Shingeki No Kyojin

It's almost time for the new episode.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is this the fate of all Marleyan traitors?

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Will they announce S4 immediately at the end since the material is there?

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Do you think normies will be able to survive this episode?


I think you mean Eldian traitors.

Wait 4 years

no its not

They will, it's post timeskip Eren that's going to be the pleb filter

Bootlickers. I hope your sisters/mothers get raped and mutilated by a pack of trained dogs. You would probably just apologize and say she deserved it.

The Marley arc could easily be it's own season or movie. They have a momentum going after S2. They can't make the same mistake after season 1.


Threadly reminder Cuckrenwhales are cancer and should be genocided for the betterment of humanity.

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>Please rape me more Marleyan overlords! I want to be a good little cuck!

That is you, a sad soul that will never be free.


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We're in the second cour of the third season.

It's her debut today.

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I can see that you're mad.


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>the way it goes with the music

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>Getting mad over anime

seek help

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anyone who thinks killing a bunch of innocent people is a good thing is a retard

Which is going to end when they see the ocean. You can still do another 12 episodes after that.

>fagren btfo in 20 seconds


If someone kills your innocent people first killing them back is the only logical retaliation. Would you rather die like a dog behind a wall? Every Marleyan rodent deserved what they got and we both know it.

no retard im not gonna go slaughter women and children because some soldiers did that to my people
im gonna kill the soldiers and put their military in their place, leave civilians out of it
go cope somewhere else i dont want your yous

Don't use my ship for your trash, fujo.

When does the episode come out?

>treating human life with this much abandon
If you think abortion is wrong you are a hypocritical faggot. Going by your logic you should be perfectly content with your loved ones getting burned alive by a nuke because your country nuked someone else's. You don't have the right to complain or cry or say it's not fair.

Keep crying you pathetic cuckold. You would be a passive little bitch like Reiner and do nothing to save your people. In fact you would be so spineless you would do the bidding of your captors like the good little dog you are.

Nothing in that post implies she's a fujo though. Do fujos even call him cuckren?

>wanting to keep the death inside military forces makes me a cuckold
you have to be over 18 to post on this website seething illiterate summerfag

My country comes first. If the US killed every last Muslim and jew on the planet the world would be a much better place. It's called patriotism and nationalism. Something cucks like you will never understand. Keep licking boots. You will never be free


Seek help. You're not mentally stable and are an obvious danger to society. Erenwhales aren't human, they're subhuman animals but even worse because they're not smart enough to control their ragetism.

>Roastie literally outing xirself as a seething fujo

>little bitch like Reiner and do nothing to save your people
Reiner literally has been doing everything for his family and people. The thing is that his people are Marley's Eldians.

No a LHfag, is that retard trying to make us fight with others

Sometimes things like this need to be done. It saved many more lives in the long run. Being a pacifist slave like Reiner will get you nowhere. Those people needed a reminder, there was no saving them.

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>189707199 (You)
are you offering the chance for us to kill you by letting yo nuke us first because that sounds like a pretty good deal if it means i dont have to see your shitty bait ever again

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Also, i would like to remind you that multiple answers are allowed.

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What's fair and what happens in reality are two different things. In tribal warfare, civilians are proxy targets. One side attacks civilians, the other side doesn't have the power to find and prosecute them, or to stop it happening again, or indeed to target the specific perpetrators, so eventually they will in turn attack civilian targets as retribution, which will in turn drive another round of violence. Is it fair? Of course not. But it's what's happened in every single war since the dawn of humanity.

>burned alive by a nuke because your country nuked someone else's
If you think that isn't what would happen you're dreaming in technicolour. That's the point of nuclear weapons, they assure mutual destruction. And what people would suffer such an attack to their homeland and not retaliate, even out of a sense of revenge, and would be justified in doing so. Calling it unfair or talking about complaining has nothing to do with the realities of war.

yes, because killing someone from the outgroup is exactly the same as murdering your own people's children. Fucking hippy.

>Erenwhales aren't human
You know this is fiction, right?

Nationalism doesn't mean destroying other nations. You're talking about supremacism. People like you make nationalism look like a bad thing.

>saved many more lives in the long run
>killing 1 billion people for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer >>>>>>>>>>>>> peacecuck armongwhales >>>>>>>>>>>>>> eldianiggers

Name a single conflict in human history that has been confined strictly to military forces.

Admit it Yea Forums, the anime adaptation is inferior to the manga except for some titan fights from season 1 and 2 with sawano's soundtrack being it's only saving grace. The OPs are good to decent but beyond that the adaptation is shit.

You would never be able to kill me. A beta like you would never fight, just hide in the basement like a good little dog while your people are slaughtered

Two bombs on Japan worked out in the long run, no one said anything about total annihilation retard.

Cool thread, guys.

going by your logic my 5 year old cousin deserves to die because my country's cuck leader might nuke someone someday
sounds pretty faggoty and not logical desu
dehumanizing people because they live in different countries is the epitome of low iq retardation and you cant defend it no matter how much you want to try

How the fuck do you fags not root for Eldia? They are the heroes of the story and Eren is probably the best shonen MC of all time.

You are just a contrarian aren't you? No way you could actually hate Eren and his ideals.

>If the US killed every last Muslim and jew on the planet the world would be a much better place. It's called patriotism
>Two bombs on Japan worked out in the long run, no one said anything about total annihilation retard

Do you mean " Not a LHfag" for what? Yeah, unironically only the LEpedo doesn't hide behind other poster

none which doesnt matter because war is for ragetards anyway
if you support war irl you're supporting (((them))). remember that

we have brains erenfag
really shitty bait btw you should kys

nice bait

Yes, sorry for the typo. You cannot even talk about Eren here because two psychos took everything too personal or it got in their ships, but I dislike they hide behind others

>/snk/ (badly) attempts to argue the sancticity of human life
Anyway, I don't have the IQ of a fucking ape so I would prefer if little kids in allahland weren't nuked for my so-called protection, but I would love to see jihadists slaughtered by the masses for the crimes they've committed against humanity in general, even including their own people.

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you're still seething from the last thread kek

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Japanese people are honorable and respectful though, they make great allies. Muslims are barely human.

Do you think its wrong that Eren wants revenge for what Marley did to him? He had to witness his mother die brutally infront of his face. What would you do if you were him?

Stop being so butthurt about it user, its just an anime. You should atleast explain why you have such shitty taste in characters

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when they hide*

I have bad news for you user...

Everyone knows that Araki's fanfiction is a lost cause. I won't be surprised to see a post timeskip pregnant belly Mikasa in the epilogue of the anime if it goes down the original ending route.

>my 5 year old cousin deserves to die
Did I say anyone deserves to die? Quote me please. I said what's fair and deserving doesn't matter shit when it comes to war. War isn't fair. There's the reality of conflict which has existed since the first human beings, and there's the justice and "fairness" which you believe in which is an abstract concept that gets applied to conflicts after the blood is spilled.

Would you little cousin get nuked if your country nukes someone first, probably. Does that make it fair or him deserving of it, no, of course not. But what has that got to do with the reality of the situation? Saying something is unfair doesn't make it less likely to happen. In fact, the only thing that would ensure your personal values of justice could be universally adopted, would be to conquer the world and do it by force. That's literally the only way it'd happen, and you'd have to kill a lot of peoples little 5 year old cousins in the process. That's the nature of war.

