Are you ready to get /fit/ with gyaru?

Are you ready to get /fit/ with gyaru?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know, I only have 3kg dumbbells and I can't be bothered to go to the gym.

I got /fit/ without any dumbells (or any tools) or going to the gym. its easy there are tons of exercises you can do at home with no tools, you can always go out jogging and if you're living in a costal city like me you can always go out for a swim. other than that just watch what you eat.

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Thats a big sandwich

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I'm not really a /fit/ type person, but this looks really fun.

I live in burgerland and even I haven't seen anything like that here.

How many time should I lift to bang the dark haired one ?

and interesting

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You need to be abtle to lift her 100 times.

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I'm here for the PLOT

why does the only show with not one but TWO gyarus that isn't wierd fetish shit have to be about fitness

plot is fine too, but why not enjoy the backstory while you're at it too?

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Are you ready for /fit/ to invade Yea Forums?

Tan = being outside a lot
I don't think it has as much to do with them being gyarus but more of them being active and healthy.

I'm ready for the /fit/ brainlets to trash this thread.

The PLOT is nice but the LORE is good too.

the manga had me hooked also i just want to see excercising girls.

stop ruining my imagination

tans arent healthy fittard.


Disgusting. Call me when theres an anime about gyarus getting fat

Why aren't they wearing sports bra's? Look at their tits, realistically their tits would be bouncing around and hurting. Unimersible, dropped.

I'm sorry, but gyarus are known for their fake/spray-on/tanning salon tans.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing or unattractive, but it is a trope that healthy people are naturally tan and gyarus are fake tan.
MC is probably fake tan. Gym girls looks genuine.

It really depends if proper UV protection is used. Otherwise, it's a sign they spend a lot of time outside and therefore do some type of outdoor activity.
Potential skin damage is much better than a sedentary lifestyle.

Why are anime gyaru cute but real gyaru horrifying? It's not fair bros.

tans aren't healthy /fit/tard but keep living in your imaginary world. They're also done because of people being insecure and feeling the need to fit in

>Potential skin damage is much better than a sedentary lifestyle.
no way dude
girls who tan heavily when they're young wrinkle up really quickly
tan does not mean "healthy", it's pretty much bad for your skin

I dont want to spoiler anything, but she starts working out because she gaining weight.

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uhhhh thats why people with tans look like leather and wrinkeled hags when they're 30. try again delusional /fit/shitter

t.insecure /fit/tard with a brown tan.

>I got /fit/ without any dumbells (or any tools) or going to the gym
I think you should just call that fit. /fit/ is about getting huge.

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There's a difference between people who lay in the sun to tan, and people who spend time outside exercising, working, or just being out in the wilderness.

Again, it's not a question of DNA damage, but of being active (there's also the question of skin color but I won't get into that). I think you're going too far by trying to shame tan people. If proper UV/sunblock protection is used, little to no skin damage should ever occur.
That said, lots of people can be healthy without a tan due to gyms and indoor equipment. I'm not one to judge.

In all honesty its really the hot excercise explanations which elevate the manga Iand hopefully the anime)

>If proper UV/sunblock protection is used, little to no skin damage should ever occur.
You say that, but I've never seen a woman who regularly tans who doesn't have shit skin over the age of 30
if you have a girlfriend, don't let them out in the sun too much

>current year
>not being Yea Forums while also being able to squat 405 and bench 305

Fucking niggers get off MY BOARD

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Tans aren't healthy and it has nothing to do with genetics if you're white, delusional /fit/shitter. Enjoy you looking like you're 50 when you're 30 because you were insecure when you were in your 20's and felt the need to sit out in the sun/tanning bed to try and fit in.

Explain this.

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[insecurity intensifies]
literally no one cares and people around you don't either. It's all in your head. Congrats.

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>there are people in this thread who care about 3DPD
>there are people in this thread who don't like tan girls

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stay weak faggot

I'm going overhead press you for reps and then come home and masturbate to my Asuka dakimakura

lifting hasn't removed your insecurities, it seems.

I love tan girls, but it's bad for their skin and they'll grow wrinkly quickly, that's why you have to be careful

No, /fit/izens have ruined the last 5 threads with their faggotry which is sad because I really enjoyed this manga.

if enough of us tell them to fuck off then maybe they'll leave

or they'll keep getting their own threads nuked with their faggotry.

been reading the manga for the last week or so but these threads are unbearable with these people from /fit/

Are the cast newbies?

I'm happy this guy died.

ya all that faggotry hurts like take it somewhere else we're talking about a manga here.

do you even lift bro

tans aren't healthy period
I mean you need some vitamin D from the sun but sunlight is only beaming radiation into your skin

The fact you are tying this hard just proves you are trying to justify your shitty tan to YOURSELF,insecure /fit/shitter. Enjoy looking like my granpa at 30

I'm a different guy you retard

no actual response and zero wit, sasuga /fit/tard. Please, apply yourself.

i see our resident copeposter is finally here

i had a lot of hope in these /fat/ threads but things are looking terrible already

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>the preview actually looks really good
Getting my hopes up, dumbbell manga threads were so comfy.

you have a entire board, don't shit up this one with offtopic posting

genuinely delusional

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>two words
Thanks for proving my point further.

I dunno, workout sure looks like one of the most unfunny activities ever

ya we just want to discuss a manga stop tainting it, damn.

We'll all be posting cute girls

it fucking sucks but it's worth watching girls do it

>still assblasted about being called insecure
o im laffin. This post isnt helping your case.

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Can you stop replying to obvious bait, /fit/tard?

go make a VEG thread or something if you want low effort (You)s

woah you got me newfag

...Why did this get deleted but the replies didn't? Whats going on?

