Netflix Eva translation

What do you think about this one? Right is Netflix.
Original dialogues:

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Honestly not as bad as the Kaworu one.

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lmao Netflix one is absolute trash

>turning it into a confession

Yea Forums doesn't even know how to translate itadakimasu, you're barking up the wrong tree

And people dare to talk of ambiguity and subtlety about the netflix subs.

Netflix is actually better there.

You can't fool me, itadakimasu is the thing anime girls say when going off to school and the parents reply with itadarasshai
t. anime pro

>I want to help. I want to be with you.
>Allow me to help, Asuka.
They're both kinda soso.



Could you please explain why? Honest question, i'm curious with this one
So on the second frame he's the one who want to help and not be helped??

Actual translation from someone who knows Japanese.

I want to be of use. I want to stay with you forever.
Asuka, help me. You're the only who that can.

This is what Anno always intended. Asuka x Shinji is the OTP.

>Google translate for you.

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To explain: He want to be of use to Asuka, but he can't unless Asuka asks/tells him to help. That's why it's "Asuka, help me". It's more of a "let me help you".

Wut ta hek.

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How are translation divergences even a thing? Like, just translate the words, lmao

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Considering ADV based their translations off some fansubber in Pennsylvania, things could've turned out a whole lot worse. We could've gotten the right side.

I think a better translation would be:
I want to help you asuka
I want to us to be together.
Asuka. Please, help me. You're the only one who can save me. Without you...

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>i have to go, asuka
Then just leave, dude lmao

right is more accurate

The main problem with the sub changes is not the changes, but all of the people complaining about them
“I can’t accept this change, Kaworu saying I love you specifically is soo important, Shinji being gay helped me being gay”
The thing I myself care about actually is that there are people disliking the translator for liking Strike Witches

Ken-sama? Is that you?


>the ACTUAL problem with shitty subs is that people point out they're shit, why can't we just treat a show with a script that requires a lot of nuance like it's Strike Witches?

>Nu-dub Shinji voiced by a tranny
What did they mean by this?

The point is that he's spouting romantic words insincerely so he can drown his insecurities in being intimate with Asuka while ultimately just using her, just like Gendo did with Ritsuko. This is also why Asuka is so disgusted with him. Right gets that across a lot better than left, which is just bland and not really coherent dialogue.

They want the Yea Forums audience.

So, Asuka is Shinji's Ritsuko and Rei (or Kaworu) is his Yui?

t. assblasted fujo/reifag

Left is better. It frames Shinji's issue of flip flopping better. In that at first what he's saying is he's doing it for her, but then in the second panel he flips that and makes it clear he's doing it for himself, which makes more sense as trigger. His contradiction and bullshit is clear.

Right is a bunch of flowery bullshit that's far too smooth for Shinji

"Xじゃなきゃ駄目なんだ" is a classic desperate excuse Japanese guys tend to tell their girlfriends

Do you think Anno specifically explained that to the translator?

Both are crap.

Netflix has a reputation for mistranslating anime subs. The stuff with Eva isn't new, but rather something we should've expected

the jews at netflix are just fucking asukafags

That's literally wrong.

I'd go with
>I want to do something, yeah? I want us to be together.
>Help me out, it won't work without you.

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Pretty much.

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TL Note: This user is an Anime Pro

>I have to go to Asuka

that's not even close lmao

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>the Netflix one even omits the 助けてよ
Such shitty shitty subs.


Can't Live If Living Is Without You?

because it was translated poorly. the actors were lifeless in their dialogue. there was no personality to anyone.

Fujos are still pissing themselves over this?

Shitposter leave Yea Forums and never come back.

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>アスカじゃなきゃ駄目なんだ… = without you I'm nothing
Rate it.


Right is more literal and accurate. Deal with it.