" populations here and there.
>all undead are evil
One Evileye doesn't excuse the whole type's behavior and for one Rigrit there's Zuranon and Corpus of the Abyss.
>the second paragraph
Already covered it when conversing with the other user or (You) in this thread.

Literally watch a show about an unfeeling lich king with an army of monsters. Proceed to get mad that he murders actual npcs. The state of moralfags.

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Nice of you to list 8 greed kings who weren't even human. Secondly it was the theocracy that pushed human supremacy, volume 10 intermission revealed that they thought 6 great gods had chosen humanity when in fact they should be praising the 8 greed kings they hate, they were the ones to wipe the lands of non humans and kill dragon lord while 6 great gods isolated humanity and had wives.

There is evileye and corpus abyss that never hated humans. The latter conversed and traded with humans sometimes but as lichs focused on magical research.

>Firstly it is humanity's stupid logic to think all undead are evil and non humanoids to be lesser

Why its stupid? It has been stated over and over that before the first yggdrasil players came to the new world, humanity was at the bottom, being hunted and exploited by all kinds of monsters, do you think humans learned to hate and fear those creatures because they were nice? And Ainz has only reinforced that hate with his actions.

>I should remind you even in the novels after conversing with Ainz they first tried to manipulate him, this is fine because they were trying to survive but then the entire fight none of them saw him as anything but something to eradicated
Your statement contradicts itself, the only reason they tried to reason with him is because they believed he was intelligent enough to hold a conversation, at that point the party leader respectfully asked if he and his friends could leave, clearly they made a mistake in coming to that tomb, it was not abandoned after all.
And what Ainz did? He went on his autistic tirade about how all insects that enter Nazarick must be eradicated, despite the fact that he himself baited those people there, he picked people who were at the bottom of society, baited them with a bag full of gold, and then acted indignant when they pleaded for their lives, Ainz gave them every reason to hate him, to think of him as nothing but a monster to be eliminated.
If you act like a monster dont be surprised when people want to smash your face with a hammer.

>Also baiting thieves is not a crime
Its quite literally a crime, its called entrapment, read about it before you spout this bullshit.

>One last thing, come over to my property, yes i'm baiting you and I promise I will shoot to kill, let's see who the local police department sides with
Did you actually think you made some point with this or are you just retarded?

They wouldn't.
Pretty much anyone from AOG could one shot them. Ainz was weakened in IQ, not that Aqua would ever make it to them alive. Konoscrubs don't even have time magic counters.

>Nice of you to list 8 greed kings who weren't even human
Citation needed.
>Secondly it was the theocracy that pushed human supremacy
And that's one of the reasons they are the strongest human nation, even without relics left by the Six Gods and Zesshi.
>they thought 6 great gods had chosen humanity
They literally did, including Surshana, who very likely was an Overlord like Satoru.
>the 8 greed kings they hate
They killed Surshana.
>they were the ones to wipe the lands of non humans and kill dragon lords
And for 500 years after the Theocracy was the biggest factor that ensured that no nonhumans quickly conquered those lands again.
>The latter conversed and traded with humans sometimes but as lichs focused on magical research
Oh, so Suzuki killed and enslaved guys who were largely innocent in that sidestory? I promise I will read it completely, is there a yurinigger-free version around?
>while 6 great gods isolated humanity and had wives
They built the first strong human nation that has lasted 600 years and is one of the key reasons why there is region that can be called "human-controlled" so I wouldn't say they did badly. As for wives, Eight Greed Kings had them too, or maybe rapees.

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not that user but
You clearly don't understand definitions, they were not tricked into a crime, they were baited into a crime.
Entrapment is illegal because the person that ends up committing the crime is tricked into committing it and thus never actually intended to commit it, that's why police can't just go and be forceful in their sting operations.
A legal sting operations has to run completely out of the free will of the criminal, just like it happened with the workers.

Have you actually watched or read any of it? He barely gives a shit about conquest, he just wants to see his bros without pissing off anyone from his gaming days. World domination wasn't even his idea.

The Workers were contracted to go into some newly-discovered old ruins on the lands of Re-Estize that might contain treasure and/or spooks, noone told them they were invading a (soon-to-be) sovereign country and a fully functioning guild complex. Sounds like entrapment to me.

Its both retard. Police arent allowed to grab a phone with child porn and leave it on the ground waiting to arrest anyone who picks it up either.

>noone told them they were invading a (soon-to-be) sovereign country
They all knew that they were invading the Re-Estize Kingdom, it is quite literally not allowed to just raid some tomb that is in another kingdom.
You are retarded that would be entrapment
a sting would be if they told someone that it was there and then that person would pick it up
I literally wrote that the crime has to be performed with the full knowledge of the criminal for it to be legal.

