ITT: Running animation

ITT: Running animation.

Attached: stronbocc.webm (1920x1080, 2.25M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: run away.webm (852x480, 593K)

Attached: 1512168259866.gif (400x378, 1.24M)

Attached: devil dash.gif (540x301, 2.78M)

Attached: STAIRS.webm (854x480, 248K)

Attached: 1541698480256.gif (500x480, 533K)

Attached: 1528486982478.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

Attached: 1559725253377.webm (1280x720, 417K)

literally me

Attached: runn.gif (498x235, 442K)

Attached: dinosaur.gif (451x75, 21K)

Attached: barefoot.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

Attached: 1533427870640.webm (960x540, 2.44M)

Attached: nice run in the forest.webm (1280x720, 1.46M)

this show had surpisingly good animation for a seasonal SoL

look at the rabbits go

This drives me bonkers. Is this actually a real method of running, or is it one they gave to him to make him look ridiculous?
This reminds me of that scene from Kill la Kill where the dude was running down the stairs instead. Wish I had that saved to post it.


>seasonal SoL
What does this mean? What constitutes an "unseasonal" SoL?

Attached: kizupost.jpg (1920x1080, 341K)

>characters run on a tower
>instead of animating the background moving they animate the tower moving

Attached: MOUSE OP run.webm (704x480, 172K)

He's saying it's forgotten SoL shit that no one cares about because it isn't the 1 in 100 that sticks out.

The Chad Stride

I think that rabbit's glitched

Attached: 177991de4e4e559ef5ab344ea6fd148c[1].gif (500x280, 1.9M)

Attached: 1550605478341.webm (1920x1080, 599K)

>that scene from Kill la Kill
That one was made in CGI.
But Chads from Bones don't need it.

Attached: 146754323.gif (406x227, 3.99M)

I cannot think of a bigger chad than Kaiki in all of anime.

Attached: sudden change.gif (480x270, 2.32M)

Duke Togo


Attached: monty python holy grail.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

>Is this actually a real method of running
Lmfao. You actually have to ask?

Attached: QUALITY running.webm (1280x720, 437K)


Attached: kiz07a.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

Attached: koromo.webm (640x360, 31K)

Attached: 1549672517348.gif (480x480, 199K)

Attached: Makarun.webm (700x392, 2.53M)

Attached: original.gif (500x265, 1.99M)


>not the 2k19 mix by the dude who made Deja Vu
Step it up user

Attached: 1445931646547.gif (160x160, 178K)

Attached: 1452378529038.gif (250x220, 446K)

Attached: 1540837501330.gif (400x507, 3.59M)

Attached: kira-38f.webm (1280x720, 506K)

Attached: Saki - 10 (4).jpg (1280x720, 110K)

Should post Miki running barefoot in episode 9.

Attached: 1475946339629.gif (500x283, 2.36M)

the chad stride

Attached: yuno walk.webm (1280x720, 1.85M)

The Wile E. Coyote dash.

Attached: 5235214.gif (728x408, 3.87M)

Look at retarded cgi background man run!

Attached: 1548302954742.webm (454x248, 285K)

Attached: 1557036788687.gif (320x180, 294K)

The ping must have been really high back in feudal Japan.

Wifi probably wasn't very good.

Attached: 4C864E27-6BFD-4283-A5FB-CAD87E2A5991.gif (540x304, 1.54M)

>That one was made in CGI.
Did people really need to be told that? It should have been obvious to anybody who isn't blind.

My heart

What is this from?

Bible Black

HaHA truly epic meme user! Here's your upboat xD


Toot toot toot toot
toot toot toot toot toot toot toot
toot toot toot toot toot toot toot
toot toot toot
toot toot toot

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

It's from learn to check yourself please so that you learn how and can get the answer faster next time. I just checked, reverse image search worked on it.

Attached: 1555511210192.png (1064x1131, 1.17M)



>that gorgeous background art and visual consistency
Even the worst scenes in this show look incredible. Based mappa.

