One a scale from useless to jobber, how do you think will our girl Marlya perform in todays episode of Fairy Gone?
Fairy Gone - Episode 12
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I can't believe this shit is still going.
I wonder how hard the PA guys are regretting making this thing.
I want to believe she'll finally do something useful with her fairy and her gun that she's been lugging across the continent.
>I want to believe she'll finally do something useful
I hope that in this episode Free will show us some basic brain activity and won't make the same mistake like last time.
I mean, he's a war veteran and owner of fairy weapon. Yet he sends his own fairy alone against guy with fairy weapon standing like 10m away. Then he gets shocked that said guy insta-kills his fairy, making him weakened in the process. Then gets defeated in 3 hits.
While he literally had just to come closer and engage him in cqc while sending his fairy to protect others. Or not sending his fairy at all to be sure he won't get distracted.
How does this get threads but I never see one for Occult Koumuin?
So did this show ever pick up? I really wanted to like it at the start because it's an anime original the production values were pretty good (terrible CG monsters aside), but ended up dropping it after ep 3 because it was just so fucking dull. The scenery porn was about the only enjoyable part.
It got better. It will never be amazing, but it did improve in many regards.
How many times will we have to answer this question in this thread?
starting nigga
I wouldn't say it ever got good, but it did get better. Everything they have been setting up is finally coming together with shit hitting the fan this last episode.
That gets a thread every week but it dies sub ~50 posts. And this gets threads because PA Works fags and it being an original.
Danse Dance.
this is a good marlya
> [HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 12 [720p].mkv
Inb4 erai.jpg
Youngin' are retarded, old dudes gotta go clean shit up.
And now the wait for Erai-raws begins...
I forgot this show existed.
Marlya was useless again, the episode.
What is point of Marlya's character anyway. She doesn't do shit. Free does all the fighting.
>part 2 in october
This show is going to be even more dead
Free is the actual mc, Maria is eye candy.
Oh damn, thats a long wait.
Don't worry, I'll still make threads.
>tfw nobody watches my show
Holy fuck, what a badass.
Also I'm glad that we got to see Free go all out and finally Marlya seems to understand she needs to have the will to actually hurt if not kill her enemies.
Thats not how you hug a dog marlya.
Can't wait for season 2
Nigga is battoru crazy.I can see how he got plot deflection shield before and the fear aura.
I would be more enthused to keep watching if Marlya was more useful. As it is, I'm not sure I'm gonna watch the second half.
Friendly reminder.
I got my wish for some ray dawn action.
> mfw off screened fight
>season 2 of a PA Works action anime
>muh pebble
In all seriousness, he's a fun guy. I still can't get over the fact that he whistled the guitar.
Yep, he got a hero bonus of +10 to evasion rolls.
Furthermore, what actually happened beyond lots of soldiers getting killed?
Emperor - MIA
Prime Minister - MIA
Ray Dawn may or may not try to usurp the throne
Dieze's plan completely failed due to Wolfran's treachery
Was Wolfran working for Dawn since the beginning, or is he spinning his own game?
Dorothea doesn't seem to have any casualties (contrary to what I expected)
And what was the grand plan?
Becoming the new puppet master for the Emperor and lifting restrictions on fairy stuff, so that his Arcame allies can sell weapons for bug bux? Sounds like an overkill just to corner the market.
this has been confirmed as 2 cour
disguting zorome poster, kill yourself.
Gotta say, I'm hyped watching him got away.The first fun guy got offed too early.
despite all those things that happened, this show is pretty uneventful.
have a nice second cour, I'm out.
I miss early 2010 PA works.
more like useless/10
Prime minister got humiliated by liscar and retreated somewhere.The emperor is right there on the throne watching diese and ray fight. I think ray and wolfram were just in a convenient alliance, having a smaller factions for future coup de etat is convenient for them or maybe ray can always lie later when the smoke clears saying the emperor is already dead by the time he came to confront diese. Either way ray got maximum brownie points whether emperor is alive or not, half of diese land and shit maybe.
