Thoughts on the raw episode? I liked it!!!
Shingeki No Kyojin
>i liked it!!!!
based cute user
Cute OP
First episode I've genuinely disliked since S3E3
good episode
>they ruin this
>i liked it!!!
OP you are just so adorable.
Also, i would like to remind you that multiple answers are allowed.
It was shit.
Glad WiT is dropping SnK.
Fuck WiT
I liked it. I'm surprised they used the op
This episode
>give godlike ost to some scenes
>except the most pivotal ones
>Cuts the moral ambiguity out of your story
I want to firebomb Araki's house.
Eren's wife is so beautiful.
I still can't believe YH won. What the fuck?
Reminder that Isayama will reject Araki's mixed-race faggotry and devote his manga's ending to a pure, ARYAN couple with a child of the future. Fujos and dykes are delusional.
Porco saved the entire season. Everybody should thank him.
You can tell it was a good episode because of all the EHfags sperging
glad we got 10 minutes of walking through the city lmao
Wait for real? Wtf
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Best part of the episode desu.
What a shit episode. Even Uprising anime adaptation looks god compared to this. How can they fuck up so much?
what do you mean? this scene was great
Stay literally psychotic, YHdyke. You've done nothing but shit these threads with your lgbtqasjjksa+ brown pairing which has as much value as LH/YH/RE/EM (a.k.a none).
Reminder that Isayama supervises the anime and decides what changes are made
Post cute and canon couples.
That's right!
Oh fuck off WIT.
Why are poltards so retarded? Eren looks like a spic and "Eldian" is not a race.
>>Araki doing everything he possibly can to butcher the adaptation after hearing Kaji's recording for the final chapter.
Everything is going according to plan.
>E-EH episode!
Of course, we all know Isayama loves yuri.
How do you go from this
I wish that part was longer.
>No Marley teaser next week
>>>Araki doing everything he possibly can to butcher the adaptation after hearing Kaji's recording for the final chapter.
>Everything is going according to plan.
Is the recording out yet? I'm sorry guys I missed it.
Ymir is still alive and communicating with Historia via Paths. This episode is just more proof. Notice how they still haven't showed her actually being ate. Isayama and the anime team both refuse to show it because it would reveal that she is indeed, still alive.
I think because they played the ed song its "ruined"
How do we stop the EHchads bros?
They just keep winning...
What an absolute trash episode, holy shit.
and this
>Here's your anime original P A T H S bro
Is this what desperation at its extreme looks like?
>b-but my EH episode f-fuck Araki
/pol/ is unironically based and allied with Yea Forums. Of course a Yea Forumstard like you wouldn't understand, Eren has light eyes and light skin, with the characteristics of a pure, aryan man.
>shifters only get memories of people they ate
>Historia somehow gets Ymir memories from a letter
>I can't marry you yet
CHADco will FUCK Historia
>All that Kruger and EH cut
If you call taking what Isayama gives us and following it to it's logical conclusion "desperation", sure.
The one that was talking there was eren, not porco, you massive retard
>/pol/ is unironically based and allied with Yea Forums. Of course a Yea Forumstard like you wouldn't understand, Eren has light eyes and light skin, with the characteristics of a pure, aryan man.
To be fair they had to tone it down for other Eren shipperfags as most of the merch buyers are EM and LEfags
Kino. YH's love for each other is so strong they're connected across space and time.
True lovers connection
>ShingeKI NO Kyojin will be at least 80 episodes long
>ShingeKI NO Kyojin already mogs FMA and will mog Monster
Is there a longer amount of concentrated KINO ? HunterXHunter doesn't count since it's battleshonen shit. LOGH has more content but the KINO is more spread out
Movie by UFO soon
You can't be serious. Why?
>that one guy posting godco for the last week was actually right
>Movie by KyoAni soon
Eren would be considered a mutt if he was a human IRL, but you don't mind because you're an American/ 3rdworlder.
So why don't random Eldians get memories from other random eldians? Why did Historia never get any memories before this? The only times she got them was from Eren and Rod.
Historia got memories from both Rod and Eren, dumb EHcuck. Armin already said memories are transmitted through touch.
>"Historia became a breeding sow!"
>"Eren wasn't involved! Farmer is the father because MPs said so!"
>"Eren left ten months ago!"
>"Eren pimped out Historia! He hates her because she's cattle!"
>"Cuckren soon!"
>"Eren is asexual like his bro!"
>"Eren is the father but Farmer fucked Hisu!"
>posting edits of decapitated Historia
>closer to the audio and 119
>Falseflag trying to make us fight with REbros and LHfags
The closer we get to July the worse it gets.
BASED. Fuck these literal kikes shilling prideshit
Response typical of l*ddit
>B-but it's in the ED
Fuck Araki
Because it was a love letter
I told you fuckers PorCHAD would show up.
historia is a royal
>love letter
Cope lesbian
Are the people adapting this manga legitimately mentally retarded?
>Eren the founder and Rod a royal titan
>somehow the same as a letter
It's starting to seem like WiT are dropping the anime because they don't want to animate the Marley side of things.
What a fucking trash, the only good part was the mikasa and armin shit from kruger, they literally ruined THE fucking best scene of this manga and kruger looks looked like shit and on top of that we got ymir and historia trash WITH FUCKING PORCO.
This, but unironically. Carla lived in the outer wall so well are the poor people and imigrants were dumped by Karl the kuck.
I miss Yumiru.
