Bokuben - Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai

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Other urls found in this thread:

>6 pads

this one gonna get deleted too

Uruka > Mafuyu = Rizu > Sawako > Asumi >>> Fumino

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When is the last episode?

What happened?


I love Rizu

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third world senpissfag putting edition in the title like a fucking retard

Oh, I thought it was something more interesting.

Uruka > Sawako > Sukana > Sensei > Rizu > Imouto > Asumi > other

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Is the manga ending soon?

nothing interesting ever happens in these threads

>watching walmart brand 5toubun

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nah, not untill winter/spring at least I'd guess

>Ending soon

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f-foom fixed?

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Senpissfaggots truly are the worst fanbase

Delet this one too.

Haven't seen this pic in a while

They might have shit taste, but they're not that bad usually.

Jannies had enough of Kusoben thread

Rat is the worst character in her show, so it's fitting that she would be compared to Fumino.
>haha she sexually assaulted someone because they disagreed with her, and now she gets her way because she made other people feel uncomfortable! thats so fun!

Fumino > Rizu > Asumi > Mafuyu > Uruka

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>literal tripfag
>literal fag signing all his posts
>not that bad

>fixing anything
this is the legitimate fix
now in color!

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Delete, remove, purge.

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Six pads are too much, four Pads Fumino was perfect.

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She doesn't look anything like Fumino. May as well say that's Mafuyu with purple hair.

Urucute is truly the best girl
Flatmino a shit

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Only because they're practically nonexistent
They have a tripfag and a dire need for attention

Fumino a shit

>My grandman was mean to me!

Mangaka isn't even trying with the little autist's arc

How many of them are there out there anyway



Sukana deez nuts

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Good reverse taste.

Nice try. Your favorite girl's arc is still the worst.

Uruka a shit. Worst girl.

Foomers need not apply

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Sexiest dad, you mean.

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>Foomlets think they can post in an Urukachad thread
embarrassing, honestly

Rent free tinfoil hat.


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The Furuhashi can't stop winning.

Other way. This is a Fummy thread.

Sensei will win!

Best father and best daughter. Nariyuki will be a lucky guy to marry into Furuhashi family.

I will marry Reiji-san!

I dislike the fact Asumi's dad looks old and not attractive. Fumino and Rizu's respective dad looks sexy and manly by comparison.

Well I dislike the fact that Nariyuki's dad doesn't have a face.

Reiji isn't worth it if you have to accept marrying fumino isn't the cost
sorry Reiji
Is a gay wedding an option?
moeyuki:I'm sorry Furuhashi-san the truth is I'm now your co-father please look favourably upon me
F-flat: Eh, nan datte?

Rizudad looks like fucking Oomori, I wouldn't call that sexy. At least Soujiro Is moe and good overall.

he's a hentai rapist what do you expect

6-7 years in med school + practical training are going to leave you a much older parent

>subsist on fagioli
>become a fagioli
really makes one ponder

t. foomer

>caring about the personality of doujin-bait characters
Next you'll tell me you actually watched and enjoyed that shit.

Reiji is sexy. Rizu's dad is manly or handsome to a degree.

What happened to my thread an hour ago? I am sure it wasn't repeated, was it?

Fumino's dad looks like the villain of some ntr novel.

>can't even follow a reply chain
absolute state of pissfags

If I were a hentai rapist, I would be disappointed that my son became a manwhore.

A sexy fucker? Indeed.

except his son inherited the family business

Attached: imminent rape tag.jpg (787x683, 294K)

Nariyuki at least has a mom who's a real character. Uruka has parents but they are practically non-existent characters we don't see.

He dragged his teacher into an ally, I think he's progressing reasonably well towards his faceless destiny

We saw Uruka's mother.

we've seen Uruka's mother and given Uruka's mother I refuse to believe she's an only child

Got the faceless edit?

She's depressed about being an inferior character to Mafuyu

You missed the point. Her parents aren't actual characters. They are more like background info and props.

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Damn, this is what peak Fumino would look like.

I hate it.

Thanks for killing my eyes.

When meme-ing and cowtits go too far.

he's coming for your women

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>magic skirt
I don't think that's how pencil skirts work Tsutsui.

Even Fumino thinks she needs to be fixed.
So fuck off, flatfags.

Even Tsutsui thinks so.

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fumino should be fixed as in spayed to end the furuhashi bloodline

>what is ironic humor
You must be new to this.


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Not liking Fumino is one thing but disliking the other Furuhashi is the worst taste in this thread.