>he hasn't seen winter 19's Anime of the Season aka Dororo
Get watching it, it's one of the best and most well produced shows this decade.

what a flaming faggot

Attached: run.gif (394x394, 222K)

Space Cobra has kino running animations

Attached: TVaLiOIEQQK-z-0-y-5396b520a6f543e28de2e60bdfdd689f.webm (640x480, 1.1M)

>bunny running at incredibly hihg speed

Cobra is kino in general


>Is this actually a real method of running
>This drives me bonkers
Got news for you, it's not the animation.

Jesus fucking christ the animation is so bad. The background is hilariously inconsistent. It's morphing like crazy.

Attached: GG01-1.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

This is so completely mediocre that I can't tell if it's bad or good. It exists directly in the middle.

>no sama
Fucking mongrel.

>Says 2 sentences in the time span of her hair settling down from a gust of wind

Consistency reasons is part of the reason why CGI is used so much these days. It doesn't change when moving. I'd rather have slightly off model stuff going on though than CGI in almost every case.

Oh i fully agree with you. It's shit but it still looks way better than any lazy 3d trite. Gotta give em credit for making that effort to at least try, especially when most other studios nowadays would just resort to cg. I massively appreciate the characters being consistent with the backgrounds.

Attached: Nako is not very athletic.png (436x321, 113K)

One of my favorite EDs ever -- all running:

Attached: 56863245.png (1282x749, 2.19M)

>I massively appreciate the characters being consistent with the backgrounds.
Same. Anime has really declined in quality since the 80s and 90s, in this respect, with it becoming ever easier to just use 3dcg to cut corners. With real time rendering and processors getting increasingly cheaper, faster and more accessible.(shrinking of the transistor etc..) As well as operating systems and devices becoming more streamlined and ergonomic. It's made this kind of nasty corner cutting much easier and thus more prominent. It's part of what's fuelling overproduction in the last few years.

It's perfect then.

Attached: GG01-2.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

Attached: 1548512174843.webm (854x480, 43K)

Kiznaiver based

Attached: red manes and golden arms.jpg (640x840, 343K)


Attached: Yuki runs.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

>ugly 3dpd sky and train on top clash with the character because it's not quite as profitable to expend the time and talent drawing them in the show's actual artstyle
God damn, old anime looked so much better. FUCK piss awful works and their lazy, soulless 3dcg trash. The bottom is more consistent and colors permeate the scenes better. I miss when anime wasn't dogshit.

FUCK bocchi


Okay, grandpa, we heard you already. Go take your nap now.

This has a good amount of running in it

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 21K)

Best scene.

Fuck off with your retarded strawman you dirty subhuman. 3DCG is the cancer ruining all modern anime. It's well known that it can't express the anime style properly. It's forced into fucking everything because it's cheaper and faster. Even narrow AI can make something that looks closer to anime than fucking disgusting 3dcg can. Sure it looks a little unrefined but it still looks 2d.

Attached: example-166985.jpg (1024x1024, 69K)

Attached: blarp.webm (704x528, 474K)

Eat shit you filthy fucking traitor.

Attached: 1081924823598910823794.jpg (800x418, 178K)

This is your brain on nostalgia.

Fuck off you demented retard. Flip Flappers is an example of a modern show but it's actually well produced and full of sakuga. There's virtually no cgshit in it. Flip Flappers is better than most old anime but it's an exception.

Attached: nw83kc7qoxkc.gif (400x225, 1.58M)

lmao, i barfed


Attached: 67520a197c8ab55cbe119b836fd13d60957784a4r1-500-278_hq.gif (500x278, 914K)

Forgot that I need to watch that. Is the tv series any good?

>flipflopfag thinks his opinion matters

>the background is chasing them around the tower

>the wide stride

>it's a digital anime makes zero fucking attempt to sync a cgi background to the character animation despite it being easy as fucking hell given a static camera angle episode
>it's a nips elect to do a difficult camera pan around a cgi environment but they don't even fucking try to make it look congruent with the character cels but they do it anyway because they're enamored with doing something that's "impossible" to do on paper episode
I just don't fucking understand.