Lurk moar.

If you're going to delete "off topic" then delete all of it

This. All anons should lift and be generally /fit/ for themselves and their waifu (singular, not plural, faggots).

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no, fuck off

Why do you shit your own threads up, /fit/tard?

It's a rewarding hobby imo, going frequently to the gym and slowly seeing the results of your work pile up is pretty satisfying.
Regardless of how small the progress is, it's still progress and a reward for your hard work.

Hello ledit.

How will he ever recover?!

i was interested in this until i saw these threads filled with these 'fit' idiots

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All mê.

No I don't watch anime with fatties in it

Stay booty blasted, fag.

Should've been around earlier. Not like it matters. Just enjoy cute girls lifting cute things.

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I liked tan girls so long as there are tan lines and preferably leg locking too.

I have to agree. As the original pro-tan user, it seems there's a lot of autism about who belongs where.

I'll still watch and lurk the threads, because these things usually cool off after the first couple weeks.

previous threads were 500 posts of do you even life and we're all gonna make it bros and other inane garbage
nobody wants to see failed normalfags ruining discussion about a perfectly good anime

I came here to see qt 3.14's but all I got was /fit/izens destroying the thread.......


>secondaries complaining about fit posting
Mango chapter threads always had a ton of /ft/ posts like anons new to lifting asking for advice or discussing the technique shown in the chapter.

if you are a /fit/ poster you are literally a secondary to this entire board

I've been reading the manga for a while and I'm a huge fan of the mangak's art, but alas these /fit/shitters are going to ruin every thread with their immense stupidity.

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>having other hobbies besides anime makes you a secondary
trying a bit too hard there

it does when you obnoxiously post about it to the determent of everyone else

This rabid who-belongs-where is actually worse.

This user is right.

/fit/mouther breather, can you please, please fuck off, so the threads aren't completely deleted or spammed because you reply to obvious bait?

It probably won't even be much of a problem when the episodes are airing as episode discussion will probably take over.
Hopefully we avoid some of the blog posting levels a few of those manga threads got. It isn't that bad occasionally but the thread might get deleted or moved to /fit/ if it keeps going every week.

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my advice is to do some neck pullups with a noose

>This rabid who-belongs-where is actually worse.
>This user is right.
Except he is saying they don't belong here
Now you are contradicting yourself.

>This rabid who-belongs-where is actually worse
strongly disagree, i dont want to hear about your workout and male-on-male group therapy sessions

How about politics? If fit is okay so should pol
Remember politics is in everything.

Im ready, user, but I want /fit/ to stop trashing the threads because I actually genuinely enjoyed the manga.

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Anime aren't explicitly political beyond the occasional "abe birthrate" joke so no

>pays specific attention to the posts saying the word insecure
hmmm, user. You don't seem to good at this.

You don't make the rules. If you are fine with one you must be fine with the other.

unironically yes

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>You don't make the rules.
neither do you then fucko

i'm not fine with either

please be 16

>/fit/ posters

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No, was simply pointing out the lunacy of the situation given what the manga threads were like.

Unless we're talking about non-chan shit holes or their local colonies, anons are anons, faglord. So long as they lurk and pick up board culture, who gives a shit?

Gimme that snek before it gets axed.

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>anons are anons, faglord
the rest of this site is fucking cancer incase you haven't noticed, with /pol/ at the top and /fit/ not far from it

>was simply pointing out the lunacy
and specifying a group of people being wrong and thus should go away.
secondaries in this case.

Could be cool, but keep in mind user-kun, /fit/downies are going to ruin the threads as I have already seen.

harem or bust let's go boys

Hibiki's VA is cute!

>anons are anons, faglord
We have different board cultures and different people using boards. Holy shit if you want to delete /u/ and let them all back then see how shit changes and how different groups are
Yea Forums and /pol/ couldn't be more different

why is /fit/ ruining another qts lifting thread. can you stop?


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Regardless if you wanna get /fit/ or just watch cute girls, I hope this show makes some anons add physical exercise into their routine because it can benefit anyone.

Stop being insecure and forcing your garbage on others, thanks.

Why not Yea Forums invading /fit/?

Double sheep? Gotta check that. Fucking better than my seahorse.

Nowhere was it stated or implied that secondaries should go away.

>We have different board cultures.
Completely agree, spastic, that's why I specifically said that they LURK and PICK UP BOARD CULTURE. Like any right-minded user does, and called out the fucking waste piles like Yea Forums.

You sound like a very dull individual. Have fun with that.

>Regardless if you wanna get /fit/ or just watch cute girls
Pic related.

/fit/ has regularly fucking threads with anons lifting for their waifu, double nigger.

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It has nothing to do with being insecure or not user, I just wish for the well-being of all you f/a/ggots.

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Fuck man there are so many people i know who work out because of shonen. People who like cute girls should also work out more to balance shit

>You sound like a very dull individual
if you think /pol/ is interesting you know where the door is

i-i just want to watch the anime, since i'm reading the manga you are making this unenjoyable like you are forcing me

>Completely agree, spastic, that's why I specifically said that they LURK and PICK UP BOARD CULTURE.
But you also said "anons are anons"
That implies you can pick an user from any board and they can come here and post from the get go
Which one is it?
You said two things that completely contradict each other.

Imagine the smell

>Nowhere was it stated or implied that secondaries should go away.

So far every single anti-/fit/ post has not contributed a single image from this manga or any fit girls so they just seem to be here to shitpost instead of actually caring about it.
I've got a feeling most of them haven't even read it.