How do I know if you're LARPing and are secretly an LEshit? Real EHCHADS would focus on the truth and fight for their cause. I'm fucking sick of having to put up with this shit, Araki's last episode was the last straw.
Ymir will be reunited with Historia in the PATHS.
Because Araki a hack
t. speedreader from l*ddit
No I am looking forward to pregnant belly Mikasa next episode. Also don't drag Isayama into this fanfiction, he is already laughing out loud with a beer in hand while watching this atrocity.
>EHfags AND Zekeks seething.
Good episode.
So without the moral ambiguity , from an anime perspective Eldians are actually the bad guys lmao
Rod is her dad and Eren has Frieda inside him
kek, too close to holocaust denial, it's already getting called out for being fascist
>wooden doors tony?
>EHfags are attacking each other now.
This and check'd. Can't wait until this series gets taken away from him and EHbros get the emphasis they really deserve (assuming poor Isayama gets any say in it)
Porco will sacrifice himself to save Historia. YH will reunite in the PATHs dimension.
Dumb AAfag
I just caught up
Wait so Ymir was the original titan???
She's been living for nearly 2000 years???
okay wait i could be wrong but so this means having all 9 titans will mean you get immortality, but ymir got weak by old age?
It happened when she sliced his titan. Weird shit happened when you touch a royal titan is still believable.
She only saw her own memories, not Eren's.
E*dians are the bad guys from every perspective.
After the last chapter audio drops
>These spoiler fags are ruining the thread. I'm not even an [insert shippers that lost] but these people are running the fun for everyone.
>Ymir mind controlled Historia
>fucks farmer
W-what does it mean YHbros?
>Last episode ends with a shot of Mikasa's face, followed by a shot of a pregnant belly (without Hisu's face), followed by a shot of Jean's smile, thus finishing the anime with an open ending.
Hope production IG handles Marley and the last arc with kamiyama at the helm. Would be great if they readapt Uprising and RtS after this atrocity of a season 3.
Based Araki letting animeonlies think for themselves.
Oh yeah I remember that roAAstie saying exactly the same to the Detective Hangefags
One is the original Ymir and one is a literal who hobo named after her. Also read slower.
Its not the same ymir, dumb saberfag
>Ymir's letter memory is literally single change
>All Mikasa's scenes were in manga
>EHcucks still whine about 'muh Araki is hack'
Every time
That whole scene with Historia creates such a huge plothole. They're implying that she gets memories by touching a letter. Didn't she touch Ymir before? She even touched Reiner in season 2. So why didn't she get their memories earlier?
Goddess Titan Ymir =/= orphan freckle Ymir
EH and GK scenes were downplayed and cut off
First reply you linked is obviously a falseflagger, (RE)tard.
Can you give up already? I am actually concerned that you're going to infect this thread with your retardation.
i wonder if zeke saw those paths and same sand when he was put back together
falseflag only a secondary fateshitter would get this mixed up not a VN reader
That would be amazing. One can only hope.
>Yea Forums said this episode is garbage
>mal rated this episode extreme high
which side should i believe
>Defending Araki at this point
Kindly kill yourself.
Nigger if I'm named David does that mean I'm literally the 3000 years old slayer of Goliath and king of the Jews?
>muh sleepdarts
>muh see memories through a letter
Pisstoria ruined the anime.
why the fuck you fucking retards are saying kruger's past was cut, its literally there in the episode
its paths bro
Or shippers gave them a meaning that was never intended in the manga.
The ones who actually read the manga and who are laughing out loud at the explanation of paths given in the anime.
You clearly have no respect for anyone in these threads, leave already
the one talking there was eren, not porco, fucking retard
Wormslut a shit
But it's not in the manga. They just make up shit that contradicts the story.
>still no episode
What is the hold la'?
we know, hisu
Those filenames. Give up already, LEpedo.
There are two Ymirs, the ugly titan shifter was just another human who was named after the original Ymir who had all 9 titan powers.
Sorry about the bad feedback by most autists ITT, Saberbro. Hardcore fans don't realize that not everyone rewatches a series after it gets a new season.
Man fuck araki, the faggot cuts Kruger dialogue BUT thanks god that he keep those Armong and Mansaka moments that are so important to the story!
Anime is not canon. I'll just stick with that explanation.
Which EH scene was downplayed and cut off? I checked every presumable 'EH scene', they are all here.
Yes I bet skipping "And specially because if I did... ...historia... and adding heka to show them less close was just shippers giving them a meaning that was never in the manga
Please tell me that someone's missing the lines because they don't speak Japanese. How the fuck can they cut this page?
Historia is the Sakura of SnK.
>Loved this ep!
Mikasa is closer to that
They cut that panel about ethnic cleansing.
The only canon time Historia got memories was from Rod when she killed him. This letter thing is just WIT trying to fix showing Ymir's backstory too early.
subs when
not him but
isayama here
memories flow through paths after an eldian dies
the fucking cope, Jesus Christ...
brainlet nipfag here
top one isnt cut
Kill yourself
Coping REtard. Jobner isn't gay for Eren and Eren isn't a faggot either.
With the amount of time they will have, they better add an anime original scene of a threesome between EMA, Manlet rimjobbing Hange, and all girls of the survey corps (and some of the Garrison like Rico) in bikinis at the beach
the god or devil line is there , dont know about the rest
Based, they're both best girls.
