Kimetsu 163

Crap overslept

163: Overflowing heart
[side] The assembled heart, the loosened memories

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Other urls found in this thread: ch 163.rar ch 163 color.rar

My head got cut off
[side] The dying Douma foats across

I lost to that scrub [I think it's referring to Kanao in particular]

To that
Poison user who doesn't even have the strength to cut a demon's head off.

To a guy who doesn't even have the foundation for swordsmanship.

Being eliminated like this is such a pitiful way to go.
And I spent my life being devoted to the people and contributing to the world...
I know.

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I don't know yet. I can't give up yet.
I might not die.

Like Muzan-sama.

Akaza-dono even managed to do it. I'm sure I can too. [emph even managed to do it]

My body's starting to crumble.
I'm so pathetic.

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Thank you TL user.

I"m gonna

Ahhh, yep. Hopeless.
I don't feel anything.

I'm not afraid of dying.
I don't feel annoyed at losing.
I've always been this way, huh.

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My lustful dad kept putting his hands on his female adherents.
So when my mom stabbed him a lot.
Then in her half insanity, she killed herself with poison,

I thought to myself, please don't dirty this room.
I wasn't a demon yet back then.
And the blood smelled so horrible.
I had to vent the place as soon as I could.

Stuff like that floated into my head.
I never felt a moment of sadness or lonliness.

When I turned twelve, I got to be turned into a demon.
And I lived for over a hundred years. But in the end,

That thing called human emotion seemed like
A faraway
Illusion in my eyes.

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"You finally died?"

"Now I can pass on in peace"

"Shinobu-chan, was it? Or Kanae-chan?"

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"Ahh, it's okay. No need to remember"
"About me, or my sister"
"You're utterly disgusting, so just don't say our names"

"The power of your poison was amazing"
"I didn't even feel it going through my body"

"...well of course"
"I received the help of the demon Tamayo-san"
"And she helped me create this"

"Huh... that woman"

"It felt very annoying though"

"I wanted to entomb you with a poison I myself created if it was possible"
"But I'm fine with this. Everyone wins here"

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"The demon originator is still around"
"But I'm sure it'll be fine"

"One of my allies will finish him off for sure"
"I am confident"


"What is this?"
"What is this?"

"Is something wrong?"

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I feel like my now nothing heart
Just started to beat
Is this that love thing? Oh you're so cute, Shinobu-chan.

These feelings actually do exist.
So does that mean there's actually a heaven and hell?

Hey Shinobu-chan
You wanna go to hell with me?

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Are you sure about the age? Shueisha has it at 20.
Anyways, thank you as always!

"Fuck right off to hell, you shithead"

"All bark and no bite, you ass!"

"Finishing blow!!"

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"I have avenged thee"


"I have no mother!!"

But everyone has a mother [I dunno what exactly I said here before]

Then I was abandoned. I don't need a mom.

She was probably in a situation where she had no choice.
If you were really abandoned, she wouldn't even have given you a blanket or a name. Like me. [Was Zenitsu abandoned?]

I don't remember my mom
If I don't remember, then it's the same as not having one.
Of course not, dumbass.

Don't phrase it like that

Oh that is 20. My reading comprehension is a failure.

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I'm sure your mother
Loved you a whole lot.



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"Shinobu nee-san's hairpiece..."

"I'm almost blind in my right eye"
"And it only got this far because I only used that technique for a short time"

"Kanae-nee-san's hairpiece is completely broken"

"Sorry nee-san"
"I'm so sorry"

"I'm sorry for not being able to cry back then"

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I'm sorry I couldn't cry
When Kanae nee-san died.

Everyone was crying

But I was the only one who couldn't.
I was very confused about it.

I was sweating all over my body, but I wasn't crying.

But nobody

Nobody even criticized me for it.

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Everyone was so kind
That's why I made up explanations in my heart.

When you cry you get kicked and stepped on.
You get dragged around and dumped into water.

You have to watch what you do
Or something bad will happen. [emph something bad]

The next morning, several of my brothers' bodies felt cold.

I'm sure that's why I stopped being able to cry.
I'm sorry for not being able to cry spontaneously.

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I'm sorry, nee-san.
But this time I can actually do it, okay?
I worked hard, okay?

I did as you told me and valued my friends,

And they helped me.

I know it's it's impossible when alone, but my friends came to my aid.


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You worked hard


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[side] There is no stopping these overflowing emotions...

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Thanks for TL

Between Kanao finally recovering her emotions and Shinobu being set free from her permanent anger in the afterlife, I'd say this is fine.

So what battles are left? Kind of surprised we've already got the main cast out of the way


We still need to see himejima job to kokushibou.

Rock and Mist (and maybe love/snake) vs Kokushibou
Wind and Genya vs Nakime
Possibly Urokodaki, Uzui, and Rengoku dad vs upper moon 5 (who might be defeated by Nezuko waking up)
Whatever happens with Tamayo and Muzan

Thank you, TL-user.

Thank you for the TL user.
What an emotional chapter. So Kanao didn't go full Shiryu blind, Tanjirou helped Inozuke cry and Kanao avanged her sisters. Kimetsu delivered yet again.

I wonder if inosuke's boar head is all fucked up now. It must've been point blank next to all the ice attacks right?

