It's actually just a cat.
Daily Sketchbook Chapter
Other urls found in this thread:
瓢箪から駒: lit. horse from a gourd; Something very unexpected, something said as a joke actually happening
That's all for today. Kind of intersting that Ooba romanizes her name as Ohba.
Thanks OP, you're doing god's work.
Scanlations for this are dead right? How far do the raws go and where can one best get them?
Thanks as always.
Could be this considered art theft?
I think this page is too Japanese for me.
Translations have been stalled for a couple years now. I don't think there are any available raws.
There may be some effort underway to restart TLs.
thanks OP
Ah, so that's why Kamiya had Ooba test out her silent ball and cup.
Literally my cats.
I knew someone who had this problem. Somehow they decided the "solution" was to get three more cats.
Introductory chapter of Ooba and Kuma
this is a strong one
When will the catfish whiskers arc continue?
"coin for the cat", is like "pearls before swine"?
there isn't room to swing a cat is similar bu I guess a larger area
I can't think of a smaller english equivalent
relevant video
It will depend on whether OP wants to do Shucchouban or volume 3 first
This kind of thing always happens when the cats are in heat.
I think Shucchouban belongs between 3 and 4.
Literally my neighborhood.
Do pandas eat fish? I thought one of the reason they were such a pain in the ass to look after was because they only ate a special kind of bamboo?
Thanks OP.
They don't. You can't expect realism out of Kuga, especially with stolen art.
>I thought one of the reason they were such a pain in the ass to look after was because they only ate a special kind of bamboo
They are. While the joke was that the painting was originally a bear, the panda may eat things like meat if there's no bamboo nearby.
hunting or carrion?
Does a heavier ball make it easier or harder?
I don't think a small change would make any difference. Material and how much it would bounce seems more important.
I'm just hypostesising that a less dense material has lower inertia, a denser material while be less affected by knocks changing its trajectory.
of course it could backfire and elasticity of collision will make a major difference too
so many toys...It's like that old magic shop guy with the weird gizmos.
found it
There are Kendama competitions, let the settle in...
A cute cat
My refrigerator identifies with this comic.
Dear supermarkets, stop making everything jumbo-size and value-size. Not everyone is trying to feed a family or stock up for a zombie apocalypse.
The worst is sweets. I just want one piece of cake as a treat, not one bigger than my head.
And when they do have single serving options they're only $2 cheaper than the full size. I'd be throwing my money away not to buy the big one even if it does get stale before I finish that'd be five or six helpings for only slightly more than the cost of one.
My heart belongs to Sora. But Hazuki lives in my head.
>My heart belongs to Sora. But Hazuki lives in my head.
Hazuki would worry about it so much that she just wouldn't buy anything.
Thanks, user! Nice chapter today (or rather yesterday).
>It's actually just a cat.
But is it?
Thanks OP!
Of course. Just ask, and he'll tell you: wagahai wa neko de aru.
Don't ever trust what a cat says!
Bump ...
user's Hazuki art.
>When living things are children, they're especially cute
Except humans children to women nowadays it seems.
>When children are living things, they're especially cute
>someone's still dumping sketchbook chapters
What a good morning.
I relate heavily to Kuga and Asaka on very personal levels to the point where it makes me sad.
It's a weird irony the only ones that care about having fewer babies tend to be the ones driving themselves extinct whilst in other parts of the globe that arguably really ought to be having fewer kids due to overpopulation some are having over 20 kids...
especially species we've selected for this trait like most pets.
>species we've selected for this trait like most pets
You mean like spiders, frogs and snakes?
cats and dogs far outnumber other pet species
Can you blame them? Babies look like golems for about the first two years.
>cats and dogs far outnumber other pet species
But spiders are cuter!
>Babies look like golems
Golems? Those Jewish clay-giants? Are you sure that's what you meant instead of something smaller like, maybe, goblins?
Yes, I meant goblins. Either way, not cute.
In rich countries having children is expensive
In poor countries having more children is useful because they can do work to earn money to support the family
I just wish rich countries would stop importing 3rd worlders from violent countries, they run the serious risk of completely destabilising their societies.
also they tend to deprive those countries of their most brilliant minds.
So we should all just stay where we're born? Stuck in some kind of class system?