For a second the thumbnail made me think something different was happening in the pic.
end yourself rincontinence
What in the everloving fuck
They literally rushed the most important part of the episode and added ymirtrash with more mankasa and cuckmin scenes, im so fucking mad i hope eren kills everyone
based Yea Forums bro
Did Zeke ever get memories from touching things?
>YH killed on screen this time
Must’ve opened up some bad wounds for you faggot.
Must explain why you’re shitposting like a subhuman.
She also got visions by touching Eren
>black hair
>"""""tanned""""" skin
No need to get angry just because you know you're wrong.
where do you get these stuff?
Link to raw please
So adorable.
He will see Eren fucking Historia when he touches him in two chapters
Okay but is Kruger saying "truly we are the Shingeki no Kyojins" good at least?
thirteen-year remaining lifespan curse.
For those who have not seen some discussions on how the number 13 is significant, lets do some math:
From the narrations in season 1 and the history books shown, around 100 years ago (specifically, 107 years from chapter 2 of the manga), the first ruler of the Walls, King Fritz the 145th created the walls to protect humanity.
When a someone gains a titan power, their remaining lifespan is set to 13 years due to "Ymir's Curse". Same number of years between the royal family's succesion ritual.
"145th king" means there have been 145 weilders of the Founding Titan at that time. 145 x 13 = 1885. So 107 years ago, it has been 1885 years from Ymir Fritz.
At present time (1885 + 107) it would be 1992 years since Ymir Fritz.
Eren got his titan power at age 10, he's supposed to die when he's 23. Currently, Eren is 15 and has around 8 years left to live.
1992 + 8 = 2000... What was the title of the first episode again? Oh yeah, "To you, in 2000 years." No biggie, nothing to see here.
But that was her own memories that got erased by Frieda.
May Ymir the evermerciful nuke this thread
But also this
kill yourself Yea Forumsermin.
Name drop was weak
YH won.
That Rod thing actually makes sense since they're both royal blood. Getting memories by touching a piece of paper is just dump.
This. He will see them in all sorts of positions leading to /ACCIDENTALPREGNANCY/ and a shit load of insemination. cant wait
My EHbrothers never use those filenames. Finger yourself LEpedo/AAshit
are you 100% sure? Or did they just switch it up?
What did they mean by this, why does Hisutoria see Rod's memories and now Ymir's (fanfic) without being a shifter?
NOOOOOO THEY FUCKING RUINED IT, THE MOST IMPORTANT SCENE OF THE EPISODE RUNIED and the music is so trashy and doesn't fit the moment
wit here
we cut it because some high up people here think it might sound like the holocaust denial to americans
So perfect for each other.
go back
Praise Ymir!
How? both of his parent are from the same race and the guy has light eyes.
Was that ever explained?
Damn, that one seething EHfag got really triggered by the new episode
Fuck off coping REtard, you're even worse than the LEnigger and AApsycho at this point. I make new folders and rename them all of the time.
EM/YH won. REfujos, EHcucks and LHcucks seething!
Calm down, Reiner.
It was short.
>There will be 13 characters you can choose as voice guide for the exposition (Eren , Armin, Mikasa , Levi , Erwin, Hange)
>The exposition will be focused on the atmosphere of the last chapter (They use the word fukei which is like landscape/atmosphere)
>They also emphasized in this tweet that Isayama didn’t finish to imagine the last chapter, which means there is nothing really concrete yet. ( æ§‹æƒ³ä¸ he’s still planning it)
>So we very probably won’t get any concrete dialogue from the final chapter.
b-but muh Kaji
>LEfujo desperately trying to latch onto EHfags.
This is the only good part of the episode.
mutts are mixed
he probably has a small amount of european genes but also alot of non-european genes.
you claim he is aryan, even though no race has been established so far, so even calling him european is wrong.
protip: "eldian" is not a race.
KYS EM/YHdyke. EH is inevitable and you know it.
She's stressed after learning that Eren only has 8 years to live
She wasnt eating for being depressed about the 13 years lifespan news.
Kill yourself EAfat(pedo)
i thought she wasnt eating because eren is dying
>self-inserting this hard
god, you spergs are the epitome of cringe.
I don't know moon language, but are you sure that he didn't say that in the episode? I definitely heard the word 'Historia' in his inner monologue. And what was written in the original page?
She learned Ereh and Armih have titan aids
>WIT confirmed Detective Hange
t. Attackonweeb
>A lot of non european genes
According to who or what?
Oh. Well that's shit.
Dumb roAAstie. EHfags always use numbers or twitter code.
They CUT Kruger’s past and added ED music to Krugers kino lines. Other than that 9/10 episode.
>The anime is now a shonen trash where the good guys and the bad guys are clear
Even though I hate the Marleykikes but I understand Isayama's intention. So fuck the anime.
>mfw fucked every other weak fagget in the thread that tried to start shit with me so hard they now have PTSD and see their abuser in every single poster and attack each other for no reason.
Feels good desu.
Can't believe WIT got cucked by Polygon
I miss her.
He didn't even say historia's name in the first scene. He said it later
would one of you anons be kind enough to sub this episode for me?
Wait what ? Did they really skip this ????
What a trash episode. Fuck WIT. Good riddance
>They CUT Kruger’s past
no they didnt
according to eren's dark skin and black hair
>Historia touched Reiner
>nothing happens
>Zeke read Eren's letter and passed some balls with him
>doesn't see his true intentions
Jesus christ amerimutt just kys, dark hair/dark eyes doesn't mean what you think it means.
looks like shit
All I see are people sperging about the supposed "sperging" of EH, which I have yet to see since the raw episode dropped. Or any thread
And people thought they would cut this
Gabi didn't
So they cut Frieda getting angry at Historia for crossing the fence but keep this.
