This anime has a 8.5/10 rating on MAL

This anime has a 8.5/10 rating on MAL

Attached: just like me.webm (640x480, 3M)

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and code gayass has 9/10, your point?

This anime has a 6.5/10 rating on MAL

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Has Yea Forums ever done a ranked list before?

I dont get how people can hate that


I don't have a punchline.

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this has a 6.95

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Futaba a best
Tomoe and Kaede a second best
Mai and Nodoka a shit

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what's it about? cuckery?

What a pathetic revenge fantasy LMAO.

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But which Futaba is best? She comes in two flavors

Name 787 anime better than K-ON!

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As much as it is a meme it really does get worse after that point

>be me
>want to watch X show
>go on MAL
>see it's rated 7.9 and not 8
>3 out of the 4 first reviews says it's good

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Boku no Pico

It's at least a 9/10 as a marketing tool

>shroedingers cat
Dropped twice

Lewd ponytail Futaba is best Futaba

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K-On season 2

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It's about 3 points too high, moeshitter

What is the name of this unusual animal?

Dude fma is ranked like no1 or something. who gives a shit about MAL

more like 4 points too low

>trusting norMAL

FMAB earned #1

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lmfao god i hate weebs

>kicking someone in the shin is this effective
lol this was written by someone who has never been in an actual fight

How? by being boring and an average at best shonen?

It's fucking embarassing to watch, and not just in the way that's intended.
>kick "chad" in the shin
>he falls on his ass despite the kick having no weight behind
>lets you walk all over him for literally 50 seconds in front of his friends
This literally-me faggot would be beaten to a pulp.

I dropped it around her arc. Was she supposed to be slut?

I believe it's Slicing Simian.

>score over 8 on MAL

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They are all good.

That's because anime fans don't have sex so these blatant virgin fantasy get high raitings because they can imagine themselves beating up their bullies and getting a 10/10 gf

I thought we were all CHADs here.

Lol that's literally me

Beheading Baboon

We are, just not this user .



The show was good, sorry!

Amputating Ape

why trust mal? they rate anything that has harem a 5 and anything that is meme popular a 10


>a couple of the reviews say it's a masterpiece while another couple of the reviews say it's shit and overrated

Rent free

wait.. is this.. literally me?


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not an argument

>"by being boring and an average at best shonen?"

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