>How the fuck do you fags not root for Eldia
I'm rooting for SC. I don't root for Eren because he has killed Paradis Eldians and I have troubles rooting for Eldia in general because it's nation of literal cucks. The way they kiss Zeke's ass after everything he did to them is disgusting.

>mfw Armong jukes Farmer right as the YouSeeBigGirl drop hits

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>two psychos
You mean like the psychotic Erenwhale OBSESSING right now? Oh wait. That's (You).

Nobody gives a fuck what Eren wants. It's not about him or what he wants, it's about what's good for EVERYONE, and war isn't a good option for either side. They're both retards to not realize that.

You are pathetic, AAfag

>That's (You).
Hey AAfag


This. I don't get why people who read the manga even bother with the anime. The fights in RtS are far better in the manga than the current season with the only exception of the Manlet cutting Zeke sakuga done by Imai.

No. If the rumour is true and WIT is no longer doing the adaptation we're in for a year long wait minimum for an announcement.

I'd expect we get S3 in Winter 2021 if they try to rush it to start before the manga ends, since I think that it going on for another 18-24ish chapters is still a safe bet.

you're right war isnt fair
which is why im anti-war
plus killing innocents is immoral unless the person has permanently destroyed/negatively altered someone else's life i.e. raping a child
cut their dicks off and behead em in that case
as for conquering the world i wish i could but i also wouldnt be able to because bloodthirsty psychos would still exist. i'd have to use p a t h s to alter everyone's brains so they avoid violence at all costs. and because i might harm little kids on accident though i'd try to avoid it

>Muslims are barely human
Just like Eldians

>none which doesnt matter
So reality doesn't matter? We're talking about the nature of conflict. Saying what you think or how you feel war should be conducted doesn't matter because it has literally no bearing on reality.
>war is for ragetards anyway
Ascribe other intrinsic human traits and values to an exclusive section of the population you don't like. It makes you seem really smart and woke to human nature.

Two LEpedos, the one who fights everyone and the other is the AAfag who is a SJW sperging about pol and asian women

>Admit it Yea Forums, the anime adaptation is inferior to the manga except for some titan fights from season 1 and 2 with sawano's soundtrack being it's only saving grace.
bait, pretty much everything was done better in the anime outside of the cave scene and Reiner vs Eren round 2
you fags have some kinda weird shipping conspiracy against the anime staff so you keep saying that the manga was better

Marleyean Eldians are literally the embodiment of cucks. Reiner is one of the most cucked characters in existence

Put yourself in his shoes. How would you react if you found out your entire existence was to be a prisoner and have all your friends and family slowly slaughtered before your eyes.

Would you really not fight back if you were born behind those walls? What is wrong with you?

Did you not see what happened to Grisha's sister? Are you somekind of sick fuck that roots for people like that?

>Erenwhales calling everyone they don't like every name under the sun
Jesus you're pathetic. Cope with it, fat fuck.

Not them but war is for retards and you should admit it to yourself that if you genuinely think anything good comes out of war. The only time you'd think so is if you're 1. bloodthirsty or 2. a fucking kike.

Ok AAroastie: what would you do? wait till Marley fuck your ass?

>Marleyean Eldians are literally the embodiment of cucks. Reiner is one of the most cucked characters in existence
That's why I don't root for them either. Paradis Eldians aren't better though. Maybe Eldians are cucks in general.

Walking into Shingeki threads always feel like walking into some alternate universe.

>everyone's brains so they avoid violence at all costs. and because i might harm little kids on accident though i'd try to avoid it
You're anti human. War is a part of human nature, your only solution is to stop humans being humans. And your aversion to war is actually more likely to cause more human suffering since it means that right bastards that aren't afraid of waging war to get what they want go unchallenged. The best we can hope for is that the right people wage war for the right reasons.

I'd be pissed but because I'm not retarded I wouldn't launch a fucking attack in the goddamn ghetto where my own fucking people are being held like rats. He is actually fucking stupid. If he really wanted to make a point, lowering the Eldian population while only killing a small handful of non-Eldians isn't how you do it. And I would fight back but not by getting muh revenge on some people who were taught to hate me for a good reason. Government officials are free range and the first to go.

The one that wrote AA essay before? Kek, Detective LEpedo is based though.

>if you genuinely think anything good comes out of war
my people gained their independence from an empire and freed their people from concentration camps because of a war they fought. Does that make me bloodthirsty or a kike?

detective LEpedo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AAwhale

Kek, so LEpedo was fighting with her own fag all this time?

That's pretty much the popular opinion here.

if i was anti human i wouldnt be anti war
conflict is human nature. genocide isnt
get that through your head mate
dont assume shit about me aight?

wouldnt that just make them more likely to attack?
threaten the world with the rumbling to keep them at bay and then try to approach them with help in finding a cure or something would probably be the best way

>concentration camps
not them but you're probably a kike kek
but that being said if you killed the people actively keeping you in the cages thats fine i guess, i'd probably do the same
im mainly just against war but if someone is holding a gun to your head and telling you to get in the hitler approved shower you bet i'd do my best to fight back

Are you a speedreader or maybe you really are retarded? Eren and Armin took out the entire top brass of the Marleyean government and military. It was a flawless attack and was their only chance to survive. If they listened to your plan they would go extinct.

War is the only reason you are sitting your fatass down with no worries arguing about cartoons. Without War you would never have the freedom you have today. God damn pacifist cuck.

Does the Armongwhale even remember when Armin and Erwin used a place full of civilians to get Annie? Or Armin speech? Or Erwin justifying destruction?

>Did you not see what happened to Grisha's sister? Are you somekind of sick fuck that roots for people like that
Did I say that I was rooting for Marley? I just pointed out how your worldview is more similar to Marley's worldview since all the main "heroes" of the story you're rooting for don't hate their enemies and acknowledge that they're humans. They are fighting them not because they hate them but because they have no choice.

The Detective LEpedo is actually based: she likes both manlet and Eren. The AAwhale/LEpedo is like the YHfag, they insult or wish for something wrong to happen to Historia or Eren

The uprising adaptation has been shit. Not to mention the RtS fights were horrible except for the Imai sakuga.

The Eldians were the ones getting genocided you dumb shit. They tried to be pacifists like you wanted and Marley still came knocking to try and kill every last one of them.

Stop acting like a retard

You dont know shit about my world view nor did I say anything about it. I just stated that I would do everything in my power to defend myself and my people if some other nation was trying to exterminate all of us.

Kino moment. Hope it gets the justice it deserves.

Who did it?

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Holy shit, /pol/fags at full force today.

>I just stated that I would do everything in my power to defend myself and my people if some other nation was trying to exterminate all of us.
> If the US killed every last Muslim and jew on the planet the world would be a much better place. It's called patriotism and nationalism
I didn't know there is a war in USA.

You have to go back, AAroastie

Good morning lads, can’t wait for next episode.

Yuki Kaji just got married to a seiyuu from 5toubun

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The LEpedo is mentally ill. I guss you missed for example when she got banned and post count dropped from post limit to 350. She is a crazy shizo

>The Eldians were the ones getting genocided you dumb shit. They tried to be pacifists like you wanted and Marley still came knocking to try and kill every last one of them
Headcanon, kek

>but you're probably a kike kek
I'm a Boer, our women and children were held in concentration camps by the British empire where they died by the tens of thousands.