Sensei and I are gonna pay a visit to a taxidermist so I can stuff and mount her near my fireplace

Cowtitsfags are always so insecure. At least be subtle about it.



reiji can't be surpassed and therefore it is futile to even bother trying

How much is that going to cost?

We only have a male Furuhashi so we can't be sure if the moe autistic gen goes to them yet, so no.

eight thousand freedombucks

Fumino has a inferior complex and that's why she hasn't realized that she is perfect. Nariyuki is helping with that

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>fumino: I want boobs!
>rizu: I want to understand people!

Fumino is such a joke.

I want rizu's boobs

He should still have the blush

No, Fumino. Cowtits are shit, go for a C/D cup or something.

>how to shitpost 101

>faceless rapist man

Mizuki size is ideal.
>replaying to him
user I know you can do better.

There was a doujin that did it. Even after becoming faceless he still manages to stay moe. That's his superpower.

Reminder that Nariyuki feels most comfortable around his teacher in her home than anywhere else.

Fumino wanted to confirm her fears if Reiji doesn't love her, but also seeks his approval, dumbass. That was her issue up until her arc resolved it. Having a simple complex about the size of her chest is literally a gag, one that exists to highlight one of her appeals in the form of an ironic joke meant to be cute and to prompt her fans to reassure her that she's already perfect in their minds.

Well of course, they're married after all.

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>Fumino wanted to confirm her fears if Reiji doesn't love her, but also seeks his approval
Literally irrelevant as it never mattered to or influenced her character until her arc unless it was required to have her running outside during a storm. Fumino's bad relationship with her father is nothing but a poorly written plot device pretense.

>Having a simple complex about the size of her chest is literally a gag
Exactly, Fumino is a joke.

At the end of the day, Fumino is stuck between unorganic, irrelevant, self contained drama that didn't make her progress as a character, and a jealousy of boobs. Amazing.

I figured you were a troll and a hater. Looks like my feelings were right. I won't even bother considering your self-deluded spite and ill-will that twists everything in a negative light.

Man I think the thread is going to get ruined again.

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ok I'm very busy so that's it

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Rizu hating herself and wanted to be like Fumino was pulled out of thin air in her arc. But that's somehow better, huh.


This is better.

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Niggas still reply to cheap bait, so of course.

Anyway, as expected OVA will also have an original story with these three.

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>going to get
It was already ruined. Anti-Fuminofags aka mostly Urukafags are obsessed after all.

>any criticism towards Fumino comes from a hater
can't you stop using the word hater, you aren't a 14 years old girl, and Fumino as a character has many flaws, only blind fanboyism can make you not see that

That means the OVA will have one Uruka+Rizu+Fumino part, a Senpai part and a Sensei part.
Sounds good to me.

Inb4 I thought fumino was pErFecT

>ItS tHe user tHaT tAlKs LiKe ThIs

All the gang is here.

She is in her fake big boobed persona.

Not him but I guess it's enough to satisfy your victim complex
Have fun defending fumino

You too, defending some user on an image board.

Bokubenko is my favorite character

Can someone post some good pics of Uruka's mom? I want to fap to her but I can't remember when she appears.

Also this

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I don't understand why you'd want to pay someone to do that for you user.

That guy is known Urukafag and he seriously treats Fumino as a criminal who killed his family. He definitely isn't fooling anybody.

It's really funny how a mixture of letters in lower and upper case triggers people this hard
I don't even have time be him for the fags to put on their tinfoil hats

>trUsT mE GuIsE, i WouLD nevER LiE

I want to have a Marry Kirisumas this year!

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Mafuyu and I are perfect
Strangers when we meet
Strangers on the street
Lovers while we sleep

Sadly the more perfect is the girl the more chances she will lose the MCbowl.

time skip nariyuki when?

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When the manga ends.

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Attached: nariyuki in 20 years.jpg (254x425, 36K)

Great argument bud

That's a beautiful poem Nariyuki

Uruka was a mistake

stop samefagging so you can reply to yourself with that ugly picture

Do you feel alright, user?

Decent reverse ranking. Just need to swap Mafuyu and Sawako.

Nariyuki has a heavier chin than Reiji.

So next episode is the summer festival and then we get Mafuyu's beach OVA. Manga wise we get the end of Rizu's arc next week. After that ends, exams?

I guess. Other events could be new years and valentines, the latter it's obvious.

Mafuyu is a beautiful person so it is only fitting
t. Naribilly Corganyuki

Christmas with everybody but the poll winner gets to stay over

Kirisumas arc confirmed.


Why is Fumino fucking Uruka?