Beautiful chapter
So the poison was not only shinobu idea but Tamayo also helped
Douma dying leaving both Kanao and Inosuke grieving their loss

Genya and wind agaist UM 1. I feel like the arc is almost over. Remember ther letter that little Rengoku sent to Tanjirou, he will read it and they will call for rescuing the main 5 and escape from the dimensional fortress

Yes, gimme those feels.

Thanks TLanon

thanks for the TL

>fucking loser doesn't have friends his own age.

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Wind and Genya vs UM5
Snake and Love vs UM4
Rock and Mist vs UM1

FFS the ship is real

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If Kaigaku was such a pushover then two pillar level hunters for the other reserve UM’s will be far too easy and the fights will be too short lived and anticlimactic to resolve any kind of storyline these characters have going for them.

I feel there will be a battle royale for Kokushibou, to hype his powers more than two Pillars will go against him.

>If Kaigaku was such a pushover
He was picked recently as an Upper Moon and Yushiro himself said Kaigaku wasn't fully tuned to his demon powers just yet, otherwise Zenitsu wouldn't have solo'd him. Kaikagu in practice might have just bumped himself to near-Pillar level by becoming a demon, not fully going above Pillar just yet.

The author does this a lot at the end of his fights, so I wasn't expecting much feels from this chapter.
This one was pretty good, though.
It's what they DON'T say that makes you feel.

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Kokushibou fight when? It better not be some off screen shit.

Aren't you supposed to be in (Viz) hell with Douma by now?

He has direct ties with the protagonist's family tree, he will never be offpannel, and won't be defeated by anyone other than Tanjiro, when he reaches greater power.

Yeah. think the new Moons are plot tools (spy demon) or character development (Zenitsu), not new strong bosses. The way Douma was handled makes me think the mangaka wants to go fast, not slow down the path to Muzan with more OP mid-bosses.

I guess the teleporter demon could be like a puzzle boss

Oh, so that's why Shinobu has the mind_broken dead eyes all the time.

I'm just hoping all the pillars get to shine

I meant his fight this arc better not be off panel. My big fear is he kills off rock pillar off panel and his bit is wrapped up til next time. I agree with you he won't die here.

Can't anyone please dump the colors?

Inosuke is a piglet

>Couple who love to fuck.
>Make a bunch of unwanted kids in the process.
>Don't bother to give any of them a name.
>Killed them cause they were useless and cry.
>Just realized after killing a few of them that you could sell them for some bucks.
Yeah at least we can all agree that Kanao has very fuck up backstory.

why is nezuko trying to touch inozuke's crotch

I think you misspelled "her".

at least he is a /fit/ piglet.

So this is the canon heights, is weird to see Tomioka that tall, in the manga he looks like a manlet.

happy potato family endgame

Isn’t this the first time we actually see the boar cry without his mask on?

Viz TL is out. I think I like OP's translation more.

He is older than all of them, it would be weird if he wasn't a little taller, he is seems short when compared to some of the Pillars around his age.

I'm thinking, the fight starts and we see that Kokushibou is a master of every single breath, and he knows the moves Rock and Mist will use the instant they make them. Rock gets the mark, and the two of them start to turn the tables, showing that Koku is not invincible and can be killed, and hey, maybe this is the final arc, they'll kill UM1 here and-

>Breath of the Moon: Eclipse

Nope, just kidding, it's game over for Rock and Mist, and the idea that they'd ever win was nothing but a sad joke.

Yes, the other times he had the mask on, like Rengoku's death.

How come Doma's head was only in the afterlife and not his entire body?

Also, Doma always said he didn't believe in gods and demons because he never saw one appear in front of him so why does his afterlife seem so peaceful?

>[Was Zenitsu abandoned?]
yeah, during the spider arc he says he didn't have any parents in a flashback, you're good

Gyoumei and Toki had their flashbacks already, and have been hyped as unnaturaly strong Pillars, so a good way to hype Kokushibou is definitely by killing those two Pillars.

Because it’s hot

Here seems he's taller than Rongoku

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No he doesn’t, that’s hardly even implied aside from the fucking flame tattoos on his face.

I think Rock is dead for sure, and Mist will only be crippled (you can still fight with one arm, so Mist will lose a foot and maybe more)

Zenitsu said he didn't have parents but back then it wasn't clarified what exactly happened, they could have died or abandoned him, now we have Zenitsu saying that he was abandoned.

>No he doesn’t
Yes he has, only those from the Breath of the Sun have the marks in that pattern, everyone else will manifest different Demon Crests, Tokito has the same pattern and he was confirmed to be a distant descendant from the Breath of the Sun users.

>thought that Douma was referring to Kanao or Shinobu when he was talking about Inosuke
>implied that Shinobu did go to hell with Douma
Viz tls are always trash, user.

Who is UM5?

I'll try then.

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And thanks for tl, user

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UM5 and UM4 should be in the same position, though. Maybe not as bad, but they ought to still be weaker than a "real" Upper Moon.

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I finally realized akaza reminds me of the guy from shin megami tensei 3. He looked so familiar for so long and I couldn't think of what it was.


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>2 low ranks beat the high moon 2 demon when it took 1 pillar,7 low rank demon hunters, and one demon to take out the 5th moon and that was with a shit load of luck.

