Who is the best jojo?

Who is the best jojo?

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Jonathan or Johnny.

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Get back to where you once belonged.

Either Jonathan or Joseph.

Jonathan: Boring and annoying
Joseph: Unfunny reddit asspull man
Jotaro: Gary Stu trash
Josuke: Inconsistent ugly faggot
Giorno: No personality
Jolyne: Retard
Johnny: Genuinely well written character
Gappy: Cuck

>Gary Stu

I think we can all agree that Jolene is the worst

I'd say it's between Joseph and Johnny.
Or Bucciarati if you count him as the actual protagonist of Part 5.


Giorno isn't even the protagonist of his own story. Joseph is the best because his supercharged dick is responsible for at least 3 of the parts.


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Well lets's put it this way:

Joseph Joestar, a human that had LESS hamon expertise then his granddad managed to beat not one not two, but 4 beings of godlike power using nothing but his wits and what little hamon power he had.

>He beats Essidici with a FUCKING STRING!
>He beats Wammu with a BURNING CLOTH
>He beats Kars the ultimate being, by blocking a single attack of his with a rock.

Any one of these pillar men would literally eat Dio for breakfast. Stand or not, He would be absorbed easily. People call these, things "asspulls" but the truth is that each and every one of Joseph's opponents follow the same cliche of having godlike power and being stupid with it. Joseph is smarter and that's all their is to it. What the fuck do you expect him to do when he's figthing basically gods?!

But he doesn't stop there.

He goes on for not one, but two more parts and brings his cunning with him, hermit purple would be a pathetic stand if it belonged to anyone else, but the way Joseph uses it is no less than brilliant and is even able to resist dio for a time because of it.

Im watching pt4 right now and Im already in love with old man joestar. It's funny as hell and I can't wait to see what else comes of him.

Joseph is the best
pt2 is the best

Fuck the haters

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I hope for your sake this is pasta.

>Best Jojo
>Strongest Jojo
>Cutest Jojo
>Fabulous Jojo
>Gayest Jojo
>Edgiest Jojo
>Broest Jojo
>Manliest Jojo

Jonathan and Jotaro are the manliest JoJos

Jotaro because he hates women

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Dubs don't lie

Joseph and it's not close

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>Who is the best jojo?
the one with the best opening

joseph, of course



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Joseph. How is this even a question

It has to be Johnny, and it isn’t very close for me. His schtick of being a broken man just trying to “get back to zero” is really inspiring to me, and his darker moments feel believable and human instead of just edgy. I love how odd and interesting his powerset is (Tusk is also my favorite stand), and he’s also got a pretty cool look. Seeing how the rest of his life carried out in Jojolion was excellent as well, and completed the character very nicely for me.

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>Cookie cutter push over

You can leave, you know.

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He has flaws and it makes him more human.



More vids like this

Jonathan taught me how to find the good in people
Joseph taught me how to expect the unexpected
Jotaro taught me how to fight my fears
Josuke taught me how to love again
Giorno taught me how to be a dreamer
Jolyne taught me how to face religion
Johnny taught me how to fight adversity

Hot take. Gappy is my favorite Joestar. I relate more with him then I do with Johnny. Johnny is probably better written tho

The fuck is gappy teaching you?

How to win a Lamborghini using beetles

best part
best jojo
best jobro

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Speaking of that, why is Jobin so rich?

Johnny because he doesn't fuck around

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Money via the Higashikata fruit company and Rokkkaka trade I'm pretty sure.

He's heir to the higashikata household which is the most rich and influential household in morioh? Not to mention money laundering and rokakaka trading?
Are you an idiot?

>Are you an idiot?
Are you an asshole?

How to kill minorities.


You sure you know what site you're on buddy?


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Not only is his opening the best, he's also involved in the 2 other best openings; Sono Chi no Kioku and Great Days


I will always dislike how blue Johnny is and hate his super blue lipstick,

Yea the color of steel ball run weren't the best

Go look at his eyes of heaven color pallette if you want to cringe.

He doesn't wear lipstick, Shuesha is retarded

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> Johnny: Genuinely well written character

Epic nitpicking. Johnny wears lipstick on almost every other volume cover.

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>volume cover
his lips are not shaded, he doesn't wear lipstick

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Based hairposter, can you post the updated version with Doppio watching the scene?