>conflict is human nature. genocide isnt
The history of conflict is the history of genocide. Name a single war that didn't involve a genocide.

>get that through your head mate
No, get this through your head mate, trying to abolish war or holding that as a value is like being opposed to other human traits like fear and love and compassion. It's impossible to eliminate them because they're fucking human nature. The only way you can rid people of their nature, which is why you resort to a fantasy where you can brainwash people into not behaving like people. "i'd have to use p a t h s to alter everyone's brains so they avoid violence at all costs"

You will never eliminate war, not as long as humans exist. You don't deal with that by wishing people weren't people, you try your best to harvest that dark human instinct in the best manner we can.

is this way, my man

We are talking about Paradis dumbass. I am justifying Eren's actions saying I would do the same if I was in his position. Although I would finish the job on Reiner, not sure why Eren keeps letting him live.

What do you think the warriors were doing in Paradis retard?

>marrying a 30 year old
what the fuck

This, Eren might be the father and he tried to kill manlet but LEpedo still keeps hoping for her ship and not hating on both of them unlike EMfags,AAwhale, and YHcuck. These people might project to Eren too.

Says the roAAstie after crying with those pro-asian girls posters

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wtf this is literally me

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Why is everyone saying I am an AA shipper?

did you skip the entire manga?

That's the other LEpedo, iirc detective LEpedo was fighting with the other LEpedo too and she called her, Eruritrash.

The LEpedo shits on everyone and everything, EHcuck

And? At least she likes the characters of her ship and doesnt shit on Eren unlike the AA/LEcuck and the EMcuck

/pol/acks need to leave

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Not to Eren and Manlet though. She defended Eren quite often.

>The uprising adaptation has been shit.
not it wasn't, i can understand being upset about some of the changes on the arc but saying it was bad is too far, every Kenny and Levi scene was done great, the Bystander episode was great, Rod Reiss titan "fight" was great, the cave scene with Historia was great
>Not to mention the RtS fights were horrible except for the Imai sakuga.
there weren't many fights on RtS just Levi vs Zeke, Reiner vs Eren

I don't see anything wrong with 33 years old man marrying 30 years old woman.

>tfw WIT will never adapt this

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Because you are.
Go back, roAAstie.


Which fanbase are you accusing of being /pol/?

He's uglier than Isayama.

EN is cute and canon.

>hiding behind Eren now


>called her, Eruritrash.
That's the only LEpedo I know. She gets triggered easily and uses words like Hongoloid, Ymircuck or Pisstoria. She also is the one spamming the decapitated pics of Hange and Historia, even one of Ymir once yesterday and admitted to do farmerposting

who /suicidal/ here?

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Post your 3 main boards, your profession, and your favorite character

>Yea Forums, /pol/, /fit/

At least she is a racist and entertaining, the AAwhale is bipolar insulting Eren when she ships LE too.

not me

>he really is from /pol/
>his main board doesn't include Yea Forums
way to reveal yourself with a retarded flex

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Yea Forums Yea Forums /r9k/

>shipfags and initialfags back at it with their gay thread metas
I'd tell you to just go to a forum where you have IDs like reddit but you don't actually want to know who's who, do you? You're just addicted to making the same posts every single day.

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/pol/, /his/, /sci/, /k/, /int/

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>not it wasn't
Yes it was. The first half is completely rushed with them skipping, changing and trimming some scenes to just one or two dialogues, especially the ones between Eren and Historia at the beginning. Events are rearranged for no apparent reason, the reporters and merchant subplot is completely skipped which actually helped in a lot of world building, many Manlet scenes were skipped that actually showed his flaws and made him actually relatable. Araki was so lazy that he adapted Historia punching Manlet but why she did that can't be answered as they never adapted that scene. Frieda scenes were cut, rod titan CGI and the cave scene lacked the impact the manga had due to all the butchering Araki did in the first half.

>there weren't many fights on RtS just Levi vs Zeke, Reiner vs Eren
And they couldn't do them justice except spending most of the budget on yet another sakuga for Manlet.

I find them both obnoxious and cacerous

Kamiyan, Isayama, and Kaji got married. Just need EH to be confirmed and the fujos will get BTFO into oblivion.

Anyone of any age should not be marrying a woman of 30 years

>being proud of being a useless weeb basement dweller.

Kys tranny.

This series transcends anime and manga. You don't need to be a weeb to like it. Its funny how you are acting like /pol/ is an insult though when it's the best board on the site other than spee

Fujos don't care Isayama got married

Absolutely Based.

What time is the STREAM lads?

>Yea Forums, /vg/, /m/

>Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /fit/, /pol/

in about 5 hours

>Heh, I don't actually like manga
Good for you, just remember that you are either a complete and utter newfag or are retarded as fuck if /pol/ is your main board.
Anyone who still takes 4/pol/ seriously after pearl harbor or the presidential election 2016 is an idiot and you probably came after the former.


In 5 hours and 32 minutes.

>orange man bad

Dilate tranny

You're the one who told Eren to love someone, Kuruga.

>>orange man bad
You are literally admitting you are a newfag by not even understanding my post.

not that user but
>generalising a whole board
Not just that but just because one browses /pol/, doesn’t mean they take the majority of it seriously. You seem just as resentful as a lot of fags on there, user

I'm a LHbro but her edits are entertaining and has soul

*have souls

I wouldn't have thought anything of that post if you didn't point it out
thanks for giving me something to laugh about, user

Did Kruger also fall for the waifufaggotry meme at some point in his life? I have a hard time imagining someone who spent the last decade of his life committed to doing horrible things to his fellow brothers and sisters naturally coming to the conclusion that love is the one way out of the cycle of tragedies.

>Kruger, Kenny, Erwin, Floche, Eren, and now Falco (Hange and manlet as the parent pair have climbed in my view too)
>/snk/ whenever a new chapter/episode is coming out, Yea Forums for bloodborne and other fromsoft threads but not anymore, don't use /pol/ anymore cuz it has too much disinformation, same for Yea Forums cuz it has too much pedoshit, and I haven't tried any other boards
>remotely help manage family business in another country getting govt contracts for building bridges/roads/dams/etc because I got recruited by agency in Hollywood out of college and turned it down after realizing I didn't want to work around people like this guy -
I used to laugh at people that would get attached to shit like fiction, especially anime, but I don't want this series to end.

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That one talking was probably Eren from the future

Been here since 06 right around the time of the habbo hotel invasions. That's how I heard of this place and fell in love ever since.

Only anime I watched growing up was Dbz, poke, yugioh, and yuyu hakasho. Didn't really start to read manga until my mid twenties after discovering masterpieces like berserk, SnK, and HxH

Is that for people who can understand Japanese? I thought the crunchyroll subs went up at like 9PM

I bet you like PIZZA, roAAstie

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From the moment he saw Gurusha’s hate-fuelled eyes, he knew that he was his waifu

We are Allahs chosen people.