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>so insecure he feels the need to address the posts saying the word insecure
user, just go to bed.

>So far every single anti-/fit/ post has not contributed a single image from this manga
Interesting. And why do anti-/fit/ post exist in the first place? Both sides are on the fact that /fit/posting is rampant. You own all of them-
Also posting images as an excuse is just lip service. Nobody cares. You don't care. This is /fit/ for you.

Stop trying to fucking force a fanbase war already, you 300lb britbong.

If I get a personal trainer is it more likely to be someone like machio or will I just be paying some Chad to hang out with me?

>you 300lb britbong.
But you are helping with the fanbase war by declaring me to be in one of the camps. That is how you start them.
You divide people up.

yeah don't do it you'll get some total chad and he'll just laugh at you and fuck your sister and make you watch and tell you to just be yourself and leave

Im excited but /fit/ is just spamming these threads to death every fucking time. please, just stop.

I'm only hoping that it will motivate some people. If you're not in this category then that's fine.

I had a dancing teacher to work out and that was a women
Probably depends on what you do.

stop giving them attention.

>ur fat
sasuage /fit/ with their zero wit. Please go back.

just shut the fuck already

nobody needs to be motivated to workout, you're like some religious missionary

Looks like your usual footlong sub.

This thread is moving so fast that nobody can tell that I've been replying to myself for the last 2 hours

yeah, you should also go to church every sunday

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Thanks for confirming, won’t bother now.

We understand you started lifting because of body image issues but it does mean we have them, so please stop forcing your nonsense on people in this thread.

Alright this is gonna be my anime for the season. Watching the PV for this made me feel so bad for skipping gym for 2 weeks.

I never said anything about lifting user. Any physical exercise is proven to have beneficial effects on the body. It might also help your reading comprehension.

My brother from another mother

Rule 33 is always in effect, newfag. That doesn't mean you can't post if you've actually got a worthwhile post. Also doesn't mean you can't get called a cockmongler.

>secondaries complaining about fit posting
>Mango chapter threads always had a ton of /ft/ posts like anons new to lifting asking for advice or discussing the technique shown in the chapter.
That user didn't say a single thing about shoo-shooing anyone away.

Sounds about right. As expected, of course. Needs more sexy milf midriff. I wonder what the OST will be like?

Attached: Milf Midriff.jpg (960x540, 114K)

>That user didn't say a single thing about shoo-shooing anyone away.
Using the word secondaries already implies that newfag.
So does newfag by the way.
The implication is you need to get the fuck away.

stop being so insecure, you clearly are forcing your hobbies on others because they helped with your problems such as body image issues.

What's wrong with this post? Absolutely nothing.

>reads manga about getting /fit/
>hates the idea of getting /fit/
>complains that /fit/ likes it
you guys are worse than secondaries

Woah, very well thought out post /fit/tard. How long did that take you to think up?

You might want to look into some Sigmund Freud. He calls this phenomenon 'projection'.

>no u
Please, apply yourself, so you don't look like a witless buffoon.

>I wonder what the OST will be like?
The music at the end of the PV makes me hope it will be dance music. It'd be nice if it was anything like the Ping Pong Girls OST.

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>55 kgs is le fat
I'm a skinny asian 173cm tall fag, but back in the army I was 68 Kg and still skinny with toned muscles.

Weight is meaningless. Muscles are a lot heavier than fats.

Will this have a plot?
Or just "plot"?

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I just hate blogposting.
All the /fit/posting is blogging.
That is the problem. There is a clear distinction between the two. It depends on where your post starts.
>I really like this workout character X did in chapter Y. Might try it out myself
>I just did a set of workout X. Like in the manga

The difference is between you wanting to talk about the manga or you wanting to talk about yourself.

I was very interested in this anime until i saw these threads with these fit morons fucking them up.

>stop forcing
>stop spamming
this chatbot needs some more work

>still focused on the posts that say the word 'insecure'
says a lot.

Brought to you by the same group of discord trannies that shitposted in Promare, Sora Yori, and FLCL threads.

Only in your mind, my very young user. Also, if you haven't added newfag into your vernacular by now, you might want to. Cancer is old hat.

I'm down for that. Wouldn't mind another summer hit, like Harukana Receive's OST last summer.

Post your BMI, anime girls of Yea Forums !

>Only in your mind, my very young user. Also, if you haven't added newfag into your vernacular by now, you might want to.
I have been on this shitty website for far too long.

im hyped! but /fit/ 's retardation is killing these threads

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>imagine having self image issues this bad

What form of autism is this?

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>imagine being so insecure you shit on people for not even asking for your weight.

It's BMI, it's basically weight/height. You don't need to post your weight.

It means healthy grills are sexually popular.

We're all here forever, user-kun.

You've clearly never seen an Eva thread.

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not fat just bulkan

can you stop being so insecure? The threads will be a lot less spamy

I just started reading this thread like 10 minutes ago. Which spamming user are YOU ?

>Post your BMI
user, we know you have image issues but we don't care about bmi or any of this like you do. So, please stop. Go worry about whether girls like you somewhere else

>pretending to be retarded
you are so good at baiting and trolling.

Any plant girl is fine.

Yeah hopefully this will motivate me to get up off my ass and at least start running or something

you faggots need tripcodes at this point

I'm talking about anime girls. Did you ever see the preview video?

For reference, assume that the brown girl was short like 150cm. Her BMI would still be in the healthy range of 24, if she was 55 Kg.

Nippon anime girls are too insecure, not me. Factchecked!

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No, /fit/ is about looking like a faggot. Kind of like how /fa/ is about looking like a gaylord.

cringe. just leave.