The body tattoos?

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Nakime probably doesn't have much combat experience but understands her blood techniques very well. if UM5 is Uzui's bro he'd have combat experience but would be a neophyte with his blood powers. Interesting contrast, esp compared to Kaigaku who was mediocre with both

I bet Muzan feels silly now, with not a single Lower Moon to replace his Upper Moons

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Everyone jobbing to Kokushibou

>2 low ranks
We don't know how Inosuke ranks after the Pillar training, but Kanao was always above everyone else, she was handpicked to be groomed to become a Pillar, she was called Tsugoko.

Yeah exactly.

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I just realized Douma’s signature Christmas tree mullet got chopped off, rip

this feels like the final arc unless wani puts 10 new characters from nowhere

>to become a pillar

that still falls into my point. 1 pillar could not beat the 5th high moon demon which is the weakest of the high moons.

You know the Mummy Movie from the 1990s?

And when the bad guy loses and gets dragged into the underworld by other dead people, I kinda expected the same for Doma.

Like all his female victims appear and drag Doma down because if you remember, all those dead failed Water Breath apprentice spirits were waiting for their demon to get killed before they could peacefully pass on

Well shit so she did get herself killed.

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His fault for being a retard.

>this feels like the final arc
it was already confirmed to be

Stereotypically and Thematically, the Buddha-like Rock Pillar is most likely to die.

Who will he see in the afterlife though? He was betrayed by everybody and was sentenced to death.

>unless wani puts 10 new characters from nowhere
She will pull an InuYasha.

It cannot be the final arc when the protagonist has exausted himself to near death, Tanjiro isn't going to fight anytime soon.

Isnt Akaza why Rengoku died?

>Who will he see in the afterlife though? He was betrayed by everybody and was sentenced to death.

The dead kids who abandoned him apologizing

Last Shinobu's potato face.

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official tl fucked up the line about inosuke not having swordmanship and attributed it to kanao too.

im talking about the ninja dude against the siblings

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I'm watching the show, episode 11, and holy fuck that blonde faggot. I'm seriously considering dropping it because of this loud obnoxious cunt.

Really? Only way to extend it is the Japanese government or royal court gets involved.

I'm sure people in the know-how know how strong these demon hunters are and how much of an asset they could be to the military.

It just depends if the question is answered: Do all demons automatically drop dead when Muzan is killed or do they still survive and the Demon Corps still have to hunt the survivors?

Did that idiot Doctor who gave Muzan immortality, really die, or did Muzan forget to check up on him after stabbing him in the back with a knife?

Did the Doctor learn about the immortality medicine from someone else or did he come up with it, himself?

What a cute potato

My guesses for the remainder of this arc

>Rock and Wind are killed in the upcoming battles. Mist, Snake, Love and Tomioka are injured but survive. The retired pillars sacrifice themselves to get everyone away

>Nezuko is captured by Muzan and Tanjiro can not get her back right now

>The demon corps organization falls and goes into hiding to regather their strength.

>Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Kanao, Inosuke, Genya, Love, Snake and Mist plan to train

>Timeskip 3 years later

>Muzan has replaced the Upper Moons that have fallen and Nezuko is now one of them

>ninja dude
Uzui downplayed his strenght as a Pillar though, getting pissed on being picked for that mission by pointing out Gyoumei and Tokito were monsters above him, even if he has great physical strenght the guy definitely isn't one of the strongest Pillars around.

Watch the 12th episode next sat and then we talk.

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Why couldnt that pink haired whore die instead?

That would’ve been a really cool visual actually, but I guess that would’ve required the cultists to also have gone to hell if they were to drag him down with them, right? It’s not as if they really did anything to warrant themselves being sent there. Though I guess she could have just drawn a few final panels including them, similar to the scene that you mentioned with the apprentices.
But I think in this case it fit more thematically to showcase Shinobu telling Douma to fuck off one more time before her soul passed on once and for all.

Tanjiro looks swole as fuck here in color.

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You meant 13th. 12th was the latest one.

assembled heart, or assembled hearts? also yay easy chapter with no techniques

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Hantengu is the second strongest upper moon.

Because we can't have nice things.

Depending on the scene Gotouge has drawn all three of them with ripped bodies when shirtless, with Inosuke being just slightly more.

scrub is funny but seems a little too modern, maybe weakling?

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Well the one when Zenitsu defends Nezuko's box even knowing there is a demon inside

All demon hunters are swole as fuck. Even the fodder demon hunters

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[Spoiler] Fuck the captchas [/spoiler]

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.. , Fuck spoiler text

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Thanks TS user

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>2 low ranks beat the high moon 2 demon
Why wouldn't Shinobu not count?
They wouldn't be able to do shit without her sacrifice

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Last 2 Shinobu's pages everyone and yes Shinobufags too say goodbye to her

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So Shinobu is really gone. She didn't have a chance to say a proper goodbye too. Aoi and the trio girls will be heartbroken.

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Last one.
., Kanao 1 billion cutier than Shinobu

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While I of course would love to see more of the pillars in the future of the story, all them so far had pretty great sendoffs so I can't complain. I think Rock will be joining Shinobu soon enough

This looks beautiful colored.
Thanks user


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Eyepatched Kanao when

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Anyone have a link to the previous colored chapters?