Uruka wouldn't stop asking for it so she had to.

This thread needs more Sawako.

Attached: sawako.png (853x482, 360K)


Non-heroines arent welcome here, user.

isn't her chest bigger than that picture would suggest

How does one attain the pineapple hairstyle?

>being these plebs

Attached: image.jpg (236x266, 11K)

>Liking sluts
>posting images with sluts

Literally who?

Mafuyu and Fumino best girls

The poster above me is correct.

>best anything

>Dude Sawako lmao she's so wacky and such a dyke xd Sawako abs
>Dude ikeda lmao she's such a shadow emperor she manipulates everything and orchestrated all of bokuben xd
>dude Asumi lmao she's so cute and smug and muh imagine Haha

t. Urukashitter

Based user with the good taste.

And we've devolved into shipper wars by the third post.
Bokuben threads, everybody.

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I bet Ikeda was behind that post

toubun shit tier

No get so probably not.

t. falseflagger

ponytail best style

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That's a pretty impressive correlation to make, user.

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I can't resist her. Fumino pushes every single button I have.

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>mfw this arc

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Good ranking

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>inferior complex
that's just boob envy

A mistake to make so cute, it's too much.

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Based and in that order


It'll get better next week. There's no way 22i writes BAD END for the udonboobs.


I hope so
Rizu deserves a happy ending

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Senpai is trash, you cannot prove me otherwise

yeah, all the arcs so far have ended on a happy note, I doubt this will be different, by the end of this arc Rizu will have more confidence in herself

Last I checked like 4. But I haven't been to the threads in a few weeks, so for all I know there could be less of us.

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Reminder that mole under left eye signifies good luck in love.

Fumino is top cute.

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>Killing myself! Why didn't I think about it before!

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All the geniuses do. I still hope sensei wins but I don't want any of them miserable at series end.

There surely are Fuminofags that like Uruka and vice versa.

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after Fumino beat up that old Vietnamese guy I'm not so sure she deserves a happy ending

No, never now fuck off

t. Professional shitposter

Futile. Urukafags will never stop the war and shitposts.

Living rent free it seems

>after Fumino beat up that old Vietnamese guy

How can you live rent free if I don't even know what you are?

Here we go again

sorry I might have gotten her mixed up with Mark Wahlberg again

But both parties shitpost and war

Because F/u/mino and Ur/u/ka belong together and Jump knows that. Their fags should follow suit.

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As long as they don't interfere with the sensei end i'm all for it

No need to interfere because it won't even happen.
Rizu wins by default.

>no mole
Phew, I almost thought this titty monster was fumino

ive heard there was or will be another poll, what will the winner of said poll get as a bonus? colored page, extra chapter or merchandise?

Eternal glory

A chapter practically dedicated to themselves

But Sensei's already getting the christmas chapter anyway.


What day is it even in story right now? Is it already Christmas/eve or is it just close?

It's just close. We'll know if its kirisumasu

Fumino would gladly trade her mole for boobs.

It's just close iirc. The santa suits were a holiday season promo for the Udon shop.

When is someone going to tell Foom that flat chests are okay? Great, even.

Attached: kokekoko.png (128x128, 38K)

Fumino is asserting her dominance as best girl

Looking at the recent chapter line up we're either in for a Sensei chapter or a senpai one after this arc. Combine with polls like up after and christmas rolling around, we're likely in for more sensei.

I doubt we'll get a senpai chapter. Has it been two months already? I really hope senpai never shows up again

It's okay for you to have a teeny tiny pecker user. Wouldn't go as far as calling great though.

>asserting her dominance

Attached: waterflea.png (900x560, 113K)

Then why did Nariyuki say Merry Christmas to Rizu? Is it a mistranslation or something?

Attached: 19 (1).png (895x1300, 359K)

He's working at a store. He's contractually obligated to greet people Merry Christmas since it's Christmas soon. Also, did you really think Nariyuki would spend Christmas day working instead of being with his family?

I love Fumino.

Attached: 75112004_p0.jpg (2894x4093, 1.64M)

We know, redditor

Well I mean if not with Rizu he's probably gonna spend it with Sensei, isn't he?

Wanna lick that tummy.

Nariyuki will do it after they hook up.

Maybe she'll spend Christmas with the Yuigas? They seem decently close

She's going to be his step sister though.

Insecure and obsessed. Simple diagnosis is you spend too much time there thus force your paranoia here. Go back.

Ignore it. He's just a lazy troll looking to reel in replies to derail.