>Talk about anime girls

Serious baka, senpaitachi.

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Imagine being this insecure.

>Anti /fit/ posters complaining about these threads not being about the series itself but they ignore posts like this one and fall for all the /fit/ bait
I hope you guys know that you brought this on yourselves

No kidding, they're not even trying to hide the fact they've been samefagging this whole time.

They complain but both anti-/fit/ and /fit/posters actually need each other to destroy the threads and completely move them away from the manga
They are more of a team than you might think

>Dubs postings
BAD. I just wanna talk about anime girls. Period.

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/fit/tards destroying yet another thread....

>173 male
>expecting to weight the same as a small around 160 female
Are you retarded, I mean you aren't wrong about weight not being that important but for a small girl like her the ideal weight is probably much less

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This bait is just sad. Please, please, please apply yourself, newfag.

Hibiki is a fat pig

>This is a /fit/morons attempt at baiting
Try to use your noggin at least once.

See Kirino's VA who just announced her marriage is also 150cm. She's considered short in nippon. She's a member of Petit Milady. It's a short girl duo.

Factchecked. Talk about anime girls or LEAVE.

Guise im just pretending to be retarded and im from /fit/ im so baiting them and trolling them hahah

>you will never be this insecure
it hurts bros

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HAHAH if i pretend to be retarded, now that will get them! I am baiting these newfriends like crazy!!!!

Go back you insecure little boy

Like I said, she's probably not. See

I'm already in love with this anime


BMI is stupid. It doesn't consider you may be overweight because of muscular content.

Yes but for normal people like me(or like I said, ANIME GIRLS), it works. I'm not overweight and neither are the anime girls.

>It doesn't consider you may be overweight because of muscular content.
if you were you'd know because you'd be a bodybuilder

WHATA FUCK MAN xD i just fall of my chair cuz i couldnt and i CANT stop laugh xDXDXDXDXDDDD

She's 160cm so she's lower than that guess.
It doesn't matter because anime and manga fat is different. Over half of the girls that worry about their weight in series are normal because no-one wants actual fat girls in normal series.

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150 cm is getting into imagine territory.

thats cheating. 2 of the women are asian. I'd like him to try this on a real American woman.

Aren't a lot of the workout methods suggested in this series straight up incorrectly explained or something

>no-one wants actual fat girls in normal series.

I can't wait for fat elf to get an animes.

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I don't want all the political shit that comes with that
Body positivity from tumblr and thiccfags
It would be a huge shitshow.

According to Yea Forumsdonis from /fit/, they work.

Well I'm only 5' 8" and I'm right at the border between overweight and normal. Size 30 waist and not much body fat so realistically if I were to put on 5 more pounds of muscle I'd be considered overweight. I'm certainly no body builder.

I want to see the world burn and produced by TRIGGER.

They're going to do that shit regardless. Look at the retardation that went down over the zombie-trap-loli?

You gotta eat big to leave humanity behind.

That's not a normal series though. It's literally about fat girls and it's still really good.
As far back as Azumanga it always seems to be the case that the girls that worry about their weight in normal series usually look the same as the others.

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Man the covers look pretty cool.

Why should obesity be portrayed positively? Honestly asking, I don't get the logic behind this

It's not. Even in fat elf, fats is considered bad, and the fatties are constantly mocked for it.

I really liked the manga.
what are these threads even?? can /fit/ with their retardation leave thanks


whereabouts?I clocked in at 75(same height) when I was in. That number kept dropping, but in the last couple years, it's been climbing back up to 72 at present.

>Even in fat elf, fats is considered bad
Not really, it's just passed off as a harmless joke at worst and fetishized at best.

Is this anime misogynistic and promotes fat shaming women?

yes and that's a good thing


>not fat-shaming
And this is why America has been in decline.

Being fat is about the most disgusting thing you can do to yourself as a person. I have never found a fat person even remotely attractive and likely never will. Unless you literally can't help it due to a medical condition, you should never be fat.

Can I get a quick rundown on what the fuck is going on?

>because you were insecure when you were in your 20's and felt the need to sit out in the sun/tanning bed to try and fit in
Or maybe some people just enjoy outdoors activities?

user-kun, why are you replying to obvious bait from over an hour ago? Are you really that hurt from it?



/FIT/ please fucking stop.

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The fact that race is always brought up whenever someone mentions tans is making me think that it's people upset that the characters aren't white-looking enough (specifically basement dweller pale like they may be) to self-insert as or something. Being able to self-insert into absolutely every story to a fault is a big thing with you guys after all (no other entertainment medium seems to have this obsession with self-inserting though, why is it just the anime audience?)

>no new ip

My first post was but people in the thread seem more interested in talking about tans than obesity

animefags are the most insecure people on the internet, it's not unknown information

>damage control

>IP count still the same
Can you /fit/tards embarrass yourself more?

this thread was a mistake

I wonder why it's always anime-onlies that shit things up, not like there aren't spergs in the manga discussion threads either but the overall IQ level consistent drops whenever an anime adaptation happens.

Well think about what animeonlies are
Its people who don't want to read
To them just words and even images in this medium are not stimulating enough. Do you know a single person who is intelligent and doesn't like reading books?

Why though? Plenty of pathetic people watch movies or whatever the fuck too.

That makes no sense though, most people here can't understand jap. They're reading the subtitles aren't they?

Even if you read subtitled manga that still means you need the color and sound and music and all that stuff for it to be stimulating
That points towards words alone not being enough. Which makes you a dumbo.