>hating on flip flappers aka AOTY 2016 and simultaneously revealing himself as a newfag
Who hurt you man?

>talking shit about flipflap
Boy you asking for a flap

Attached: Flip-Flappers-01-17.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

I know right? I hate that sort of out of sync shit, not the mention the headache inducing visual clashing. We never had do deal with this kind of horsecrap before cgi was forced into anime. Even kimi no na wa suffers from this QUALITY.

Attached: 12930789373824450955345.webm (1186x668, 2.9M)

but 2016 AOTY was yuri on ice

Attached: sticker@2x (9).png (370x320, 17K)

I wish it had more episodes

>Flip Flappers
>AOTY 2016

It was Yea Forums's anime of the year, newfriend.


Based fujo.

Attached: q89wjwsd9dx.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

Attached: zfjn94i4f9h11.jpg (500x526, 31K)

Looks like manana

>I samefagged in a bunch of threads and spammed some shitty poll so that means Yea Forums as a whole agreed with me
Delusional faggot.

based zoomer

What fucking argument? Saying, "flipflopfag thinks his opinion matters" is not one to begin with.

Attached: annieedit3_zpsc705b966.jpg (1024x576, 46K)

Attached: 1478345342957.jpg (389x361, 39K)

Lurk moar.

Cry more.

Must suck being you. Last reply from me then, newfriend.

>forced animation is a meme

Attached: aasdfd.jpg (891x717, 77K)

Ok, goodbye, boomer-kun. Go cry about modern shows that aren't made to appeal to your faggotry being the death of anime or some dumb shit like that somewhere else.

Stop projecting and ban evading you fucking cancer apologist. You don't deserve to live.

Keep crying.
>ban evading
Why would I get banned for not agreeing with your faggotry? Are you this stupid?

For having shit taste

I love her character song

If they banned people for that then you wouldn't be posting here.

kys, Shaft is the greatest studio in the world


Attached: 1560985252299.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

i love this


Based but also pretty cringe.


Attached: running.webm (1280x720, 602K)


Attached: gochiusa chino maya megu running.webm (1920x1080, 2.4M)

Attached: NearSimplisticEmperorshrimp-size_restricted.gif (708x250, 3.94M)

>that one kid at school that ran like this during PE

what is this from?

an anime

user you can be still welcome here for a week

Do you have to couch everything you say in overused snowclones? The grammar makes your post so annoyingly difficult to parse

It was you, wasn't it?

Looks like a manga to me.

The sky is part of the painted background, only the train is 3D.
Complaining about a show's staff trying to effectively distribute limited resources seems somewhat ironic, given that the bottom screencap is from GaoGaiGar, a show that spends several minutes each episode on stock footage and uses digital morphs for its monster transformations (I love it all the same). Incidentally, in the cut the screencap is from, the train is always depicted exactly from the side to reduce the number of frames that needed to be drawn.
What it comes down to is that different people in different circumstances with different goals and different means available to them make different decisions. You're free to not like those decisions, but at least understand that had they chosen to draw the train by hand, the outcome would be that they would have less resources to spend on other things, not that some producer would make less money.
And watch more older shows, TV series in particular, I can't help but feel you haven't actually seen that many.

haha just look at the fat anime

also, what is this from?

Not him but I'd prefer overall less detail with everything being drawn by hand. Making the 2D stuff look better only to throw in something CG into it ruins the entire thing imo. Older TV series were hit or miss but even janky looking 2D looks better to me than the way most series use CG these days. And it's not like CG is limited to TV series, it's in movies as well, which should be higher budget. Everything in those instances looks better generally because it's a movie but it's still the same: good looking 2D ruined by extremely obvious and clashing CG.

>the outcome would be that they would have less resources to spend on other things, not that some producer would make less money.
The outcome would be both. 3DCG allows you vomit out shit faster. The more you can produce the more you can sell in the same amount of time, even if with the aesthetic downgrade.