That would actually be pretty cute

It's just banter bro chill out

>Son. Go invite Mafuyu-chan here. She's living alone right. I'm sure she'd like the company.
>Nii-chan! Nii-chan! Bring Mafuyu-chan here. She said she'll marry you someday after all!
>It's okay. You two are just student and teacher after all nii-san. She is just a teacher, right?
Then cue Yuigamama conspiring to leave them alone and telling Mafuyu she's thought about it and figures it's okay if they don't wait after all.

I'm a Fuminofag who also likes Uruka, I love genki tanned girls. Not memeing or false flagging or whatever.

I'm ok with this

sensei is going back home for christmas after reconciling with her parents

>guys thinking this is supposed to be a bokuben edit and don't know nozomi
God the fucking newfaggery in this thread. Also nozomoo worst girl.

But where doe Nariyuki fit into that? Would she bring him? And in which case, why?

nah I'm going with her

>it's not about erasing your complex but about maintaining harmony with it
Yeah pretty much this. I've known so many retarded ass bitches that obsess so much over a part of their bodies like them being a bit fat then got to the gym became skinnier but lost some boob sizes and now got a boob complex and is waiting to get fake tits and will 100% have some other complex after that and so on and so forth.

She needs him to prove she has a man in her life.

>mafuyu finally decides to visit her home
>parents are excited
>haven't seen her in a while
>worried she's been working too hard to find a man
>arrange a marriage interview
>mafuyu panics and says she already has a fiance
>brings nariyuki with her
>gets exposed obviously
now this is where the gag would normally end for a lesser romcom but tsutsui will bring out the big guns
>parents are now upset that she has this relationship with a student
>start saying nariyuki isn't good enough for her anyway
>mafuyu defends him and accidentally proclaims her love
series ends right there and tsutsui flees the country before the PTA gets him
he told me this plan in confidence so don't go spreading it around

Waterfleas are cute.

Good for you

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Does anyone have a link to the thread about the wedding orchestrated by the principal from last week. I missed the thread because of work

Have you tried looking at the archive

What's that?

post lewd or i kill myself

Kill yourself anyway

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This is on your favourite website

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post moar so that i can fap until i have stroke and die

>post moar so that i can fap until i have stroke and die
It doesn't work that way brainlet

Sawakofags outing their hatred were a mistake

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The Sensei and Nariyuki relationship will almost certainly be kept secret. I don't see the other girls finding out about it either.

I don't see a problem with this assesment it seems pretty rational.

Where's Mizuki?

In the trash where she belongs.

with me?

start here

it meaders for a while
I think the nextr thread also had something
maybe someone should make a full screen cap

Thank you friend

based boogeyman

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It's less Sawakofags and more the idea of downplaying Rizu. Everybody in these threads other than the few Rizufags downplays her all the time. Fumino is the single main girl and the only girl that has a realistic chance of winning according to both Fuminofags and anti-Fuminofags

t. ?

nice girls

I think that the user you replied to is intimidated by breast sizes larger than A.

What was she thinking?

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Why is Fumino making that face?

This panel was majestic

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who is this character?

is she new?

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Whoring for attention.

Uruka is a bright Sun

>this fucking pleb again

Attached: for you.jpg (640x931, 111K)

Prove me wrong:

>the "mature" archetype
>responsible for most of the drama
>insufferable fanbase
>started off as a character pandering to a certain audience, not taken seriously
>unexpected character development boosted her chances in the bowl
>crackpot theories and fanfictionfaggotry amongst the fanbase
>"I-I'll definitely confess the next time!" -after her umpteenth failed attempt
>obsessed with exactly one single thing besides the MC's dick
>avatarfaggotry with an unholy amount of fanarts
>little bit simple but everyone thinks she's cute, like a little pet
>"I was suffering the whole time!"
>despairfags and hopefags alternate almost threadly
>also in the bowl but no one takes her seriously
>has her shit together mostly
>you can count her fans on one hand

It's literally what she was doing there and you can't even deny it.

Stop trying to establish a correlation between the fanbases. There's none. It only fuels insufferable girl fags over here going "don't dare like X fucking yfag". It's retarded.
Literally what she was doing stop being mad about it

Uruka and Rizu have shown suspicion in the past. Asumi is actively pushing Nariyuki and Mafuyu together. It's basically just Fumino that doesn't realize.

Fishing for attention.

This is literally what she was doing.

Funny thing is that it'd probably take them discovering that Sensei is deep into the yuigabowl to really kick them into serious pursuit of moe.

This shit is so dumb that it makes a 10 year old kid look smart.

Why did you post garbage?