I have back pain for 7 months now and can't even sit down for more than 30 minutes, hope this anime can teach me something about /fit/

>talk with girls with gyaru
>get your first girlfriend with gyaru
>get fi/ with gyaru
Why so many gyarus trying to fix my life
When's get a job with gyaru

If you go to /fit/, your IQ will become greatly reduced.

Working out with weights isn't for you buddy. I strongly recommend swimming for starters and then go to lifting.

what are the first two shows you're referring to?

I really recommend the Reddit routine in their bodyweight sub.


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Running with Emi got me into...well, running. So yes, I'm excited for this. Does it explain a bit about biomechanics or anatomy? I've been wanting to buy a book about this, specially Overcoming Gravity, but I always end spending that money in some other stupid thing.

i just wanted an extra comfy thread with sweaty girls but /fit/izens are obliterating their own thread. Why? i love the mangakas work and i will hate to see the threads like this

Attached: 1535102867758.jpg (306x283, 33K)

how horrible that there would be fitness discussion in a fitness animu thread.

Visit fit for more than 10 seconds and you will see why, user. It's nothing more than very weak skinned individuals that lift in hopes some 3dpd slut will except them.

sad projection. every fitizen knows u ngmi if you lift for roasties

Thats why a common image macro on /fit/ is a image that says 'remember why you lift' which then proceeds to depict images of people picking up whores off tinder?

>3dpd slut will except them.
No, they are already excepted by many.

>tfw did squats without knowing the meme
>now have fat man bubble butt

Attached: aaaah.jpg (1440x810, 126K)

not a thing, have you ever been on /fit/ even?
there's pics of hitler or animu waifus, no roasties

>damage control phase

It's just some lonely faggot looking to bait anons for (You)'s. Not worth the effort.

So, is for real: anime ruins everything.


Definitely giving a shot. Hopefully threads get a /fit/fag for bonus info like with Anitore.

Even UV protection is kinda bad for you. There's UV-A and UV-B. A is the bad part and B is good. Protection easily blocks B but doesn't do that well against A.

post pics bro...

Will it have bara fanservice?

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Kengan is for that.

Machio and the other macho guys in the gym are usually just there for comedic relief.

it's hard being a background macho

These threads had better also feature plenty of sumo and combatsports manga discussion, The Bachi saga needs pushing.
go read Teppu.

Is this going to be a thing in the future BD release?

what about that swole classmate manga doukyousei no macho-kun?

More hyped than Vinland Saga let's go

>I'm fat
No shit.

The threads will be annoying due to Yea Forums sperging about improvement. Talk about camping all you want in yuru camp threads but god forbid you talk about self improvement. Should be pretty fun though, doga kobo is based

Attached: 1548200384009.jpg (564x575, 61K)

for you

>self improvement
more like self distraction from the fact that you cant get girls because you're a fucking loser so working out is gonna fix that
it's pathetic, reeks of insecurity, and /fit/fags deny it and pretend it's about some platonic ideal when everyone knows it isn't

Talk to your doctor, get an appointment with a physiotherapist. When he gives you the clear, do squats and deadlift.
For now, fix your awful posture.
Second one is Hajimete no Gal.
I was sorely disappointed. It's got an "uncensored" ie. panty-shot version, too.


Attached: crab-mentality.jpg (960x480, 86K)

Some of us work out because we don't want to become another obesity statistic. Loving yourself comes before anything. /fit/ isn't really an ideal place anyways, and not everyone who takes care of themselves goes there.

Attached: 1540177421102.jpg (1920x1080, 391K)

but if you don't lift you'll never be worthy to masturbate to your waifu and you will be forever wanking to background characters

Attached: worthy to masturbate to more attractive anime characters.png (500x704, 71K)

Is it time again?

Attached: fit anime.png (800x365, 329K)

not being obese is about not eating, not working out

crab mentality implies im in the bucket with you

Holy projection batman!

>People toss those words around like tennis balls
>well I eat balls for breakfast


Attached: 98647E3D-209C-4907-A87F-A6449589E8EB.jpg (1015x850, 96K)

>why yes, i watch anime and frequent mongolian comic forums, how could you tell

Attached: KoAvFZk.png (859x960, 327K)

>Unless we're talking about non-chan shit holes or their local colonies, anons are anons, faglord
Dear newfag, get back to Facebook or where the fuck you came from. The only thing evident here is that you aren't an Yea Forumsnon and that you have barely any clue about imageboard culture.
>So long as they lurk and pick up board culture, who gives a shit?
Everyone here's anonymous, if you have lurked enough, then you aren't going to get called out for being a crossboarder. The /fit/fags aren't lurking, they're crossboarding for a single series.

peak insecurity

Attached: EF976B2D-A933-4B4D-93D1-43B3B27CD6A5.png (1366x768, 1.04M)

You're getting your jollies by making fun of anonymous strangers on Yea Forums. You're not just in the bucket, you're at the bottom of the god damn pile.

>that Akemi
Really looking forward to the show. It looks and sounds good, definitely the potential to be a very enjoyable show at least for me.
Character design pretty spot on imo.
Wonder how they'll adept the lewd explanations of the exercises.

Attached: 1550536978149.png (960x1361, 680K)

I'm not getting any jollies, I'm just mad at /fit/ shitposters bringing their stupid shit over to this board

I hate going offtopic but IRL have been tough for me. Yes, tougher than the army. Army pretty much fed me free protein everyday, without that that my weight dropped but my stomach became fatty. I should be around 60 Kg or less now.

I'd think the first one is Galko-chan.

An anime adaptation ruining the comfy manga threads is almost a rule of the universe here.