I'm not saying that, but rapidly importing large numbers of a foreign culture can rapidly subvert a host culture this has lead to civil wars in the past.
I feel it would be better to improve local institutions and improve conditions that way than to impose the potentially prohibitive costs of integration because that can get very expensive very fast.
meant for there are some arguments around a class system but they tend to be about how class systems naturally develop and what function they play in various cultures. but I'm not going to go beyond my relatively shallow knowledge of that issue.
I know their are some bizarre counterintuitive effects that can happen to a society as it grows more technologically complex.
I just rememberer that yutanpo fag, did he commit suicide?
I'm somewhat regretting the deviation into international migration politics I suspect janitors and mods might get a little over excited. then again a previous sketchbook thread had a discussion of the best way to build with skeletons...
That's kind of why I'm not going to debate it any further, it's not the right place. And building with skeletons is art, so it's almost on topic.
I think wrist and ankle bones might be the key to successful construction strategies, they could work well as plugs
>I think wrist and ankle bones might be the key to successful construction strategies
No. The key to construction are the large parts that make up the fundament and ... well ... "skeleton" of your construction. The hip bone and the rib cage, mainly.
Of course, you can also make constructs from thinner and longer arm and leg bones. Chairs, for example, should mostly use those.
the small bones could be used to avoid wobble, just wedge them into gaps.
obviously I think we're going to end up needing to use some wire in places.
>needing to use some wire
Not necessarily. We can just tan some skin and use that. That way, we also have less waste.
could you be a little more specific?
I'm his predecessor.
What if instead of human bones we used readily available livestock bones?
you can buy then pretty cheap plus they're much more angular and sustantial than most human bones.
Not going to do as much in the "intimidate your enemies" department. You really need the psychological factor.
>intimidate your enemies
"Intimidate them first, turn them into furniture later", as my father used to say ...
I guess though after googling cattle bones I'm now quite hungry, there are too many recipes for bone marrow or beef bone soup
see the real trick to building with skeletons is to get the one's that build, you just need a couple decently skilled necromancers to get you going.
>building with skeletons
We're not building with skeletons, we're building FROM skeletons. Big difference!
What an alpha cat, getting its own "doooo-n" sound effect.
Ok get the raised skeletons to build stuff from skeletons. maybe send a few on an architecture or fine arts course
I feel like I really learned something today. Thanks, sensei.
>get the raised skeletons to build stuff from skeletons
Isn't that a bit macabre though? Like canibalism, just with bones ...
Why? we have a low labour force but millions of skeletons just lying around after the famines and plagues might as well put cheap labour to use.
That what they said about Africans back then.
Let's not repeat history, user. Skeletons should have rights too!
You're worried the skeletons might stage a revolt?
Of course, Skeletons deserves rights as well.
All skeletons or just the magically re-animated skeletons?
Stop being racist, user!
Reminder that there's a skeleton inside you RIGHT NOW.
That's very offensive, there could be jellyfish posting here.
There has to be a dilineation or we'll never get anywhere.
>there could be jellyfish posting here.
Are there any jellyfish that are over 18 years old?
what about Anemonaes they're technically immortal.
When I die, I wanna be a skeleton.
>I wanna be a skeleton.
You can't. I've heard that when you die, your Seoul gets separated from your skeleton. So the latter won't really be you.
Like a sardine that's been eaten except for the head.
目からウロコが落ちる: lit. to have the scales fall from one's eyes; To see the light, to be awakened to the truth
That's all for today. If the brakes broke while going down the hill, you just use a time leap.
Kuga is a miracle of the universe.
tis simply the kind of manga sketchbook is
Ao is full of shit. That's how you're supposed to play video games.
"Scales from the eyes" is a biblical meme unless the Japanese invented the same phrase by coincidence.
Truck-kun is powerless in comfy manga.
Thanks, user.
Scissors are useful!
"Kuga, do you have scissors?"
"I have a knife."
in the anime she first appears to be more of a straight man to everyone elses antics
turns out she's at the very least just as weird
>one in a million
The brakes actually broke on me once. The end of the hill had a busy street, so I just jumped off the bike and hit the hard asphalt. I came out pretty hurt.
Thanks, OP.
if your brakes fail one thing youi can do is move a foot back and try to brace it on the wheel and slow it that way, variable results
>Truck-kun is powerless in comfy manga.
