Just finished this for the first time. What a fucking ride. The ending was a little cliched...

Just finished this for the first time. What a fucking ride. The ending was a little cliched, but overall it was a pretty satisfying read. Still a little confused on some parts but overall I’m surprised how well it all came together.

Dorohedoro thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Anime pv fucking WHEN?

The only inconsistency I found was that Risu/Curse recognized Ebisu at the beginning when Caiman ate her. He recognizes her with her mask off, when the only time he "saw" her (the picture of her on the bottle of her magic) she was wearing her mask.

Ebisu really felt like a wasted character, having her recover from her brain damage and showing that her true self is actually quite different from the character the reader was used to only to backpeddle and put that charm in her head and reduce her to comic relief again like that.

Yeah Def a top tier manga

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I agree, damaged Ebisu is more amusing.

But it's still one of the most underrated manga. I just like how it's totally different from all the rest.

I've never seen another manga where most protagonists can die like shit at every moment and are doomed to go in hell in a world seemingly dominated by OP capricious daemons who don't give a fuck about just anything.

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Fuck that part eins family was a bunch of faggots the cross eyes were just trying to survive

"Oh my half human genes"

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I really liked how Chidaruma’s entire endgame was finding a friend who he didn’t create. It would honestly get pretty boring being an immortal near omnipotent being after hundreds of thousands of years, so Holey being an equivalent immortal being of great power formed due to factors outside his control would be pretty exciting, a chance for a friend to play with that isn’t just an extension of yourself. All their ‘interactions’ were cute too, but that goes for most character dynamics in this series.

His loneliness was still partially his own fault because he never once really bothered to see the mortal characters as anything more than puppets he made. Even when it became clear they had a unique perspective he was totally lacking. He was confused and angry that Asu hid the knowledge of Nikaido from him and he couldn't fathom a reason why Kaiman would risk his life to save Nikaido, a sorcerer, considering the relationships between the species. Doing some introspection for 10 minutes would tell him that he could maybe learn something from actually getting to know these his beyond a megalomaniac god/servant relationship.

Instead he just watched everyone tear each other apart to make a "friend" that didn't give a single fuck about him. Becoming a human is the best thing that's ever happened to him.

I wish Bones making anime adaptation...

Oh yeah it was definitely his own fault, I just really liked how it was portrayed. I imagine once his 50,000 years of humanity are up he’ll have learnt at least a little bit.

The artstyle is so unique so its hard to see how the adaptation would end up.

I’m usually pretty optimistic about this sort of thing but I just can’t see it looking good at all, unless it’s adapted only in 12-13 episode seasons so the budget isn’t spread thin. OVAs seem like a better choice but who knows, we don’t even know who’s adapting it yet so we don’t know their plan or endgame for picking Dorohedoro of all series. Maybe a producer is a huge fan and wants to do it as a passion project? It’s happened before. We’ll have to wait and see I guess. I can only hope that because it’s such a shit to adapt that whoever’s doing it is doing it only because they know they can pull it off.

I never see this mentioned, but I don't really think the super scratchy artstyle is that important. As long as the environments are grimy and cluttered with lots of texture they can make the lines as smooth as they want. Even the constantly posted examples are all panels from volumes 1-3. The vast majority of the series isn't really like that at all. pic related.

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>Maybe a producer is a huge fan and wants to do it as a passion project?
Doesn't always end up being a positive sadly.

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>overall I’m surprised how well it all came together.
Yeah, whilst it was on its run i'd see complaints here and there about how it was meandering too much and that it seemed like q was making stuff up as she went along, i think it was mostly frustration from the wait between chapters. after re reading from start to finish though i was also surprised how well everything came together, especially for something that was running for nearly 20 years

Haven’t read much of it yet (only finished chapter 3). Thinking of picking it back up but it’s kind of a drag that the only scenes that got me curious with the story so far is when MC is alone (gatorhead and nightmares) and when the antagonists are in the picture (the lackey seems like a good person). I like the unique setting and the artstyle is neutral for me but otherwise the story itself hasn’t grabbed my attention yet. Does the story pick up soon?

The craziest thing is Hayashida said she pretty much didn't plan anything when it first started serializing.

Does anyone have this? Or are there scans anywhere? I kind of want to get it but i want to know whats inside first beyond the the character bio pages all the previews show

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I have it. It's got:
Character bios
the two short comics that came bundles with the threezero Kaiman and Shin figures
the entirety of EL CUENTO CORTO DEL DIABLO (random art and 3 comics)
A bonus omake set after the ending featuring the En family

IIRC, the story went on longer than intended. At least for a couple of volumes.