EH is dead, bury it.
she just gave birth
Fuck WIT. Where is his smile?
Eren is the father though
Eldian is indeed treated as a race in the story.
They're the only ones that can turn into titans which makes them genetically differnt to the rest, which make them a "race".
scroll up
Because RH don't love each other and Eren doesn't love Zeke. YH's love transcends Paths.
We'll see.
Guck Fabi
>YHfags will defend this
animeonly here who is this girl again
The Gabster will inherit her spirit when she saves her family from Zeke's titans.
Kruger, eren and armin all have the same color skin, and where did you get that europeans can't have dark hair color? Dark and brown hair are more european than blond hair
In EHfags fantasies. Eren not smiling here in both manga and anime.
Wait you are realy that dumb? Are you the one who cried when someone said asian women being superior in the other thread?
Zeke's wife (Erwin's mom)
Still cute though
First time ever she looks attractive to me, someone tell Hange she should squint all the time.
What did araki meant by this?
This is so tiresome
They fucking turned that scene into a comedy skit.
It was a complete disgrace. Hange talking to Eren shouldn't be comedy.
How is it canon if it never actually happened?
Bro’s... ;_;
why does Yea Forums hate this episode?
spoil me please
Kek, just like the music video
So Ymir had the power of the jaw titan, so why does her titan form not show it at all?
> t. speedwatcher
Eren has a tan, retard.
Both Grisha and Carla have light skin.
Having dark hair doesn't means that you have non european blood as far as i know, i know dark haired people that are 100% European.
>Eren is not smiling in the manga
What the fuck did you smoke
Not him but he is smiling in the manga
>Make Anime Original scenes
>Create more contractions
For a series that's laced with foreshadowing like SnK, this shit is unacceptable. Source material is always be better but hopefully a non-trash studio picks this up if there's ever a S4.
>Are you the one
snk is really fucking bad with recognising anons I don't give a fuck about asian women
They cut Kruger scenes and add a dumb PATHS scene.
Chadmin > Shitren
Her femcelness cause it to retract
He is smiling in the manga, retarded YH/EMfag
>Historia doesn't see Eren's memories the fucking founding titan
>Zeke and Eren don't have paths orgasm together
Araki got lots to explain.
>Historia saw Porco's memories too
She loves him?
t. faceblind fag
>EMfags are blind
S3:Part 2 Highlights
>Reiner gets bamboozled by Erwin on top of the wall:ONE JOB
>Loose Belts: The Marcogate incident:Trost was an inside job
>Bertnedict Hooverbach channels the chadforce: Check
>The charge of the sasageyo brigade: Not Kino enough
>Marlo realizes too late that Hitchu's hitchus are better than Dwayne Johnson's johnson: WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT
>Sopa de macaco: Uma delicia
>Burrito Fiber gets BTFO: Talk shit, get hit
>I-it's a d-d-draw: Not actually a draw
>OMAERA: Check
>Moblit saves his waifu...*sob*: Check
>Erwin's psychotic pet midget murders him in cold blood: Check
>Jean's face when Bertold gets eaten: He had it coming
>The key does not open the door: MIDGET KICK!
>"I hope that whomever first reads this shitpost is a fellow ancestral faggot": Check
>Kruger drops his hat (and the mic): *dabs on Marley*
>Kruger becomes the Kwisatz Haderach: THREE JOBBERS
>Eren becomes Erekose:
you know why people in your country prefer castizos, don't you? I know you do, faggot.
CUT scenes and dialogue
She looked really good this episode.
She probably figured out as well
Historia touched Reiner and Ymir in their titan form and nothing happens.
>detective hange
The absolute state of Araki
oh kill yourself you fucking kike I wish spinning squirrel were actually a meme and those graves were real
I really started to appreciate Armin more since the last chapter.
I can confirm that they cut the bottom part of
Globalism and multiculturalism = flourishment genocide and monoculturalism = primitivism and stagnation
F-FUCK I'm so mad right now.
I feel bad for you Mikadog
They also removed Mikasa's smile there
What a bunch of faggots
animeonly here
i felt that paths scene is weird and awkward
so that's araki's fanfiction
Does anyone have a link to the raw episode?
>Eren looks like a spic
How many latinos do you know who have green/gray eyes? We've pretty much all got brown eyes, Eren doesn't look hispanic at all.
Dumb roAAstie.
>just line for mouth slightly up
Isayama many times fucked up face expressions on the small scale
Thank you based Araki for destroying the EHcucks.
Shinge KINO Kyojin
Yes, this entire episode was pretty badly adapted. Read chapters 88 and 89 of the manga.
>TFW Both of your best friends are living on borrowed time
Yikes sucks for Mikasa That's actually very depressing
>anime original pregnant mikasa scene
I'm so ready.
Brown hair I understand, but if you have very dark brown hair/ black hair, you are definitely NOT 100% European.
I mean race in a traditional sense. Observable genetic differences might just be byproducts of Ymir's curse.
All that curse really is is a 100% inheritable magical power that somehow links everyone to PATHS. The fascist regime of Marley coined it as "race" to further distance them from Marleyans. By that logic, a half-Marleyan and half-Eldian is always going to be full Eldian (remember that "Ymir's people" had to have sex with people of various races, and their sons even more so, as the Eldians reportedly mixed with alot of different blood in the world.)