Anime need more badass old men.Theres that old knight manga/ln if the studio dont want an original.
Jesus fucking Christ Liscar. I'm glad he isn't dead, that means we get more of this guy.
>first cour boss isn't even dead
I wonder if they have some healing fairy powers. Otherwise, his hand is fucked.
> implying he needs 2 arms
Marlya can replace MUH REVENGE Vers now.
His arm is swole enough to handle it.
So will this just continue next season or in Fall? Is it finally fairly gone?
>this is fine
Marlya is fired up!
>Marlya actually wants to do something
>Free won't let her
free knows that she's useless
I wonder if this new revenge thing for Marlya will cause her to understand Ver better. As in, she obviously has no love for Dawn either, but before Liskar, Marlya never had the feeling of "this person must die right now"
I and maybe this show as well completely forgot that she is a thing.
New cour gonna start slow again and maybe we will see marlya and vers chat about it.She understands her better but she gonna be MUH DUTY AS A SOLDIER on her.
What's his endgame?
Probably wants to do evil fairy shit and needs a unified Zesskia for that.
At least P.A. Works has realized that an action series needs two cours *cough*Sirius*cough*
It probably would be better as a one cour though. This whole first cour felt pointless. Like a lot of things happened but actually nothing really relevant happened. Both Ver and Free's blond friend are still out there and Marlya is still useless, and we still don't know anything about Down's goals (or whatever he's called).
>and Marlya is still useless
Did you miss the high impact fairy abuse she inflicted in this episode?
It was all she did. Free did most of the fighting.
>their "lol who needs cover" actually cost them a man for once
That was the point, he couldn't take Liscar on alone.
Its a team effort, free cant do much if liscar get free control of his fairy.
Ray dawn and free got their aura powered on, negating liscar's, heh.
yeah, they got their ass kicked then. hahaha, stupid rebellians
last sunday I'll wake up tired
If that's all Marlya can do, I'm not so sure why they made her the MC. Free is the one doing all the heavy lifting. Marlya might as well be a supporting character for all she does.
I wonder how many people will even stick around for the second half. Poor PA Works.
I only kept on watching because the main girl is cute but now i'm like 3 episodes behind and i feel it will take a lot of willpower to binge this shit.
So we finally know what is this show about or we'll know in cour 2?
I think youre too hung up on who is the mc and that being an mc means the character needs to be perfect or "do the heavy lifting".Shit, I'm no literature expert, but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
I'll be keeping the rule in my RSS downloader so whether I remember or not it'll grab the new ep for me.
It goes without saying the MC has to do the heavy lifting. That's the narrative role that comes with being the MC.
>to be continued
split cour?
drop it
its garbage where nothing ever happens
I hope they do some quick recap episode before that. By October I'll have forgotten who's betraying who.
The biggest surprise for me was that first cour didn't end on "the darkest hour".
Yes, next one in October
I even think about making the occasional thread between both seasons, even if I get three replies at most.
good thing everyone will forget about it
PA should stick to existing series instead of doing mediocre originals
I'll probably watch it. It's still in my RSS downloader so it will be on my drive anyway once it starts airing again.
this series looks 100% comfy
I'm looking at the pictures and videos and is 100% free of niggers.
the lack of niggers doesn't make the writing less mediocre
I mean it's not looking good. They got mauled by the rebels, Arcame escaped with all the main bad guys getting away, and now Ray Dawn is ascendant and even more powerful and influential.
>cour = season
i'm tired and made a mistake, sorry
It could've ended much worse for Dorothea. Only one named person died as a result of Dieze's conspiracy. So it's not an "evil won, we are defeated. gotta make a comeback in second cour". Until we know what Dawn intends to do with his increased influence over the Emperor, how will Arcame react to losing it's Duke sponsor, what is Wolfran's game,it's to early to say whether it's going down or up.
This episode wouldn't be so bad for finale if it wasn't for these fuckers with Lisker. Why are they invincible?