Could somebody please translate or add context to this? Why does it even trigger the mods?

look at the rest of that color palette. Johnny don't have lavender hair either.

What do you mean bro?

What are they saying? Why is Rohan wearing terminator shades? Why is he shaving him? Why is it even Rohan of all people? Why is any of his happening? Who made it? Do they have other weird animations like this?

>Look, Johnny doesn’t have lipstick on this volume cover!
>Johnny has lipstick on other volume covers? They don’t count.

>What are they saying?
Japanese things
>Why is Rohan wearing terminator shades?
To look cool
>Why is he shaving him?
Lol did you read the manga?
>Why is it even Rohan of all people?
Again did you read the manga?
>Why is any of his happening?
To please all the Rohanfags
>Who made it?
Who cares
>Do they have other weird animations like this?
Only God knows

I didn't post the volume cover to prove a point, I was just giving him an idea of what he is supposed to look like
Anyways, if he did have lipstick, wouldn't he be wearing it on every volume cover?

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Araki goes back and forth about character appearances, so it would be most accurate to say that Johnny sometimes wears lipstick.

I'm sorry

I unironically find no faults with this list.

>Calling Jotaro edgy
Zoomers pls


>implying Johnny doesn't have natural blue lips

The Holy Trinity

Of bad characters?

This but replace Giorno with Jolyne

Josuke 4

How did I not catch this

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What part of no canon colors do you not understand.


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Including lipstick.

So this is the power... of part 7 is the only good part fags

Jonathan taught me to loose
Joseph taught me to run from my problem
Jotaro taught me to hide my emotion
Josuke taught me to be an unproductive asshat
Giorno taught me to kill my enemies in cold blood
Jolyne taught me that female are always worst than their male counterpart
Johnny taught me to fallow to Jesus

>unproductive asshat
He's a high schooler what do you expect?

Dio taught me to love animals
Kars taught me to always go beyond
DIO taught me to savor the moment
Kira caught me to enjoy a peaceful life
Diavolo taught me to accept fate
Pucci taught me that the true reward is in heaven
Valentine taught me to put country over self
Joubin taught me to treat every day like summer vacation

Very nice

giorno because I want to cum inside him

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He's 15 user

Gappy and Johnny

Can Giorno turn semen into life? If so, can giorno get mpreg?

Giorno would force Mista to carry the child.

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Why does Giorno's hair make him look like a cat boy here

what was going through Araki's mind when he made this?


How he woke up feeling so horny

>Gappy is a cuck
Pretty sure of the jojo protags he has had the most girls interested in his 4 balls

i agree with joseph being the best but part 4 is best part


>fastest stand of all the JoJo's
>best and most useful ability (healing)
>all the villains he defeats in his part later become his friends and become good people
>dedicated to protecting his small country town
>comfiest part

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You forgot
> best looking

His hair looks stupid

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A comedy bit of misunderstanding the same way you'd see in a Mel Brooks movie.
I dont know why unironic fags latch onto it.
If the mods didn't actively protect you chode smokers, you wouldn't be here.

this, also he has cool (not stupid) hair and a good synthesis of Johnathan and Joseph's personalities

Jolyne taught me self-improvement and sacrifice for others.

young Joseph > Jotaro > old Joseph > all the other irrelevant Jojo's.

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Josuke, He is also Araki's favorite character.

Dont care about the rest since there all short faggots with no muscles

Jonathan has best heart, Joseoh has best personality, Jotaro doesn't really have anything that good, Josuke is meh but I like his casual character, Giorno is meh, Jolyne has best design

gappy makes me happy

Imagine the absolute hell of drawing that many hands in a single panel.

is giomis the ship with best art?

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Can I just say Jonathan was technically in part 3 and my favourite JoJo is Jonathan-Jotaro-joseph-johnny-jolyne-joskue4&8-giorno

Is this the same kira from part 4 or jotaro with kira's name and stand?

Josep Joestar is the best Jojo

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Johnny>Josuke>Power Gappy>Joesph>Jolyne>Jonathan>Jotaro

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That shirt into snow panel transition is so great though, things like this is reason enough alone to not be an animeonly



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7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1

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Watching GW.
Giorno asspulls a bunch of abilities and we never see them again.

He is a nice blend of traits, entertaining, and memorable.

