Scanlation Thread

How do you scanlate as a corporate wage slave?
Now I understand why some manga updates are so slow. the quicker ones are being done by students/NEETs.
I scanlate full time during my NEET period, but now I barely have a time to browse Yea Forums and watch youtube
I know some of you guys are scanlating while having a full time job. How the fuck do you even do it? 9-5 is a complete lie, it's actually 5-9.

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Weekends? I find that when I work, even if I have less time during the week, I have a lot more drive on the weekends to do other stuff.

You'll probably have to accept that you won't be able to release a chapter daily anymore, but at least you won't have to beg for donations to pay for mags.

I'm a graphic artist for a manga publishing, being scanlator helped me a lot so I finish their projects pretty fast. I even scanlate during work hours and they don't give a shit and thought it was their project.

People don't do it for money you jammibox goon

Anyone got ヤングキング13号 (2019)? Would be much appreciated.

You work the government dude, you know why that DMV line is so long? the guy running line control needs to scanslate the newest fap bait to make EOP's happy.

>I even scanlate during work hours and they don't give a shit and thought it was their project.

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Highly doubt it the dude is on a larp

It's also pretty damn easy to pinpoint considering there are a small number of manga localization teams around the world.

That industry is very incestuous and you have the same people moving in and out of the various companies.

I do actually scanlate at work. I don't work in "the industry" or anything, just have a desk positioned where no one can see my monitor. Everyone else spends half the day fucking around on social media, so it's not like they'll notice me working on something else for a few hours.

I actually rip manga at work using Teamviewer. It sucks

Thanks for doing this

I mean, I do it for one series. Rest of the mag gets ripped later that day.

Good man.

>How the fuck do you even do it?

You forfeit sleep time.

Yea Forumsnon please finish scanlating this manga. It's so cute and wholesome

Attached: ane_no_onaka.jpg (728x1033, 158K)

>How do you scanlate as a corporate wage slave?
Pure motivation and love of the manga. The same kind that could get me to work when I was a student.

I can't do weekends as well since I only want to sleep and goof off. Wage slaving makes me more motivated do something I like.

From what I remember it had a good premise, but couldn't stick to the script for five minutes. Also, NBR.

Would it be okay to ask for a cleaner or proofreader to "join" and only give them work like once in a month or so? I'm too lazy to translate stuff at a consistent pace.

Yes, most of them will probably have twenty other things going on at the same time anyway. Especially proofreaders, since that takes like five minutes.

I usually spend 2 hours after arriving home from work. Also, half a day on weekends. If i really want to finish a chapter, i take a sick day from work and spend it at home working on the chapter

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Just do what you can in all honesty

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>Also, NBR
His sister ships him with long kiss goodnight (his classmate)

So modern versions of GIMP still feel too wretched compared to the decade old version I'm used to. What does someone who knows nothing about PS need to know if they're considering pirating it?


It's got tools that will make it impossible to come back to GIMP, but the UI will make you want to come back at least once every five minutes.

what fonts do you guys use for when a character is speaking all cute and stuff?
this isn't necessarily related to typesetting, I just need some suggestions because my current selection is below bare bones

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Learn hotkeys.

B- is for most recently used brush
P- is for pen tool
G- bucket
S- stamp

Though you could always rebind them.
Actually just rebind them. somebody pick this up?

The normal Young King magazine has no digital release, good luck with that.

I'd rather have someone do the one with the neighbour lady feeding the baseball player. That series gives me a million boners

Ok you got me there what is the name?

It just made me hungry most of the time.

If anything, it's the opposite. Everyone I've worked with who has a proper job has been very professional and stuck to the schedule while the students go only work when they feel like it and complain about finals like they're somehow busier than the rest of us are.

I personally use CC Jim Lee or Meanwhile myself.

didnt ask u

How do I exactly do a ripping script? I want to do one for Comic FUZ, but learning HTML and JS aside, are there any guides for that?

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Find and reverse-engineer an existing script. Also, learn to use and abuse inspect element.

Is this worth redrawing? The text is really thick, and it has a pattern over it, and it's a grey...

I might not bother, but any tips for something like this?

Attached: P30.png (1495x2169, 1.57M)

Beg for senior programmers to teach you how on discord

plenty of material to create a pattern to fill the typeset font with, then just clean using the clone stamp tool. typeset over the roughly cleaned area and shove it around until it covers most if not all of the missing line art

Thanks for the help. I knew about the inspect element part from back when I actually had a script, before my computer suddenly acted weird and I had to format it.

No, just add TL note to the side people are not going to notice your effort

God bless you user

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Good to know I'm not the only one abusing sick days to finish a chapter.

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the "relationship" with the boy and yakumo-san never go anywhere my dude

I hope Pumpkin night gets picked up again. I know it's a trashy slasher but it's mindless fun.

Attached: Pumpkin_night.jpg (1600x2276, 843K)

Isn't this on hiatus?

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It's supposed to be a movie title, right? Just match the font and styling and put smaller English text above or below it. Japs do that often enough that it'll look natural if you put any effort into it.