We'll see about that.
They just use their super deformation powers to absorb the impact.
I guess not everyone got the memo.
Thanks OP.
Thanks OP. I don't know how to ride a bike so I don't think in those kinds of situations.
I imagine these two would become demon lords if Isekai'd.
>petting a stranger dog
Don't do that. Not even pugs.
But she still survived in the end. Her comfy reflexes are still strong enough.
>I imagine these two would become demon lords if Isekai'd.
Any kind of attack they make will take 10 minutes until they explained it.
This pug is staring at my soul.
>demon lords
They'd run the extortionate beginner equipment shop.
Why not both?
Generally spending a lot of time in a public place like a store is a hazard when you're a demon lord.
It's interesting how these threads are significantly more active than Aria or YKK were despite Sketchbook being way less popular. I guess more people follow these threads because fewer people have read the manga.
Thank you, OP.
will cats be involved
I think 4koma makes it easier to drop in and out. If you missed a couple of Aria chapters you'd miss a major plot point.
Anyone still around?
They were all hit by trucks after attempting
I'm always here.
I'm not sure whether that's supposed to make me happy or sad, user.
Episodicness is the key factor.
Isn't the word "episodicity"?
episodicness =/= episodicity
Not to be confused with episodicnecessity.
Do you mean "episodic necessity"?
episodicity is more of a scientific term
episodicness is more appropriate sounding for entertainment.
So "episodicity" is all about scienceness while "episodicness" is about entertainicity? Got it!
the connotations are different but I don't want to labour the difference to explain what I meant
there's a video I just found on youtube called uroko
same concept?
Maybe. Would need context to know.
it's just a list of things, look it up if you want.
The more you twist your hands the faster you turn
Welp, yet another character I can relate to, Ooba has my luck...
So is anyone interested in translating more?
>So is anyone interested in translating more?
Interest has nothing to do with it. My Japanese skills are simply not up to the task.
Three hours to go to the next chapter ...
Ehem ... bump, again.
I kinda think Ryou is more the ass type, while Fuu is into big tits.
They've both got to be into something much stranger. Like knees.
>Like knees.
Knees? Not even kneepits? You know, like armpits!
No, the side-front. Like when they're sitting with their knees pulled up toward their chest.
>Like when they're sitting with their knees pulled up toward their chest.
That's hot, but only because they're squishing their breasts that way.
I want to be friends with all of you. Why can't it be as easy as walking out the door to hang out with Anonymous all day?
>I want to be friends with all of you.
You are friends with all of us, user!
You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. Focus only on the knees.
You have to wonder the odds if two of us live close by and don't know it.
>Focus only on the knees.
How am I supposed to focus on the knees when there's squishy boobies (of DFC) and arse in their direct vicinity?
Lots of training and discipline.
Going outside to meet anons is advanced internet technique
Don't say that, user. That's not the real you. This comfy manga has a bad influence on you.
I'd hang out with you so hard your mind would go blank.
Isn't this like the face of a GAR?
金田 Kaneda: Money Field.
Fun fact: Canada does have a kanji version that no one uses: 加奈陀. There's no real meaning to it, it's ateji.
>this time
That's all for today, and the end of this volume. Kurihara with no arms in the hospital bed looks like a Mii.
A fucking leaf
Thanks a lot, user!
>the end of this volume
Damn, I'm gonna miss that cute Asou cover!
>Convenience store refrigerator
More like "inconvenience store refrigerator", wa ne?
Convenient that it's always faced, inconvenient if you're indecisive.
god I love this dork
That's so GAR
She's chaos incarnate.
Maple matron.
The odd combination unveils the truths.
I want Nat-chan to do that to me!
How did it take them this long to ask her where she actually is from?
She's definitely from Quebec.
Poor Kamiya, such an undeserved reputation
Thanks OP.
Shut up Kate, Hakata-ben is cute.
The abundance of vending machines is one of the things I love most about Japan. Not just in urban areas, but in the suburbs too. Imagine how cool it would be to suddenly be in the mood for a drink at 2AM and just walk a block or two to the neighborhood vending machine to get it.
Those eyes remind me of the casino owner in episode 2 of Galaxy Angel.
Thank you, OP.
Also the vending machines having both hot and healthy options. Back home all you can get is soda.
