Raphiel is so hot!

Raphiel is so hot!

Attached: raphiel boobs.jpg (850x1200, 749K)

OP is so stupid!

Raphiel is hotter from a purely carnal perspective, Vigne is hotter from a more intellectual perspective.

Attached: vigne.jpg (1000x1500, 823K)


Raphiel is heavy.

Attached: D9V-WWiUEAADl6I.jpg:orig.jpg (1443x2048, 237K)

Raphiel is the second-least appealing girl (after the smelly angel). She has great tits but her teasing is purely malicious and not sexy at all. She'd be a dead fish in bed. Both demons are 100x sexier.

Attached: raphiel.jpg (2220x1080, 626K)

And this is a rare pic of a Raphiel on meth

Attached: IMG-20190617-WA0014.jpg (668x483, 46K)

move aside best girl coming through

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Attached: D9LqWz6UwAA6KZk.jpg:orig.jpg (1443x2048, 252K)

What would an angle need a body like this for?

She needs it for services

move aside best girl coming through

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Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

Attached: Vampire Gabu Scarf.jpg (850x843, 152K)

We've been over this. All Gabus are fine, even 3D Gabu.

Attached: D9fB116UcAArCXQ.jpg:orig.jpg (1128x1504, 507K)

>janny is a raphifag

Attached: putyourheadonthecurbbaka.jpg (800x450, 80K)

I want to lift those weights

Attached: 1502806020051.jpg (2448x1376, 588K)

Imagine Raphi making you lick her ass in front of all your classmates.

Attached: 1532770489476.jpg (850x1200, 801K)

When she purifies men from their sins, where do you think they end up?

Attached: 1522815878031.jpg (960x1244, 182K)

Sins or men?

>barely any doujins at all.
Such is life. I wish there was enough good artist to attend to every series out there.

You'll get your gachashit and you'll like it, fag.

Attached: 1532277749765.png (705x1200, 510K)

Single man vanisher.

We need more semen angels.

Vigne is for devouring your soul through your dick.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.02_[2017.01.18_18.02.51].png (1280x720, 1.46M)

>Raphiel is so hot!
Superior to anyone.
you are welcome for the fix.

Attached: window raphi.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Worst girl

Me on the right.

Attached: __kurumizawa_satanichia_mcdowell_and_shiraha_raphiel_ainsworth_gabriel_dropout_drawn_by_hikari_niji_ (850x523, 93K)

Why are they so lewd?

Attached: b2be2bce7be8c8a729423ba2271c480fb.jpg (3000x2250, 1.79M)

Gabu is hot. Raphi is boring.

Silver hair is disgusting.

Yes, Vignette and especially this shot of her really stimulates my intellect.

indeed, my brain is rock hard just looking at her.

i'm having a cerebral overload just thinking about it