Attached: Swiggity.webm (960x462, 106K)

>Not him but I'd prefer overall less detail with everything being drawn by hand. Making the 2D stuff look better only to throw in something CG into it ruins the entire thing imo.
This. But that's also what limited animation techniques exist for, they allow for more detail and better composition. That's why anime pioneered them.

What in the fuck? Not anime. Take this shit to

so sexy

Birdy the Mighty OVA (1996)

Attached: bloop.webm (704x528, 631K)

Don't spoonfeed.


>muh non-sekret club

>muh non-non-sekret club

Well typically you only go down during the very start of the sprint because it helps you accelerate when going up. So yes, it is realistic for a 10th of a second maybe.

Attached: toast_dash.webm (1280x720, 310K)

Everything I wrote between
>it's a
Is a completely logical and mostly de-jargon'd accounting of the basic animation process you should be familiar with already.
If a meme arrow and three words that tweak the sentence structure was too much of a grammatical departure for you to intellect the meaning of the not quite sentences then you don't understand the even the basic animation process and the post was not directed toward you in the first place.

Russian loli run.

Attached: 1538765129928.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Does Sailor Moon have the most iconic girl run?

Attached: tenor (4).gif (480x360, 2.64M)

>no one posting the best run of all time

The hell Yea Forums?

>he was somehow faster than most kids

luna's boobs >> lalatina's boobs

God fucking damn. The sakuga is just off the charts.

Attached: 10392848539465.png (492x344, 99K)

did that ever happen?

Eris's padded chest >>>>>>> all.

Thats how you lose an eye

It is
stop being a brainlet

Just a flesh wound.

>human running faster than deer
Oh, it's an elf, of cou-
>deer running as fast as a bird in flight
I guess if the birds slowed do-
>rabbits running as fast as deer
Okay what kind of fucking witchcraft forest is this.

is this what a forced animation looks like?

this is literally me.

Not even close. Stop pretending.


It is though, the character is intentionally trying to act melodramatic.

Yea, it's definitely forced.


Attached: 1540474610591.gif (640x360, 569K)

This is pretty forced to be honest. What a crybaby.

Was it rape?

Attached: 1559660463452.gif (245x242, 628K)

then that means this is also forced animation, right?

Yea. Shows like Nichi, FLCL and Hidamari are full of it.

Trips of truth. Especially FLCL and also Gainax spams in general.

Attached: 128778193272837294354.gif (400x292, 1.15M)

Checked and seconded!

Hidamari barely has any animation. There's sometimes well animated bits but they're usually done for humor by being so over the top. Do people consider 80s OVAs and movies forced animation too?

FLCL was the original forced animation.

So this is the power of being tall...
>she'll never run in a straight line, that would be too obvious. I'll just arc my attack!
>haha, I'm a genius!
Someone help, the bad CG is coming directly at me!
>that moment in an fps when you miss every single shot in a mag with a sniper rifle and your teammates die
Worst feeling in the world desu


Attached: 1289842371938.gif (256x192, 614K)

Attached: 1516653795_72fe4ecfb7e616029924bc3324c815bb7f0bc651_hq.gif (500x281, 1.3M)

the aqua ones are the best

Attached: 018293123993244.gif (500x281, 2.05M)

Attached: 90345.gif (540x300, 1.86M)

Attached: konosuba-aqua-attack.gif (500x281, 1.9M)

It's not super impressive but it's solid

>not super impressive
I just posted em cause they looked pretty.

chimame running from sexual predators!

>Aqua Naruto runs like a fucking retard

t. giant faggot

lmao being a retard is literally part of her character, why wouldn't she run like one?

Can someone post the OG of Lupin and Jigen running in Cagliostro?

Go back.

classic anime boobies jiggle run

Attached: a3RVYGDw3_480wa_v1.gif (480x270, 1.11M)

kek the aqua internet defense squad is out in full force today

I did a search on this too and nothing is coming up. What is this show?

Literally took me less than 10 seconds to find the source.

Attached: bored.jpg (1920x1080, 118K)

how lame!



Attached: nikukorun.gif (303x271, 591K)


Attached: 1537533873830.gif (768x432, 1.35M)

That's okay, her glasses will protect her.