>The Workers were contracted to go into some newly-discovered old ruins on the lands of Re-Estize

Thats why what they were doing was illegal. They were citizens of the empire robbing a tomb in another country. If they were caught by the re-estize kingdom they would have been executed for tomb raiding in their lands. The workers are criminals by definition.

I’m mad that she wasn’t raped and kept as her sex toy yes.

>Its not entrapment so long as the criminal knows its a crime
You're so fucking stupid

It's not a crime as long as the criminal performs it without force or trickery
if you are so anal about it here the legal definition
>The inducement by a government agent of a person to commit a crime by the usage of fraud or undue persuasion in an attempt to set up a criminal charge to be brought against that person.

>They all knew that they were invading the Re-Estize Kingdom
Like merchants invade kingdoms. If I visit Germany and break into some guy's granary, noone is going to call the event the "invasion of Germany", unless they want to catch a reader's attention with a nonsensical headline.
>it is quite literally not allowed to just raid some tomb that is in another kingdom
So in order for them to reap the consequences Ainz should have handed them over to the Kingdom's authorities and filed a complaint instead of murdering them and using their planned "invasion" as a pretext to bully a nation they were from into servitude. Suzuki is also quite a fan of that nation's leader, despite him being the "mastermind" behind the "invaders".

Bzzt. Thats the wrong answer. Its entrapment if the criminal would not have otherwise committed the crime. Thats why simply pretending to be a child online, and waiting for people to make creepy comments and solicit you for sex isnt entrapment, but making big advertisements about how much money is in this cool tomb and how easy it'll be to get into is.

>caught by the re-estize kingdom

the workers were lead by momon and im pretty sure they would not care that mercs were gonna explore a tomb they never heard of before

>citizens of the empire robbing a tomb in another country

feudal kingdoms != modern nation state laws

He must try!

>they wouldnt care
But they would. Thats the whole point of why they were being so sneaky about it. This is of course still a tangent made to distract away from the fact that ainz is still very much so in the wrong. You know, because he's evil.

*Ahem* Ainzcucks? Can your skeleton do this?

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It's quite obvious you never read the LN. It flat out stated why it's illegal and the route/measures they had to take to get into the kingdom to avoid being spotted by Re-estize soldiers.

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tl dr

>You clearly don't understand definitions, they were not tricked into a crime, they were baited into a crime

Different countries handle entrapment differently, in some baiting people into committing crimes is illegal, in other not so much, but the police will still give you shit for trying.

Besides, the workers were told to scout a tomb that they were told was abandoned, once they realized that the place was inhabited by intelligent beings and not just mindless monsters, they tried to leave, at which point Ainz attacked them and they were forced to defend themselves, the only crime they committed here was to fight for their lives.
The party that found Ainz tried to leave, the guys who were sent to the cockroach dungeon tried to bargain for their safe passage out of the dungeon, the guys at the entrance were encircled by the maids and the undead guards, and most of them were screaming at the old guy with the spear for them to run because the situation was very different from the fully empty tomb they were expecting.
The only one that I can give you is the dude with the elf slaves, since instead of fucking off from the dungeon once he realized that the place was full of intelligent monsters, he let his "muh duel" autismo go to his head and paid for that retardation with his life.
Aside from the elf slave guy, none of the other groups stole anything from the dungeon, and once they realized the place was actually full, they tried to fuck off but were forced into a losing battle against nazarick.

Reinhardt transcends reality

>script faggotry
Am I supposed to be impressed?


The only thing I really want out of Overlord is for a creative hentai artist to make a doujinshi about someone or something impregnating Entoma.
I have no idea how this act would plan out, so because of that I myself cannot hope to imagine fucking Entoma. That is a big problem.
I love her you see.
I want to be amazed, horrified and aroused by it.
But alas, I don't think it will ever happen.

A man can dream, but not about fucking Entoma.

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Well, fighting for their lives and going into a foreign country for its natural resources. Still though, not crimes ainz can punish them for.

merchants are not a paramilitary force out to raid a building in your country.
>So in order for them to reap the consequences Ainz should have handed them over to the Kingdom's authorities
well excuse me that the usa is unable to apply entrapment correctly, nothing that has happens can possibly ever fall under entrapment because no one from re estize was involved.
You are literally ignoring the major part that the entrapment absolutely requires that it is initiated by the authorities, and neither re estize nor nazarik have done anything that would fall under that definition.
>Different countries handle entrapment differently
>once they realized that the place was inhabited by intelligent beings and not just mindless monsters, they tried to leave
That is blatantly false, they realized that it was inhabited and they still went in to raid it wherein the focus lies on raid ie kill and steal not just scout.
>Aside from the elf slave guy, none of the other groups stole anything from the dungeon
That too is not completely correct, they "stole" the things at the entrance, that's why they let the old guy stay so that he can deal with the stuff instead of forcing them to carry the loot into the tomb.
>they tried to fuck off but were forced into a losing battle against nazarick.
Yes but at that point they were in the middle of an illegal raid, of course i am perfectly aware that in most legislation it's not allowed to kill someone who flees and i don't defend that aspect of the response.