Yeah, Reinerfag is a literal manchild

Not that guy but what is so bad about AA? I support both EH and AA. They all make good couples

It doesn't mean I get into shipwars. Also, I've posted before about how there's always a shitton of seething and kvetching about EHfags but surprisingly enough there never seems to be any EH spam to justify it. I just follow the series and come to the natural conclusion that Eren is probably Historia's lover. This doesn't involve my own personal demons/insecurities/inadequacies/projection/etc. It's just a matter of what's been shown.


Been here since 98 right around the time I connected my telephone line to my computer to access the Internet.

I use reddit-spacing because I belong here and want fujo, yuri and loli to adapt to us because we are migrants who found a majoirty general.

I like pizza, but none of that frozen stuff.

Same user and some don't even like Eren being a waifufag but can see Eren having personal feelings. Not our fault it explains a lot

>that love is the one way out of the cycle of tragedies
It's more about building a family and thereby giving yourself a stake in the world. it's not about muh waifu. scholars have written about this shit since the Greeks were around, it's not as base or simplistic as "have sex" or just romantic love alone. It's about building an entire family and then having no choice but to fight for them and the generations that follow.

Japan had:
>no boats
>no supplies
>no allies besides Germany which was being invaded by all sides
>china, russia and korea at their doorstep
>no way of harming the usa in any way possible
Yeah, killing a bunch of civilians HAD to be done.

I don't know, I felt like the advice came from Kruger himself and future memories only interfered when saving Armin and Mikasa and everyone were brought (Grisha's last words to Eren). I wonder if his past will be revisited or if he'll remain a mysterious entity for the remainder of the story. I guess it depends on whether Eren unlocked new memories in the timeskip through any particular stimulus (going back to the place where his dad and Kruger talked for eg, or more touching with Historia) and if so, how many and how far back he managed to go and how relevant Kruger's memories would be.

People spaced their posts here long before the term "redditspacing" became a thing.

I am just a neat and orderly person so I like to make my posts clear, concise, and easy to read for all the dumbasses.


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man this season really changed my views on the series as a whole.


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AA isn't at fault, it's the LE/AAroastie

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Then stop, it's really annoying to read. Especially when it concerns 5 or more lines.

Been here since '38 since Conrad Kuse fired up the Z1 in his basement
Like pizza, hate reddit, hate shipfags, hate fags, simple as

Just find another series to attach to while snk is finishing, user.

I don't care what you think, i prefer to space.

Yes. It airs in Japan in about 5 hours from now. The subs come out later.

I'm going to start Evangelion even though someone told me something that sounded like a spoiler and my friends, whom I'm bringing up to speed on snk, told me to start watching FMA. I mostly just collect and read nonfiction texts and reports these days.


I don't understand Japanese, unfortunately.

Well yeah, I brought up waifufaggotry half-jokingly but moreso because in the time period SnK seems to take place in family would be more commonly made through meeting and loving a member of the opposite sex, which would potentially lead to the birth of a child and the continuation of said family. That being said Kruger's description seemed to imply that the person/people Grisha ended up loving didn't matter at all: your child, your wife or even some rando on the street, which leads me to believe that the feeling itself and the resolve you'd gain from it and desire to preserve the connection/relationship/family you built is actually matters the most.

has the ost leaked yet

s3p2 has been pretty much kino after kino

Attached: perfect game.jpg (1917x1078, 1.95M)

From episode 4 onwards, yes. Before that not so much.

How is he holding the photograph if he doesn't have any fingers?

>That being said Kruger's description seemed to imply that the person/people Grisha ended up loving didn't matter at all: your child, your wife or even some rando on the street, which leads me to believe that the feeling itself and the resolve you'd gain from it and desire to preserve the connection/relationship/family you built is actually matters the most.
Yeah that's what I was getting at when I mentioned the scholarship on the idea. On an historical timescale, marriage only recently became implicated in ideas of romantic/passionate love over family-building and the continuation of communities. Doesn't seem to have worked out too well for us, either.

SnK is isn't really something you watch for the waifus.


Just memorize the manga. Dialogue is mostly the same.

It's good but the manga is far superior.

Yeah that's fair, although I'd argue it becomes kino when this scene happens and AppleSeed kicks in

Attached: bert nuke.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Yes. But at the same time SNK has great waifumaterial. And, well, husband material too.

every episode is great except for episode 2 though, and even then it’s only eren vs reiner that wasn’t that good

Why do I get the urge to fap during the female titan episodes?

Niconico link when?


Attached: RE.png (565x562, 199K)

What about golden age love?
It's cute.


Attached: Hange.Zoë.full.1489731.jpg (630x830, 240K)

what do you mean? oldfags getting together? if that's what you're talking about it's a degenerate cope born of a society where families don't take care of their elders.

This. Don't be like YHfag from around two days ago.

I'll marry who I want, faggot.

go right ahead, degenerate cuck

Does it matter? She isn't your wife and he had his reasons to marry her. Maybe sex with her is that good.

what a cute man

>experienced at sex
I'm not that user, but that's worse

I love Hans

Attached: IMG_20190220_210059_017.jpg (500x729, 52K)

as fucking expected

>Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums

I hope she doesn't get killed

>Gabi kills Zeke
post reactions

thanks me too

Send us the pic of your youthful wedding user.
Oh wait

Maybe she became experienced together with him. We don't know for how long they have been dating. Marriage is overrated. Basically you need it only when you are planning to have a kid, there is no reason to get married before that, you can just live together without stupid documents.

kek why are you coping? facts hurt that much?

Attached: you kvetch because you know i am right.jpg (540x489, 19K)

>We don't know for how long they have been dating.
That's fair. And no, marriage itself isn't overrated. Nothing can substitute for a healthy marriage and family life and that'll always be true for like 99% of the population. But yeah, its current iteration as a state-backed pipeline into financial ruin is bad and overrated.

>facts hurt that much?
I can say the same to you.
Stop getting triggered by who others choose to marry when you are a spinster yourself.

>it's harpoonin' time

Attached: pepe on titan.png (592x516, 46K)


BASED and REdpilled

Attached: C38314AA-9931-4843-BE10-F0D23011D515.jpg (1023x925, 85K)


I'm curious, why Yea Forums and not /pol/ ?

Attached: what's wrong.png (1067x986, 189K)

Yea Forums is for whiny faggots and /pol/ is based

>t. "SnK is the only manga I like"

Are we getting more of them that isn't just round 11.0?

Attached: 108.jpg (1280x1797, 229K)


I only read SNK because of Jean's awesomeness

t. jean

Kill yourself EAfat(pedo)

t. mikasa

You don't need a marriage for a healthy family life at all is the point the user was trynna make I feel: all you really need is emotionally committed people willing to make their journey together support one another. And like you said yourself marriage as it is now seems to be binding/limiting people moreso than anything else.

Kek so it really was the AAfag

thats a different user, zecuck

Does /snk/ like fish and chips?

its ok

As a resident of bongistan, I love it

Attached: 70D394C0-A9FC-4673-A164-86785CDF5633.jpg (640x438, 68K)


Attached: MikasaCute.png (1311x1243, 1.23M)

but wait, you're the one kvetching that someone pointed out a based fact

Attached: hm.jpg (1080x878, 79K)

Why do shippers hate each other so much?

Yeah but only when it comes wrapped in newspaper and 3 days worth of calories in grease.