>Douma doesnt even give a shit about dying
Truely a singularity of based.

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Well now he gets to discover the hell he didn't believe it existed.

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It's already on mangadex.

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I love Inosuke

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Has the entire series been done in color?

Do other WSJ series get colored chapters or is this exclusive to Kimetsu ?

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Any questions?

No official confirmation but I agree this feel like final arc or an arc before the actual final arc.

Not yet, the colored chapters began rather recently, Jump has promissed to color the earlier chapters up to everything up to now but that remains in the air.

Jojo, Dragon Ball, Yu Gi Oh, and One Piece are some that have colored chapters.

>"Fuck right off to hell, you shithead"

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Several series do, mostly the popular ones get colored digital releases, new popular ones start getting the recent chapters colored while older classics have theirs pending till an announcement happens.

nothing major i think

just kimetsu for now, previously it was yuuna-san, and i think maybe shokugeki before that

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>it was already confirmed to be
Nope, not confirmed in anywhere.

>just kimetsu for now
Modern series you mean, Jump began their colored digital program with their giant classics before, Yu-Gi-Oh, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Naruto, and even One Piece that's still ongoing but Jump started right from the beginning instead of just picking the recent chapters.

One series gets gets colored chapters in the digital version of the magazine, it switches every couple of years, it used to be Yuuna-san. Supposedly there was going to be a full digitally colored release of the series but I haven't heard anything about it since it was announced.

yeah i meant concurrent chapters

Do the Authors get a say in the color schemes for the characters?

If you want the raw version just search the archive. it's not really hard to find older manga threads.

The colored versions definitely follows pointers from how the actual author colored their characters before, stuff like Dragonball has Piccolo's skin patches be yellow instead of pink like in the anime, and Kimetsu colors are the same patterns as Gotouge uses.

UM6 was turned recently, which was one of his weakness, we don't know about UM5, Nakime was a demon for a while, her ability was already ex LM6 on steroids, and Muzan pointed out how quickly she improved "recently". Guessing she never had a reason to join the Demon Moons before.

Given how he is, he will probably have fun discovering the different punishments they have for him head

Will be slow today. Just realized the restaurant i went to yesterday lunch had a rat infestation, so now my stomach feels like utter crap

Assembled hearts is fine

Based Shinobu coming in with sick burns from the netherworld.

They usualyy follow what the author does, but there's been stuff like douma being colored differently in the color page than he was in previous digital versions

Please don't die and hope you feel better user

Who will end up being Shinobu's VA in the anime? Mamiko Noto?

Any female va that has worked with Sakurai before

Buy Pedialyte

I recommend unflavored because it won't change the color of your tongue due to food coloring like gatorade


It seems ufotable wants Fujo bucks.

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Doesn't look like fujobait to me, they aren't hugging each other like in Free! or Yuri on Ice.

Hope you feel better and drink lots of water

Would Ayako Kawasumi work then?

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pan 2 bub 1: I lost to this loser. [I like scrub, but weakling is fine too]
pan 3 bub 2: Poison user whom I can’t even call a swordsman since she doesn’t have the strength to cut heads off.

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My body is not ready for the face reveal next week.

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Incoming Inosuke copypasta spam

pan 5 bub 3: Wait a minute. [Literally “that’s right” but he sounds like he just came up with something]

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pan 2 bub 1; When she did that, I thought to myself, “Please don’t dirty this room”

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pan 2 bub 2: I am confident about that.

Wait, isn't it implied that Kokushibou is also immune to getting his head chopped off? Literally how are they going to beat him? My money is on him betraying Muzan for redemption.

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pan 1 bub 1: It’s like my empty non-existent heart

pan 1 bub 1: Go fuck yourself in hell, shithead. [It’s a bit liberal, but I couldn’t pass up on the double entendre]

I don't see how this can possibly be the final arc when we still have Kokushibou and Muzan to still defeat and Tanjiro is knocked out right now.

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stab all the 6 eyes at once.
so it will be a 6 vs 1 match.

But the picture doesn't have Inosuke. I mean They seem to want to put Tanjirou and Zenitsu together alone.

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In another thread, someone suggested the MCs are out so their plot armors won't come into play (too early).

What if Inosuke is one of them

Well Rock Pillar was stated to be the strongest pillar and everyone expects him to die.

Like I said the only villain beyond Muzan is if we have a JoJo like situation where that immortality potion was imitating the traits of real vampires or the Japanese government become villains because they want to use the demon hunters for military purposes.

Unless you want time travel shit so we could see who the hell made that 6 armed robot.

The problem is, after that battle (that is guaranteed to have heavy casualties), they have to deal with Muzan.

pan 4 bub 2: And the only reason it didn’t go any further is because I only used that technique for a short period of time.

pan 3 bub 2: And it bothered me a lot
pan 5 bub 1: Yet nobody...

pan 4 bub 1: Even if it’s impossible when I’m alone, my friends came to my aid.

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Can someone make an edit of the "you piece of shit cat" meme except it's Muzan telling Douma to get motivated to live.

Muzan might be weakened at the time.