When did Jotaro turn into a delinquent again

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said nobody in this thread.

Love this page, shows that johnny is a bit quick to take action.

This post taught me that ESLs are subhuman

Mista being a mafioso and an Italian would've been drinking with every meal
The Giomis spawn will come out fucking retarded
They can name it after Narancia

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I don't fucking know but if Steel Ball Run ever gets animated they better use Roundabout again when Johnny gets to oraoraora.


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My biggest disappointment is that they never gave old man Joseph a callback to predicting what his opponents will say.

calm down faggot

They did you faggot

Prob meant part 4

Josuke > Johnny >Jolyne > Joseph > Jotaro > Gappy > Jonathan > Giorno

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Whichever one isn't a faggot. So none of them.

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>posts thumbnail

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Sorry. I'm a retard.

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Unironically post SDC Jotaro


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Joseph or Johnny


What if we get AU Buccellati and his stand is Lazarus

It's faaaaaateeeee, user.

Is there anyone in the world not thinking Joseph is the best Jojo ever?

Also Araki for sure like him a lot to keep it return for three parts and basically reset the universe because he would not draw his inevitable death by aging

I've thought this for a very long time but I like Johnny a lot more.

By nature of definition only the girl is capable of the highest manliness.

Unironically this

Jorge Joestar

>muh daddy
Atl east Johnny solved his own issues

based and americapilled

Manliest and cutest Jojo

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But she did in the end

Yeah, Jolyne is totally the manliest Jojo ever


Josuke > Jolyne > Gappy > Johnny > Giorno > Jotaro > Joseph > Jonathan.

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This is hilarious and convinces me that SBRtards didn't read their own part or any others. Jolyne spent the whole part SAVING her father and did so, he got himself killed at the end. Johnny spend the whole part RUNNING AWAY from his father and his guilt. Johnny's daddy-issues were worse than Jolyne's ever were and got his brother killed and nearly got him and Gyro killed, Jolyne's daddy-issues were resolved by the end of the second fight.

Jolyne is a better character than Johnny, prove me wrong

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When he walked out on his wife and daughter

How do "part 7/8 is/are the only good part(s)"fags even exist?
How do you keep reading through six parts of jojo if none of those first six parts are any good?

Gio is the best because he's the cutest

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never mind that, how do "i actively read through all parts and watched all animes and they all sucked" fags exist

Cause they cant articulate how much they enjoyed somthing without having to insult something else.

I love how smug he looks (and he is). He's such a pretty boy. No homo. only half homo

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I love both but I think arguments can be made for both.

Jolyne is great all round, but her character-development isn't as obvious. Although she becomes more mature and leaderly over the course of her journey, it isn't really the focus of the story - she started out strong and got slightly stronger, SO was more about what she did along the way rather than how she changed. And although Hermes and the other side characters are pretty good, she doesn't have a really close and integral relationship with any of them the way Johnny did with Gyro. But arguably she doesn't need it - while Jolyne works better as part of a team and both inspires and is inspired by others around her, she never has Johnny's codependence issues. As a solo character I'd argue she's ultimately better.

Johnny definitely starts out in a different place from where he finishes, and the story focuses heavily on this. He doesn't, however, get the 'massive character-development' the way that some of his fans screech about - it actually happens fairly organically, in that the power he acquires helps him become more confident and less self-loathing, but as a person he doesn't change fundamentally. At the start he had strong elements of ruthlessness and selfishness and as we can see from Jojolion, he never truly got over these. The make-or-break thing that separates Johnny from Jolyne is his relationship with Gyro - if you're invested in it and the effect it has on the characters involved, it could make you decide that he's better than her.

Anyone that has Johnny, Jolyne and Josuke in any order of their top three favorite Jojo's can't be all bad.

This. They're boring, insufferable faggots who are afraid to be enthusiastic and positive about anything and mistake negativity for maturity. And/or they're upset that their dull posts about the series get ignored for being shallow and repetitive so they post bait instead.

Johnny's character development is very real because it's not a 1-to-1 "good to bad" development or a "maturing" development, it's a bumpy ride and a bit of an emotional roller coaster. That's good because it's fun and makes me far more invested than if Part 7 was just "Johnny learns to not be a scumbag." I'm not one those people who demand a character arc in my story. I think a character can be just as entertaining even if they have a flat arc, but when a character arc is done well, it's fucking good.