Seeing "Eldian" as a race is ignorant and just proves that poltards have, once again, proven they have no clue how to process information in a critical manner. Those
I prefer the other one with her decapitations than this one hiding behind other ships
read the manga. WIT shat the bed
>make a manga with foreshadowing and tiny details that became relevant later
>some shipper director butchers the adaptation with anime exclusive scenes after he doesn't feel like adapting it since his ship got sank
Shipping will always be cancer. Fuck you, Araki.
It's okay. She'll always have Jean!
I think that faggot is trying to say that all meds are spics. It might be the biggest race cope I've ever seen on this board.
>gets BTFO
>I-Isayama drew it wrong
Does Eren have something in common with pic related? I can't put my finger on it but it seems like some kind of family resemblance
She has Jean to comfort her.
Those what user? Those what!?
>just line for mouth slightly up
Jesus you don't have to be a shipperwhale to see he is just smiling
Eren is not aryan but he is not a spic thats for sure, with those eyes, nose and factions
Yeah Detective LEpedo is the decapitationfag
samefag 7 devices
The face of a cumbucket used by a hundred Marley soldiers.
Seek help
>Observable genetic differences might just be byproducts of Ymir's curse.
Which makes them a race.
Genetical difference = different race. Retard.
Did they really have to show Ymir's backstory in S2 to just replace it here with paths?
>this is a smile for EHfags
You are retarded and ugly, roAAstie
>brown hair i understand
>very brown/black hair no
Americanon,did you know there's more to Europe than Sweden and Russia?
He doesn't
Why did they make him so ugly holy shit
have you autists heard of letting viewers put the pieces together from noticing the existence of Marleyans?
A lot actually, there are a lot of blond people with green/blue eyes here.
Eren is the Mona Lisa of manga.
>but if you have very dark brown hair/ black hair, you are definitely NOT 100% European.
He is smiling dude, you dont have to be EHfag to see it
>Kruger talking about propaganda cut
>Kruger talking about genocide math cut
>Random letter-touch PATHS faggotry kills all logic
>Title-Drop in the middle of the episode and not the end
>ED over Kruger's last lines
I want to fucking kill someone
put your finger on this: *unzips dick*
What? I mean eren is not 100% european everyone knows that since the anime is based on askenazi jews but there are not europeans with really dark black hair? Are you stupid? Also eren has black almost brown hair.
I wonder if the next studio to make SnK S4 will make Yumiru's face even uglier than this.
This breaks the entire story and in-universe rules. How can anyone defend this fanfiction?
Is it just me or is his character design inconsistent? His browbrone/nose look bigger here and his face isn't as cute and girly
>there are a lot of blond people with green/blue eyes here
Where is "here"? Even in the "white" latino countries like Argentina and Uruguay, blonde hair and light eyes are rare.
seething EHfag
>but if you have very dark brown hair/ black hair, you are definitely NOT 100% European.
Eren hair is brown, not black.
In case you havent noticed.
oh kill yourself nigger we've been over this shit thousands of times already. Eldians are German/Jap nationalists post-world-wars. fucking jump off a bridge you filthy kike there's more important shit happening right now.
>mfw watching this episode
>what is aging
Only explication she signed with her blood so she can give Historia some info she couldn't write because of Reiner, but that still doesn't explain how she might know Historia's blood can do this
PATHS was already stupid magic shit that makes no sense anyway
Paths is like magic. You don't need to explain shit. Just like Zeke was revived in some titan stomach.
It's Fake smile but his eyes crying
>What are italians, portugueses, spaniards, greeks and french.
>Eren's hair tone can't be european
Have you ever been in europe, american/spic friend?
He looks like your average farmer boy in your typical medieval environment.
Holy shit, how far do you have to be reaching?
>If I have sickle cell anemia, I am an Eldian!
I have never in my life seen a full-blooded European with black hair or very dark brown hair and I live in Austria.
>very dark brown hair
They don't care, they already showed the flashback to fill an episode in S2 so they wanted to go through it without narration.
This derails so much, how the fuck did Isayama let this shit slide? I know these fags have a boner for out-politessing each other but what the actual fuck?
He doesn't
>mfw Ymir showed she still had a trick up her sleeve and disproved the seething rEHtards that said she wasn't just a useless hobo dyke
But that doesn't matter because Eren is the only one who cares about Historia.
>state of EMwhales
They've been in jail 1 week nigga
The letter was full of her love, which made them connect when touching it and YH becoming one
Isayama is a greedy hack.
>when Ymir sucks your pussy through PATHS.
Eldians have nothing to do with japs faggot, literally almost all the surnames of this anime are from askenazi jew origin, also germans had a plan to send the jews to madagaskar in real life.
Mikasa is a virgin though.
How the fuck can an object without the connection to the PATHS contains PATHS bullshit?
That still makes more sense than letter paths.
>Mankasa has not even asked about her after the timeskip
>talked 2 times in the latest chapter about why muh Eren said he hates her
Cope more Mikasatrash
Is this the new sleeping darts? So she never tells the others about this?
Isn't it just because Hisu is royal?
What? Those are the hizurus, animeonly
reminder that eren knows the best seats
Its fucking PATHS man, she could have just received memories from the PATHS satellite because the letter reminded her of Ymir a lot.
>barely comic sans worthy
PATHS made the story shit.
So why does this letter bullshit matter now?
>This breaks the entire story and in-universe rules
you dont even know what the rules ARE you idiot
Why didn't she see anything when she touched Ymir or Reiner in their titan form?