And done I think. I’m gonna go lie down

Fucking tumblr trannies stealing the TS already.

I forgot. Where the fuck is Nezuko right now? With Aoi and the butterfly lolis?

Okay TL user, feel better soon. will upload both chapters soon

with urokodaki I think it's the same location as oyakata son (his name is Kariya right?).

What the fuck are you talking about? Don’t bring that shit here


regular ch 163.rar

color ch 163 color.rar

both up on mangadex

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>sociopathic hundreds-year-old demon's first emotion is to pop a boner at the woman who killed him

thanks user

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>tfw no one can be happy till they die
Shit man this does not help my struggles vs depression

>maybe love/snake) vs Kokushibou
Please jesus no love is too precious to die


What's it say

>retcon the poison inside Shinobu that she prepared for a year into poison that Tamayo helped make so Douma not noticing or being immune to the poison can be justified
Shit writing, Shinobu only met Tamayo just before the pillar training started.

Is the light novel being translated?
Thanks user. That was fast.

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Rating for ep 12?

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Kokushibou will be Tanjiro's opponent after all of the BoTS fuckery is explored.

Yes but Tamayo had access to upper moon blood and understands demon voodoo to some extent. It actually makes Douma seem a lot more powerful if you think about. Shinobu dedicated her whole life to trying to kill Douma with poison. Now imagine this, if Shinobu never met Tamayo, her life pursuit of revenge for her sister would have failed and Douma would probably have fucked up the rest of the pillars along with upper moon One. Also, I like the fact her working with a demon is what caused Douma's downfall. If I recall correctly, her sister believed that there was good in demons. Gotta appreciate the foreshadowing of it.

More like pillar beats high moon with the help of 2 low ranks who stall just enough

It's more like Shinobu's poison+new one that Shinobu and Tamayo worked together.

12 is not there.

These will be your pillars after the arc is done

>Sun Pillar
Tanjiro Kamado
>Flower Pillar
Kanao Tsuyuri
>Thunder Pillar
Zenitsu Agatsuma
>Beast Pillar
Inosuke Hashibira
>Demon Pillar
Shinazugawa Genya
>Water Pillar
Giyuu Tomioka
>Mist Pillar
Muichirou Tokitou
>Love Pillar
Mitsuri Kanroji
>Snake Pillar
Obanai Iguro

Another thing i think why Douma couldn't do something to survive his decapitation like Muzan or Akaza is that he lack emotion. All of the UM that can survive with their head cut off all have really strong emotion. This might be connected to how emotional Muzan is

Kanao is out of the battle with one eye gone, which was her strong point, now she doesn't have depth perception.
Giyuu will die, Sabito is waiting for him.

No it wasn’t.



>Giyuu will die

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Since this chapter was a huge drain, do we know what next chapter is going to be about from the preview at the back of the magazine? I'm wondering if I should get excited again or not.

only dumb retards thinks douma is dead. in this whole chapter we never saw his body

How is Tanjirou so perfect, bros?

but I don't know all the kanji here so can't form proper sentence. Have to wait for someone who actually can read Japanese.
>something blocking the way, upper something, demon hunter something, all side
this is all I can get (but I'm not sure).

she killed them?

I'm betting Snake took his girl and got the hell out of this battle

no. it's her parents who beat to them to death.

I think this is a better pic

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i see the kid drowning now

He has his head down, it doesn't count

douma is only dead when UM1 confirmes it

After Nezuko goes back to being a normal human Tanjiro will surely retire, he said so himself


>Shinazugawa Genya
you need breathing to become a pillar

no way are they going to be able to kill hee hee if they're just narrowly beating these upper moons

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Calm down Imosuke

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I didnt know Douma and Shinobu would be a thing

No one in Japan cares about piglet. Only westerners like him for "Pig Assault" meme.

Seriously? They like Zenitsu over him? I like Zenitsu too, but Inosuke is just god tier.

Zenitsu was second in the popularity poll, Inosuke barely made it into fifth place (he was only slightly above Shinobu).

When was the poll held anyway?

1st anniversary two years ago

So like 50 chapters in? A lot could have changed since then,. For all we know, Inosuke may be as popular as Zenitsu now.

>implying Zenitsu won't be number 1 next poll
>implying pigshit won't be replaced by Kanao in top-5

How can Kanao replace our Pig Lord if she was never focused on before this fight?

hahah you mean under 5th place now because of mist, sound, akaza douma etc

Why is she so hot bros im om chapter 63 and all Ive been wamted to do is fap to her but theres no good lewds of her

Fuck bro is not fair

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Do you like vore?

Why would anyone vote for random jobber demon.


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finally, an ep that was not only 2 fucking chapters long

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Tomioka confirmed biggest gay

Well probably start having bigger chapter to episode ratios soon, since a lot of the big fights later on can be condensed pretty tight with animation. I'm thinking the spider arc will start squeezing a bit more to keep it tight.

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>even Inosuke is making fun of how easy he jobbed

Who is the smartest character in this manga.



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>does nothing
doesn't seem that smart to me

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Attached: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Thunder Breathing - 1st Form - Thunderclap Flash Faster.webm (852x480, 2.87M)

He recognizes that he doesn't need to do anything, this is what makes him smart.

