G o d ' s B l e s s i n g O n T h i s W o n d e r f u l F l a t C h e s t
G o d ' s B l e s s i n g O n T h i s W o n d e r f u l F l a t C h e s t
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DEENs art is so ugly.
P e r f e c t i o n
Those are also very nice hips. Exactly the right size.
O f f i c i a l a r t
Pedos get out
why does she wear such a slutty underwear ?
why do eople hate on deen's art ? it fits more with the style of the show than that moeblob art . both are great to look at tho
Kuzuma made her wear them.
kantoku is a dumb hack
Where do you think you are?
>flat chested smol girls=pedo
My normalfag can't be this retarded.
you're a dumb hack
>moeblob art
Are you retarded or just pretending?
she's 15
So not a child, and therefore not pedo?
Good to know.
im actually chill with his original artworks, but when he draws characters that are not his, it just looks wrong and unsettling
are you gay or just pretending ? he draws the best immature bodies ever
She's not 15, she's a fucking drawing.
Also, most teenagers engage in sexual acts around that time you dumb cunt.
Also age of consent in Japan is 14.
>She's not 15, she's a fucking drawing.
>Also, most teenagers engage in sexual acts around that time you dumb cunt.
>Also age of consent in Japan is 14.
irrelevant, we are not in japan
>this post
Check mate atheists
>moeblob art
so is megumins original design
wtf Yea Forums wasn't their when Yea Forums first came out ,
>irrelevant, we are not in japan
stfu burger, anywhere first world the age of consent is below 18 and above 14
who is that red guy
>no waist
>hips bigger than her head when she's supposed to be small and petit
Fucking awful
what's up with the bandages? burn injuries?
Sometimes I forget how much of a faggot he was. Thanks for the reminder, I guess.
literally who
I accept your consession, dog.
Regardless the body prepares itself for reproduction at around 13 so by nature thats natural but we deem it wrong as a society
Yep, rug burn.
Go be a pedophile somewhere else.
This doujin was a good fap.
Fuck pedos.
"summer isn't a thing", they said...
I know right, we're getting obvious twitter/tumblr fags
Did someone say flat chest?
>Best girl wins
GOAT series
i want to do this with megumin.
I love her autism, but i hate her slutness.
>Kazuma being forward
I'm pretty sure Megumin would be the lead. She offered to jerk him off even.
She should be wearing underwear with cats and bears on them instead of those.
Dark arts oriented chuunis only do black
But that would ruin her misunderstanding of battle underwear.
Damn, the illustrations gave her pale-r skin and black hair. Nice.
who gives a shit about what some namefag says
>sick of pandering to pedo
>diehard asukafag
He's just tsundere.
Yea Forums was Anime/Random and was the "main" board.
She looks good in microbikini
Some people aren't self aware.
give me sauce pls
It's already been an eternal summer for 10+ years though.
That is not Megumin in a micro. This is.