We already have enough shitposting without trying to force 5toubun shitflinging.

Asumi and Uruka already withdrew, and this arc might see Rizu withdraw as well. Forget starting, the bowl is half over.

>Asumi and Uruka already withdrew

Uruka did, Asumi isn't even in the race.

Uruka didn't withdrew officially, it will only be like that when/if she goes to Australia

Aside from Asumi, they just think Nariyuki went to her house once in the earlier chapters and have no clue otherwise. Asumi was just trying to fluster them. Uruka just threw out a random accusation and obviously isn’t slightly suspicious otherwise.
It’s actually pretty interesting that there’s a harem member that the other girls would never suspect.


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> mafuyu = nino
> only Yea Forums is obssesed with her
> meanwhile mafuyu is loved by everyone
cringe ninotard

Salt bae edit when

Another interesting thing - Nariyuki never needed Fumino's help to understand Mafuyu's heart. He only needed one piece of advice from Uruka as a fellow athlete.

On the topic of fanbases, here's my unbiased view on the fanbases of bokuben. You can disagree but it's pretty much true.

Most level-headed of the different fanbases. They know exactly what they got into by liking Fumino and they are aware of what kind of manga/romcom they're reading. They particularly like Fumino for the different relationships she develops between the other main characters, with the aesthetics less important to the overall narrative of the story. They patiently wait for the chapters that drop drama or development for Fumino and know that she will win in the end and they're just along for the ride. Antagonized by most other fanbases, they only wish to keep the threads comfy with minor discussion and talking about their best girls

A fanbase who are aggressive and largely only appreciative of superficial characteristics when it comes to favorite girls. They are quick to insult but also quick to leave when the going gets tough for them, as such, they just make format posts where Uruka a best and x a shit, along with Uruka was a mistake then shortly samefagging with A mistake to make so cute. They barely make any contributions to discussion, likely due to there being not so much to discuss about their girl aside from being cute or having tan lines or shooting herself in the foot yet again.

Practically the complete opposite of Fuminofags, they have embraced their delusions in thinking that a Sensei would win in a jump romcom. Whether it will actually happen is a story yet untold, but common sense would dictate that this story is not meant for this timeline. While they contribute to discussion, they largely want to inhibit discussions of meta narratives and would rather go into the subject of headcanon to support their whims. While they are a large fanbase, they also seem less vocal than some of the others.

Not enough data for sufficient analysis. They exist, but only in small, rare groups.

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Is that you?

Attached: its serious business.png (683x134, 16K)

wew, at least some effort was put into that bait

Ebin bait by the totally unbiased Fuminofag in before the upvoting samefag he likes to recriminate to other fanbases

Now this is amusing banter.

>along with Uruka was a mistake then shortly samefagging with A mistake to make so cute
Wow. You have the nerve to even imply that? That faggot hater has been spamming that shit since forever. This might be bait but don't you ever dare imply that shit again. It fucking pisses me off. I hope all that is bad happens to you and your dear ones. If anyone exists in this world that can hold dear a piece of shit like you, that is.

>they (senseifags) have embraced their delusions in thinking that a Sensei would win in a jump romcom. Whether it will actually happen is a story yet untold, but common sense would dictate that this story is not meant for this timeline. While they contribute to discussion, they largely want to inhibit discussions of meta narratives and would rather go into the subject of headcanon to support their whims. While they are a large fanbase, they also seem less vocal than some of the others.


Senshitfags will try to deny it but it's the sharp truth.

and there the samefagging is

are you even trying with good bait anymore?

I hope Fumino loses entirely and completely to shut this faggot up.

Mafuyu/Nariyuki relationship in general is cute. It’s a shame they won’t end up together.

That's not going to happen. Seethe more.

Attached: 1549575463160.png (149x307, 23K)

7/10 would read again.

Called and witnessed.

Are that butthurt that most of the fanbase would rather see sensei win over foom?

>imagine being the samefagging fumishitfag

Senseifags are as annoying as Ninofags.

> reminder the fuminospammer is also the ninospammer

Guaranteed replies

Fuminofags are more annoying than both

>enjoying banter is samefag
No fun allowed.jpg

cope lmao

Attached: seethe more.png (308x304, 118K)

It's funny because he's the one who's trying to samefag instead.

yep, it's the Yea Forumsermin shitting up the threads again

Cute Uruka


Reminder Urukashitters are Ichikashitters.


Uruka a shit.

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Not him, but what's that and how the fuck would you know that?

>still samefagging

Everyone talking so much about cute Uruka today

A best. Fuck the haters.