Jolyne was basically the first time Araki had attempted to give his JoJo a proper character arc and while it was a good first try, Johnny's is just on a whole different level. The biggest problem that I have with Jolyne's character growth is it's a forced one brought about by situation and not any conscious decision on Jolyne's part. I get that's kind of the point given the setting? But that's hardly an original concept and nowhere near as compelling as Johnny's.

Johnny's arc consists of him going from a kind of wimpy kid who was very reliant on his much cooler big brother, to an asshole jockey celebrity, to a very desperate and cold person who didn't even want to live a happy or fulfilling life, he just wanted to not be sad and walk again. And this finally culminates in him deciding to put others ahead of himself and become a genuinely selfless person. That's a wild ride of a character arc and I'm only barely scratching the surface on the details of said arc, it's so fucking good.

Other than that, Johnny just checks many boxes on what makes a good character. Good powers, good fights, good interactions with the cast and villains, highly entertaining. I enjoy the fact that he's a legitimately crippled protagonist because it's a unique character trait for a main character, open about his fetishes and doesn't overshadow characters despite clearly being the best in his story.


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>not skipping to 7

>serious posting

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My man.

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GER? Probably in a couple of weeks.

Yo this isn't even true and you're being intentionally misleading and arguing in bad faith. You can't say that Jolyne's development is lacking because it happens quickly and early in response to an outside situation and then in the same breath say that Johnny's development is amazing while listing how he was when he was a kid pre-story (Which Jolyne ALSO was shown as, but you ignored for some reason in your post) as part of it.

And 'becoming a genuinely selfless person?' That NEVER happens, and I'm honestly glad of it because it would be painfully predictable and out of character if it did. Johnny never becomes a genuinely selfless person, not during SBR and not after it.

'But... He was prepared to hand over the corpse to Valentine to get Gyro back!' - This is an example of his SELFISHNESS, not SELFLESSNESS. He cared about Gyro as an individual he wanted in his life more than he cared about all the people who'd suffer if Valentine won - Valentine himself even warned Johnny that the Gyro Realdoll he'd bring in from another dimension wouldn't have the same memories, but Johnny accepted that. He just wanted his Gyro and would have accepted the cost of Valentine winning if he could have. This is the exact opposite of selflessness but it's in-line with Johnny's character and sympathetic in its own way.

'But he loved his family!' Same difference - Johnny learns to care about those close to him and feel incredibly protective and possessive of them, enough to fuck the world over - but this isn't being a 'genuinely selfless person'. He was even shown wishing that the Corpse would transfer his wifes sickness over to a complete rando right before it was transferred to his son.

Johnny's great but I really think you'd appreciate him even more with a reread, you've got some really wrong ideas here.

no you idiot he's talking about the part where giorno slaps mista's ass, calls him a faggot and then kisses him while trish watches. didn't you read the manga? fucking animeonly

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Johnny & Jolyne are 1st & 2nd best written, with a fair gap between.

But I like Jolyne more because I self-insert so easily with her despite being a guy

Please no, I don't want Jolyne to turn into one of the anime girls trons have as their avatars

Fem Joseph >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest

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Joylene had a much better dad, and only changed her mind after he sacrificed himself protecting her and proclaiming that he always cherished her. Johnny had actual reason to dislike his father.

The fact that you misspell the characters name in the first word of your post doesn't fill me with confidence you have the slightest idea of what you're talking about, nor does your post indicate that you do.
Whether Jotaro cherished Jolyne or not, he was never there for her, ever. When she nearly died of a fever he was away. When she was arrested, he did nothing. That's reason enough for her to dislike him regardless of what his motives were - but she fucking got over it, the second fight into the part. Johnny didn't get over his issues until the FINAL fight of his part.
And I don't actually know why you're whining and bitching about poor Johnny's 'actual' reason for disliking his father - he had more of a sob story, but so what? He was also a fucking basket case because of it and remained so for the whole story.

Not being there because of death threats is very different. And again, he had his redemption before she got over it. Your abusive dad telling you god took the wrong son is not close to the same being away a lot, not just a sob story.

>Can't even reply to the right post
Settle down, they're fictional characters

They weren't even saying that Jolyne's story was sadder than his though. Why are SBRtards so stupid and defensive? SBR's a great part, I wish it had better fans.

