Is Aggretsuko the most realistic portrayal of Japanese day-to-day life?

Is Aggretsuko the most realistic portrayal of Japanese day-to-day life?

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its the most realistic portrayal of reddit humor.

>reddit humor
I thought that was Rick & Morty

>everything I don't like is Reddit

You're giving the site too much credit

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How come nobody is interested in taking about this show?

Too busy talking about shounenshit and Eva I guess.

it's a show about work and working relationships, I like it, but in general I can understand why a lot of people would find it uninteresting

Yeah well it doesn't have the same target audience as most anime (90% of which is harem or shounen in one form or another). Anyway, this is the show I enjoyed the most in a very long time, I really hope that there will be a 3rd season

I still didn't see the second, is it better than the first one? or just different?

I wouldn't say better, but if you liked season 1, you'll enjoy this one too; they have the same spirit, but it felt like s2 focused on fewer events in greater detail. There is less emphasis on rage and some side characters, while others receive more development (which was pretty nice). Overall, just watch it, have fun, it's good.

A forum that's 90% NEET incels doesn't watch a show about a woman dealing with work drama, hmmm

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We had long discussion about it when it came out. But since they dropped all episodes in one go, everyone already has said what they wanted. But more retsuko thread is welcome, also janny will ban you if you post something political in the op so several thread got canned mid ways.

It's Japan's response to bojack horseman

Why didn't Tadano just get with Fenneko?

>le me_irl
>soo relatable haha workplace
>shit cg hello kitty

yeah it's a real wonder why Yea Forums doesn't care about this show

>Shonen shit

Fuck Yea Forums and its shit taste

Because he doesn't know her and never met her and she has no interest in guys like him anyway.

>guys like him anyway.

Wouldn't that give her exactly what she wants and vice versa? Fenneko doesnt give a shit about marriage and he wants someone to be with him while he makes millions, plus they seem pretty fit personality wise

>disliking whole genres of anime
>has the gall to say others have bad taste
Get off this board and don't ever return.

>single digit IQ
Back to >>Yea Forums you go

I liked Retsuko's decision that she wanted marriage and children but not any "higher" dreams like Tadano wanted.

Ton's advice was just depressing, though.

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