There's an issue with vending machines and all the single use packaging though...
skip to 34:00
It's amazing how many of the world's cities are built on rubbish dumps
There's just as much plastic in things sold in stores. It's a problem, but vending machines are what's causing it.
anything single use and single portion is going to produce more waste per kg
Can't decide on my favorite Sketchbook between Kuri and Kami
Probably because it's Kuga.
>that's because English is the standard language
That must be one of the best skits in Sketchbook. I think about it frequently.
Thanks, OP.
That one also struck me. I would say it's uncharacteristic of Sketchbook to glance at anything that's political in the least, which certainly makes that line unexpected, but also suggests that the author has even more diverse interests than they usually let on. That Kate is also the gloomiest anyone has been probably in the whole series, which really sells it.
Badly spoken english is the world's lingua franca.
>the world's lingua franca
The world's French tongue?
I realise the irony but you know what I mean
>you know what I mean
No, I'm Kate.
My favorite oddballs.
Twins separated at birth.
So Kate isn't wrong that you can write a foreign word by throwing together random kanji with the same syllables.
How do they even fit inside? Do all mantises have those? I feel bad for them. That can't be healthy.
But thanks for the videos so I don't have to do that disgusting thing myself.
You can in the same way you can invent your own spelling in English.
They used to do that many years ago, but then English became cool and katakana loan words took over.
>You can in the same way you can invent your own spelling in English.
Well ... there is a bit more to Kanji "eye dialect" than simple spelling alternations. There's not much use to it unless you can make it into somewhat of a pun.
If you're trying to be cool like a delinquent, sure.
Almost all of Kate's stuff is for foreigner's
Well, it's the difference between being "cool" or rather witty) and being Kate.
You're either one or the other.
It's the difference between being cool and the old the old boring guys who were making kanji versions of foreign country names because not using kanji is uncivilized.
Or being Kate.
Being Kate is always an option!
There's only one of those. The rest of us have to settle with being cool.
Gotta love sukeban!
Oi, user, I said 「GOTTA LOVE SUKEBAN」!?
It's cool to not reply.
Does anyone have a folder with all the raws?
Why? Just know that you won't find anything past volume 10.
>It's cool to not reply.
I guess you're right. But it's also rude as fuck. Which makes it even cooler!
I haven’t touched this manga in a really long time. How far did translations get?
Through volume 10.
Until a bit of volume 11.
Cheers OP.
Is there raws of vol 11 still?
Why aren't there any raws to be found anyway?
I'm sure someone must have the volumes, probably even in a digital version.
Aren't they even up on private torrent trackers or some shit like that? That's kinda hard to believe.
It's not all that uncommon. It takes money and time, so not everyone will do it. Raws for volume 11 will exist soon though.
Would Sora really enjoy sleeping on such a flat chest?
Flat chests are comfy as fuck.
this thread has no shortage of necromancers
rise zombie/thread rise,
Why does she only have a screen on half her open window? If that cicada decides to fly in and hide somewhere in her room, she's not going to get a wink of sleep.
There used to be one on the other side, but she punched it out.
it's like how spaghetti looks pretty big cause it's tall but if twirl in your fork "woa it's compact now I can eat it"
Wouldn't be able to tell you if all of them have it but I would guess almost all of things in the wild have some sort of parasite
There's raws up to volume 12 afaik
Incredible Kate expression from the first 4-koma of the volume
>There's raws up to volume 12 afaik
Where? My raws searching skills are limited.
I thought there wasn't, but that user said otherwise.
on the DJT (Daily Japanese Threads) on /jp, there's a guide for people looking to start learning japanese and there's a library for raw reading material
There's Sketchbook 1~12 + Shucchouban + 10 year special comic there
meant to quote
Whoa. Didn't knew there were raws in those guides. Thanks, user.
I was actually planning on taking pictures of that 10 year edition comic and posting here with text translation when it reached volume 10. Good thing there are raws.
>I was actually planning on taking pictures of that 10 year edition comic and posting here with text translation when it reached volume 10
heh, bless you user
I feel like I should redo volume 10 for some reason. Does anyone wanna typeset?
The habanero stuff?
Huh? Why?
Yeah, but after thinking about it, it's done already. I think there's text translations by the original translator user up to the end of volume 11, but I was thinking about live translating it from where Habanero left off.
is there anything majorly wrong from their work?