/snk/ is so advanced shipperfags hide behind other shipperfags to hate the ships they hate

Im not in this argument, wasn't the guy you replied to. Just chiming in about Yea Forums

Family = Mom, Dad, kids, and extended family
The only reason I put the marriage caveat in there is because the judicial system has destroyed the concept with the marital code. This idea that "family" can mean "my five queer friends and our pets" is a lunatic farce and people who defend it should be shot dead in the streets. Unless that's what you're getting at, I hear you.

Will Annie get to become relevant before the end?

I've never eaten it.

Based, the chips should have a shit ton of vinegar with it too

You know the funniest part? Eren killed civilians months ago but those people only got mad with Eren when Historia appeared pregnant and the closer we are to july

Attached: Nake d.png (792x1641, 576K)

Attached: kek.gif (347x244, 3.72M)

There were plenty of people shitting on Eren when chapters 100/101 came out.

You know what's even funnier? His development into a genocidal edgy shonen villain and lack of hindsight was also clear after Historia's pregnancy.

Yes, Chadmin will save her.

>and the closer we are to july
Are you retards still thinking Kaji will say "you are free" at the event? It's already confirmed on the twitter, there will be no spoilers

I hope so. But I think that her relevance will be inevitably connected to Armin.

>Family = Mom, Dad, kids, and extended family
Family can be much more varied than the traditional version.

WIT dropped SnK

J.C. Staff picked it up though

Zeke is castrated

that's not a family, it's a recipe for disaster.

reminder that there's no such thing as fate in the paths



Interesting, elaborate.

Arumin, this is your last warning. Impregnate historia for me, I hope you don't mind me jerking off to it

Attached: Ar.png (1042x316, 341K)

fuck off faggot. I'll stick to what the stats on child abuse, parental neglect, developmental issues, delinquency, criminality, financial health, etc. have to say about people subjected to life in non-traditional households.

Attached: vince is out.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

Attached: 1556221767715.png (250x161, 55K)

Why is he suffering this much?
He's the most innocent person in this series.
The bullying he is receiving from Isayama and /snk/ is unwarranted

Attached: wuh.png (366x260, 258K)

Innocent? He's a rat coward jobber who never wins any fights for me

Attached: UzakiPeek.jpg (149x296, 13K)

Reminder that as soon as the Eld*an empire fell and Marley took over, technology advanced rapidly, just like in the real world 19th century. Now they've reached the point where titans are almost obsolete. The human spirit ultimately triumphs over the primitive titaniggers who stagnated the world for 1700 years

Attached: 1475892230008.png (775x625, 144K)

Not everyone has the luck of a nuclear family, mind you.
There's people raised by uncles, aunts or grandparents because they lost their parents/the parents work abroad.
There's many reason one cannot have even both parents, that doesn't make the remaining family less a family than others, just another type of family.


EH is a cute ship. Please post pictures.

What will Chadren destroy?

Attached: Trapren.png (413x602, 173K)

All of that can happen in all kinds of families. Traditional or not.

>Eldians won’t suffer if there are no Eldians

Attached: 446E4801-9BBA-4AE8-ABD9-E46AC6856C32.jpg (960x768, 156K)

bruh look at this dudes

Attached: D9u4mA-XsAA0uFi.jpg (1200x900, 216K)

This. I was raised by parents my first 12 years, then went over to my grandparents because the abuse I have experienced from them was so brutal that my grandma threatened to call the police. My parents are divorced and miserable now and I am still suffering from depression at the age of 19. The previous parent generation fucked everything up.

Zeke wishes he didn't have a massive dong

Attached: 1553724060240.jpg (266x274, 30K)

Damn, I thought I was ugly

>AAfag still triggered by EH
But why.

Attached: D6IkZt7UUAAauP.jpg (2048x1149, 435K)

What is your favorite meme or joke from /snk/.

Attached: SergeantGrossLightUp.png (364x408, 194K)


That artist's arms always creep me out

fuck, you're right. looking at Eren's hand scared the shit out of me

So to be completely serious for a moment what do you expect the ending to be like?

Think we're gonna get something that goes for a wide scope wrap-up or a more personal finale focused on just a few characters? Do you think it'll be bittersweet or outright a downer ending that just has a few survivors? Will Eren actually have a decent plan to resolve shit morally or will he really have chosen to go for conquest/annihilation?

that 1(ONE) Porkek

>EHfags are shit "artists"
Nothing new

My wife.

Attached: day57_scarfcasa.png (849x1200, 1.1M)

Isayama is a handsome man

Attached: Isayama.jpg (2157x3415, 2.02M)

>no dick
Dumb Zecucknigger

Love on battlefield.

Attached: 1546537806057.png (1066x782, 715K)

Mist ending.
>Everything is fucked, fuck it.
>Bro, the solution was just there. You fucked it all up.

ZP shitposting


the final panel gives me 'bittersweet' vibes
yams said he changed the "the mist" ending but he also said recently that he "won't be a good person" in the finale so the tragic finale is probably still in the table.
i honestly don't know how he'll end this series without killing every eldian or everyone who opposed them.
removing the titan powers will not change the hundred of years hatred everyone in the world has for Eldians

Attached: shingeKINOkyojin.jpg (2500x1759, 651K)

There's 4 (four) votes for Porco in the popularity poll

why Gabo looks like a chink here

>removing the titan powers will not change the hundred of years hatred everyone in the world has for Eldians
The hatred aside, it will not remove the fact that Рaradis is an underdeveloрed island rich of resources. A colony in the making for any stronger nation.

SergeantMajorGross (meme)

Attached: SergentMajorGross_(jpg).jpg (225x225, 13K)

Dumb roAAstie

I expect the ending will be sad for the world at large but bittersweet for the main cast. I think Eren will have decided to go for the warmongering option and will actually rumble the planet but not to total destruction, just enough devestation to the major powers that nobody will ever dare approach Marley again (he believes) out of fear.

I think Eren will die during or right before the actual ending as well and the baby scene is a flashback. Maybe Hisu gives birth a few chapters before the end and the final pages confirm Eren was the dad, maybe it's just Grisha or someone else - but I do not believe it's chronologically the actual final scene.

I also think Eren's plan won't fully work. Some countries might ally with Paradis out of belief its the wise choice but it'll just lead to a fractured world in a perpetual cold war where Paradis and the surviving Marley alliance dare not turn things directly violent again but still undermine eachother covertly and are filled with hate/fear for eachother.

No, Kruger talked about Armin and Mikasa so Eren getting the titan was fated. The ending of the story is also most likely fated already.

Do your guys remember what day is it today?

Attached: RatemyfanficAnnie.png (1754x1202, 1.5M)

He would be really handsome if he hasn't got anorexia.

Attached: 1553440699090.jpg (472x669, 19K)


There's actually some unintentional chemistry between Zeke and manlet.

Eren Uchiha

Attached: 1560943736354.png (535x1211, 327K)

Cold War end is is my bet too desu.

