Why do people like Kamina when he is so weak and useless?

Why do people like Kamina when he is so weak and useless?

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he based and cute

He literally took down the heavens, what are you talking about?

Except he was neither?
He possesed both strength of will and character.

Because although he himself is (canonically) weak as fuck, his true strength lies in inspiring others and helping them tap into their full potential.
He's so popular because people want a Kamina that drives them to greatness and believes in them when they themselves have a hard time doing so.

Gap gar between him being the most boastful while also being one of the weakest.

He did the impossible and saw the invisible

>stole gurren
>beat the shit out of beastmen gunmen repeatedly
>came up with the plan to seize the daigunzen
>repeatedly stared death in the face without flinching
He was not as strong as Simone became physically or gunmen-wise, but he was both the mastermind and the spiritual core of the whole operation.

He was the mastermind of the operation that got him killed lololol

I was refering to his Spiral Energy. Word of God says that out of the cast he has the lowest.

So what? Without him none of it would've happened. He literally punched out a god from beyobd the grave through the impressions he'd left in the minds of team gurren.
Sure, but he was like the physical embodiment of its principles.

nothin personnel kid

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You're not arguing with that user, you're just defensively making the same points he did.

who needs some shit spiral energy when you can have MANLY ENERGY

>Sure, but he was like the physical embodiment of its principles.
Exactly. His principles are to strive for greatness, to never give up until you reach your full potential. He had reached his in his lifetime (shown by low spiral energy since he couldn't "evolve" any further) but he lived them so hard that they stuck with the rest of Team Dai-Gurren.

You're confused because you are not keeping track of the definitions of words. Kamina was neither weak nor useless. He might've been lacking in spiral energy but he was strong in pretty much every other sense of that word. And to call him useless is beyond retarded.

He literally ass-pulled them all out of that pocket dimension trap despite being dead.

I think you're the confused one. The user you initially responded to didn't use the word "useless", but did refer to the weakness of having the lowest Spiral Energy. Despite that weakness, he was a huge inspiration to others--e.g. the impressions he'd left in their minds, as you referred to--and, yes, embodied the principles of potential.

"Lacking in spiral energy" is a shitty definition of weak and I disagree with it. I never denied that he was lacking in it, I deny that he was weak. Learn to keep track of semantics because natural language is extremely vague and ambiguous, often leading to arguments between people who in principle should agree with one another

You're being deliberately obtuse and you're taking this way too personally.

Muh manly tears memes.

That was Yoko's fault, not directly but she caused it.

Not playing along with arbitrary and manipulative use of language is not the same as being obtuse.

Kamina was the strongest character in the show. His absolutely unbreakable, uncompromising resolve imprinted on his followers and made him into a meme, a meme that guided them through the impossible even long after his death.

t. w*man

Was Gurren Lagann the last great manime?

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>those two grimdark "realistic" episodes after his death

For a moment there I was getting worried.

Language is intrinsically dynamic and you don't sound intelligent for being needlessly stringent about it, or for deliberately neglecting what was clearly communicated just so you could make the exact point that was already made.
But by all means, let's not make your memes feel threatened.

This show is literally made for manchildren who think they watch "intelligent" anime and want to feel manly and motivated while doing fuck all.

It's shit, so I'm sure women love it.

There's nothing about this anime that would give you this impression. It's pure manly spirit and that's a good thing. Fun things are fun.

>pure manly spirit
Watching a fucking cartoon while you slob your ass off isn't manly you fuck

It sure as fuck is more manly than your bitch ass slobbering over Yea Forums

Viral had NO way of producing spiral energy, yet in the second movie he gets so hyped that he does it anyway. Kamina would have found a way. Who the hell do you think he is?

You're on Yea Forums too, nigger.

That's some powerful projection user




Yeah but hes not going into a thread about a show he doesn't even like and insulting the people who do like it. I can't even imagine being that fucking pathetic.

He's doing even worse: making a thread about an anime I don't like

>weak as fuck
was he? he was fucking shreded and he 1v1 viral, he was not weak in any way wtf

He wasn't the one actually powering Gurren Lagann, most of that spiral energy came from Simon. He WAS physically strong, but at the same time without much spiral energy it meant his physical abilities had a hard limit.
Also going up against Viral isn't that impressive when you consider Viral was essentially a minion of a minion and couldn't even produce spiral energy to evolve himself into better and better fighting states.

if Kamina was still alive he would have gotten stronger but it was clear simon was superior and he did everything he could to support him.


I haven't found a worthy successor.

row row fight the power

I stopped watching when he died
Ain't sticking with that crying manlet Simon even if he becomes gigachad at the end.
My boy Kamina didn't deserve it. Simon or that slut should've died instead

Get out, incel!

Your loss but you make me wonder how the story would have follow if Simon died saving Kamina

>good looking
>balsy as fuck
>encouraging older brother character
>surprisingly intelligent and decently good at tactics

Given both his early death, and Viral, that’s either something that could have changed or impossible.

>He wasn't the one actually powering Gurren Lagann, most of that spiral energy came from Simon. He WAS physically strong, but at the same time without much spiral energy it meant his physical abilities had a hard limit.
I remember he was able to takeover his own beast man by using his own fighting spirit. So it's not like his spiral level was low.

>woman like shit because i said so
t.double x cromosome retard

They don't even get past the second general in that case lol, but it would be interesting if the story was planned around that and had TTGL become more of a multiple viewpoints/Baccano thing.

Your loss, you missed one the greatest character redemption scenes in anime history.

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>becomes manlet Kamina
no thanks

Nice b8

>feels the need to insult the height of a young boy
Just how insecure are you?

>So it's not like his spiral level was low.
You're conflating literally having any spiral power at all to high levels of spiral power. Remember, the beastmen couldn't use spiral power as a rule, so their machines, regardless of how well designed they were to eradicate spiral pilots, wouldn't have have run through the test scenarios necessary to withstand dealing with any actual spiral power.

He's literally the coolest guy in all of fiction.
Don't talk shit.

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I shiver.

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You're the worst kind of viewer.
End your life.

The whole anime is overrated

7/10 for me

Episodes 1-7: 5/10
Episodes 8-15: 8/10
Episodes 17-23: Unironically 10/10
Episodes 24: bleh
Episodes 25-27: 12/10

Stop being contrarian and watch SNK already. youtube.com/watch?v=h51sXnZSJc0

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He actually becomes taller than Kamina.

I almost took the bait

>scenes trannies will never understand
there's still time to transition back before you join the 40 percent

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just gonna say this once but you might want to notice how incel rage is a negative emotion in shows like ttgl

based and dare I say... redpilled


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Was going to say Samurai 7 but that came out in 2004.

bait of lowest quality

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just do it than user