It really was frustrating to read while it was still on-going, since it felt sooo close to end every time a chapter came out, and then it just went on.

A lot of monthly action/mystery manga like this are like that, the climax is the pay off for years of build up but it progresses really slowly while ongoing because there’s so many plot threads and characters all running around doing shit that it takes quite a few pages to depict what might only be a minute or two of action if it played in real time. JoJolion is pretty similar to Dorohedoro in plot structure and mystery and the threads for that are full of people bitching about things not being resolved immediately after being introduced, but that’s probably just because it’s the JoJo fanbase. As a finished work Doeohedoro flows pretty well, though the final arc starting with Hole swallowing the department store was certainly a little longer than it strictly had to be, but I think Q earned the right to take her time and flesh it out as much as she wanted at that point.



I picked up this series right after it ended so I was able to binge through in a couple days. I was incredibly impressed with how it all tied together but I can see how some might find it a bit of a slog when waiting for individual chapters to come out. Might just be me though, I'm not a huge fan of reading a single chapter a week.

Anyways, this is one of the best series I've read in years and possibly my favorite of all time.

I love how Hayashida mixes the dark and gritty with silliness and innocence. One of my favorite manga.

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It's basically dark comedy done right.

Yeah it's so charming for such a dark series.

Yeah, but Dorohedoro's ending was literally postponed multiple times. I'll probably enjoy it more when I read it in one go though.

How long has it been since the anime announcement? It's weird to me that we still don't know anything about it.

I get what you mean, but on the other hand I found the ongoing gag of her laughing at everything to be hilarious.

Waiting for translations was also pain in the ass. And add to that the magazine switching that happened it was just kinda for the best to just forget about ditohedoro for up to a year every now and then


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It’s consistent in how dark and silly it is, the ratio very rarely skews too far in either direction while simultaneously going to the extreme in both directions. It’s pretty difficult to balance the tone that well but she did it excellently.

It was announced alongside the final chapter and final volume announcement back in November. I suppose you could see it as a good thing that they’re taking their time on it.

One of the best aspects of Dorohedoro is the lack of morality. Characters mostly do whatever they want so long as they have the strength to do so.
Then the devils and Chidaruma are so strong that they get bored and go stir crazy, ending up with off the wall shit happening.
It's so refreshing too because usually a world without morals and characters who can exercise their will based on power is played up bluntly to preach some message. Yet Dorohedoro embraces the silliness that can come with such a power structure.

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I saw someone once described Dorohedoro as Burton meets Tarantino which I thought was pretty appropriate. Violent, dark grim but also strangely cheery.

Too bad she’s FLAT! Haha! FLAT! Hear me Ebisu?!

I like those gags too, but it would be nice if she did at least get some serious moments/some form of closure towards the end. Also, her power is pretty cool too, would be nice to see it just a bit more, especially near the end when shit was hitting the fan.

I'd forgotten about this. It really made my heart swell to see that little moment. I'm so glad that Ebisu and Fujita weren't shit on 100% of the time. Damn I need to reread this. I forgot how things ended for the two of them.

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I really like how En's gang is just so damn chill. Sure, En's the ruthless head of a bunch of magical mafia and Shin etc are also super powerful and are like the top echelons of the mafia, but they doesn't mind letting some scrub like Fujita hang around them and are friendly with him. Like, they just don't care about hierarchy and all that shit.

Mean user

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I dunno why but most of Chidaruma’s gags cracked me up, especially how he feels the need to mention his style at the time every time he jumps forward in time during his explanation of how Hole came to be. There’s something so aloof about all of them that really sells you on the idea that he’s completely detached from humanity, sorcerers as well.

It’s true though. Given how much Hayashida loves big women I’m surprised we didn’t have a chapter where Ebisu was confused for a boy.

imo Hayashida pulls of quirkiness better than Burton. It's hard for me to describe, but Burton's stuff feels super self-indulgent and begging for attention. He takes normal things and distorts them to create quirky goth stuff. Hayashida doesn't really distort reality towards one aesthetic as much as embrace darker surrealism. Again, it's hard for me to put into words. I totally agree on the Tarantino part however.

En's family is a lot like the gangsters in Scorsese movies in how they're portrayed. They don't think twice about all the terrible shit they do because it's normal for them, and since there's no peanut gallery judging them there's no direct barrier for the audience's ability to connect with/like them.

I feel like Tarantino is also pretty self indulgent these days, but I agree the comparison is more apt.