Fits the themes too much and I don't think genocide for either side is on the table so it's the closest thing to a definitive resolution you can give the war at the moment unless Marley suddenly gets betrayed and a World War breaks out that takes the heat off Paradis and lets it make some allies - but I don't think the manga has either enough chapters left or the scope needed to do that.

ok, Arumin

Too bad it got wasted. More Zeke with the SL would have been cool
>Connie, my friend
Good times

the reaction tells enough

Attached: 1552002921403.png (450x390, 91K)

>AAfag still triggered by EH
Because AA is objectively inferior to EH. When you don't know which рart of your shiр is more feminine and bitchy than the other it says volumes.

The reaction tells exactly that there's no dick. Maybe he had a big dong, I don't know, but it makes sense that little girl wouldn't create a penis.

Answer me mangafags, will the scene where Grisha kills Frieda be seen from his perspective? I want to hear what he was yelling at them

>No SL in Marley fladhback
>No railroad flashback
>No full ZE flashback
>No more forests memes
>No Zeke interacting with other members
Yet we have to suffer Gabi being rescued 800 times and warriors jobbing

Why wear pants then.

Not him, but that's a retarded argument.


The ending will be Eren using the wall titans to conquer the world and the Eldian empire will be revived but this time the other races who lost won't be used as slaves or killed by titans.

If the shifters weren't such cucks, they could've overthrown Marley by themselves.

You can see the moment Armin fell in love

>pro-marleyan eldians
Choose one, they are like white people feeling sorry for slavery in 21st century

>that little girl
Is a chtonic being which рrobably felt every atrocity done by Eldians or to them.
I won't be surрrised if Zeke has a barbed schlong now.

I introduced 3 friends to this show and they marathoned it in preparation for last weeks episode. and they loved the last episode. They felt unconfortable at the "jew" thing which annoyed me.

The shitstorm from that would be absolutely incredible.

Like that's the full-imperialist option that SJWs dread, Korea would ban the fucking series like China.


But their families user
>Magath placed warriors families in the crowd


The first three we still could get if Eren touches Zeke and his memories is shown.

Do you also browse /pol/?

Isayama might be an apologist for imperial Japan with a bit of a clean wehrmacht fetish but not even he is dumb enough to go for that.

And Floche will be a Lord Рrotector. Also he will marry Historia after Eren dies and will take Louise and Hitch as concubines. The real last рage is all three of them being рregnant.

Kek, that's true. Well some people did shit on Eren back then but it's nothing compared to the massive spergout the pregnancy has caused this last year, and every month it gets worse. These threads are doomed if/when the baby is confirmed to be his.

Attached: 1554756941352.png (676x316, 223K)

She is Siberian

Titan Keith will eat Floch

Anyone have the "I'm armor didan" picture?

Zeke doesn't have any relatives in the Marley territory (assuming his grandparents are already dead). The Warhammer's family is powerful and could easily hide. They could've rebelled.

He'll do it and he'll have a scene in the ending where SL soldiers gangbang Marley's finest women and when a local man accuses them of rape the women will look directly at the reader and say that civilian women falling for occupying soldiers is only natural due to their superior alpha characteristics and that reported rape statistics for conquered territories are grossly inflated by insecure men and their wives who try to pretend they weren't just cheating.

>Is a chtonic being which рrobably felt every atrocity done by Eldians or to them
It's your assumption. The girl is probably Ymir but we know nothing about her and her mentality. Thus we can only assume. Also I don't insist that he doesn't have a dick but I think it's very likely.

Mongolian rape baby lookin ass]
600 Meter Titan Mete Keith soon

Attached: NYNDance.gif (82x128, 68K)

I can only see this happening if it also ends with Armin using his diplomacy skills to work with the other nations.

I was raised in large part by my Godfather. Doesn't change jack shit about the observable and well-catalogued adverse effects of the breakdown of joint families. You're already fucked if you're putting the nuclear family on some idealistic pedestal.

>assuming his grandparents are already dead
they arent last we were showed

Also people were hyped with Dictator Chadmin

Either that or he gets crushed by a rock thrown by Zeke.

>They felt unconfortable at the "jew" thing
It's a normal reaction to not feel safe when (((they))) are nearby.


The leader of a certain country will put a stop to that

Attached: TrumpSword.jpg (486x960, 52K)

Calm down Porcofag

Nino's pussy

Kaji is a cuck.

>The Warhammer's family is powerful and could easily hide. They could've rebelled
I think they thought Eldians were guilty and wanted to leave with Marley in peace instead of conquering it again. That's why Willy made this speech and sacrificed himself. They wanted improvements for Eldians but they chose path of sacrificing instead of fighting.


Something's terribly off about the anatomy.

>There's many reason one cannot have even both parents, that doesn't make the remaining family less a family than others, just another type of family.
You want to be nice to people in shit situations, that's on you, but there's a reason why 60% of people who commit suicide, 70% of teen pregnancy, over 60% of federal inmates, vast majority of rapists, all come from single-mother households. Not calling that out and celebrating the situations that foster this stuff is evil.

>Daddy? Are you awake? Did The Rumbling really happen, did E-eren Jäger actually exist?

Well, how do you reply, /snk/?

Attached: 1543198999862.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

>Eren officially becomes a waifufag today

That's an oriental

Attached: MikasaSmol.jpg (224x224, 14K)

yeah fuck stats and all of reality for your faggoty fee fees


>to leave
to live

Zeke will learn how waifufag he is when he touches him

hide her from the PPedo

Attached: pii.png (350x350, 237K)

I mean, look at the GoT. Рeoрle were okay with children being burn, men skinned alive or castrated, but after one little raрe IN WEDLOCK BY THE WAY everybody went mad.

Fine then.

>Daddy? Are you awake? Did The Rumbling really happen, did E-eren Jäger actually exist?

Well, how do you reply, /snk/?

Attached: dafne qt.jpg (666x1000, 60K)

>SJW's fake news again

No. I just mean that the armband shit is the least of the issues. It's like a pleb filter, so to speak.

idk even know what that is

Attached: yup.png (533x490, 239K)

>In the old Yugoslavia national oppression by the great-Serb capitalist clique meant strengthening the economic exploitation of the oppressed peoples. This is the inevitable fate of all who suffer from national oppression. In the new, socialist Yugoslavia the existing equality of rights for all nationalities has made it impossible for one national group to impose economic exploitation upon another. That is because hegemony of one national group over another no longer exists in this country. Any such hegemony must inevitably bring with it, to some degree or other, in one form or another, economic exploitation; and that would be contrary to the principles upon which socialism rests. Only economic, political, cultural, and universal equality of rights can make it possible for us to grow in strength in these tremendous endeavours of our community.


Attached: gabi12.jpg (453x604, 73K)


Attached: 1560847421365 (1).jpg (614x3491, 463K)

fuck off shitrenfag

Attached: 1559531664875.jpg (594x601, 95K)

Shinzou wo Sasageyo > Shoukei to Shikabane no Michi > Guren no Yumiya > Jiyuu no Tsubasa >>>>> literal dog shit >>>>> Red Swan

All the OPs are great, but Red Swan sucks major ass.

>defending a pedo
b-based Erenfag

Are you G*rman?

Maybe part of the problem is that people from single-mother households often experience humiliations or just bad treatment exactly because they have only one parent, less money, etc. It's shallow to think that single-parent family is the only problem. Society is the problem in general.

you should've just had them marathon all the episodes after the end of the battle so they'd have gotten no time between muh armbands and Grisha starting his neo-nazi cell because he's had it with his ancestors being blamed for genocides that he feels probably never happened.