>E-eren wasn't smiling!
ok, now this is a whole new level
Just don't show anything then. Cut away with her voice trailing off or some shit. The lightning and the flashback montage shit only happens when the person holding the founder touches someone of royal blood. This is part of the ruleset for fuck's sake. WHY? IT COULD'VE BEEN ANY OTHER TRANSITION I DON'T EVEN CARE IF IT'S FUCKING YURIBAIT OR DYKEBAIT OR WHATEVER WHY DID THEY HAVE TO FUCK WITH PATHS FOR THIS FAGGOTRY?
But she gave her titan to the enemy and complicated things for SL
they showed porkek, i hope they show pii next episode
>Ymir (Original) saved Zeke for reasons
>Ymir (Original) put memories of some hobo sharing her name in a letter
I guess she works in mysterious ways
Where to watch?
It's not reaching retard, if they're genetically different then they are a different race.
Slit your wrists you muttnigger kike, jump off a fucking roof, you know full well you'll be doing your whore mother the only favor you ever could
Place your bets on whats getting cut next episode so we can have more dumb anime original shit.
This is just sad. Spoonfeeding you would be even sadder, so just think about what you have said for a couple of minutes and come back.
Because it's the best girl
Still more handsome than Eren or Reiner.
The only true Goddess of SnK aside of OG Ymir Fritz.
Fuck the Ymir haters, you can shit whatever you want but she was the Jesus of SnK who died for her enemies and who got a blonde waifu love which all the EHfags will never get.
Now I'm just gonna wait for Isayama to bring Ymir back from the paths limbo and recreating her body using sands at some point in future.
>30 votes
30 faggots
Im from portugal and thats just stupid dude, the hair color has nothing to do with that, the form of your hair does.
How do we know they cut Kruger's lines? It's not even subbed yet.
>sleep darts
>now this letter
They just don't fucking care. Can't wait for them to explain why they don't just put Eren to sleep in season 4.
This is not Isayama's fault. This time the anime team fucked up, especially whoever suggested that scene
>So she never tells the others about this?
So far she hasn't told anyone about it.
>Mankasa has not even asked about her after the timeskip
Did Eren asked about Historia after the timeskip?
It was going so well... The whole season had been so great... Why the fuck did these faggots have to pull this shit...?
Aren't you glad you got 10 minutes of pointless walking with mikasa and lebiiii-samaaaa instead of proper Kruger scenes and a normal narration of Ymir's letter that doesn't shit on established rules?
>Im from portugal
A small shitty town in Argentina. Where do you live? In mexico?
nuh nuh
That doesn't explain shit. The letter is still a lifeless object with the connection to the PATHS
But holding hand with the FT didn't reveal shit?
>inb4 strong feeling
That still doesn't explain why a letter can do that shit. Please don't turn your brain off.
It's both, and
>I'm from portugal
which most likely means you have seen alot of people mixed with Berber blood.
i have a rule that if the author of whatever have no intention in portraying or representing lgbt then idk whats the point of getting mad. this is why i couldnt get angry at what happened to hisu. or this new eva shit.
That's what I'm hoping for but some people who say they speak nipponese said the lines about propaganda from both sides weren't there whereas the bit about devils was. Same goes for the explanation of the titans as WMDs. The fucking PATHS shit with the letter on top of that is just... I fucking don't even know what to say...
>EHfags will never get.
Fuck off dykewhale, I didnt choose Isayama making Eren to fuck Historia. Keep crying and sperging
Eldians are portions of one single entity stoped in time and space
No-no, you're wrong. Annie is good but Hanji is very good.
Also, pretty much most Argentinian celebrtties have light eyes.
(Not in sports, you only need to kick good there)
>I only criticize works if they have LGBT forced into them
Cringe and /pol/-pilled
Did we get the title drop yet?
>established rules
what fucking rules
Zeke just got revived by paths deus ex recently
nuh nuh Annie is the bestest
GK is based.
>chapter 119
>Eren activate the rumbling by touching a rock Zeke throw him
Who is that?
So Historia never tell Hange what she saw?
Calm down, Hisu
I guess learning new information made her remember someone else's memories, similar to Eren gaining Grisha's memories after reading his journals, except instead of shifter memory inheritance it's some royal paths bullshit at work.
>Zeke spits on a rock and throws it to Eren
Was it kino? I'm requesting a sound wemb of it
>This adaptation
Hanji is a strange person.
Season 4 by IG. It will happen have faith.
Eren has been drawn as a handsome lad since the beginning of season 3
They fucking ruined it. They ruined it for absolutely nothing. They could've literally just taken out the lightning effect and it would've been fine but they fucking ruined it.
Pissu has always been a traitorous cunt.
But it's a fucking PATHS bullshit. Did you speedread when Xaver was explaining about the FT. By that, Zeke's titan is the extension of his BODY and that titan was connected to the fucking PATHS
No-no, Annie is beautiful but still very young girl. Hanji has attractiveness (and body) of a woman.
This. Kuruga was Grisha's real waifu.
Did he also see memories of Kuchel getting creampied by drunkards when manlet touched him? A non-shifter touching some paper and seeing memories is far worse than that, Zeke atleast has the excuse that he can replicate the founding's power.
I know it and I love it.
Eren's pov is being hidden on purpose, his inner thoughts haven't been revealed yet, what a dumb Mikasafat you are. Meanwhile she didn't even bother about asking about her but autistically talked about Eren hating her twice in the latest chapter only. Just cope
So why is WIT getting dropped?