My favourite moment that just cemented how fickle the devils were was when they pulled the ex-devil up to their party and healed him so they could have Gyoza, then without heartbeat plucked his eyes as soon as they were done with him and threw him back with a "Don't forget you're just another pawn on our game too."

The heel turn from quirky to absolutely genuinely sinister really made the devils.

En is based as hell. It doesn't matter if you're a mage with a rare power who's high up in the Family or just a ground level dude. He does whatever he can to protect you so long as you're part of the Family. Probably the most honorable character in the manga.

He was still a massive asshole in how he treated people, but the fact that he did protect and avenge even his random nooks when it came down to it was based as fuck.

I liked Hateful 8 because it felt like a return to his style of turning suspense up to 11, but the dialogue did get pretty hamfisted. Inglorious Basterds was the last film of his that I really got into. The thing about Tarantino is that he's at his best when treating violence as something entirely neutral - like it's the weather and doesn't choose sides.
Dorohedoro takes the same casual approach where violence and death aren't languished over or glorified. Death is just a thing that happens with such regularity that people have long since stopped caring. I've always thought that there was something inherently funny about that kind of mindset.

Anyone got any good recs based on this style? The whole dark but somehow still very cute and endearing? The artstyle is unique, in that im sure but anything similar thematically?

I always got the feeling that he largely saw his family as a collection that increased his prestige and testified to his power. His family was a monument to his vanity so he retaliated when anyone had the audacity to disrespect or attack them. I loved En's character and I thought his vanity served as a great backdrop for the rare moments where he showed more feeling and humanity.

Chainsaw Man, my dude.

Golden Kamuy blends comedy and violence really well and has a similar cast of really endearing psychos on every side of the conflict.

I liked En a lot more after he was forced out of his mansion by the Cross Eyes. He become not only more relatable and sympathetic, but we see him get serious and pull off some of the most badass things in the series.

Dai Dark? But Q just started that. There really isn't anything like Dorohedoro. Maybe Maken X Another but I haven't read it yet so I don't really know if it has the humor

Early Burton is fine and did well in the whole German expressionism/ Gothic style. Dorohedoro had a bit of the Beetlejuice vibe and his Batman still a best. Later Burton however, definitely feels like him chasing after past glory.

>German expressionism
That's awesome that you got that vibe too. I was also thinking about that style when typing my first post. I ought to go back and watch his earlier things because today I just think of Burton as a goth Wes Anderson.

Remember that the author wasn't sure when the series was going to end at one point. With Ebisu in particular it felt like she was winding down her whole character arc for a conclusion, then the author got an extension for the series approved so she then had to undo/postpone all that.

In the end she's living happily anyway so I'm not too bothered, but it is a bit jarring I suppose.

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Damn I love these Dorohedoro threads. Never see people shitposting it up or waifufags, just some chill discussion.

Just wait until the anime airs and the literal double digit IQ ADHD posters arrive

From recent-Chainsawman.

noh i es muh waifu ;)

Burton needs to take a fucking break. That Miss Peregrine shit was literally x-men: goth kids edition. And not like the good x-men movies, but the shit ones like last stand. Also his gaybuddy Depp needs to take a break too; I swear that fucker played Fear in Loathing and then just forgot to break character.

I got a kick out of the absurdity of a lot Chidaruma's actions. I loved when he was leading the devils like a tour group.

Too be honest,it's the fact that manga is obscure just enough for people to exclude shitposting and making too much threads.Like every other series,if it manages to become popular because anime could be at least decent-it's over.

>draws girl with man hand

Pretty much this.
Enjoy the comf while it lasts.

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I cant discuss this until viz releases the last volume, which will be september.

For me the best part was around the pie contest with En and that bat-hatted crazy chick. It was really enjoyable.
I feel like it got too dark/angsty later on when volumes after volumes was just kaiman suffering and shit.

My main complaint would be that I liked it better when it felt like we were following "just another dude" an people like En were just the local power structure.
I don't like that eventually it turns out this is literally the entire world. Chidaruma is the one king devil that made all devils. En is the strongest sorcerer. Holeguy is all of humanity or something and now it's about ending or saving the world.
It killed a lot of the mystery that came with the worldbuilding and made everything feel very tiny suddenly. In my mind there was so much more shit happening in the next country or something. I never imagined "the hole" to be the ONE human city, period. Maybe it always was and I forgot or misread.

Still is my favorite manga.

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The lowpoint was definitely when Kaiman was missing.

>she pretty much didn't plan anything when it first started serializing
Damn I thought she had everything planned out from the start
Wonder what she's planning for Dai Dark

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She definitely had most of kaiman's identity sorted out before the series began i've seen scans of her planning sheets where she's plotted out the major character relations.

