>casually forgets that polpo and black sabbath had no problem touching and interacting with an arrow, even going as far to willingly try to stab golden experience with it
Why is he so forgetful and inconsistent?
>casually forgets that polpo and black sabbath had no problem touching and interacting with an arrow, even going as far to willingly try to stab golden experience with it
Why is he so forgetful and inconsistent?
Are there people who seriously read JoJo for the plot and not just the art and the fights?
Living forever doesn't mean remembering forever.
You are making a mistake.
JoJo is a gag manga.
a blue water GT webring admin
>>casually forgets that polpo and black sabbath had no problem touching and interacting with an arrow, even going as far to willingly try to stab golden experience with it
Based speedreader
Part 8 is the only part with an intriguing plot. Part 7 was alright but too rooted in shounen tropes. The rest have functional plots except 4 which is just an absolute mess.
it wasn't the beetle arrow fucking speedreader cuck
it's not THE arrow retard speedreader
They’re all made from the same source so they’re all the same.
Black Sabbath didn't have the beetle arrow, just a regular one.
Araki is an inconsistent hack but he's safe on this count.
Nope, they aren't the same. There's only one beetle arrow.
Also the reason their stands cant grab the arrow in the diavolo fight is because of Silver Chariot Requiem's ability to keep the arrow away.
it never explicitly said that there are different types of arrow.
not that user, he meant the arrows are made from the same meteor.
>it never explicitly said that there are different types of arrow.
Yet the arrows clearly have different designs, implying different power. If Araki intended for all the arrows to be the same, the Requiem one would have looked like the others.
then what the fuck is up with killer queen then? not a "requiem arrow" but gave killer queen additional ability.
Not all arrows are the same. The arrow with the beetle is special as it's one of the originals.
another retarded speedreader
Probably just an asspull.
stop embarrassing yourself, speedreader kun
Double speed reader?
The arrow NEVER touched KQ, it pierces Kira's arm again, never shown before but not out of the question that a second does of arrow increased stand power.
But it's Chariot Requiem keeping stands away from the arrow now.
How speedread are you?
Why don't they keep stabbing themselves to get more power?
The retardation of the plot can interfere with the fun and engagement of the fights. A plot and characters can be simple and that's fine but when you constantly introduce and subsequently forget or change your mind about things on the fly over and over again and the tone of it is off shit becomes frustrating. There are reasons some fights are better than others.
People seem to be angry about OP speedreading but can you blame them? It's too boring to read at normal speeds
They did, and everyone called it an asspull.
Lol man these two spoons I have were made from the exact same hunk of metal but one has a flower drawn on it so it’s totally different
>speedreading retard is a phoneposting crossboarder
the truth always comes out in the end
I mean, yeah. It's an anime.
That's literally exactly Araki's reasoning tho. ''Requiem'' arrow is a pure deus ex machina asspull and that's all there is to that discussion.
Hoes Mad (x24)