Attached: Grisha has a heated gamer moment.jpg (819x611, 76K)

LMAO PeeSuepedo, doing this shit again?

Attached: Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii eating a cock.png (380x184, 68K)

We decant a sea of bloodshed for brotherhood and unity of our nations and we are not going to allow anybody to touch, to uproot from inside or to destroy in any way this brotherhood and unity!

Attached: gabi11.jpg (472x511, 50K)

>mfw Eren was actually listening to Krueger's words when he protected Armin and Mikasa from Garrison canon

Attached: [FFF] Shingeki no Kyojin - 09 [BD][1080p-FLAC][5DDD92CA].mkv_snapshot_21.19_[2019.06.23_19.13.37].jp (1920x1080, 194K)

Yeah. But imagine what they could do if they weren't self-hating cucks.

It seems like that guy is just posting as much /snk/ copypastas as he can on /pol/ instead of showing what ships and characters he likes

Ahahahaha yes "society did it"
As fucking expected.

No, PeeSuePedo aka the only Pigcofag aka Cuckgath cock sucker: thats YOU. You are so stupid you forgot about ids. I can even show more proof ;)


Attached: ExG.jpg (861x1024, 151K)

>gamer monent
You're right. But I wanted them to get hyped for the season finale as well.


don't defile pii. the porcofag is the pedo

Attached: pii.jpg (236x236, 11K)

ZL is best ship.

Kids need a Mom and a Dad and end up fucked up most of the time when deprived of either one. Blame society all you want you brainlet faggot landwhale. The wealthiest nations in the world with the biggest social welfare safety nets can't stop single mothers from turning kids into school shooters, rapists, suicide victims, and murderers.

No, single mother did it. Let's just kill all single mothers and their kids.


Attached: gabi8.jpg (2550x3300, 573K)

Sheeeeit I missed such a good cancer start of this thread.

Attached: 1551291380514.jpg (600x600, 333K)

Shitfer MMA should be an official sport in Eldia
They can regenerate so the fights could be intense
Plus it would train them for when they have to use their titans


Attached: gabi9.jpg (1085x2048, 358K)

>Yea Forums - single mothers
Jesus Christ.
Anyway, are we going to see Ymir's flashback again or Porco eating her?

I don't believe any posts that "expose" any anons in these threads. A couple days ago we had that psycho go off about another thread that came up right after he'd made one and that faggot actually pretended to be and a couple other anons to confuse people and start shit in her own damn thread because she was so fucking triggered.

Farmer is the father

Funny how the EREN WILL DESTROY GABI PUSSY only appeared after EHfags insulted Sneed ship (PP)

Attached: BEARD.jpg (480x480, 35K)


Attached: SLAVENER.jpg (850x1200, 186K)

is that Kruger?
and Yelena?
they don't quite fit with that group. where is Pii?

explains a lot desu

unironically would be in favor of this. so much would be solved...

Attached: manlet demon.png (1625x914, 2.19M)


Attached: gabi4.png (298x275, 65K)

I want this song to play as Eren looks into the sunset, ready to rumble

Attached: Ereh.jpg (700x763, 90K)

Cute and canon

Attached: 123swed.jpg (743x526, 111K)

>that faggot actually pretended to be and a couple other anons
pretended to be me*

Marley is when slave want to be master, but fail miserably.

Last time we saw them they were alive and well (and Grandpa even got a free PTSD session thanks to Eren poking him about his family issues when he tried to tell him to return to his own family before it was too late).


3 straight weeks of PPfag having a meltdown after last chapter
it's sad desu

Attached: zp.jpg (688x688, 56K)


Attached: 1559999792460.jpg (1104x689, 195K)

>unironically would be in favor of this. so much would be solved
Then go and do it instead of complaining.

Attached: 1542550966386.png (336x479, 224K)

>"Historia became a breeding sow!"
>"Eren wasn't involved! Farmer is the father because MPs said so!"
>"Eren left ten months ago!"
>"Eren pimped out Historia! He hates her because she's cattle!"
>"Cuckren soon!"
>"Eren is asexual like his bro!"
>"Eren is the father but Farmer fucked Hisu!"
>posting edits of decapitated Historia

The closer we get to July the worse it gets.

Attached: tfw.jpg (385x328, 30K)

With farmer

/snk/ brings out the worst in people.

There is a joke in Russia: 'Desрite all the anti-homo laws, a half of Russian children are being raised by same gender couрles... their mother and grandmother, that is.'
And it shows because the current generation of Russian teens is fucking retarded, рraising рrison culture, doing drugs and abortions etc.

yeah, okay, fed
fuck off. we believe in total equality! total equality and reparations!

It will just be repeated again, relax

Eren is going to die soon. Should Historia kill herself and their child because she will be a single mother?

what's the deal with you? you post eerily similar to Johanpedo back then

Yoshimasa Hosoya will cuck Kaji

>same gender couples
>mother and grandmother
what delusional art history grad student did this study?


>Imagine being an Erenpedo...

how long till the episode? I can't keep edging much longer

I hope the French subs will try to make the joke "C'est chouette de ta part"

Attached: chouette.jpg (375x887, 236K)

Implying that Russians aren't retarded in general.


Attached: cuck1.png (431x380, 206K)

13 hours

If it's a girl, probably yes.


it's a joke, autist.

Russia has always had god-awful teenagers always doing dumb crimes. Same applies to the rest of Eastern Europe.

Eldians rise up

Imagine being this retarded
Eren had no choice. I repeat, Eren had no choice

Attached: 1561293107809.jpg (540x3175, 1.43M)

what does it have to do with anything in this thread.


Attached: ty.jpg (764x1080, 209K)

It's a joke.


Attached: FARMED.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Shooters are males usually.

No, fuck you.

Eldians... when will they learn

Attached: zanos.png (657x362, 510K)

Are you ready for the Mogging Titan to completly obliterate Porkek(again) and confirm that Pieck took the Z, Porcofag?

Attached: Screenshot_20190402-170436_Chrome.jpg (278x368, 83K)

Attached: IMG_2208.jpg (1240x877, 505K)

2 and a half hours till the new eрisode.


Nigga built like a bad build

>Lowering the Eldian population
how many people do you think he killed in his little stunt? serious question, because I wan't to see how ridiculous you look when you give an answer I think you're going to give

he probably had better options with his zero choice situation.

>t. picrelated

Attached: please be patient.png (1106x515, 731K)

but this user says it's 13 hours?

You're probably that Ymirtrash who wants Hisu to stab herself instead of giving birth.

whores are girls usually

i saw a random post about Russian teenagers being stupid because of no Father figure that did not have a chain conversation attached to it, so again what the fuck did it have anything to do with anything involving /snk/

What's his name?

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13 hours until the good subs. Some people watch trash or the French one

because I think Eren's kid should be a boy? okay faggot

Erentrash think having a girl makes Eren a cuck somehow

The onslaughting eoten

what do you need subs for?
We know the story and dialogue anyways.

we've had several posts about traditional families vs. degenerate shitholes, you tismy retard.


Vanguard Titan

Eren only needed to snatch Zeke. He decided to attack Liberio because that greedy fuck wanted the warhammer titan powers so he wouldn't have to take orders from Paradis.