It won't happen but I wish we could see more trasnlations of Kashmir's work one day
Terumina was trippy
Please contact [email protected] about continuing translations.
Nothing really. It's more of hindsight more than anything.
I see
>How do they even fit inside? Do all mantises have those? I feel bad for them. That can't be healthy.
Of it isn't healthy, its terminal if left alone. The parasites, hollow out the mantis as they grow, alter their development and in the end force them to go into the water so they can get out.
And if you're a male mantis, you're never developing gonads.
Warning for pic, its shows how hollowed out the mantis becomes if the parasite fully develops, and just how the parasite fits inside.
They first get in there as tiny larvae that live in the insects the mantis eats.
nice, thanks for the info Kuriharanon
Thanks for the nightmares.
Man, don't make Sora mad.
Like an aluminum foil tube.
Sakaeya is a famous dessert shop in Fukuoka. "Famous" often means "a bit of a tourist trap".
Kuga asking the real questions.
That's all for today. Selling bugs in a department store, is it run by Tom Nook?
Also, with all the talk about raws and translations, I encourage anyone interested in helping to get in touch at [email protected]. Would be great if we were able to get the series completed.
W-what are those then?
Thank you user.
Is she single?
This is something modern audiences no longer must endure.
Only if you don't count Pii-chan.
The chick?
Thanks OP, I really like Hazuki's hat.
Thanks, user!
(If only I could contribute anything to help. But you have my full support in spirit!)
Now we need to spend 3000 yen a month on a subscription because it's exclusive to some awful streaming service.
yep, unless you convert a youtube vid to mp3...
It's sad that Kamiya's works of art never get the recognition they deserve.
Thanks OP.
>convert a youtube vid to mp3
Shouldn't you rather convert the youtube audio to mp3? I imagine trying to convert the video data to sound would sound horrible!
Youtube audio is 128kbps, so it's not great either way.
I think you missed the joke, but that's okay.
Expensive CDs, those were the days
Thanks as always, this thread lasted three days until now. Good work in keeping the thread alive everyone.
Isn't painting it white a good idea?
A happy baka is a good baka.
>Isn't painting it white a good idea?
That changes nothing. It's still not clean, just looks that way.
Siphons, one for taking things in (mostly food) and one for shooting things out.
>Selling bugs in a department store
this is actually a thing?
Thanks, user. I love that cover so much.
And I really like how Sora looks here.
I can relate to Sora on this one.
Stag and rhinoceros beetles are fairly popular pets in Japan and yes you can buy them. they even have jelly like beetle food you can buy for them.
(In their adult stage Stag and rhinoceros beetles lose the ability to eat sold food as it's largely just a "find mate" stage, year and in ideal conditions has enough energy saved up from being a grub to not have to eat at all, they actually spend only a few months as adults and spend most years of their lives as grubs)
If you want to save some money but still not bothering capturing your own you can also just buy them as grubs.
nice, thanks for the info Kuriharanon
so mature beetles don't live for long then.
How many cats the author have
most of the cats were based on cats from around the author's neighborhood
Same for the girls?
If someone did that to me I'd get really pissed off.
I had already cut back for the sake of reducing carbs. But now I will literally never eat spaghetti again.
And next question, are these worms harmful to humans?
No. they have evolved to mentally hijack a bug's brain to get it to go into water so it can leave, they can't exactly pull that off with a more complex human brain, one that is also a lot further away from the stomach then in insects.
Also unless you have a habit of eating uncooked bugs they wouldn't even be able to get into your body.
>unless you have a habit of eating uncooked bugs
Damn ... so I'm the only one?
Kuriha, please.
So an adult beetle's purpose in life is just to find some nookie? Seems mean as heck to lock them up and destroy their chances.
Welcome to the wonderful world of biology. The only reason any animal does anything is to make babies.
>The only reason any animal does anything is to make babies.
So the only reason we post on Yea Forums is to procreate? Interesting!
That's right. Now shut up and let me impregnate you.
Like the beetle in a cage, some of us aren't successful.
Bumping for more beetle trivia!
>can't even change batteries in a remote
Poor Ao, he's gonna have to care for his retarded sister for all of his life.
>taking care of Sora for all of my life
That doesn't sound bad.
His future wife Hazuki will help him.
