Everybody should watch Ping Pong Club.
Thank me later.
PIng Pong Club aka Ike! Ina-chuu Takkyuubu
Probably the only anime I would put into the same hilariousness level as Gintama.
Maybe even higher because Gintama has lots of eps and some are less funny, while this is just 26 pieces and all are hysterical.
Man, that seems my kind of shit alright
A good PE sensei.
There's a thin line between comedy and crime.
I LOLed so fucking hard at that granny episode.
Looks like I didn't cap the most outrageous parts back when watching this years ago.
>what is this expression supposed to convey
This thread has me sold, I know what I'm gonna binge watch next.
I take it that Hitler lost because he only had one book name to yell?
the power of friendship is beatiful
n-no homo
Look up the english Dub. Dan Green (Voice of Yugi) voices the American character. He's hilarious. He talks like he's so stupid he doesn't even recognize the words coming out of his own mouth
Discotek needs to rescue this title, keep the English dub and release it on Blu Ray.
A lot of 4Kids regulars were on there plus Crispin Freeman
>"whoh im the first one to the club"
>strips down naked and rubs his dick all over everything
Is this the most realistic depiction of extra curricular activities in anime?
I'm surprised this isn't meme'd more often.
English dub is underrated
Based Tanaka always makes my day
And the way he spitted
I remeber watching this in 2008-2009 when I started watching anime subbed and a friend of mine recomended this. It's hilarous and it's really out of the line. Too bad the "romance" part wasn't further developed and the manga will be untranslated forever.
It came too soon I guess.
This stuff is even crazier than I remember.
There's even a
>but it's a trap!
>steam out of nostrils
>It doesn't matter!
thing going on right there. Truly prophetic (1995!).
Tried to make a webm but tool didn't add subs, fuck.
meh, it even cut off. Was this program always this bad.
>Too bad the "romance" part wasn't further developed
You mean Takeda and the delinquent, Izawa and his girl disciple or Izawa and Maeno?
>it was such a shitshow that it's one of only two shows that Crispin Freeman has used a pseudonym on, the other being a hentai
Truly something special.