>Zeke sees Eren's memories by smelling his dirty hobo outfit
Thanks Araki
That's not the same thing at all.
Honestly, if Italy really needs inmigrants and want to counter the niggers that got because of merkel they should accept Argies.Almost everyone there has an italian last name and their culture is similar (agresive, racist and have similar food)
historia has royal blood and ymir was a shifter
why are people going autistic about this "breaking the rules" when no rules were ever fucking defined in the first place
speedreader EMfag
If Hange is a woman then she can't be the best girl.
Calm down YHfag
Did Zeke see anything when he touched letter from Eren?
The question is why couldn't they have been dropped before this episode? They did everything right and set everything up and they fucked up things I didn't even know could be fucked up. Fuck me, I think I'm going to go take a walk.
what if Hanjo gets to fucks Keith?
>Actually defending anime only shit
I bet you also like all the cut dialogue too.
Any country that needs immigrants should accept one group and one group only - Boers and farmers from South Africa.
>Hangefags are tumblrets
Why am I not surprised.
Digusting. We know from this episode, PATHS don't require any of that shit. Just a rock touched by Zeke
subs when
is it gonna take 10 hours like last week?
hey /snk/ i love my mum just wanted to let you guys know
Well, he did get pretty fucking angry when Hange asked him if he'd stopped caring about her. And assuming they're in cahoots he has even less of a reason to bring her up.
Oh please God tell me they didn't cut that. Please.
Floch recognized he was the new devil because Erwinbrows chose him as their host.
It'd be difficult, he's going to get titanized while Hans is in a cave saving Manlet from hypothermia, if you catch my drift.
So, answer is 'no'. Mikasa's inner thoughts haven't revealed too, we talking about their words not thoughts.
And, it was Hange who was asking about Historia, not Eren
Have sex.
I found it in google and saved. Tumblr or not but these pictures are funny.
>Zeke has royal blood and is a shifter
Now please explain why Zeke doesn't get memories from other people? You think he never touched the warriors?
no, the anime adaptation is generally shit and low quality and the manga is better, still doesn't change the fact that you're autists sperging out about rules that you've literally made up in your own head based on incomplete information given to you
Mikasa deserves happiness.
>Zeke and Eren touch
>Zeke sees his memories
Go talk to her user. These threads are about to get really fucking vitriolic soon. Fucking hell man... All this perfect buildup and then fucking it all up like this...
She deserves equine love.
Maybe Erwin has 4 children instead of just 3 daughters.
>your own head based on incomplete information given to you
This shit doesn't exist in the manga.
Why was the scene added in the first place? For establishing PATHS magic Frieda's nine-pointed pupils or Kruger's fucking prescience would have been enough.
Is it just to show Porco? Is Isayama planning some asspulls with it?
>all that backpedaling from EHfags
what do you mean?
Eren is supposed to have memories from the future in the beginning
Eren has flashback's to Frieda's memories despite not being the one who ate her.
The whole mumbo jumbo Kruger memories mess with mikasa and armin
Historia touched Eren back in the cave and we got flashbacks
yet when they try to touch again they don't get more memories
until they literally try again next episode and we get them.
Its stupid trying to establish rules something that its not explained yet because you fags later will complain that your headcanon bullshit doesn't fit with whatever Isayama will write
when has the transfer of memories ever been total or predictable? People remember shit when something triggers it. The conditions for memory transfer have not been totally defined
Jean objectively deserves better.
Leave Hangefags you worst girl Mankasafag. Eren will never fuck your selfinsert
Do we really need this after it was already established from 4 chapter before the timeskip Eren wanted to protect her and Hange going at him for it? You Mikasafags are are beyond dumb
Now that insane theory about Ymir ghost telling Historia to fuck the farmer is coming all together.
t. Historia
I just did and hugged her too. She's leaving for Moldova today cause a close friend of hers died lately but it'll only be for 3 days. My dad and granddad are going too. Why do you think these threads are gonna get even more vitriolic? And what fuck up are you talking of?
I think it was to make the scene flow better. It'd make no sense to show the flashback a second time. It's still retarded, though.
>back in the cave
Rod mentioned the crystals increase that power or something like that
This is arguable he was angry about Historia or situation at whole in his dialog with Hange. If you look at these pages without shipper's glasses, that you can see many reasons for Eren's anger beside Historia.
>Eren has flashback's to Frieda's memories despite not being the one who ate her.
So what, she's still inside of him
>The whole mumbo jumbo Kruger memories mess with mikasa and armin
That's not an asspull because it was established paths go to the future as well
>yet when they try to touch again they don't get more memories
Being in the cave was probably what triggered the memories as well
>Zeke sees his memories
Eren fucking loli Hisu as Frieda, Eren fucking Dina as Grisha, Eren fucking Carla as Grisha, adult Eren fucking Historia and finally most recent memory of Lady Tybur BDSM family orgies.
Zeke will kill himself.
>Where do you live? In mexico?
I think this time it's the AApedo but too many hating on my LHbros and EHfags that, it's hard to name call correctly.
What if they put in the next episode the shit they cut here?
Okay, Hanji is the best woman. Your Annie can be the best girl.
Just give up trying to explain this user.This is WIT's fanfiction to fix their mistake by shitting things up even more.
Yeah, their mental gymnastic is very entertaining
Get her some nice flowers and tell her you love her
>Eren is supposed to have memories from the future in the beginning
His own memories
>Eren has flashback's to Frieda's memories despite not being the one who ate her.