Lotta moral fags in this thread implying the king of death gives a fuck if he’s hypocritical or immoral. The world is his bitch and might = right.

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they never learn, even years later

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>You are literally ignoring the major part that the entrapment absolutely requires that it is initiated by the authorities,
No I "literally" am not because the authority here is Ainz and he DID initiate it and cause people to commit a crime that they otherwise would not have done.

What Ainz did does not fulfill the requirements for entrapment at least in the us.


You are freaking out over characters introduced two episodes ago with very little development

I dont care about if Ainz thinks he's right, just the edgy teens in this thread who think he was. Ainz literally engineered it as part of a plan to take over a country, no shit he's in the wrong and doesnt care, he was playing a part up to have an excuse, apparently he rolled so well on deception even amerimutts believed him.

>otherwise would not have done.
They commit similar crimes on a constant basis that is why they are workers.

>merchants are not a paramilitary force out to raid a building in your country
And thankfully they weren't raiding any villages, just some old dusty ruins in the middle of the wild nowhere. Also they had the support and guidance of the great adamantite adventurer hero Momon. If it was anything really bad, he surely would have refused to help them in any way, right?
And yet he didn't.

>might = right

Now that the author is in a bitch mode because of muh piracy, I wish he would do a troll ending with players from yggdrasil 2 coming and killing Ainz and raping all the girls from nazarick, only to see the "muh might" faggots back pedaling.

You need to take a longer look at the definition and what types of operations cops can and cannot do if you believe this.

Thats really not relevant to whether or not its entrapment

I guess youve never heard of the saying "live by the sword die by the sword" huh

>perfect criminal justice system with mindreaders
that's where you fucked up user

Robberdyck, despite his name, is/was a worker because he is a bleeding heart who wants to help people even if they can't pay for his services. Arche is a worker because she is dumb but being dumb is not a crime.

>People actually read this edgy shit

Yea Forums is 18+ i'm telling on you

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>just some old dusty ruins in the middle of the wild nowhere.
That's still would count as property of the kingdom
>Also they had the support and guidance of the great adamantite adventurer hero Momon
Strictly for excort because that job was illegal and you couldn't put guild members onto it.
>If it was anything really bad, he surely would have refused to help them in any way, right?
Laws are not inherently good, and just because you are a strong hero doesn't mean you approve of them.
>And yet he didn't.
Well colour me surprised skelly-san is evil
I did and i am right, and actual cases support my view.
Of course it isn't relevant.

>it was extremely out of character

That doesn't matter when you’re in a form that make you more and more evil.

I don’t care about character for a self insert power fantasy.

How so?

>Well colour me surprised skelly-san is evil

Then you’re just an edgelord yourself.

Also I don’t think you know what is Reddit-tier, considering Goblin Slayer is Reddit-tier BS as pointed out by the other user.

Entoma is trash. She was acting real tough fighting against those weaker than her but lost composure quick when someone comparable appeared. Unlike based Yuri who BTFO EE even with the level advantage.

I'm assuming with mindreaders someone can go to jail for thought crime. People shouldn't go to jail for just thinking about doing something. Some wouldn't act on it but some will.

Kazuma asks Ainz can he not.
Ainz nots.
That's all folks!

>I am right
Alright champ

>They even decided to kill any human inside if there was any.

Just more contrived bs for the author to make his power fantasy “look better”.

I wouldn't know of any such cases so far though, as far as i know they are only every used to solve crimes not to predict them.

I never read the VN but with the name Mindreaders, I thought they can read the minds of people and their thoughts and if they're thinking bad thoughts they will be charged as a criminal.

google cases and look at how the requirements are for entrapment at no point does anything ainz does fall under those requirements.
here there are a couple cases mentioned, take a look at those.
well whatever that's it from me.

Go back to Pol/

What did chair do with her again? Just fuck her a lot?

>Enjoyable, yes,

The only enjoyable thing was his harem antics mood whiplash with the equally insane harem.

>Now that the author is in a bitch mode because of muh piracy
What happened? Im uninformed

>These light novels are for people who believe in doing whats best for yourself

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Maybe Maruyama doesn't agree, but along with the worldbuilding I find New Worlder characters the best part of Overlord, like that too swole to control general Enri or a strange brain guy who is all giddy about clipping a girl's nail on a roof of a house with his katana while the capital burns.

Sure keep spouting that moral relativism bs, do I need to paste those quotes again?

