When did you realize you were much more of a weeb than you first thought...

when did you realize you were much more of a weeb than you first thought? for me it was when i started watching every show people were talking about on the catalog

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Cool blog faggot.

I'm not. I just watch anime ironically.

Based. I do the same, brother.

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When I realized that I can only get aroused by chinese cartoon girls.

Perhaps you're not so much of a weeb but rather just easily influenced.

but why losing your time watching anime ironically

When I mentioned New Game to the class otaku and he had no idea what I was talking about

Why not? It's better than doing drugs or watching capeshit.

I don't know if I am a weeb. I haven't seen anything all that obscure, I have no merch, and I don't watch anime/read manga all day.

I haven't been on Yea Forums in a couple of months, is this what trolling is now?

>when did you realize you were much more of a weeb than you first thought?
After I went to Japan and saw how humans are supposed to use escalators.
I went for wonfes, which is an arguably weeb event, but I try to stay pretty normalfag and hide my powerlevel.
But holy shit, after spending a few days in Tokyo, I started looking for jobs in my field.
>lines at stores
>everybody using one side of the escalator for standing, leaving the other side wide open
>using the close doors button poin the elevator
>employees helpful to the point that they will walk you across the street to help you find what you're looking for
>no taking, texting, using phones at all, or even getting up in movies until AFTER the credits
>no talking on sundays and phones are silenced
Hell, I've been on the subway at peak rush hour, where you're packed so tight with strangers that you can't move, and it's still less stressful than almost any time in the London tube, New York, or Washington Metros.
But seriously, wherever someone asks what I like most about Japan, it's the escalators.

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If you honestly believe you don't like weed it's because you haven't tried weed that isn't shit.

I thought not leaving space in escalators was just an american thing

Being a fucking idiot with no sense of spacial awareness is definitely an american thing, but not exclusive.

>referring to yourself as a weeb
>using the word weeb
Try harder with your bait. Apply yourself, next time.

perhaps I just like feeling sober

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I did try weed when I was younger and it was a wasted of money and time I could had spent in other leisures.

That's like saying you don't like masturbating because you don't want to feel good unnecessarily. Spend a weekend with some weed and I promise you that you will never look back. Because nobody else does.

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What you posted represents a mindset far more retarded than the people who refer to themselves as weebs

A variety of foreigners will make the mistake.
In Hiroshima I tried in English and Spanish to ask a couple guys to move over, but they must have been Italian or Portuguese, because they weren't getting it.
London is the worst though.

Should had dropped the bomb on them

You mean you watch anime on the anime board? God, what a fucking weeb.
Remember when this word used to mean something beyond "has an interest in Japanese media"?

>no u
Try harder.

At least the tourists still think otaku is too negative for them so we still have that

I thought I was when I watched animu but now weebs are the new gaymurs and I'm not a gaymur

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You're just proving my point user. One day you'll stop caring about fitting in so much.

>You're just proving my point user
Can you at least try with your replies? Instead of the canned responses? Show a bit of intelligence triggertard.

Not everyone is a weak-willed filth without any self-control like you.

Why would I 'try'? Are you telling me you're putting effort into insult slinging with your 'try harder's? You're very clearly trying to come off as an Yea Forums purist. To engage with you any further would be showing a lack of intelligence. Maybe that's why you're a trigger shitter, you feel the need to conform to everything.

>all this assmad
Looks like I hit a nerve. kek

>I lost so I'll try to look like I didn't care
Hope you have a prolific career here, you're certainly the type.

triggertards are too easy. thanks for the kek b t w

not him but i heard your replies repeated 8888 times too
captcha: motorcycles

What has become of this board, we were the last neckbead bullwark on this fucking site.


Next you'll ask me if I've ever done CBD.

Using weeb on Yea Forums shouldn't be the problem.
It's the places where you can't say faggot or nigger that should also exclude weeb.
But ignorance under the guise of evolving language is what gets us to this problem.

Well I wasn't going to, but since you brought it up then yeah, it's pretty darn good for you.

>weeb trash
pls don't call yourself trash, user. It's really fucking gay

In Russian subway they explicitly ask you to stand on both sides of the escalator, but people usually occupy only the right side because on the left people are running down. In Moscow people are running even on the escalators going up.

Realized it after spending thousands on figs.

oh yeah the escalators were nice, although hilariously you flip which side you stand on in osaka because "that's just how it is here"

what the fuck do escalators have to do with weebs?

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the definition of a weeb is someone who desperately wants to live in japan, newfag