>he uuses some anime about girls lifting as is /fit/ motivation

what are you a trap, OP?

Attached: baki.jpg (1440x750, 378K)

I'm already fit but I will definitely take a gyaru for myself

Machio is bigger than anyone in that image.

imagine taking a whiff!

baki is fucking gay and cringe

baki is awful

The author went off the deep end ages ago to be fair
Also even the good stuff is too much of a pleb filter for Yea Forums

/fit/ was a mistake.

You haven't been to my local pizza shop, then

can I be gay for Machio?

this. It's just a bunch of queers and incels bitching about their autism

Attached: SnT - milk me.png (809x394, 214K)

Attached: fit anime goodness.jpg (1008x403, 80K)

Are you an archeologist? Because I have a large bone that needs examining.

Yea Forums, welcome to snap city, enjoy your stay.

an arm wrestler?

Should they focus on flexibility and bodyweight exercises first?


They should focus on autism first, I'm sure Yea Forumsutists lack common sense in all fields regarding diet, fitness and healthy lifestyle in general

I don't understand. Is this his natural state? He did a rep after they were already backwards.

What about spray tans or self-tanner?

It only lasted for about a week and a half like the Shield Hero and Goblin Slayer nontroversies. I reckon they’ll do their usual “body positivity” or “fat shaming” screeching and retreat.

I only see one gyaru

and OP said gyaru. singular. whats the problem?

Oh fuggg :DDDD

It's all I ever really wanted from life.

>thread attracts /fit/fags
>more images of shirtless 3D men being posted than of anime girls
Typical. And the show hasn't even actually started yet.

Shame such a gym doesn't exist in real life.

If it did, membership would be quite expensive.

Muscle Sensei would be highly in demand and cost a lot to be your instructor.

how the fuck is thread still up

it's literally just been 2 faggots samefagging for 12 hours

Attached: 1561115689928.png (760x839, 760K)

Girls worry about their weight no matter what size they are.

/fit/'s filled with literal gay autists but don't lump all the blame with them in this case, threads for this series were relatively civil before the anime was announced.

Where does this meme that jerking off builds arm strength come from? I've been jacking it almost daily since I was 12 (I'm almost 30) and I still have noodle arms.

>ctrl+f /fit/
>74 results
rent free

Attached: 1488257939919.jpg (593x663, 80K)

Long ago penises used to be like solid rocks and without porn you actually had to apply skills to reach cumpoint

This. LMAOing at your lives

Attached: 1554820467369.jpg (1244x1064, 516K)

Ralph Machio?

Time to get back to the gym.

mite be gud.

Attached: 1304403399455.jpg (237x344, 56K)

>well I eat balls for breakfast
Fucking kek.

squats give me hemorrhoids :(

Gyarus like 'em big.

Now that's a gif that brings back the memories.

Because the anime draws in newfags and shitposters.

They go away eventually, unless the anime gets real popular.


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Will it teach good form and appropriate training programs or meme women regimens?

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[Loud T-rex noises]

So at what point does the chubby gyaru learn about calories in vs calories out?

I want to firmly put something in her abdomen alright.

goddamn I wish there was a decent powerlifting gym close to me, or any powerlifting gym at all.

All of chapter 8 is basically that

She is showing off.

Does it work, or does she keep stuffing her face?

please tell me the gyaru has tanlines

Read the manga and find out

Gyaru girl should just keep eating even as she lifts weights, builtfat girls are hot.

such a shame they made it way less erotic

Attached: 1472315057208.png (715x1013, 276K)

>102 posters written on bottom of page
Uhmm, no?


Feeling /fit/ buddy?

>how dare you talk about fitness in the context of an anime about fitness
The ones ruining the threads are the fatfuck Yea Forumsspies who get triggered by any mention of fitness, and the assblasted jannie that keeps deleting the threads. If fitness bothers you so much, why are you even in this thread? There are a thousand other animes you could enjoy rather than getting worked up and ruining a perfectly good thread bitching about /fit/.

Explain? AWhere doea it say that?

Can the show just start already? I'm tired of discussing /fit/ and want some actual episodes to discuss.


>replying to a post that upset him from over 13 hours ago
as expected of retard /fit/izens

When fit stops trashing the threads with their stupidity then we'll get discussion. Have you seen these threads?

Seething DYEL

>Seething DYEL
is your IQ genuinely this low or are you merely pretending?

No one uses those anymore

That's not even a problem in my mind. I like the fact that there's discussion to help newbies or some /fit/ memes but I just want some episodes to discuss

There are twice as many posts complaining about /fit/ than there are by actual /fit/. Who is ruining the threads? Why do you even care? I mean, I know the reason, so it's really a rhetorical question.

It's amazing we're gonna have to go to /fit/ to discuss an anime because the threads here get derailed by people bitching about fitness in an anime about fitness.

Attached: 07A4A7E4-D696-475C-928D-82676648EB18.jpg (715x1013, 58K)

Can you be anymore cancerous?

Rent free

>complaining about threads getting derailed
>proceeds to derail
/fit/ is passing levels of stupid I didnt think were possible

I'm here

Attached: 1558467340256.jpg (784x739, 235K)

I swear to god anime onlies really are the cancer of Yea Forums.
I can only imagine they are SEAniggers streaming animu from some ad infested site.

>no new ip
embarrassing. How hurt are you?

i plan to follow it with Yea Forums when it airs but hopefully the /fit/shitters just fuck off soon.

Attached: 1545571259421.jpg (194x250, 7K)

Way to prove my point 100%.

Nice trips

>derails even further
Can you get anymore retarded? Try a book or something that might help.