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I bet the Ichika normalfag from last night is in here right now.

Uruka samefags are so insecure and annoying.

>it's banter when we do it


Uruka hater (1) can't stop talking about Uruka

These are all me

I love her!

Fuminofags' banter is definitely better than Urukafags' banter. Here, we can compare.
Their version of falseflag banter.


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Uruka mi bebita

>Urukafags' banter
I don't see wojaks there though

Uruka is so caring I love her

Because it was one faggot that wasn't even an Urukafag it was just a shitposter trying to stir more shit between Fuminofags and Urukafags


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It's easy to see the problem here. Banter for Urukafags try too hard and type like underage trolls. Fuminofags are more subtle and at least mix some truth in the trolling to make it amusing.

You didn't answer the question, buddy.

That whole thread is 404 dumbass

Why DOES he TYPE like THIS?

how new are you not to know about wojakshit?

Not new. I have been lurking for 8 years. It's just Yea Forums is the only board I visit because I'm strictly 2Dfag, so I'm not a cross-boarder.

How about stop generalizing and calling that one fag that isn't even an Urukafag but just a shitposter trying to stir shit between the two fanbases out of sheer spite of the threads? He's probably KusOfag. He has admitted doing this shit in both 5toubun and Bokuben thread and the shitter had to reinvent himself after I BTFO him.

>one fag

That guy may be him, but in general, Urukafags honestly don't have a good record when it comes to this. Some copypasta that's obviously "banter" from certain individuals, but they try way too hard, to the point of being unironic shitpost.

Urukafags are mostly tame outside of the usual shitter of which you can find examples in other fanbases

Well, most fanbases do have their share of bad seeds. But fair enough.

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>It's just one troll when it's our side.

Also when it's your side most likely. Stop being insecure.

The one you're replying to is probably that troll, just ignore next time.

>Also when it's your side most likely
No shit. Doesn't make the blatant difference in reactions to it any less amusing to point out.

nothing weird about showering at your student's house or having your student shower at your place right

I want them to find out just to see their reactions
or better yet, imagine if sensei and Nariyuki started dating seemingly out of nowhere after graduation, it would be a huge bomb to them

>seemingly out of nowhere after graduation
better yet, he tuns every one of them down and asks sensei out
Not gonna happen though

Uruka a best!

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Cute Uruka, hope she wins

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Maybe what people want to read it's your reactions to their reactions. Ever thought about that?

>tfw out of town next weekend and can't post a did you rike it for the last episode



I'd make a snarky comment but I'm afraid that would motivate you to find a way and make that post

Fuminofags and Urukafags should actually fucking kill themselves

Hey guys can we like talk about the manga now or something?

no lol

that's exclusively reserved for sensei chapters, sorry

It's Rizu's arc. Despite the setup being jealousy, it doesn't look like a romance arc right now. The most potentially interesting part about this is the ending of it which might break the status quo of the incapables if Rizu finally falls in love.

Who's ready for season 2?

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You may be joking but we literally don't actually talk much about chapter contents except for when sensei chapters roll around.

No way there's a S2. This adaption sucked too much.

We don't deserve one desu.

>Romcom season 2
Maybe some years ago it would happened. But not now when is necesary to adapt the next new hot thing.

Kek, literally this. I never thought I'd read a harem manga where the most relevant chapters are the sensei ones

>season 2

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In the end, it all boils down to waiting until she finally realizes that she likes Nariyuki. That's all her character was created for. No wonder Tsutsui is dragging that out so fucking hard.

I wish

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This is fucking hilarious, I am the user who started speaking like that a week or two ago and I just joined the thread. You guys are a pathetic bunch of shitstains

I mean neither does 5toubun but here we are

She might fall in love or she might back off. Either way a change is likely.

No they should just fuck themselves. As their girls.

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I hope rizu falls in love with me instead

I think it's not so much that they're the only relevant ones as they're the only ones that aren't immediately obvious and therefore require discussion. "lol Fumino has no tits" "lol Rizu is a squirrel" "lol Asumi let her facade down and is blushing again" etc. The sensei chapters have had some genuinely unexpected twists. Pic related.

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Rizu isn't backing off until Uruka gets her arc.

>Most level-headed of the different fanbases
This was enough for me.

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>Fuminofags* are as annoying as Ninofags.

We might get an S2 if we get a sensei end and the tanks sell like crazy.