Phoneposting is hard work, dont know why you're trying to bring emotions up, nothing I said was emotionally charged.



He compared the two situations, I brought up the difference between them.

Given that you started bleating about how poor Johnny's mean daddy was mean to him and called him abusive while freaking out over people pointing out that Jolyne's daddy-issues were resolved in the second fight of the part rather than being a key point of her character then yes, I'd say you were bringing emotions into it

He brought up the differences between Jolyne and Johnny to begin with and all you tried to do was try to turn it into a suffering competition when that was never the point anyone was making.


I've never seen a single one of these rankings where someone managed to spell a main characters name wrong that was of any value whatsoever and this is no exception.

Same way chariot threw pornaleff in the air.

I literally just stated why the two werent comparable, they are fundementaly different situations. I know Jolyne got over her issues but the fact that there was much less to get over combined with Jotaro comming to save her makes it a much smaller task. You compare them getting over their daddy issues but get mad when I point out that there was much less to get over.

Then what's your ranking then user? Maybe you're just biased cause you like Jolyne or Jotaro alot

He's a phoneposter and an ESL, I'm legitimately not sure if he read the comment thread he's getting upset over because all he can do is complain about Johnny's angsty backstory


He used Jolyne getting over her issues as an example when the two situations were vastly different. He said Johnny had bigger issues but reduced the actual reasons for that into a "sob story"

I didn't even know there's a Jotaro alot.

My original point was that Johnny got over his issues without his dad redeeming himself, you argued as if Jolyne got over her issues herself and worked to save her dad but you ignored the part where he wasnt an abusive person and had already sacrificed himself to save her. Jolynes issues were disproportional and she didnt get over them herself.

based retard

good list but where is Josuke8

Part isn't finished, gappy could theoretically still go down the shitter.

true but I feel like the opposite is going to happen. There might be a big character moment for Josuke coming.

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His part isn't over yet but if I were to place him somewhere it'd be in between Joseph and Giorno

Says the person who hasn’t read the manga.

Which names could the next Jojos have?

am I the only one who can't fucking choose a favourite joje? Fuck, bros. I just love them all in their own different ways, there isn't a "special" one.


I just realized that a model/actress from my country resembles Jolyne a bit, what do you think?
>pic is her

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No resemblance.

One more

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You think? I dunno, when I saw her, reminded me of Jolyne- maybe the sharp lines of the face?

Maybe just a bit in your second pic.

George (Jōji in japan pronunciation)

Best scene in Jojolion, a true Jojo moment.

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Shizuka Joestar

Supposed to be russian name of John

I believe Johnny becomes as selfless as a normal human being can be without becoming an actual Saint
>Gives up his chance of walking again to save his friend
>Is willing to rob the fucking US from it's most precious treasure in an attempt to save his wife
>Shoots himself to save his son, even if that kills him
He does become selfless but not to the point it makes him literally Jesus, and even then, you could go and argue Jesus wasn't selfless because he "cared" about mankind.

Best jojobro by far

I ask the same question about this every day

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why does gyro look like he was sketched in by a random internet artist?

The latest JJL sketch

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>Josuke raped and killed Polnareff’s sister
Deepest Lore

pretty detailed for the sketches he usually does

>No Kishibe Rohan counterpart in Jojolion universe

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Anyone else a gappyfag? I've read every part of jojo at least thrice and I think part 8 is the best so far

Supercharged King Crimson

We already know that he’s a time traveler.

Gappy makes me happy.

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In terms of role? yes. But in term of relative? no. There's the Higashikatas, Kujo (Jotaro/Josefumi), Kira (Yoshikage), Hirose (Koichi/Yasuho), and Nijimura (Okuyasu/Kyo), but there's no Kishibe.

how to be a cuck

Not even close.
Kyo is closer to Jotaro and Josefumi is closer to the original Josuke.

>Kyo is closer to Jotaro and Josefumi is closer to the original Josuke.
I mean in terms of surname relation.

It’s not even her real surname.

Kyo is closer to my dick, if you know what I mean.

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Jolyne or Gappy

>Her name references the Nijimura brothers of Part 4. Beyond their family names being the same, her given name continues a pattern: the Oku of Okuyasu means 1 billion (108), the Cho of Keicho means 1 trillion (1012), and Kyo means 10 quadrillion (1016).
I know, but hers probably just a reference. Shame the real Nijimura doesn't show up.