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>Thunder Breathing

>Water breathing
>Fire breathing
>Wind breathing
>Sound breathing
Motherfuckers out here breathing wind and sound.

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Blame Viz

Is there even a single series out there, which Viz translations doesn't make at least 10% worse?

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hopefully next ep is 2 chapters again fuck rushed adaption

>Thunderclap and Flash
What did they mean by this.

Gonna be hard to go back to living in an isolated home in the snowy mountains where your family got murdered.

And after all he has seen and heard and learned, will he really go back to mining coal as a living?

what else he gonna do? hunt non existent demons?

>mining coal
there make coal burning wood, not mining

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>I did as you told me and valued my friends
I don't remember at any point her hanging with the boyz. She's like the wierd kid who think she's in your group and invites you to her birthday party. And half of you guys show up because you feel bad for her.

Pretty much this, it's pretty sad.

no. they're worse than my native official translation.
They spent time in butterfly estate so interactions might happen of screen. this problem is caused by rush pacing. If wani slow thing down a bit this would have had more impact.

Well to be fair, when does "power of friendship" have any impact anymore. This was probably just a shonen jump requirement.

Would you guys want him to live with the Water Breath retired guy or live in the swordsmith village who will be out of a job once the demons die?

Wouldn't blacksmithing make more money than coal?

Besides, wouldn't it be depressing to live in the same house where your family was murdered?

Daily reminder

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true at least it's done better here than the nakama power in FT(which is so Jump but not even in Jump).

name my band

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Potato mashé

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Reminder that Shinobu is alive and well

and in hell*

Underwhelming as fuck. Might as well end this shit as soon as possible


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You two must get along swell

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I never expected them to become canon. Gayuu really lost hard.

I bet you think Douma should have his own arc and Wani should slow down the pace. Fag.

>Tanjirou is clearly attracted to her
>Inosuke sees her as his mommy
>Zenitsu goes without saying
>Douma is in love with her

Every single man Shinobu has interacted with has fallen for her in one way or another. Except one. What could Wani possibly mean by this?

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Has the manga said if her technique is temporarily blinding or permanently?

and women too.
>kids in butterfly estate
>Aoi and Kanao
>I bet even Tamayo
Everyone has a crush on Shinobu.


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There he comes

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Where Douma? He would like to said hi

Possibly permanent. Considering that she can just barely see out of her right eye though, she may recover.

Cute Ume

Delete this right now

Fuck you animeonly. Did you episode 9? They packed that shit with filler and recaps just to keep with 2 chapters per episode. Next episode should adapt 3 as well, considering they weren't that long.

user, you just need to look harder. Have you tried pixiv?

>no good lewds of her
Oh you miss the one that predict the Shinobu vs Douma fight long before it actually happened.

>douma's bloodstain on the top of his head is literally where Muzan's head went into him
So aesthetic.

This one was also luck.
Shinobu didn't expect Inosuke being in this fight, and without him throwing his sword , they wouldn't have killed Douma.

Geez, Inosuke. How come they let you have three moms?

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I didn't see that Inosuke hurt a foot nail


It seems you need some butter, user.

Can we call Zenitsu Pikachu?

user, it's four. Learn to count.

Did he kill his boar mom?

It's an expression of boar love.

So is this Douma actually having his first heartboner or is he just trying to fuck with Shinobu one more time?
I'd argue the latter since we switched from his introspective - noting that he couldn't understand human emotions til the end - to their conversation

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Oxygen breathing would be OP.

>next one is Douma with Shinobu

>I bet Muzan feels silly now
Isn't that how he's always been?

>no demons left to hunt
>no godfather leading the organisation

Tanjuurou already came up with that, and he was a fucking god despite his miners lung. Don't tell me it was breath of charcoal all along, the man just inhaled so much coaldust his powerlevel doubled

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Tanjirou's dad was comically strong, pillar level despite dying of full blown AIDS, and yet he was comfortable and content with his life. It's not completely unrealistic that Tanjirou would live a simple life with his sister after Muzan is killed.

He never had any expectation of them anyway.

Basically this, however he does have a tendency to help those in need, so if he'd find out there were more demons than just Muzan´s lot, he might go after them if the demon slayer corps begs him hard enough.

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>Adventures of Banjirou: Son of Tanjirou

He'd probably name his kid something like Tanjori or something dumb like that, seeing as his name is just Tanjuuro with an i.

So cute

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She looks great with her hair down, didn't expect it to happen so it took me by surprise.

Muzan just wants to drink mimosas on a sunny beach. How is he the bad guy? It’s a perfectly reasonable thing to want.

>trying to fuck with Shinobi one more time
It'll happen in the doujins.

I love the second and third panel.

He is literally a atheist self-insert. Based Croc.

He ruthlessly kills his own loyal followers for the simplest of reasons.

>the atheist went to hell
Is this foreshadowing Wani's death?

She looks like Muichirou.

Tan actually means charcoal, so it depends if Tanjirou stays in the business.

Oh fuck it's a feudalistic naming system.

His followers are pretty bad people

Muzan is Naraku 2.0

Except with more style and more comfy goals.

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God I wish I was Douma.


>Almost all the manga's ideas are good
>Few of them are given the appropriate time to develop
Crocodile-chan please put important scenes in places well before they pay off.