>>the "mature" archetype
That doesn't apply to Fumino at all

>>insufferable fanbase
Yeah but that also applies to Mikufags and especially Ninofags. The later is about equal to Fuminofags

>crackpot theories and fanfictionfaggotry amongst the fanbase
Does Mafuyu have any of these? I've never seen anything even close to muh parallels

>little bit simple but everyone thinks she's cute, like a little pet
Itsuki is the pet of 5toubun user

>despairfags and hopefags alternate almost threadly
I've never seen any faction spit for the Rizufags, I don't think that there's even enough of them for that to even happen

>also in the bowl but no one takes her seriously
>you can count her fans on one hand
Neither of these apply to Itsuki

tldr: Kill yourself, there's no comparison other than the fact that there's 5 of them

do anime seasons normally come out after the manga ended
I don't really watch anime but that sounds odd

This is what they actually believe

expects to win: fumino
deserves to win: rizu
hopes to win: sensei

They're also the ones that you find little clues you miss or aren't supposed to get the first time through.

>Fireworks jinx is supposedly free for all but closer analysis and circumstances dictate only sensei could have been the one to offer her hand to him
>Sensei was about to reach out to Nariyuki to comfort him in front of his mom but quickly put away her hand when the girls fell in
>First time over at her apartment, Nariyuki unknowingly declares himself to be her ally since she considers herself an incapable
>Beach chapter's smile also fleshed out when you realize she's the only one between them who knows that he's actually living up to that declaration

That's effectively what S1 is doing now, adapting volumes that are already available for sale. If the later volumes have enough sales potential I could see an S2. You actually want this rather than the other way around because then you wind up with Ranma 1/2 with tons of divergent anime-original filler content because it caught up with the manga.

>unbiased view
>Most level-headed of the different fanbases
>Antagonized by most other fanbases, they only wish to keep the threads comfy with minor discussion and talking about their best girls
>Shits on the other ones

Who was in the wrong here?

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nariyuki for living on an island and not being able to swim

I'd say it's completely healthy and you should continue to do it

Why we should feel bad for Uruka when the dumb girl selfdestructs every time?

>drew blood
Literally indefensible.

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>if Rizu finally falls in love
Hasn't that already happened?

It's only wrong if you reject his proposal.

That would actually be a fantastic final chapter. >They get exam results before graduation so that arc is resolved.
>All successful of course.
>Everyone's going away to different colleges.
>Graduation ceremony finishes.
>"Congratulations, class of 20XX!"
>Mafuyu walks up to the group with her Very Serious Face on.
>Nariyuki notices first, of course. "Sensei?"
>"Mistaken. I am no longer your teacher. You call my sister by her name, so me as well."
>and then she plants one on him
>the three geniuses "EEEEEEEH!?" in unison
>title drop
>end-chapter extras show Mafuyu in a wedding dress

wrong he marries uruka
pic related

Attached: uruka wedding dress.jpg (1000x1000, 34K)

>deserves to win: rizu
Uh, why?

The bag carrying her wet swimsuit?

But she gave that to him ages ago.

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uruka is best girl for interracial babies


I really liked these chapters

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She's just a regular nip, at least from the southern part of the islands. They have some Pacific Islander DNA and get really brown when they tan.

His swimming teacher.

She hasn't had the moment where she fully acknowledges her feelings.

user, she is just taned.

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Ok? It was nice, sure, but it's not like she's the only girl who's helped him

She's still in love, whether she admits it or not. Just like all the other girls.

he means with a straya cunt, dimwits

You telling me she's not black? WTF. What have I been reading all this time. Can't believe this bullshit. Why would they make a character that dark, that thicc, that stupid, and that athletic then? Went super stereotypical and baited. fuck

It shows that she cares about him the most while the others were busy lusting over his smell.
Just out of curiosity, if not Rizu, who do you think deserves him the most then?

>She hasn't had the moment where she fully acknowledges her feelings.
None of them actually.


Sensei by a mile.


Sure bud.

Of all the girls, the fucking autist was the one to figure out his problems, and when the other two were busy acting like clowns, she kept her shit together out of respect for him to support his wishes.

never reply seriously to someone who starts with "Ok?"
100% chance they're either a woman or a literal faggot

Why is the smell always such a big fucking deal anyways?
I can understand associating pleasant feelings with certain scents but japs always take it too far.

It's just Tsutsui projecting his fetish onto the characters.

She's the one who knew about the situation so of course she reacted like that, it's not like she's the only one who cares about him. And I don't think any of them deserve him more than the other really cause that'd be super arrogant to say. I think him and Sensei would make the best and most logical pair if that's what your asking though

It's a girl thing, not a jap thing. They like smelling your scent when you're not with them.

