I hope you don't just watch new anime

I hope you don't just watch new anime.

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Can you still get TVs like this online?
If so, how much?

You can't. Don't even bother searching.

like $50-100 on ebay

I used a TV like this to record anime off Adult Swim. Still have the tapes.

Yesterday I found some of my old VHS tapes from when I was a child. It had Simpson's episodes and gameplay from whatever game I was playing at the time. It was a surreal experience to go through all of those.

It looks comfy, but staring at a gun firing electrons at you for hours on end is very unpleasant if you're not used to it

Attached: 14939583851769.webm (1024x576, 2.63M)

Yes, but it's very difficult to find a decent one, because even the newest models are closer to 15 years old.

You can get a CRT at thrift store or Craigslist for practically nothing (or even literally nothing), especially a lower end model like OP's.
If you mean brand new though then good luck, nobody's made CRTs in about 10 years or so.

Really? I never had a problem as a kid. Now I kinda want to bust one out of storage, see if my eyes have become unaccustomed to CRTs

>those commercial VHS Nintendo would hand out at vidya retailers

Fun times.

gee I sure love trying to get a hold of old anime.

Attached: uybd.jpg (916x385, 106K)

I will never be able to finish Gundam ZZ

Why not simply download it then?

Why are we pretending that the majority of old anime isn't garbage?

zoom zoom

Old anime is vastly superior to new anime, prove me wrong.


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I bet you arent even old enough to buy beer incel

probably older than most people here

Uhh that’s released on bd literally on amazon
Unless you’re out for vhs only

Unironically this.

>Unless you’re out for vhs only
I find it baffling that people like that exist, VHS quality sucks dick.

Kenny where is the fucking video


I have a SHARP 14" CRT with a separate DVD player. All the VHS tapes I ever knew got moldy and trashed.

What's with the tranny stickers?

>VHS quality sucks dick

eva fans are mentally ill whoda thunk?

i have the whole series of eva VHS in mint condition, i think it might be kind of valuable one day. I already can't find a place to buy the series brand new on the internet, and i have a copy of the EoE tape too which is pretty rare i believe. I love having that shit. I think you can still buy the original keyframes from evangelion off of ebay, for like 1000-20000 dollars each lol

cover art still looks better than 90% of modern anime

What's the limit year to be considered old? Can we say before 2010 is old?

I'd put that line around the early 1980s, but the next user will probably move it even further back.

2009 was 10 years ago. The majority here wasn't even born in the 80's.

Old, as in oldfag, or what do you mean?

If it's old enough to get blackout drunk and fuck a prostitute in America then it's old.

>old enough to get blackout drunk

Can't even children "achieve" that using apple juice and several "Kinder" products?

We aren't. It's merely the ironic weeb newfags who are.

I got one back at my parents place and my bother constantly is watching shit on it. Main issue is finding VHS tapes.