ITT: Characters with Autism

ITT: Characters with Autism
Bonus, ones you love.

Attached: good girl.gif (500x280, 925K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Autistic is my favorite flavor of cake

Attached: hajime.jpg (1200x938, 98K)

Attached: 1557741240743.jpg (1280x711, 129K)

i love this little autistic nervous wreck

Attached: Autism.jpg (1600x1200, 303K)

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Attached: 1481009200879.jpg (1440x810, 170K)

yes it's really autism

Attached: photo_2019-06-21_23-05-03.jpg (564x846, 51K)

Honestly they're the ones I relate to most. Also they would be the only people to even appreciate my autism.

I'm on here instead of socializing with normies

Attached: good girl 7.gif (500x250, 977K)

Oh, he's back. Did you get banned?

No, just was busy doing other autistic things

Attached: very hard map.png (5400x3586, 723K)

Attached: lain.jpg (1008x567, 160K)

OP has a point

Attached: have at it.png (946x669, 1.3M)

Nobody can be this chuuni without a touch of autism

Attached: Waifu.jpg (799x1000, 818K)

thread saving TOMOYO

Attached: best girl 3.gif (500x339, 86K)

She's much more autistic in the mobage and it's great.

Attached: Starlight_hikari_eat.webm (1280x720, 162K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ashita no Joe 2 - 39 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.37_[2016.07.04_21.47.38].jpg (1440x1080, 184K)

Attached: good girl 8.gif (540x292, 1.96M)

Attached: good girl 4.gif (500x281, 566K)

How about you shut your whore mouth you piece of shit. Homura is autism free just very passionate about her girlfriend.

Attached: 1560789946983.jpg (718x1011, 517K)

I thought autists were terrible at art and other creative works.

Attached: Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai_01_Rikka_Takanashi_3.jpg (692x389, 58K)

Autist were incredible at it in the past. Now there's to many media shit focused on autists so they get obsessed with those instead of art

Psycho, not an autist.

What is love?


90% of Clannad's cast has the tism.

Baby don't hurt me

Maybe it's why I like it so much. Though Tomoya has 100% autism for turning down this

Attached: help me god (1).webm (480x360, 1.07M)

hishiro has it bad

Attached: that smile......gif (500x281, 1.34M)

It was bordering on unbearable though.
Only after story made it bearable.

If you want a character that's actually autistic instead of stupid/ditzy the MC of I Am A Hero is realistically autistic.

Let me show you something a bit better

Attached: I'm going to jail.webm (480x360, 1.4M)

This guy might be autistic, but he's not an anime character.

But he is... because the VN is what the anime is based off of.

Attached: best girl 13.gif (540x304, 1.94M)

autism or Yea Forumsutism

Attached: frogposer.png (505x665, 429K)

Yea Forumsutism

Attached: good girl 9.gif (500x332, 393K)

Then I pick pre school trip Tomoko

Attached: 1554599984907.png (580x642, 210K)


Attached: Starlight_mahiru_yuri2.jpg (1920x1080, 608K)

then I pick post schooltrip Tomoko

Attached: my negro.jpg (500x375, 24K)

Reminder someone got fired for this.

Attached: justabitoutside.gif (500x281, 760K)


user wasnt kidding when he said his boss saw this

Attached: 1541712286779.jpg (333x360, 54K)

Fucking Americans man.

Attached: Kurisu_American.jpg (1920x1080, 787K)

I want to fuck the chuuni autism out of her.

Attached: fat chuuni ass.webm (700x392, 2.44M)

>sharing your memes with a woman
A grave mistake.

Attached: drink.png (1334x1080, 1.47M)

Attached: promotions.png (152x175, 41K)

The cutest autist.

Attached: f5ad29fd2327e2dc33c0897521a2bd32.jpg (479x700, 157K)

I love Rikka, fuck Yuuta.

Attached: big-mom-one-piece-1146249-1280x0.jpg (1280x765, 83K)


Attached: this girl.png (590x374, 207K)

Autistic traits, not autism per se.
Describing the extent of my love for her is impossible.

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Attached: blind dork.png (364x785, 221K)

Attached: mikuru-beamm.gif (454x360, 234K)

Attached: don't talk to weird people.png (532x198, 125K)

>fuck Yuuta
Pretty sure that's her job

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you know, other human beings.

Attached: Angel.Beats!.full.1894499.jpg (1280x720, 985K)

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Kyou was already best girl.

AS Episode 23 is the real ending in my kokoro.

theres an image i saw on Yea Forums of yoshi riding senpai's dick while nagatoro watches with those cold eyes
forgot to save it, much regret

Why is Saber talking to Yonagi?

You mean normalfags such as yourself?