Now imagine being Douma
>finally finds your true waifu
>invites her to go to hell together
>she tells you to go suck a forest of dick and fucks off to heaven
>goes to hell expecting to see your kouhais and bros to share your brokened heart sorrow
>your spider kouhai is there happy with his parents
>your siblings kouhais that you made demons are happy together with each other
>your broest bro is literally living in hell with his fucking waifu
>what the actual fuck
>your pot maker bro might or might not be here
>don't give a shit about the tengu
>the dream creep is masturbating alone to muzan
Damn son, the whole squad is there, but he's all alone now.

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Now I want a Kimetsu Gakuen with creepy stalker Douma-senpai from class 3-D trying to invite Shinobu-senpai from class 3-A to go home together, and she always answering with
>I'd prefer to be dead

poor guy

I think we will have the train arc in the anime. They can't go back with the 2 chapters pacing because It would feel slow and incomplete. Also, They might use 3 episodes and adapt 4 each since it's pure action. Even if they keep the 3 chapters per episode, they won't reach 52, it will reach chapter 65.

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Why is breath of water better than water breathing

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Because water breathing makes me think of animals who breath underwater, not battle style.

Cute and canon

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>love breathing
You don't think this one sound stupid?

I do, so why is it in the official tl it's called love breathing and not breath of love

Why is Tanjirou such a slut?

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Because here, "X breathing" makes you think that something is breathing X, like coming out of its mouth or something, rather than "breath of X" that sounds like a fighting stance that utilizes breath.

who is the top right guy?

Meant to quote the other posts, answering this one: it's because the "official" sometimes take some liberties, even though it might not make much sense for some. Like using "Goblin mask" for "Tengu mask".

He probably could regrow his head back but he was too apathetic to be able to do it
Guess it's a callback to all the ones that had some bullshit assigned to their neck cuts

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Fits Douma very well

I think it too. he do not fear death so he basically have no motivation to fight against death

>piglet assault

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Chiwa Saito or bust

Wouldn't be interesting if the Breath of the moon ends up being canon and it's based on the moon phases


That leaves Greed and Gluttony to Muzan and Kokushibou, but I'm not sure which is which yet.

Daki been lust kinda weird since she and her brother never have any lustful though or even exhibit any interest in sex.

I would have put Douma on lust 20 chapters ago, but he in reality is a lazy faggot and yes, sloth is screams his name

>without him getting Kanao's sword back and Douma fucking around whole fight

I'm guessing Kokushibou is gluttony because of his obsession with constantly reaching new heights and becoming more powerful. He'll probably mention something about consuming an ungodly amount of humans.

he just wants to please everyone

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Gyuutaro was envy, how did you miss that? Hantengu is greed, he was a thief.

Or maybe stop shoving your shitty seven sins concept everywhere.

So did Akaza surpass Douma in the end? I think he did.

Akaza trained all the time, but never ate women (which apparently give you a huge power up).
Douma ate shitton of women, but probably didn't train a day in his life.
They both wasted a lot of their potentials.

By sheer intensity? Sure. But I don't think a close quarters martial artist could do much against a freezing lethal aoe.

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I feel like the woman thing was just something Douma made up because it really makes no sense in hindsight, just my two cents. But I guess a lot of things in this manga make no sense in hindsight

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Douma got fucked by plot contrivance, Akaza didn't. By actual feats Douma looks no stronger than UM4

Man her eyes looked fucked up here. I can't remember if her left eye is supposed to look like that but it looks like it's messed up too.

I want to kiss Zenitsu's pretty hand!

Douma logic is that woman have to have a more nutritious body since they have to have kid

This just means Douma ate twice as much humies as Akaza.

>wisteria poison kills demon from the start of the manga
>a metric ton of poison is a plot contrivance
Yeah, sure.

> Plus special help from Tamayo, a demon doctor who develop a serum to cure demon.

See through world and Akaza killing himself is contrived.

>Inosuke literally falling down the ceiling as Kanao is about to get murdered

She wasn't though, she was going to take damage but not to the point of death.

>Tanjirou spending several chapters with flashbacks to Inosuke and his dad suddenly mastering the see-through world just before Tomioka is killed

>close quarters
Akaza had a ranged aoe attack.

Akaza literally had to kill himself because even Tanjirou and Giyu couldn't.

I'm just happy the fight is over, maybe now before we go to Kokushibou or Nakime, we can read the goddamn letter from Rengoku's dad to Tanjirou.

I think the woman thing is bullshit. Akaza strikes me as someone who would only eat the strong, so he probably ate less then other demons. Douma had a cult which constantly provided him with victims. I think that Douma just ate something like ten, twenty times as many humans as Akaza, so he got stronger. But in the end Akaza chose to die, or he would have ascended even further. So
Potential: Akaza > Douma
Skill: Akaza >> Douma
Eating: Douma >>> Akaza

Have we even seen Nakime this entire arc?

Okay, these thread had a lot of dumb complaints lately, but this one takes the cake.

Complete destruction of the exorcist organization.

Early in the arc when we got the update on um4

>The fucking state of """"offcial"""""""" translation.
Do all their series receive this level of care?

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Excuse me, Inosuke is trans and Douma respects her pronouns.