Welcome to Yea Forums, /fi/bros. Hope you have fun tese next 4 months!

Sadly it happens, and I've seen it happen. My friend, my brother, and I were all hitting the gym after work for a while. I lost something like 40lbs over a few months, my friend who's already a stick just gained muscle weight, and my brother only lost 5lbs. Turned out he was stopping at sheetz after every workout and ordering 8 hotdogs and down them on the ride home, then his GF would make him a large dinner and he'd go right to sleep. I guess he didn't even shower till the morning which is all kinds of fucked because he just lost probably 20lbs in just sweat when he was working out.

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I liked the managa and so i wish the buzzword spouting mouth breathers from fit would get out.

i bet giga chad likes anime


Is this show /fit/ approved?

Attached: 1470011553300.png (510x690, 402K)

>8 (eight) hotdogs
Jesus fucking christ

I hope not. Because I have been reading
through this thread and they seem to adore shitposting.

Most of /fit/ isn't actually fit. But it does offer some good advice

Who here is /home gym/ ?

I'm no authority, though exercise and nutrition are some of my hobbies, but the advice it gives does seem to be valid.

How to spot your local discord tranny
>2 autists spamming the same buzzwords over and over again in a low effort attempt to force some controversy
>one in all lowercase like this faggot
>and one written by somebody that doesn't know how to punctuate sentences with anything other full stops
>the buzzwords of the day are insecure and /fit/[fag/shitter/tard]
>it was cultist and triggernigger in FLCL and promare threads
>and it was timeflop and kyoautist in sora yori threads
>thread has been up for 12+ hrs and the IP count barely budges for most of that time
>any and all posts making direct references to this are deleted, so one of them is either a janny or is sucking janny dick in IRC
>when called out they'll try to deflect it by either referring to you as one of their favourite buzzwords, claim you're the one samefagging, or tell you to "stop spamming"
this shit is starting to get really old, either change up your strategy or get some tripcodes already

Attached: 1561323449375.png (738x669, 264K)

Anyone have a gif from that preview of Hibiki getting fat?

But it's so much easier to complain about fitness than to actually get fit.

I hope it encourages more anons in getting /fit/

Attached: 1484603125536.png (1247x1071, 543K)

The janny is not going to like this when he sees this....

I've seen him tackle 14 hotdogs with chil/cheese/onion, large order of chili/cheese fries, large bowl of chili, and 2 cheese burgers

My friend and I were more doing the whole gym thing for him, because we were getting worried about him. It more ended up devolving into us just taking him to the park to walk around; because he was more just sitting most of the time taking up equipment and pretending that he did more reps than he did. I even yelled at his GF to stop making fucking meat loafs filled with cheese and wrapped in bacon. He's become Diabetic and at this point I'm pretty sure he's going to kick it before 40.

looks comfy.
but extremely moronic /fit/tards are
fucking this anime's discussion.

Attached: 1549552397263.jpg (1920x1080, 700K)

Does this go the Gal Cleaning route?

you can stop now

Could you possibly stop making highly offtopic posts like this? I'm a fan of the manga artist's work and would like all this shitposting to stop, but it seems you like encouraging it and adding to it.

Squats don't hurt that much. Either that, or I'm doing it wrong.

Eat shit, tranny.

You've made this same post like 50 times in this thread and the last few. We get it. /fit/izens make you insecure about your wreck of a body. Stop trying to derail the thread.

Attached: B5BC8CF1-D5EE-4DF6-B89C-E0A29A687189.jpg (350x490, 22K)

>Locking your knees

Also this is why free weights are better than machines. It's hard to break something with free weights because you're doing movements that the body is supposed to make.

it almost looks as if you are still hurt over being called insecure user-kun you should try getting over it sometime soon

>Are you ready to get /fit/ with gyaru?
nah, not a fan of moeshit or /fit/izens. way too much aids

I have no reason to be insecure lmao. Unlike you chungo. Stop eating.

This post doesn't help your case.

Why did you come to this thread then?

How else is he going to sate his crippling shitposting addiction?

These posts read like strawmen, but I don't even know at this point

They definitely are. This same kind of shitposting has been happening for a while now.

Learn what a strawman is /fit/izen
or as i like to call them dipshits.

Do 100 push-ups everyday and your body will already improve.

You are not a lone (thats for sure). But i will try to make the best out of all the blatant mongoloids, from fit.

>any and all posts making direct references to this are deleted, so one of them is either a janny or is sucking janny dick in IRC
Really makes you think.

Attached: 1560765043634.jpg (804x720, 195K)

>that image
keep proving and showing how cancerous and braindead you are /fit/downy



OK. Can the /fit/ crossboarders stop fucking flaming in every thread of danberu ?go back to your shithole on thanks.

Attached: 1535897832608.png (767x455, 288K)

d i l a t e

>hurrr anime girl smoking weed
>hahaha that is so funneh

90% of the shitposts are from people like you and the seething fatfuck user that has about 100 posts in this thread so far.

This is absolute genius!

>Ironic weeb-tier reaction image
Not him, but you are really cancerous

Attached: cringe.png.jpg (816x459, 41K)

they are literally the same person

We all know Yea Forumsnons get /fit/ for guyaru.
absolutely seething

Attached: 92d7ba5ad6eabb11e82c2e94b6f32c562137bba2_hq.gif (400x225, 312K)

what exactly is wrong with /fit/ crossboarders?

Attached: 1556999037463.png (666x630, 538K)


you keep using this word over and over, so I'm guessing someone overweight hurt you in the past?

I'm going to hurt you if you don't shut the fuck up.