Would Kira even have gotten caught if he never got a Stand? No matter how good it is at exploding people and evidence away, the whole Stand user gravity shit was probably not worth it for him.

Definitely would have if a certain marine biologist wasn't in town at the time

I can accept Joseph as the best but not Part 2

If we're going by part 3 logic, King Crimson can act out 5 meters away from its user, it'll just be a bit weaker. So King Crimson probably went up to the bars, sliced them, bent them out slightly, then tossed Narancia up there.

I bet Kyo is a tranny.

I think what's happening is that he's seperated from Yasuho not just due to physical circumstances (cops on his ass) but emotional ones too, such as fearing that Tooru will take her back and not only that, shed' be better off.

Kira sloppily massacred a family. If this wasn't a story he'd have been caught the first time

She was just Born That Way.

I think it's just staging for conflict, it's clear that Tooru was the person behind the attack when they were following the head doctor. But who knows

>fearing that Tooru will take her back and not only that, shed' be better off
Gappy doesn't need to do anything. Joshu will be the one who smash Tooru's head if he try to do anything with Yasuho

They should use it when Alt Diego appears, literally a roundabout moment.

nah you know they'll just end with dio's menacing theme from part 3 like they did with kira for some reason

no wonder araki removed (((her)))

They should use the B-side “Long Distance Runaround” instead.

It’s only a matter of time until they reveal that she was the one slipping HRT into Joshu’s drinks.

It was his stand that allowed him to never risk getting caught.

Too senile for that

fucking kek

Attached: fuck.png (225x225, 11K)

>implying Joshu isn't so high-test he just pisses the HRT out

He’s always had low test levels, which is why Kyo targeted him.

Looks more like Hermes

lol johnny was a huge faggot but frankly speaking other jojos are kind of meh. i'm reading part 8 rn and gappy seems like a retard. jotaro was cool but way too edgy for me to like him.

Jhonny was the only one actually well written

>Josuke at the top

Attached: jojo bait.jpg (618x555, 57K)

I will predict the Part 6 anime right now. Screencap this.

It will come out, and SJW-types and their ilk will swarm over it. It'll be the hot new anime of the season because of how "progressive" it is despite having come out 20 years ago at this point. Then, the shitposting will really rev up.

It'll start in JoJo threads before becoming the main focus, especially while the part is airing. Yea Forums-tier discussion about trannies, lesbians, and "MUH STRONK WOMAN" will run rampant, fueled by people that have not read the part or even watched the anime. All criticism will become sexism, and this will be prevalent outside of the board - everywhere the part is talked about, it will inevitably happen. JoJo threads, once comfy and somewhat civilized, will become wretched hives of intolerable screeching, more so than ever before. It will become the opinion that "JoJo was always bad! There isn't a single good part!"

This opinion will get repeated ad nauseum in some form for free (You)s until, eventually, newfags unironically begin to believe it. Memes and falseflagging will become reality. The cancer that is the JoJo fanbase will become Chernobyl, a toxic wastedump of degeneracy on part with something like Rick and Morty where it is embarrassing to admit your association with even remotely enjoying the franchise.

And it will all be because Jolyne got caught masturbating in her cell on a boring night.

Attached: limited_edition_jolyne.gif (393x450, 1.58M)

Joseph in terms of likability. Johnny in terms of development.

nobody cared when DavidPro made those 2 characters gay in part 5, nobody will care that there's a black priest and a woman main character

I haven't even finished watching part 4 and I already am starting to hate Jolyne. I realize it's silly to hate a character from a anime part you've only seen memes and shitposts on, but jailbird STRONKwamen with daddy issues is not a really good first impression. I really don't want to invest my time in a part that's going to be shit.

Here's your screencap BTW

Attached: Jojo part 6 prediction.png (1317x291, 82K)


>DavidPro made those 2 characters gay
do you mean Sorbet and Gelato or Squalo e Tiziano?
because i remember they were "close friends" even in the comic

Is JoJolion the cuck's part?

Attached: tooru.png (1783x1280, 717K)

Only if you waifued Yasuho.

