Why do good guys always lose?
Why do good guys always lose?
He did nothing wrong
Just for his Loli wife.
But the good guys won here.
>Refused the thots
>Go for the loli.
Why the fuck he dont waited until the marriage and getting power/influnce .
Fuck Okada for turning him a autist about Muh Bael.
Atra won all the bowls.
>convince everyone he is a genius mastermind
>literally winged it the entire time
Everything about this man is fucking wild
I can't believe Mika is able to cum
what the fuck is that cringe pic
I still remember the one or two madmen who said Atra would end up with Kudelia
They were true wizards
Based Rustal won the entire game.
>cheating fag wins
Moral of the story is cheat to win in life. Oh and don't get caught.
I don't think you know what that word means
he was raped as a kid, he probably prefers younger people platonically and sexually.
>rich kid who had a good life wins in the end just because he isn't an absolute asshole and had power behind him
>poor kids who went through hell mostly all die just because they are a little fucked up
because hitler lost, it's all downhill from then
>Not Mussolini
>Why do good guys always lose?
But the good guy won tho
I miss Mari Okada's wild Gundam ride
>muh bael meme
Macky did nothing wrong.
Let me educate you motherfuckers.
Mackie's original plan was just to play dirty politics and get the power of 3 of the seven stars family by killing Gaelio and Carta and inheriting their political power which would basically make him the topdog of the seven stars family.
Bael was just the cherry on top of the sweet political power sundae he was making.
The thing is Gaelio survived which is a massive asspull and plothole, because Macky actually checked if Gaelio died and if kimaris was back in the bauduin garage.
Eitherway the moment gaelio survived his entire keikaku was just over, because the moment Gaelio airs out his dirty laundry he would be stripped of any political power he had.
Even Macky himself says thar since in one of the episode Macky basically says that Rustal already has him by the balls, but that he won't go out without a fight.
So his gambit was was to get Bael, because there is an actual official law that says that he who can ride bael is the new king of gjallarhorn.
Through that ancient law that no one actually took all that much serious he still had some legitimacy within gjallarhorn through that technicality.
He basically had to go "MUH BAEL", because that was literally the only legal thing he could stand on to remain in political power.
If he won against the Rustal faction there would be no one left that would oppose his rule, because the other families basically said "we will go with the winner of the fight."
If he lost he atleast could fulfill and live out his childhood chuuni fantasies to larp as Agnika kaieru.
This is why chocochar did nothing wrong.
>kills off every single fujo ship
>has two girls getting married in the end
What did Mari Okada mean by this?
agnika kaieru prequel when?
Killing Carta was plenty wrong.
Pretty much this. He only went full retard after he found out Gaelio was still alive. I heard Gaelio was really supposed to be dead dead but Okada ass pulled him to life.
I might be in the slim minority but I enjoyed IBO until the last 10 or so episodes of S2 when everything went off the fucking rails.
she just wanted him or his body, no better than his step dad
curse the misfortune of her birth
Carta was a stupid child that died, because of her own foolish pride.
This entire thing felt wrong
>Character says empire will follow whoever has Bael
>Leaders say they will follow whoever has Bael
>Captain says wtf you don't need to follow who ever has Bael
>Leaders say they don't have to follow whoever has Bael
It is the dumbest form of subverting viewer expectations next to episode 8. This and G-Reco were just pants on head randomness with a plot.
Fuck off Macky
Gaelio's counter attack >>> McGillis master ruseman
He was the bad guy tho.
You mean, the smartest. Mcgilis simply bought into an idea everybody was giving lip service to, but nobody actually believed in and would commit to.
>every fucking Tekkadan member survived Ein's attack at the end of S1 with minor injuries
>but Gaelio surviving is the asspull
You IBOfags are retarded.
Basically this. IBO is full of shit.
How can a man be so based?
She's always been on the side of yuri rather that yaoi. Remember the gay yandere in Mayoiga?This just solidifies her thesis.
No,the real asspull is that he survived abd somehow rustal picked him up together with kimaros and replaced Kimaris with a dummy without anyone ever noticing
I remember everyone speculating this guy gonna die early on then the war will turn into Macky vs Tekkadan.
Then, Rustal easily crushed both Tekkadan and Macky to oblivion. That was amazing.
Fuck Tekkadan tried to sell Macky out and he refused.
None of the surviving Tekkafags had any impact to the plot in S2. The gay failed at everything. One of the chick died to gunmen. The other one joined some of the fight and that's all.
His plan was literally
>solo EVERYBODY with his above average specced toy
What did he expect?
>i'm a newfag trying to fit in
>>solo EVERYBODY with his above average specced toy
>What did he expect?
He expected he was in the average AU gundam show.
Funnily, that's how the fanbase expected too. People thought Rustal gonna lose hard since his side only had 1 Gundam while Macky+Tekkadan had 4.
Turns out there was a good reason why Dainsleif was banned.
>beam weapons are nullified with the new anti-beam coating
>turns out solid shots are pretty damn OP if you fire it at super speed