Anyone else still here?
She'dv think batteries are to expensive, you can stand up and use the buttons on the TV.
>you can stand up and use the buttons on the TV
That was true back in the last century when TV monitors still had buttons. Nowadays, not so much.
Okay, you take care of Sora and I'll take care of Ao. Deal?
Sure, you two do that. I'll make sure to keep Asou company.
This was published back when I still had a crt. Which means she still might have one.
>Which means she still might have one.
True. She might have had. But if you plan on living with her for at least a few years, she will some day have to get a buttonless TV.
you can still get TVs with buttons
it's avoiding the spying TVs that's difficult
A TV can't spy if you don't put it online.
mostly true
When I was younger I would exclusively use the TV buttons. Not sure why, but even when the controller had batteries I still preferred to just stand up and use the buttons.
>I still preferred to just stand up and use the buttons.
You probably enjoyed the feeling of coming close to the static electricity that building up on the screen. I know I did.
This thread has been going on for four days. Amazing.
The record is nearly 7.
How old IS she, really?
I ran some numbers and she can't be younger than 27.
>The record is nearly 7.
Plus the bump limit. That could be a possibility for this one as well, considering we're already past 300 posts.
depends on the spices, in the wild they might get a few years if lucky, in captivity with food and good care they can live for around five years, and at least one stage beetle made it to seven.
>depends on the spices
Spices? Do bugs like spicy food?
>one stage beetle made it to seven
Paul and Ringo are still alive, so it's two.
>Paul and Ringo are still alive
Nah. Paul is dead. In fact, he was the first of them to die. You can see it on the Abbey Road cover and hear it in secret backwards-masked messages in their songs!
I've heard this theory before what are the details?
Paul died and was replaced with a look a like. The best evidence is that he's not wearing shoes on an album cover.
>The best evidence is that he's not wearing shoes on an album cover.
Multiple covers. It's also his position in the procession on the Abbey Road cover, that of the corpse, with Ringo and George carrying his coffin and John leading as the priest.
Then there's the fact that the Beatles always denied that Paul was dead - and I ask you: What's a better proof then straight-up denial?
And that's why the theory is bullshit. If they tried to covertly change the band member, they wouldn't leave "secret signs" to point it out. That's like saying "since dollar bill has All Seeing Eye, it must be illuminati".
I hereby deny that I am Totan Kobako.
>If they tried to covertly change the band member, they wouldn't leave "secret signs" to point it out.
That's the thing though: They didn't. Their management did. The Beatles hid all those clue to subtly get the truth out without their management noticing.
>I am Totan Kobako.
Hey there Kobako-sensei. I hope you don't mind us sharing your work here. We all really enjoy it!
That reminds me.
it's less the illuminati and more the cabal
America lost its independence around the time lincoln was killed
go read the book the beast from jekyl island by G edward griffin
Anthony C Sutton's works are another good read and for good measure look up the sinking of the USS Liberty or "final judgement" by michael collins piper
>I hope you don't mind
I care about nothing but cats.
What if cats are the ones really running the world?
Think about it a little, maybe the ancient egyptians were onto something?
Once Marii did it, it instantly became uncool.
Led by Cait Sith? Sounds comfy.
>Cait Sith
The irish demigod kaiju? Or the Final Fantasy fortunetelling-robot character?
A god of cats who emigrated to Mars once it was terraformed.
>not wearing shoes on an album cover
His response to being asked about it was something like: "Well, it was a bleedin' hot day so I took 'em off to cool down."
Hey Rape Bird, I think you got the wrong door. The KF thread's two blocks down.
It's not a completely riduculous idea, stranger theories have proven to be true.
>His response to being asked about it was something like: "Well, it was a bleedin' hot day so I took 'em off to cool down."
See, that sounds totally made up!
I have strong endurance.
That's all for today. This time of year I usually prefer the "bad" weather anyway. When it rains, it's slightly less hot.
all the calico are mike
Thanks user.
I agree about the weather thing. Hate how warm it is today.
She's doing it wrong!
Fun fact: In the traditional "German Deck", as well as some other European decks, one of the suits actually is "leaves".
start at the tip instead of the stalk it peels a lot more easily from there
she's a dwarf
I also can not do down escalators.
Kuga is 140
Shortest girl is always best girl.
Years old?
Months, user.