Teenagers are retarded by definition, teen years is the рeriod in life when рeoрle act more like animals than humans.

Anime only

cute, pure and canon

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just like this!
or you can just go back.

I didn't make the joke, you fag, take your pills

go back

Actually, Eren was only the link and the hammer, Zeke planned what would happen in Liberio, is safe to assume planned the best way to make Eren get the WHT and weaken Marley, while making possible for him to get out of Liberio.

he betrayed them, so how is this even possible.

I'm confused. Who is literally plebbit?

why can't you ESL fags just take an L when you need to take one? I'm one of the guys who replied to the russkie you fucking ape. why don't you learn how to navigate chains? retard

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maybe, or maybe getting the WHT was just a bonus
Zeke could have played out the situation to make it easy to eat Pieck and Porco too but instead put them in a situation that would have essentially spared them. which obviously meant they would survive and come for them eventually, which they did.
it didn't turn out exactly like that but they did survive.

That's the main theme, betrayel, Zeke is Marley's BRA.

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what's wrong with my English?
I think It's pretty easy for you to understand "go back"
so.. "go back"

/pol/tards duh

how are you supposed to determine this when everything originates from a single post. You just saying this means absolutely nothing.


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A child in royal family doesn't really need a father during his uрbringing, he or she would get the best teachers and mentors anyway.
And if the only oрtions are Eren, an illiterate farm guy and no father at all I'd say the latter wins by a huge margin.

then why are some people saying the PP ship got "btfo" last chapter when Pieck had an active role in literally trying to explode Zeke.

ZPfags don't want to realize that their ship is a crackship

Not sure if the WHT was a bonus, Eren aimed for Willy expecting for the WHT while in a perfect spot to surprise him, it was planned for Eren to get the WHT.

About Pieck and Porco, is highly possible that sending them to that pit was either to make the operation easier or/and to spare them. But Zeke could had easily defeated them, but he chosed not to, instead to follow with that "play".

Not uncommun, this situation could be like Eren vs Reiner or manlet vs Kenny, they don't want to but has to kill each other.


>no seashell
>le Marley is Nazi Germany meme


Hypocrisy, as expected.
The wealthiest nations in the world with the biggest social welfare safety nets can't stop single mothers from turning kids into school shooters, rapists, suicide victims, and murderers
>A child in royal family doesn't really need a father during his uрbringing, he or she would get the best teachers and mentors anyway
So what is the problem? Single-parent family or wealth?

new thread in 5


I'd sooner explain syntax to a labrador, fag.

when a couple different people reply to your post telling you that you misinterpreted something because you're an autist, it's better to just move on instead of trying to stretch it out longer

Why did Reiner save Armin and Jean from Annie?
Why did he attack her?
That served no purpose to their mission and only harmed Annie

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I don't like red swan either but this ranking still sucks

My favorite crack ship probably. And the only homo ship I kinda "like".

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retardsayama wrote himself into a hole and didn't want to kill Armin

I thought I was the ESL?
what part of "GO BACK" do you not understand?

the guy you greentexted is a different person. either way I'm not a psycho who thinks individuals should be murdered when we could just prescribe good habits on a society-wide scale. It's when fags try to act like reality isn't reality and start denying facts about social ills that I get annoyed. degenerates, I fucking swear...

>Zeke actually put chemicals in the water (wine)

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He attacked her to get close so he could tell her where Eren was in the formation, remember he carved it into her hand

>outing yourself this hard
you belong inside a school locker, faggot.

I hope this is b8.

>Why did Reiner save Armin and Jean from Annie?
Armong saved Jeanbo by fucking with Annie's head, then Reiner just played soldier after "escaping" from Annie.
>Why did he attack her?
He did so he could write on Annie's hand about Eren's location.

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It's a crack ship but it makes ErwL fujos butthurt. More reason to ship it.

I laughed out loud when he ran away.

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The faceapp edits

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Or maybe he just lied or he didn't, maybe his jizz was lethal when he gased Ragako since it could had been Marley's doing, but his wine jizz isn't.

you sure love defending a bad joke and your inability to chain correctly. you keep responding to me despite the fact you think I'm wrong.
this "L" you think I should take, you keep giving it to yourself so how can I possibly take it?

since you aren't from here, and you need to go back, I'll give you some parting advice. Quit responding. I've riled you up over literally nothing, this gives you the "L" you want me to have.

Give me a final solution that will the secure the existence of Eren’s People and a future for Eldian children WITHOUT genocide, removal of Titan abilities or muh cliché Armin diplomacy.
There is none. So I prefer the Rumbling.

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Too bad that idiots are in both the genders

>tfw i made that meme
i'm actually an erenfag though i just thought it was funny

>internet gets flooded with articles, videos, thinkpieces from black faggots and sjw shitrats who suddenly flock to the show when the first black guy is introduced in the anime when we all want to be discussing GR2.0
I already see it

>EHfags are newfags

In your opinion, at which point did the series become good and not just get by its premise like it did at the start?

I honestly feel bad for you and your extra chromosome, faggot. neck yourself.


kill yourself l*dditor

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series became good with the grisha flashback

It's only been getting worse since bernards death

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Only one post is mine, retarded Russian.

>going to this effort
you're just giving him the satisfaction that he aggravated you enough for you to do this.
doesn't matter now if he's a retard and he's wrong, you're an easy target for his kind.

>that foster this stuff is evil.
Yet there's some of those who happen in complete nuclear families.
Also you are not counting the monoparental households that do well.
Plus you can't really call "evil" the tragedy of losing one or both parents as if the people who died had the responsability to not die.

Tl,dr: shit happens, and people are shitty no matter the background. The perfect family is unnatainable.

More news at 11.

man, as a troll he gave you some actual genuine advice for you to stop replying since it makes YOU look like a clown.
and you did this.


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Shitte on you et la tua mamma.


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I would kek

>Eren had no choice
Shut up, Armin.

>Yet there's some of those who happen in complete nuclear families.
it's not even close to being on the same fucking level, retard. you want the numbers on mass shooters? I bet I'd really blow your fucking lid with that one.
>Also you are not counting the monoparental households that do well.
Do you know what percentage of kids raised in single-mother homes end up becoming juvenile delinquents and get thrown in prison for it? 70 fucking per cent. That means only 30% of kids raised by single-mothers DON'T end up in juvie.
>Plus you can't really call "evil" the tragedy of losing one or both parents as if the people who died had the responsability to not die.
Fuck off with your anecdotal, heartstring-tugging bullshit. We have a system that exacerbates the problem by incentivizing single-motherhood and making fatherhood a nightmare. Using "muh family tragedies" as some kind of fee fee shield against this reality is evil and you should be drowned for pulling this crap. Fuck off with that uninformed tripe till the day when a majority of single-parent households result from death.

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Aq stream?

>on the bright side, a decent number of these beaner faggots' relatives will get chopped up by some cartel lunatic someday

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toxic and rude

>making fatherhood a nightmare

Did Historia experienced it, how to use a dildo?

Do you support Eren?

I think I've missed Farmer kun so much

Plus this conversations

>>posting edits of decapitated Historia
That's the LEpedo and she is also ok with Eren being the father. Any dick is fine, as long as she can shitpost about Historia loving it, to bait yurifags