All websites I've found so far are pretty weak, and since torrents for some more obscure stuff are pretth much non-existent, what would you recommend, Yea Forumsnons?
Bonus points if there's no retarded western censorship.
Where do you read manga?
Other urls found in this thread:
buy the books
Manga rock
I just google
>Manga rock
Are you serious? These are notoriously bad.
The manga rock app is fine for the most part. A nice bonus is that they host licenced stuff.
Use mangaupdates to find the website or IRC channel for the scanlation group.
Oh yeah that totally isn't really fucking annoying when you follow 200+ manga
At least Kissmanga has scrolling, more convenient than having to click on pages like most other sites.
Manga dex
How much of a hassle is it to enter?
if you have android use tachiyomi and download the manga rock
mangadex nhentai and foolslide extensions. basically everything youll ever need
Is it bad I always get aroused every time Chino appears on screen?
who read mangos on their phone? Manga rock doesn't even let you save pictures
Me when I commute to college.
Sounds like a job for
at home
Hakuneko you fucking retard
you can download stuff for offline reading, which is good enough for a few hours in the train.
haven't tried to access the downloaded files with anything but the mangarock reader, but seeing how they messed with ther site to prevent saving "their" images, I doubt it'll be straightforward.
If it's urgent you can always make a cropped screenshot.
Being able to see the full page at once feels important to me considering that's how manga is designed to be read.
Either using tachiyomi on tablet or full page views on PC always seems more appropriate.
I only read shonen, so I usually just download the viz scans and read them on my desktop reader.
My wife Chino is so cute
You guys are just memeing because of the recent mangadex drama, r-right?
papa papa alpha romeo echo hotel charlie romeo alpha echo sierra alpha gulf november alpha Mike
Its so useful it feels crimminal
Tachiyomi is amazing, I love it
I wish they'd finish already the desktop client and the feature to sync progress between devices, tho