Maybe in the TL team Inosuke is someone's waifu .

Long live TL and TS user.

thanks user
this was a really good chapter

I noticed that, seemed pretty weird to fuck that up

Can someone compile the sun techniques so far?

BIG R.I.P for Shinobu

"Was such a huge bitch that she had demons lick her feet." - U&G

Fuck im gonna miss her

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Imagine having her bully your dick while she chuckles at how pathetic you are.

Zenitsu's OST is so good

Please impregnate my little sister, ZeniCHAD, I beg you!

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Why did the demon just stand there sweating for like 30 seconds.

Fuck off, CHADjirou is befriending Pillars and killing Upper Moons left and right.

>ywn lick her feet
feels bad. rip

Demon Corps won’t fall, Muzan has taken far more losses so far than they have.

Also no way Nezuko kills a human, because that means Tanjirou has failed. Besides, Muzan only wants Nezuko to absorb her, not have her fight.

If they don't make a dedicated PV for Pig Assault next week, I will lose it.

Post characters that are LITERALLY you.

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>Rock and Wind are killed in the upcoming battles.
>Not Rock and Mist
They will fight with UM1
They are doomed

I wish this was LITERALLY me

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Me on the right

>Daki is literally a prostitute

It's just a job.

A job that was forced on her since she was small. Definitely not the same thing as being lustful.

quick reminder that Sound Pillar had all of his 3 wives work as prostitutes for months to get intel

She got to eat her customers

Nothing new for ninja girls.

She was an oiran though so she probably barely ever had to actually have sex

I mean, they're sharing him, so he has to share them.

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that struck me as weird, too:
>I can't believe I lost...
> a nobody like her [panel of Kanao]
>to a poisoner (...)[Shinobu]
>she seems like (...) [Boar]
they probably really give no fucks

also seconding

She had to work her way up.

that just means she only fucked very rich people

Douma techniques and sociopathy are probably a hard counter for Akaza compass too.

The reason I post coalburner so much because he's pretty much just like me, my sickness is hereditary tho, and it hasn't struck yet.

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I hope they play a more bombastic version of this for when he just cycles trough the first form multiple times in a row during the spider arc.

Do you think love can bloom, even on a battlefield?

I want to marry Nezuko

No you don't.

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Thank you

Is it terminal?

Rich, old, fat and ugly.

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A part of my spine is bound to collapse when I reach my 50s.

Man that sucks, sorry for bringing it up. At least you’ve probably got a real long time before that happens though.

>Twitter having a meltdown over Zenitsu's Iai

that's your bad but I'll allow it

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To be fair, normalfags on the west have a meltdown for about everything.

His what?

>tfw actually get meme'd into homosexuality

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Iai, user, iai.
You know, that katana technique? That every single sword fighting series have? And some series that are not even about swords too? Unsheathing your katana super fast and all.

How the hell was the author able to make Rengoku's death impactful and sad? The dude appeared in like 10 chapters at best.

>implying Tanjirou isn't going to impregnate Kanao

What were they saying? Also

>tfw you keep rewatching the clip
>tfw even with no sound you can hear it

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Would Shinobu had gotten his dick if she was a boy?

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No, because he’d be too autistic to approach him

Based shota.

Does Zenitsu have an older brother?

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Literally your standard kunoichi mission my guy. The fact that they were able to survive all the shit they've been through up till now is a miracle, i really doubt they sweat the small stuff. Also the fucker has all 3 to himself for life.

It’s kind of weird that Zenitsu is older than Tanjirou but at the same time it fits

Akaza was about to ascend, though.

We have no idea of his biological family situation, that may be referring to Kaigaku there though

>most impressive feats from any demon by far
Akaza straight up beat two Pillar level dudes, one of whom was the MC, and had to kill himself because they couldn't.

>touching backstory
>embodies the best human values
>never even falters in his convictions despite carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders
>goes out on his shield like a Chad

I think by feats he's talking about the scale of his attacks

Sure then. I'm still the most impressed with
>dude lmao i punch so hard it becomes an AOE ranged attack

>We have no idea of his biological family situation
Get ready for Zenitsu Vinsmoke arc.

If Inosuke is wearing the head of his boar mother, doesn't this make you remember Cubone from Pokemon who wears the skull of its mother?

Why did I cry during Akaza’s backstory? I normally never cry over stuff like this

I still don't know why the former demon corps leader let his two children die.

If he could foresee Muzan coming to him, why force his children to be nearby instead of somewhere else in a safe hideout?

That didn't sit very well with me.

Me too user. I was also stuck wondering why as I’ve rarely ever cried while reading things. Maybe Wani is a wizard

I couldn't believe how hard it hit me too. I was so fucking mad after he killed Rengoku, especially the way he ran from him, and then first we're shown that he's an absolute fucking beast that can even will through his head being cut off, and then given a genuinely heart shattering backstory that fits into his character perfectly. I went from hating him to him being one of my favorite characters.

It was so that Muzan would have no reason to suspect something was up. Even he said he didn't think Ubuyashiki would be that much of a madman

But you're already putting your remaining children into heavy grief so why take their 2 older sisters away from them.

it is meme.
inosuke is third son.

zenitsu is orphan.