Sorlato was never confirmed in the manga
Squalo/Tiziano, except for those weird poses, the manga never implied that they were more than friends

fucked / groped / sexual assaulted by:
>a toddler
>a fuckin rock cockroach
>his dad
>an architect
>her ex
>Doobie Wah
>a doctor
>villain's wife

Hate to say it but you're probably right.

Looks like your average Part 8 same face to me.

Unironically rent free.

>There isn't a single good part
SBR: exists

It's been a while since I read the manga but Squalo and Tiziano were obviously more than friends.

Fuck that, what is the saddest death in Jojo?
For me it's Iggy


I would hate to see your SAT scores

For me, it's Gyro. The part where you see the life leave his eyes and he just slumps off his horse really gets me

Attached: Gyro's_death.jpg (1456x1179, 496K)

>B..b..but, we never saw them kiss so they can't be gay!
Absolute COPE

Attached: 1561311283205.jpg (690x720, 77K)

Someone post the panel where paisley park has something in her mouth, a marker cap I believe.

Does the word 'Jojoke" make anyone cringe really hard?

Attached: 1469046792621.gif (280x310, 3.99M)

>tfw fucked face friend spoiled me his death
>dude he is a zeppeli ofc he is gonna die
yea but most zeppelis dont live this long you ape. I still haven't forgiven him. Also you are a dick for not knowing how to spoil or just not doing it come on user

>newfag SJW's and trannies who never read the manga before get super hyped for part 6 because muh female lead
>they watch all the way to the end only to see the good guys in their "progressive" anime [/spoiler]lose[/spoiler]

Attached: 1529690866202.jpg (1000x666, 527K)

Jolyne is literally just a girl combo of Joseph and Jotaro



Josuke > beginning Giorno > Joseph > Jolyne > Johnny > Jotaro > Gappy > Jonathan > rest of Giorno

>Gappy below Jotaro
I also don't see why you think of early Giorno that highly. He basically twink Jotaro except not as edgy and SLIGHTLY more expressive. Agreed with mainly everything else though.

>Gappy below anybody
that's a shovel'n

Attached: Shovel Knight.jpg (899x380, 79K)

in which chapter soft&wet grabs a shovel?

around mid Blue Lagoon I think, don't remember the specific chapter

Jolyne is literally just Jotaro with tits

Meant to respond to

>I also don't see why you think of early Giorno that highly.
Not exactly ''thinking highly'' as much as I just really liked the initial potential of him there as a smug pokerface trickster but was severely disappointed as it went on. Gappy still needs to wrap up so that's why he's low.

definitely is the ILLOGICAL part

Attached: hits pipe.jpg (720x888, 334K)

>polschizo can’t comprehend the ending

>Have you been loosing weight

There's literally nothing wrong with Jolyne, just read the manga and stop letting memes influence your thoughts in anyway, you absolute sperg.

the discussion won't even be about jolyne. The main discussion will be about whether pucci and dio were gay or not and political shitflinging and derailing.

t. SOtist

Yeah your right.
It is silly for you to think that. What? Do you think jotaro wants to fuck dolphins too? Do you think pucci litterally created the SBR universe? Are you not aware of how nutoriously shit Yea Forums is at giving reccomendations when it comes to parts.
Its gonna fucking suck.
I find it easier to just imagine the anons who want to inject thier political opinion in a thread as underage newfags who heard that Yea Forums was an edgy dark corner of the internet so they have to mimic that in order fit in.

>Reddit asspull
You do know that Joseph predates reddit right user?

Pretty sure almost any JoJo besides Giorno could beat Jonathan one way or another.

Worst Jojo design

>GER can't beat Jonathan

I hope the whole "Bubbles are actually strings spinning" thing was just Araki's hack impulses telling him to make something stupid and then retcon it immediately, because Soft&Wet being yet another string-based Stand would be lame.
Also if it was strings spinning it would make zero fucking sense on the way they allow things to get inside them and the way they burst with holes.

guys would say joseph, girls would say jotaro or giorno

i guess if you don't like any of those three you're a genderless plankton then

was Wes Bluemarine supposed to be black? if not all the KKK chapter doesn't make any sense

part 6's story is bad and convoluted

Do you think DIO would be more into reading Hegel or Heidegger? I see DIO enjoying these philosophers, also Hesse, I see him as a Hesse man too.