He is the holder of the founding titan so Frieda is still his predecessor
>The whole mumbo jumbo Kruger memories mess with mikasa and armin
Kruger is his predecessor
>Historia touched Eren back in the cave and we got flashbacks
Flashback of her own memories that were locked by Frieda
>Why do you think these threads are gonna get even more vitriolic? And what fuck up are you talking of?
>Mikasa's inner thoughts haven't revealed too
What Mikasa inner thoughts you braindead Mikasawhale, she doesn't have any hidden pov plot point. We are talking about Yelena explaining the need of a royal baby and none bat an eye yet here you are comparing it to Eren who 99% was involved in the plan and knows why she got pregnant, just off yourself
Deal. Until Annie grows up.
Are snkfags really this retarded? You know Eren doesnt want for others to learn Historia is a traitor, right?
All this coping from a dumb EMwhale
>Two(2) more years
Yeah, she's staying as the best girl only
>*@#@# braindead %$&^&whale 99% @#$$% just off yourself
This EHfag is broken, give me a fresh one
>This is arguable he was angry about Historia or situation at whole in his dialog with Hange
He was angry before the conversation even started but you could clearly see in his eye that he felt bad about, and he actually let Hange talk. But there's absolutely no point in denying that he completely lost his cool after she asked him one simple question. Now if you want to ignore the question itself to avoid "shipper bias" just because it mentions Historia, it's your prerogative.
>Until Annie grows up
>grows up
user, I.. I'm really sorry that we will never see canonical adult mommy Annie.
>ITT Anons forget that Eren is going to turn Eldians into Humans.
Time to rate all the story arcs so far:
Fall of Shiganshina arc -
Battle of Trost District arc -
104th Training Corps arc -
The Female Titan arc -
Clash of the Titans arc -
The Uprising arc -
Return to Shiganshina arc -
Marley arc -
Final Solution arc - ???
The Fall of Shiganshina arc -
Humanity's Comeback arc -
The Struggle for Trost arc -
Eve of the Counterattack arc -
The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission arc -
Assault on Stohess arc -
Clash of the Titans arc -
The Uprising arc -
Return to Shiganshina arc -
>Armongfags can't think of any arguments to why he is a Chad that they actually use "wears shoes"
>expecting that dumb EMwhale to have any reading comprehension whatsoever
Huh. Yea Forums ate my stars! Shit.
>Wofs (or any animal) can look almost exactly like other from the same species but becaus of a tiny % of genetical difference they're a different race
>Eldians are genetically diferent from Marlenyans and can turn into fucking titans
>They are not a different race tho lol
Tumblr, please go back.
Eren was already seething after Sasha died and complely changed after that, so it's not surprising he got upset, when Hange asked him if he didn't care anymore about Historia
>no argument
>muh EHfags
Give me a smarter one at least
>AA happens
Do you really wish for such thing
>he completely lost his cool after she asked him one simple question.
Nope, he let Hange talk, and stopped dialog when Hange asked about Historia again, i.e. when she started repeating herself.
Fine. I'll do it with regular numbers. Like some commoner.
Fall of Shiganshina arc - 6/10
Battle of Trost District arc - 4/10
104th Training Corps arc - 5/10
The Female Titan arc - 3/10
Clash of the Titans arc - 8/10
The Uprising arc - 9/10
Return to Shiganshina arc - 10/10
Marley arc - 9/10
Final Solution arc - ???
The Fall of Shiganshina arc - 7/10
Humanity's Comeback arc - 7/10
The Struggle for Trost arc - 6/10
Eve of the Counterattack arc - 7/10
The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission arc - 4/10
Assault on Stohess arc - 7/10
Clash of the Titans arc - 8/10
The Uprising arc - 5/10
Return to Shiganshina arc - 8/10
AA is never happening ever.
He was angry Sasha died obviously but Hange triggered him when mentioning Historia and how he "possibly" sacrificed her, which got him on the edge.
Ymir was a gigantic hot turd on the entire story. Her progression made zero sense and she couldn't contribute anything since it would fuck Grisha over hard.
I see what they did there.
>Return to Shiganshina arc - 10/10
>The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission arc - 4/10
Shouldn't she be smiling from the anime original shit since Ymir is a part of her now?
It went on for too long and was just a bunch of blue-balling. Not to mention very few characters got to shine. I forgot Bert was even present until I checked the wiki.
Not him but you are in denial and on something it might not even be shipping related. Eren got triggered because Hange implied he doesn't care about Historia anymore. Don't worry shipperfat it might be platonic so you can sleep tonight
user...This is a waifufag vs waifufag manga now
>You know Eren doesnt want for others to learn Historia is a traitor, right?
We have Isayama in this thread, guys.
Fall of Shiganshina arc - 5/10
Battle of Trost District arc - 4/10
104th Training Corps arc - 4/10
The Female Titan arc - 7/10
Clash of the Titans arc - 8/10
The Uprising arc - 7/10
Return to Shiganshina arc - 9/10
Marley arc - 10/10
Final Solution arc - ???
I don't rate fanfics LOL
How upset will be Anniefags if Isayama makes AA canon?
>I don't rate fanfics LOL
Still a more more faithful adaptation than The Promised Neverland. I think internal monologues killed that anime director's cat or something.
My favorite nose can't look this good
Where is this from?
Some hentai, I dunno. If you search "before going to Marley" in the archives you might be able to find the source.