Castle guards and artificial fairy soldiers surround them, shoot like crazy and in whole episode only 1 mook dies.
Just say that the soldiers are busy elsewhere and that just a few of them were at that gate.
Not even her fairy does anything really, Jesus Christ. Cunt can fuse with a fairy without organ transplants and what does she do? Grips a fucker, heats something up, gets her arms cut off and remains useless for the rest of the episode. Great fucking job, Marlya.
It appears that everyone, even the named characters, who has to shoot things has trained at the Stormtrooper academy, I can't explain this shit otherwise.
I think it's mainly just bad choreography of the battle scenes. People just standing around in the open shooting guns, lots of gunfire and barely any casualties, then we cut away to some characters talking then cut back and all the good guys are dead. We only get a couple short scenes where people seem to actually be using cover and it doesn't last long.
I get the feeling Lisker and his group are supposed to be elites, the best of the veterans from the war of unification, but they don't really behave any differently than the Imperial mooks.
This series would have benefited a lot from having a single military history fag write and choreograph the combat scenes.
I already was pissed that people keep shooting at armored fairy soldiers when people controlling them stand side by side in plain sight, unprotected.
See you fags in october.
What if I make threads before october?
>people don't want to shoot unarmed drone operators
I'm shocked, might even be a rule of war thing
>Things actually happened
Took them half the fucking season but finally a good episode
Then I will probably make a post in them and afterwards they die.
she would have been more useful never being born
enjoyed the show, looking forward to season 2
Almost everyone in Fairy Gone are passive and reactive. So there isn't much choice for a good MC. Free being the one doing the heavy lifting does nothing more or less, maybe he gives off some illusion, but thats it. And you still pretty much can enjoy all his antics.
So Marlya might as well be MC since she's cute.
That is not, and has never been the definition of a main character, you dumb shonenfag.
Honestly her shooting skills is something that would be a comedy element in other series.
has she ever actually shot a real human bean yet
You know, at first I was questioning the wisdom of Free using swords when rifles appear to be commonplace, but given how terrible the average soldier's accuracy is, it's probably a good idea.
What is that?
Seems to be a Fairy Gone game? Seems to be Exite Bike with improvement.
such is the fate of riflemen in anime that also feature any kind of melee combat
I think they were implying that these were not experienced soldiers and they were scared out of their minds which is why they could barely shoot anything. All the experienced ones went with Nein. Still pretty ridiculous though.
anyone watched the dub, is it any good?
I wonder if I'll remember anything from this show by then.
Fairy Gone actually has fans in Japan? Fans that would make an Excite Bike like game of it?
I love the spider cars in the show.
I'll consider it but I have probably had enough after sticking around for 12 episodes.
Best thing to come out of this show.
This country have the most useless, blind, coward soldiers I've ever seen, they are incapable of hitting anything at all and they crow in fear whenever they look someone to the eyes.
I'll be waiting fellow fairybros
I was really hoping Liscar and his pals would die. I don't know if it can be called plot armour but whatever it is that keeps them alive is really obnoxious.
>>cour = season
split-cours pretty much are, like what's the point of using the word cour when the parts are one season apart from each other.
beevee reminds me of sundowner
She is a cute jobber!
He's one of the most entertaining characters so I'm glad he's not dead yet.
how fucking useless are the grunt soldiers in this series?
this group is so obnoxious. particularly that female soldier who literally wets her panties each time the meathead leader says something. how the fuck were this group not shot to pieces? they were vastly outnumbered and had to traverse narrow hallways and corridors to get around before they escaped
Bee Vee Liscar decides when the party is over.
I want to impregnate Marlya
Erai when?
so is this an original series or is it based on a novel/story/manga?
It's chronicle of Fairy Scholars. So real events.
Punished Liscar soon
She did dirt, almost pebble-tier but not quite.
I think I'm done. I still haven't watched last weeks episode and I don't really feel any desire to. It's been going absolutely nowhere.