This remake is a disaster...
This remake is a disaster
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Why was this done?
This is netflix tier shit
Genwun money
Everything around Pokemon seems to have gone pants on the head retarded, it's like everyone is actively pushing the envelop on how cheap they can get before people start getting mad and actively leaving the franchise or keep shoveling that shit into their mouths
I don't see any difference.
>Everything around Pokemon seems to have gone pants on head retarded
What counts as around? Cause I've seen some pretty hot clips of the newer season's animation. It's not mean spirited in writing like the original (Ash/Satoshi being a huge loser that Misty/Kasumi and Brock/Takeshi have no problem making fun of) but it looks darn good. The switch game looks like it's shaping up alright, but not amazing considering there's some overworld stuff that looks janky.
This movie looks like it'll be a disaster though. .
He probably means the upcoming games cutting tons of Pokemon because small indie dev gamefreak can't make enough models and animations while also having empty enviroments that look worse than the 2 gamecube games did.
that's because you're retarded. spic or murican?
I think Gamefreak is actually divided into two parts now for side and main projects, which they say it works for them. I'd really have to look closer into Scottish Girl Simulator, but on the surface it seems passable. But maybe I should have higher standards.
>I want 800 trashmon in muh game
That's dumb. I've always hated running across old pokemon in a new region because it's like
>Oh you're in another country
>Species are the same no difference between regions
Fuck all those Pokemon.
But it's going to have PLENTY of old pokemon.
Can't they do what burgers do and rerelease the first movie?
I like this alternate universe the movies are taking place in.
Anyone who has been keeping up with Pokemon movies would know that OML doesnt have the best track record with CGi
And I still dislike that but at least they're not going to be overrunning the game. At the very fucking least they could've made those Wingulls region-defined, like the Alolan Grimers and Meowths etc.
Why can’t the Japanese into CCI?
It's probably going to have less new pokemon than fucking johto while not even give you variety in the post game.
Square Enix can because they don't use CG to save money and instead fully embrace it, while also having worked with it since the 90s. They made what is easily the best looking full CG movie ever just to promote one of their games.
Why even bother. Just trace the original frame by frame if they really wanted a new HD version.
Me too.
Looks just like the anime and action figure.
Most of the Pokemon look pretty damn good. Character models are very hit or miss.
Tbh, the 1st movie wasnt even all that great to begin with. And judging by the trailers, it looks like a blatant remake. They claimed that the script will be based on the original anime writer of Pokemon, but I doubt it.
The movies are made in HD and then downscaled to SD. You could watch the first movie in 1080p right now.
Can't wait to catch all my favourite Kanto mons again because they have to be in the game or people will riot.
They can, it's just this looks particularly shit.
DQ movie isn't bad, even if it's copying western style.
The last couple of Pokemon movie have been re-imaginings due to the XY movies being bombs and the fact that Sun and Moon don't have too many legendaries. In fact, the last movie was literally the last SM legendary they could use. So now they're gonig for a complete remake with cheap CGI until Gen 8 is ready.
The best part is that they will be in the game because they already were modeled so there's literally no reason to not add them as filler.
Remake? Hell's going on?
Do you not fucking read the news?
>118 new Pokemon
So yes less than Johto.
>Multiplayer Wild Area where you can see other players with Nintendo Switch Online
Instead of seeing only NPCs and Pokemon
Left loooks cheaper
That's more than johto, that one had a clean 100 pokemon.
I'm going to assume they aren't going to bother to dub it since 4kids is dead and people would get mad for not using the OG VAs. Although it would've been cool to see them actually localize it faithfully this time.
Is Toriyama’s style really that hard to replicate in 3D?
I think it's more the uncanny effect of having Toriyama style anime characters done with CG that tries to look realistic.
To consume product and get excited for next product
La creatura...
We have effectively entered into a pseudo "end of history" stage where everything is just a remake or redoing because we can't let go of the past because there is no future.
Even after fucking Star Wars fizzled out?
>Even after fucking Star Wars fizzled out?
They are gonna keep putting out shitty old products because they have a brand people are emotionally attached to, and people will see them for that childhood nostalgia. Plus it's also easier to remake the same shit then to try something new and lose money.