I either spend hours a day on Yea Forums looking for chances to post my precious Tomoyo or waiting on /pol/ or /bant/ to post my maps and hope someone appreciates my Autism

Attached: best girl 10.gif (540x305, 800K)

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Attached: 0.jpg (496x280, 20K)

>literally an anime about beating an autistic girl

Attached: shiina.jpg (1000x563, 64K)

I want to pat her head even though she'd hate the physical contact

Attached: 1547155205420.jpg (849x1200, 379K)

Only 4 girls are relevant in this thread. All others are not autistic or autistic-like.


Attached: good girl 11.gif (500x281, 2.43M)

Do you prefer to call them Neurotypicals?

Moot, the founder of Yea Forums

I really liked the Seiyuu's acting in that one. You can really hear the sorrow in that scream.

Attached: seiba_yamero3.png (647x366, 165K)

We use "normalfag" here on Yea Forums instead of its twitter-sanitized crossboarder version "normie", you filthy normalfag.

Reposting from dead nande koko ni sensei ga thread
Are autistic Japanese women real? How do you find them? What are their interests? Novels? Vidya?
If you are (mildly) autistic, can you still get into JET?

Attached: 1559944118126.png (335x344, 146K)

Normie is from twitter?

Attached: [SHIZA Project] Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam TV [36 of 50] [RUS JAP] [1488x1080 H264] [Azazel][00:07:57]0 (1488x1080, 1.34M)

cutest autism

Attached: 1554568372383.gif (380x400, 678K)

Normie is a perversion of "normalfag" that makes it less offensive to normalfags. If you call someone on Reddit or Twitter a normalfag you're getting a ban for being homophobic, which you actually deserve for being stupid enough to think you're not a normalfag yourself for browsing those sites.

Attached: Maika_consider_the_following.png (858x1200, 653K)

>Autism gives you superpowers
What did Tomino mean by this?

Based on this, an autism person that uses Reddit all day would be considered a normalfag. That does not mesh with the social interaction claim.

>on Yea Forums
normalfag = not Yea Forums

>everywhere else

I really like this idea.

Attached: ren_nichijou.jpg (600x598, 84K)

Honestly I'll give you one thing, you must be a special kind of autism to care so much about the exact wording of "normal people with in society who don't go on a mongolian basket weeving image board for hours a day"

I'll give you that

Attached: jew kike.png (687x1117, 728K)

normalfags were the type of people that fit the average guy
has a couple of friends, is in a relationship and/or has had several, likes GoT, capeshit, believes politics are relatively important, browses pleddit most likely (faebook couple of years back)

these days the word has been used so often and especially the "normie" /pol/ newfag variation that it holds a lot less weight

I get the feeling over half of people that post these days are just normalfags and I directly blame the site becoming too soft and all the exposure it had

but lets not make this a meta bread

>the only dutch anime girl to make it big is a fucking jew
hate being dutch

Okay, let me explain what I meant.

I stay in my house and I don't go out and talk with society. I spend hours on Yea Forums purely to see if my autism will be appreciated with (you)s and feedback. I never had a girlfriend, never had physical contact with a girl, and I never really had friends. I hardly ever leave my room and I obsess over a character made over 15 years ago.

Okay, I know I used the wrong word but do you understand what I mean? you do? K that's all I care about.

it's called summer

Reminder she is also a confederate

Attached: annie.jpg (3500x2400, 830K)

Hina (hinamatsuri)
kotoha (colors)
>tfw can't upload pics

Attached: thank you.png (787x762, 721K)

Attached: meow.png (571x904, 381K)

Does anime written/directed by people with autism have characters display autism traits despite not officially having autism because the creator is having his or her personality filter through?

Attached: mad lad.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

>I actually do this with every animal I encounter thinking they may like me
oh my god

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It's still one of the few places where you can be exposed to a lot of niche (but let's be honest about the appeal, gatekept) interests. After spending a ridiculous amount of time on here and /g/ it was total whiplash when I got a job and got the sense that discussing how I spent my time to coworkers was completely unwelcome (not that I've tried). What you're saying isn't wrong though.

>eyes always only half open
>speaks slowly in monotone voice
the worst character archetype, every single one of those girls is worst girl of their show

Slowly in monotone voice is easier to understand than overly fast, scared voice.

How do I know if I'm autistic

Never heard of him

If you have to ask, you are.

that makes me remember the most important thing wasnt that normalfags werent welcome, but that posting about your normalfag life was a problem

You are, or else you wouldn't be here.

Attached: Diagnosably Autistic.jpg (226x637, 52K)

Sure, find that sentiment written down somewhere. Illustrating a point you faggot

Attached: According to my doctor, it appears that I may have Asperger Syndrome or a similar ASD.jpg (1838x522, 238K)

wasnt throwing shade it literally made me remember that
I agree with your post


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I forgive you just never post Yui again

Attached: 08f.jpg (3840x2160, 472K)

Best girl

Attached: yukine_mea_12767.jpg (571x571, 46K)

Attached: autistic_kyuutie.jpg (1280x720, 311K)

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