Kuga does not measure time in the same way as humans.
Thanks for the chapter.
Almost always happens when is still kinda green.
>When it rains, it's slightly less hot.
Humidity can be a bitch.
Where I live, it's humid all the time in the summer.
I honestly can't imagine Sora surviving alone in society.
She is as bad as Yui.
Thanks, user. Kate is cute.
That's actually just a little bellow the average in Japan.
yes but Kate is Canadian
That's why she moved to Japan.
Hanakaku (cgdcmma) thread is dumping chapters.
I can never track golf balls, I have no idea how people do it, especially on cloudy days.
Thanks OP.
or is she?
Are you saying she's not a leaf?
She is actually French.
I don't really know desu, the author likes to play around with the idea that Kate is just pretending to be canadian for the sake of joke
She probably is a Chinese undercover agent or something.
She's too cute to be a chinese.
Kate is actually Brazilian.
now this is a twist
She's trying to send Negishi to Brazil.
a boy like that wouldn't fare well in a tropical country
>10 year special comic
I don't think I've seen this. I must know what it is.
You probably haven't.
It was a edition of volume 10 only available for a limited time that included a small hardcover booklet with interviews with the author and such.
Sketchbook has had many limited edition merchandise.
That makes me almost as sad as the fact that it's over.
>10 year special comic
Also it's not really 10 years, it's just as user said, I wrote 10 year special comic cause I saw the words "10" and "anniversary"
But it was coincidentally also 10 years after the first volume was released. More than 12 years after the first chapter was published, though.
You can still find it at Mandarake for cheap.
Go before it runs out for good.
Makes me sad that I didn't knew Sketchbook before, or I would've gotten pic related.
Never bought from Manadarake online before. They ship to the states?
Also, what's this Perfect Workbook thing I'm also seeing?
They shipped to my shitty third world country, so they probably ship to the states too.
Perfect Book is kinda like a guide. It's pretty interesting. There is info about the anime in it too. No extra stories though.
I can only hope so.
And to top it off, there are also exclusive illustrations that you could only get by buying in Animate and such. Being gaijin is suffering.
We're just filthy, filthy gaijins. Now I want the pins.
Those kinds of bonuses are never worth it. What are you really going to do with them? They just wind up stuffed behind the dust jacket of whatever they came with.
Looks like they will, for a 2000+ yen shipping charge. I don't quite want it that badly.
Are the last chapters going to be sold as volume 14? I haven't seen anything on Amazon.
Probably eventually. Also, expect shipping to cost just as much for that.
I dunno, Amazon's never been that bad with shipping on a per book basis. But maybe that's because I usually buy more than a single book.
I like collecting them. It's like saving a picture you like in your computer. And hey, it's free.
How is it even that expensive? Wasn't even 1000 to my third world country.
Is that the price for SAL or EMS?
And I read somewhere that volume 14 will be released in September.
EMS is 2540. SAL is 1390. I forget what these mean.
I think Amazon raised their shipping prices recently. Or maybe my last few orders have been strange for some reason.
For international postal shipping, a portion goes each to the originating country, whichever country or company did the international part, and to the receiving country. Each can set their own rates, so only the Japan portion will be the same.
I just ordered 12 books a couple of weeks ago, shipping came out to $45. Over 20 for one seems like a lot.
Turns out I'm an idiot and was thinking of an order that had something other than books.
I hope it rains tomorrow.
Thanks OP!
Kuga is 11 years old? Nice.
The manga volume bundled with the bag and the bag separately is on yahoo auctions if you want that.
What about Asou merchandise? Is there any?
Through my search through the auction and Mandarake, nothing. Just books, DVDs and the tote bag. Other than the small things shown in the Anniversary book, I don't think Asou merch exists other than a bookmark and pin. Feels bad because Sketchbook is beyond niche. I did order volume 8's limited edition bundle that comes with extra illustrations so I can't wait to scan those in.
>I don't think Asou merch exists other than a bookmark and pin
Damn. Too bad, I'd love to have something of her. She's too cute.
This thread is still good for one chapter.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure it'll be just that and a bit of banter, and then we'll hit the limit.
Thank you user
Another bump.
Have a bump.
>Sketchbook thread lasted this long
What timeline is this?
It's 2007-2010 again.
