Ayana Taketatsu, voice of many best girls, is getting married

Ayana Taketatsu, voice of many best girls, is getting married.

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So her career is over? How sad.

Only good girl in that image is Pipimi

Marriage is okay. Slutting around is not.

And I am literally going to marry Azusa.

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And why should I care?

Go back to mal

You forgot one.

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Tell that to Aya Hirano. She's still getting roles even after fucking her band less the bassist.

Sachiko and I are getting married and Yea Forums is invited to the party.

Good for her but her fiancee better be a voice actor. For Eugenics reasons.

It's Yuki Kaji

Cute news

Azusafags are literal cuckolds now.

Azusa is really hard to even recognize with that style.

RIP her career.


Everyone and their mother voiced Popuko and Pipimi, that shouldn't count.

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Was he /ourguy/?