>be roundmountain
>shit anime season 3
>won't sell after the cgi shitfest
>fuck how do i get those retarded japs to buy the garbage anime
>write full novel and give it out to japs who bought all three BDs for season 3
>sasuga maruyama sama
>filthy gaijin translate the novel i specifically wanted to be exclusive to my japanese paypigs?
>hmm but this is actually a blessing in disguise
>i can't be bothered to write this garbage series anymore and now i can make another excuse
>cry about piracy and say that now it will end after volume 16
>think back towards the good old days
>why did i ever say that i will write 30 books
>i want to go back to being a wage slave in my office

He never wanted them to pay, it was literally impossible to legally acquire the book unless you are a Japanese resident.

>I'm assuming with mindreaders someone can go to jail for thought crime.

No. In The Sorcerer Kingdom accused criminals have their minds read by undead wizards instead of facing a trial. The innocent are then immediately set free.
The surrounding human kingdoms don't do this because the process is open to corruption, the wizard could claim an innocent is guilty. This doesn't happen in The Sorcerer Kingdom because all the undead wizards are incorruptible constructs who worship Ainz as a living god.
The Sorcerer Kingdom as a whole is pretty stupid though. Ainz is essentially so powerful that he needs nothing from his subjects and his undead minions provide the government, army and labour force. This leaves the kingdom as a vanity project.

Someone on twitter wrote to him about the bonus volume's translations and he left one or two sarcastic tweets regarding that.

More “all morality is subjective” bs.

yes well no one will enforce your "objective morality" so it might as well not exist for those powerful enough, grow up.

Sounds pretty dumb to me. There is nothing to gain from barring certain supporters content because of their location and if there is no legal way to access it obviously people are going to find illegal methods.

>whereas Ainz seems to do most of the shit that upsets the audience out of gratuitous sadistic whims. Not a good/meaningful villain, but more of an 'evil for its own sake' villain that you usually find in american cartoons.

The same can be said about the Homunculus from FMAB/Manga (more specifically, Lust, Envy, Wrath, Pride and The Dwarf in the Flask).

He is, he is unbelievable cartoon evil, and a Sue.

Some people interpreted his tweets as more of a jab at the publisher that made this bonus volume a limited hard-to-get thing, not the pirates.

>Ainz seems to do most of the shit that upsets the audience out of gratuitous sadistic whims

I think the main point of overlord is that ainz is just a moronic scared dork thats in way over his head and is taking his rp way too far.

If this does not end with demiurge/albedo saying fuck it and throwing him in their skin farm/rape dungeon or pdl incinerating him it will be a disappointment.

You know what, you're right, I have once again overestimated the third world country known as america as being better than it was. Sasuga

>he just wants to see his bros without pissing off anyone from his gaming days. World domination wasn't even his idea.

That just shows what a petty a-hole he is.

You’re one of those people who have the “all crimes are equal” mentality.

No, but she legit intended to give Brain a hug after cancelling time stop.
It wasn't clear how much of it was a sarcasm on her part. Brain is a stud.
It indicates at least some degree of interest in men.

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What is pdl's plan Ainz is just getting stronger and stronger while hes doing nothing

This might come as a shock but the homunculi that are named after the seven deadly sins might indeed do evil things just because thats in their nature.

Make Rigrit younger and polymorph he into a dragon creature so she can carry his cute bastard child, duh.

So? Doesn’t change the fact that Ainz is a unsympathetic tyrant power fantasy sue.

Also People did the same for Nina Tucker from FMA.

>saying "live by the sword die by the sword" huh
You mean that man made “moral”?

He and Ainz will be best buddies in no time.
Ainz has the same amount of luck.

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Morals are God given, not man made.

God is a fiction created by humans.
BTW which God? They are pretty different.

They aren’t though, Father still demonstrated all seven of them even with them “supposedly removed”, they were actually just his emotional attitude towards humans, and them never shutting up about it.

>evil things just because thats in their nature.

Greed didn’t, because all he really wanted was friends and Gluttony acted more like a naïve child whom others were a bad influence on him.

Found the Fedora tipper.

So you can’t use the “that’s in their nature” excuse.

>This leaves the kingdom as a vanity project
For now. The real meat is R&D.
It was a serious question. There are probably thousands of pantheons.
Some of them declare that they are the only and true faith.
Some of them have commandments or similar.
Some of these commandments contradict one another.
So what method can you use to tell apart real and fake?


He is burdening himself so that sinful woman may have some semblance of normalcy. That man is a hero.

>Some of them have commandments or similar.
>Some of these commandments contradict one another.
>So what method can you use to tell apart real and fake?

Those are mistranslated and lost in translation.

Also funny how you told me to “grow up” when you’re the one with the “you can’t tell me what to do” mentality.