It's just anons doing their best to keep this thread alive. I hope it manages to go past bump limit.
>What timeline is this?
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.
>I hope it manages to go past bump limit.
I'm sure it will if we make it to the next chapter.
(We should try not to go higher than 460 before it drops though. We're gonna need those last few posts after the chapter dump.)
It started raining just as I read that.
That was one of the first that I bought. The bag is pretty.
>I did order volume 8's limited edition bundle that comes with extra illustrations
You mean the one with Kate on the cover in a white background? What are those illustrations?
>It started raining just as I read that.
Sadly, that didn't work for me. I could use a quick rain shower right now.
Guess what? Bump!
Ah ... I hate summer. It's hot and the board moves far too fast.
Anyway, have some Asou.
But you get the bag, but then feel bad about using it, some you don't want to damage it or get it dirty.
>But you get the bag, but then feel bad about using it, some you don't want to damage it or get it dirty.
Right. There should be a Sketchbook 4-koma about that!
That's something Hazuki would do.
I would do it too
how is thsi thread still alive
We keep it alive because it's a nice one.
It's not
A vehicle that runs by itself.
TL Note Note: Aburaage is what they call fried tofu, used to make things like my favorite, kitsune udon.
That's all for today. See you next month.
Nice brush skills. I wonder if she's the strongest sketchbook.
Thanks a lot, user!
>See you next month.
Aw... so you're taking the weekend off?
(Joking, of course. Though, if you want to take the weekend off, feel free to do so. You'd deserve it!)
Guess the thread's as good as done now. All that's left for us is to keep it up a few more hours, have fun and then push it over the limit.
Kinda sad.
I can't believe Fuu is fucking dead
I'm fairly sure she is
>See you next month (but tomorrow too)
would have ruined the joke.
True. See you tomorrow then!
Thanks as always user.
Kurihara is the smartest sketchbook.
Goodbye, thread
See you all tomorrow
It's not dead yet!
>It's not dead yet!
No but maybe user's already going to bed!?
Anyway, I'm enjoying this thread. The coziest on Yea Forums in a while.
Already going to work, actually
Damn, sorry to hear that.
Night shift? Or are you somewhere in Asia?
asou is the cutest
kate is also the cutest
they are the tag team cutest
>somewhere in Asia
That would be even worse, because then they'd be working very early morning on a Saturday.
They each are a different kind of cute though.
Kate is dorky/funny cute.
Nat-chan is pretty-girl-with-kind-personality cute.
>working very early morning on a Saturday.
Not unheard of in Asia.
Either way, it sounds pretty bad.
Closing a restaurant, is all
Kasugano represents my adult life.
Thanks, user.
Ah, okay. Not that bad then.
Yeah I've done that, after a certain point the the dew on the clothes is worth just leaving till the next day.
Kate is cute.
>What are those illustrations?
That's what I wanted to know so I bought it.
I have that volume (the one with the bag) and I don't remember any extra illustrations.
the cutest
Whoops sorry, meant volume 9 here. The one with Keito is just the bag only.
Oh, that one. Yes, there are extra illustrations you won't find so easy elsewhere.
There also the cover illustrations like pic related.
I wish another one could be released, but with all Sketchbook art the author has done. Like an actual art book.
Thanks OP, it was nice to see a thread last this long. Wish I had more time to draw this month.
this is precious
Saved. Are you the Hazuki user?
An art book would be great. I hope someone on The Twitters asked Totan Kobako about it.
Totan Kobako has a Twitter account?
Kobako doesn't have a Twitter.
I took a wild guess
You did gave me an idea. The magazine is receiving opinions (like a letter to the author) on the internet, and gaijins can send too (and even send illustrations, it seems).
It has to be all in Japanese, but I'll write and try to mention that an art book would be good.
Sasuga user!
This is the last bump any final comments you plan to leave please do so now
Bug girl best girl
see you anons tomorrow
I love Sora!
yes. I'll probably do some more in the future, maybe Asou or Keito next.
Good luck user, an art book would be great.
bugs vs cats
which sort of user are you?
I turned 30 today and it's been a long road of Sketchbook for me. It still feels surreal.
Hapabaday user!
cats are moe characters
but bugs are so much cooler?
all that variation
bugs aren't mofumofu
cats with girls or catgirl hybrids or girls dressed as cats?