
Chapter 70 is out on Manga Plus.

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HIS daughter, huh.

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She's hot for an wise old man during training arc

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We're hitting autism levels that shouldn't even be possible.

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W-what is wrong with the sun?

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That's it for today.
We're getting a color page next week.

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So this is a shonen after all.

>since heard she was HIS daughter
We El Hermano 2.0 now?

It always was. Some people just got distracted by the art style.

>Yonagi's training arc is to bring out her inner chuuni.

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>El Hermano
It sounds like a setup for a TOP DAD arc.

Couldnt she be just "normal"? Not some child of a superhuman actor or whatever?

>Couldnt she be just "normal"?
The entire premise of this manga is that she isn't "normal". And this isn't even the first time they're teasing her dad.

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>We're getting a color page next week.
Also a preview of the new volume cover.

She is fighting together with her new opponent against a team up off her old opponents and her old sensei.

So they had issues to get her out of a role of a dead boy, how even will they handle a goddess?
Yonagi is becoming to strong.

How Chiyoko is even supposed to touch Yonagi in her super autist goddess mode?


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>How Chiyoko is even supposed to touch Yonagi in her super autist goddess mode?
Now, when I think about it, this sounds like that Uchiha Madara copypasta. I need to look into it later.

So being high is a necessity to be a great actor huh

>frog sun
She's fucking insane

She's an autism goddess now , she's just beyond your understanding

I can't wait for Yonagi's remnants of humanity to just flicker out of existence after this. Soon she'll be seeing everyone as frog suns.

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Holy shit, Yonagi's dad hasn't even appear yet but he is already the worst person in this manga so far.
> Left his wife with three small kids without any support for muh acting
> Didn't help them at all even after Yonagi's mom died
> Kids rely only on a high school girl and live poorly but he still doesn't give a shit about them

She is a goddess.

He's probably dead or went catatonic from hyper acting immersion syndrome.

>went catatonic from hyper acting immersion syndrome.
He forgot himself in his role to the point, he forgot about his normal life.
Yonagi is slowly going the same path, but she has autism on her side.


What a twist.

Autism IS contagious.

I hope so, because in oneshot there was one bad mom

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And I don't want to be back.

Thanks for the dump.

>Left his wife with three small kids without any support for muh acting
>Didn't help them at all even after Yonagi's mom died
Actually, I think it stated in one of the chapters that Yonagi just refuses his support.

I like how everyone around understand that deep acting damages Yonagi's brains, know about her dad, Arisa and still encourage the girl to do it.

>Yonagi just refuses his support.
Eh? I don't remember any moment like that. And why would she refuse his support, especially when her family is so poor that can't afford normal clothes and food?
I got a feeling that Yonagi's dad is just a drunktard and now he's in one of these state

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Didn't we have the cinema club arc to prevent that?

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Would be better as a man.

>Yonagi becoming as gods the chapter
Also the only thing I can imagine of her dad is Kirei.

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He just had to get into a "useless dad" role and had to method act, don't judge him.

>dad's a world/nation famous actor
Well at least she's a real JUMP protagonist now