Do we have ANY news on the anime? Studio? Date?

Nope, nothing since it was announced last November.

Yes we know this is going to be the opening

JC Staff, in the same season where they're also doing Railgun and 2 other adaptations.

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You guys are raising my expectations for that series. I read the first couple of chapters when it came out and thought it was fairly cool but put it down to let some chapters accumulate.
And frankly I trust you a little more than the memeing shitposters over at the ToC threads.

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Here's the interview, she says it on the right.

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I liked the Restaurant Tanba crew a lot and I'm glad they were able to get in on some of that head-chopping action.
They introduced Kirion as a girl but I completely glossed over that detail until she took her mask off.

I'm really hoping some of the soundtrack gets used in the anime.

Thanks user, since I never followed it as it serialized I missed out on all these cool bonus tidbits

Maken is not funny at all, and it has no comedy.

Maken is just a rather standard action manga since it's mainly done to shill the game.

I followed it religiously for a long time but fell off around...shit, must've been like 2013? And it finished last year? The fuck, it seemed like it was starting to wrap up back then. Guess I got some reading to do.

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>Silent Hill fan
Man this fucking woman

It's similar in the way that it has non-traditional story structure, atmosphere (gore and aloof), weird but sweet main characters, mundane yet cool fashion. On top of that, the world building is also about humans versus demons.
When the first chapter came out, first thing I thought was "this is trying to be dorohedoro", and now that we're a few volumes in, this feeling is still here.
Is it good? I guess I enjoy it for now. It's made by the Fire Punch guy and it shows.

Yeah the final arc took a while purely because of all the character and plot threads ongoing. Mystery stories be like that.

I read the first volume and I didn't like the magic bit. Worth continuing?

Golden Kamuy is really similar to Dorohedoro just with how it treats its cast.

It picks up soon, before Chapter 7 or 10 I think. What didn't you like about the magic? The system is fairly straight forward with each magic user getting only one kind of ability, and the action sequences are physical more often than not.

Golden Kamuy nails the character interaction style, handles multiple competing/coordinating factions well, and is the best ongoing manga being translated at present.
Doro and GK are both top tier.

This, see what happened with the Dummbells with only the PV.

I hate magic in general because it's a lazy way to make characters powerful without putting thought into a proper power system. The only magic I like is in folk tales and those kinds of stories where it's part of nature.

Nice timing, I just finished it as well. I agree the ending was kind of rushed if nothing else but it at least felt satisfying enough and not cheap or halfassed. I stopped reading it while it was publishing in the middle of the department store stuff because it was getting too confusing especially with hiatuses and monthly releases but I'm glad I came back to reread the whole thing. The first third or so is amazing and while I didn't like the rest as much, the ending at least had a bunch of fun stuff and went back to being reasonably lighthearted while still dark and interesting. F MEGA to Gyozo wand.
My one question though is why were Asu and Nikaido revived at the end though, and why did they come out of the house?

i liked it more when the fujo pandering was played more like a joke
i feel like its just to handfisted now, like every chapter has gay "jokes"
also the story really slow down lately

The ex-devils took their heads back to the house where their bodies are and honored their part of the deal with Kaiman. They had Chidamura resurrect Asu and Nikaido both.

I assume you are not reading the manga and you just hear about the otter soup.

Fun series, a bit overrated. It's best not to be too critical and just enjoy the ride like Fire Punch

I took a break from it during the department store stuff around the middle because while I'm fine with edge and gore etc the whole cross eyes boss and pipes turning everyone into zombies stuff and also after En died just felt wayyyyyyy too edgy even for me, and even worse was the fact that it kept having delays and was saying stuff like "the next volume will be the last" despite the fact that it felt like the conflict was nowhere near being resolved (which was correct because it ended up going for another 70 chapters or something)

That makes sense, thanks.

you could try firepunch, from the same author, and already completed.
I'd say firepunch is better than chainsawman, but it's difficult to say since one is just in the beginning.

>Fire Punch
Read some of that and got pretty into it but forgot why I dropped it. I'll give it another go sometime.

I legit can't believe this, the way everything comes together in the end is so good it's hard to believe it just happened to fall into place.

Don't worry, this isn't a battle manga where fights are the focus of the story. And despite having magic most characters prefer to punch or bash each other with a weapon.

>it picks up
Oh nice
I’ll read it on Wednesday then

The first half of Fire Punch is extremely mixed for people. Personally I really didn't like it until around Volume 4 when still really gets crazy. I wouldn't say it similar to Dorohedoro though since the tone it different and it's not as comedic