They all knew his situation at that point.
Her thinking about his happiness before all else shows that she deserves him more.

This is literally the most retarded thing I've ever read

By that logic sensei deserves him most because she went all the way to his home and gave him a peepshow to cheer him up.

Uruka has from the beginning. Rizu had a crush on Nariyuki fairly early on and doesn't have reasons for denial like Fumino and Sensei do so she should acknowledge them as well.

t. Literal faggot

But she knew about it the longest and encouraged him to do it in the first place while the other girls were just learning about it. If you think she loves him more or that the other girls don't care about him than you're delusional and your bias showing


>If you think she loves him more or that the other girls don't care about him than you're delusional and your bias showing
I never said any of that though, stop putting words in my mouth.

how bout I put this in your mouth instead

But you certainty implied it when you said she "deserves" him because she's different from all the girls in the way that she thinks about his happiness when all them would do that

JB cant do cleaning.

>when all them would do that
But they didn't at that time, that's the point.

reminder that the fireworks jinx is about nariyuki and sensei as coworkers while he goes home to fuck his wife ikeda

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Because their situations were different, that's my point

Flimsy excuse.

>The situations were different and therefore urged different reactions
>F-flimsy excuse!
Never reply to me again, you biased faggot

She literally wanted to support him as soon as she found out, while the others only though about how they're going to miss him.

> Last chapter is fumino chapter
Yep were DOOMED

more like FOOMED


>while the others were busy lusting over his smell.
Sensei is not immune to Yuigasnifs either.

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Because, AS I'VE ALREADY SAID, she already knew about the situation. Be honest are you even reading my posts? Stop with this "my girl DESERVES to win" bullshit

I'm talking about when she found out about the situation, retard. Her reaction was still full support mode even then.

>I'm talking about when she found out about the situation, retard
Then don't compare her reaction to the other girls' dumbfuck

>Her reaction was still full support mode even then
Oh yes and the other girls would do nothing right? This fucking arrogance

You sound upset user

you sound arrogant
did I mention the arrogance

smell is a pretty big deal evolutionarily

Yes, keep replying to each other so this thread goes past the bump limit

Looking at their reactions when they found out, then they'd probably have a different reaction in that situation too.

Mafuyu and Fumino best girls.

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imagine the smell

I don't like stupid people who act like that they are in the right

Their reactions after finding out he already turned down the recommendation would be different from if he was struggling whether or not to do it. If Rizu just suddenly heard that he did it the same as them she would probably also be at a loss. All of the girls are pursuing their passions, of course they'd tell him to do the same, saying it's a Rizu exclusive thing is just straight up crazy

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>probably also be at a loss
the absolute fucking arrogance of this assumption


>Fireworks jinx is supposedly free for all but closer analysis and circumstances dictate only sensei could have been the one to offer her hand to him

explain please

Don't bully the guy, user.
He just said he doesn't like himself.

Senpai a best

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Said no one ever.

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It never counts if it doesn't help fumino's case.


name the character

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It's the ruifag.


>it's the muh pErFecT poster

Great idea not replying to me in hopes that I wouldn't respond, now please explain how it doesn't make sense to have someone work so hard for something only for them to randomly give it up? Of course you'd be fucking confused, Fumino and Uruka's reactions were completely normal. You know what is arrogant though? To assume your waifu is the only one who would care enough to support the MC and that she "deserves" him

Sorry bud, not a Fuminofag. Their ridiculous stretches seem just as desperate to me as they do to you

giuseppe get off the internet

>muh harem is serious business
You guys need to chill.

Muh paneling law

Its hard to call it a harem when nobody is willing to share.

Fumino was with ibara club
Rizu was with Sawako
Asumi has something in her hands
Uruka cant do it or she didnt react in a way that looked like she did it
Sensei has her hands free and doesnt care or know about the jinx, she'd have given him her hand without thinking twice about it

This. It'd unironically be bad writing if it wasn't Sensei.

you know what I need
long haired rizu with ponytail

Sensei truly is perfection

Sensei end confirmed yet again.

I'd prefer if she were a flat incontinent fujo midget

So Fumino?

Asumi is.

>Good writing
Wromg tutor manga

5toubun is the domekano of five heroine tutor romcoms

Negi is a hack as well

>bokuben, 5toubun, domekano
More important: What is your favorite pair of sisters?



Great taste user.

Raiha and Mizuki

God tier taste

The ones that allows shimaidon.


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>both sisters with the same man

Last for best end

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sensei does indeed have the best most perfectly shaped end