>flavor of the month moeshit seasonal garbage anime image
there's your answer >>>/plebbit/ (where you belong)

taking this much janny dick up the ass can't be healthy

ok retard

Attached: 49c133afa693fcddb839318ebe8ef7eda6ea555164c1c4cd89302a869decb5f7.jpg (359x347, 23K)

Not him but, you should try watching more than 50 anime, so you can stop posting the same reaction images over and over. You used this same one in the last 3 threads you spammed to shit.

>not him but
nice try

Attached: 1444259296781.jpg (250x250, 13K)


you seem quite flustered friend

Attached: GpdiwQm.png (898x540, 301K)

Struck a nerve huh. Post a pic of your gut

>danberu and kengan airing both in same season

damn, good on Sandrovich Yabako

Attached: 1540389450139.png (785x644, 670K)

can you actually try with your replies?

post tfw you're not a discord tranny

Attached: 1560245271766.jpg (690x720, 77K)

>all that food
>still lost 5 pounds
based, but how fat is your bro?

> tfw you are neither DYEL or a fat fuck Yea Forums elitist cunt

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Attached: asdfsd3.png (409x201, 42K)

you and your discord buddy may as well be the same person anyway

I'm part of /fit/'s /fat/ discord and none of us are trannies as far as I know

>more entry level moeshit reaction images
How much anime have you even see, user-kun?

I am a 5'11 feet manlet, 155 lb

I hope I get fit after watching this anime

>Not him, but
>Not him but,

Attached: 1555856606414.jpg (6064x6072, 1.54M)

Attached: evangeliowned.jpg (615x461, 56K)

i'm interested in it alot actually.
what is the deal with all this low effort spam from /fit/ though?

Reminder that you are not allowed to watch this anime unless you can bench your bodyweight.

Attached: 96C4FA70-F069-454C-8D55-B8C4E8A79CA2.jpg (800x1134, 306K)

/fit/ unironically has better taste in anime than Yea Forums does

Attached: weakling.png (230x528, 139K)

>what is the deal with all this low effort spam from discord though?

How many times are you going to make this exact post?

How many times are you going to reply
to obvious bait? Why do you insist on ruining the thread for people who actually enjoy this manga?

It's literal autism at this point. The second you deviate from his shitposting flowchart, he'll just go back to making the same cookie cutter posts again. It's like you're talking to a fucking robot.

you need to stop feeding the trolls /fit/

Attached: db0.jpg (349x642, 29K)

There's no reason to keep responding at this point you are just making yourself look even more like a fool than you already are...

>/fit/tards brain is so fried he can only post images now

You sure showed him, user! How will he ever recover? Keep displaying that quick wit foreverone to see


Is this like squatting my bodyweight?

good fucking morning god damn it

sure why not

Fuck. Off!! With all the samefagging, can you not already? No one here believes it you idolpedo fatass DYEL.

Attached: 1561308897764.png (528x606, 391K)

I'm guess fit has really low standards and this low effort post would be funny there or something?

Why do you insist on embarrassing yourself?

Oh no, he's having a stroke.

hope everyone's done their morning jog before work

try again, newfriend

Attached: 1540215448687.png (721x170, 47K)

user, this is a youtube-tier comment at this point. You aren't very witty are you?

Why? Do you want him to fucking die?

>this thread
Oh sweet summer

Mods, please delete this thread and rangeban everybody in it.


Attached: 1466527375333.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Complete schizo samefag/fat.

Attached: 1559991185575.jpg (750x1104, 292K)

CAN fit fuck off from the thread???

Attached: 1540815844032.jpg (158x124, 8K)

Why must anime adaptations do this to threads

I'm here for the insane shenanigans they come up with Machio

Biggest newfag post i've seen in a while

>40 posts deleted
Looks like the janny got his cummies

/fit/ you should try watching more than 20 anime before you post here because its blatantly obvious.

Where my fellow skeletons at?
>tfw can do 20 pushups now

is this yuri?

Attached: 1403248416464.png (400x400, 189K)

Now you should do them in sets. Don't do situps for the love of god

Pshh, I get it. Took me a minute.


I'm diamonds. I think this show is just gonna give me a thing for fit girls instead of making me want to get fit.

The manga focuses on CICO rather than eating the correct nutrients and letting your body regulate your eating through hormones.

Those are some neat covers. So tell me Yea Forums, did MC chan make it? Is she fit now?

How does that not move the chairs?

What is even the problem dude? I hope I can get a nice round butt too eventually

Try it yourself

Being fit is not gonna directly get you girls guaranteed but it will however improve your self steem even if it's already pretty high which is always a nice thing. Plus healthiness is always good.

Might as well support the cause

How to spot your local discord tranny
>2 autists spamming the same buzzwords over and over again in a low effort attempt to force some controversy
>one in all lowercase like this faggot
>and one written by somebody that doesn't know how to punctuate sentences with anything other full stops
>the buzzwords of the day are insecure and /fit/[fag/shitter/tard]
>it was cultist and triggernigger in FLCL and promare threads
>and it was timeflop and kyoautist in sora yori threads
>thread has been up for 12+ hrs and the IP count barely budges for most of that time
>any and all posts making direct references to this are deleted, so one of them is either a janny or is sucking janny dick in IRC
>when called out they'll try to deflect it by either referring to you as one of their favourite buzzwords, claim you're the one samefagging, or tell you to "stop spamming"
this shit is starting to get really old, either change up your strategy or get some tripcodes already

This pic makes me lose my shit so hard every single time

Want to know what is even more insecure than the average /fit/poster? Manimefags.

Well you are in the presence of giga chad. As an inferior being, that's natural.

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