Chainsaw Man

Are you reading the best manga of 2019, user?

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Other urls found in this thread:!Xc8nECIR!tEheeBJj7UDJmZNMnzkHeA

>Chainsaw Man
>Not Half Man, Half Chainsaw.
Hate it when they do this.

Jesus what is that face.

>bullet immunity
>long range splat strike

What kind of demon did she contracted with? What's the cost?

Does Denji have any chance of actually fucking this? I get the impression she's just pulling his leg.

The cost is pretty self explanatory, but the type of demon isn't obvious yet.


>literally a shittier death note


>last arc
>enemy mooks are scared of the "Chainsaw Man"
>denji goes around killing waves of enemies to reach the final boss like a horror slasher
>the more they fear him, the stronger he gets

good mango

Im currently finishing firepunch (holyfuck what a ride) thanks to some user who posted it last weej

fucking paperwork demon

Literally never been this hyped for a new shonen in years. Let's hope it sticks.

Didn't this almost get the ax?

i wish makima would squish me

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What's everyone's favourite panel so far?
>inb4 mouth vomit

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You believe a falsefag didnt you?

All the Shadman spreads

I just have a faulty memory

Multiple contracts. But random guess: She probably knows their name and location by seeing through bird eyes that also gives her the name of the target like Death Note's Shinigami vision. Then she would sacrifice the prisoners like Basil Hawkins' puppet ability and crush them in her hands.

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literally a shittier Yea Forums

I want to see more of what he will do with his chainsaws.

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This one was really striking in the moment. Overall though I'm continuously awed by this guy's stuff but big action scenes do little for me, i feel like they are too busy to give a striking feeling even though i do enjoy and appreciate the manga.

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CHapter 23 was one of the biggest "holy shit" moments I've had.

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My favourite part of this manga is the dialogue, epsecially in moments like this

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Will we ever return to comfy devil hunting?


Viz today?

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>tfw she's gone

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She reminds me of that bitch from No More Heroes who always promised sex in exchange for getting the job done.

No one is allowed to know she contracted the plot device devil.

Where are you all reading this? I normally use Mangadex because it's easy to see updates, but no English translations of Chainsaw Man have been uploaded there.

Literally just google Chainsaw Man m8. For fucks sake mangastream if you are that lazy.

That's not really what I meant. I'm up to date on the manga. Just looking for better places to read everything so that I can better keep track of updates.

>Are you reading the best manga of 2019, user?

Fire Punch was an mediocre mess, why should I?

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I've always read the newest chapter in these threads, it seems to be the quickest since we get the spoilers, Korean scans, the user translation, the mangastream and then finally viz.

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What day of the week do new chapters come out again?

This manga is trash. Girls are sluts boys are retards story is confusing

>story is confusing
Oh no.... it’s retarded

Not a single panel but two panels hooked me...

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2/2 he is such a simple minded guy

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What dialect is Denji supposed to have? Kansai? Akita?

Just finished fire punch

I don't know how to describe it, people say it went down in quality after the city however that isn't true... The manga kept hitting different messages and everything was a bit interconnected. It tried to go down a rabbit hole and cover extremes of human survival. It did it alright even the ending was fine.

But I just feel a weird sense that something is off and I can't put my finger on it. I think it's that the MC was more a vessel for the story than a driving force behind it, but then again that may have been the purpose of it with everyone calling him the protagonist and only after dipping out of the spotlight did he find happiness as the plot and expectations of what he would do no longer applied.

Overall it was a good read, but what did everyone else think?

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The official translation is release for free by shueisha on mangaplus

On Yea Forums, we usually read this shit 4 times wait for korean scans, then either a korean user translates to english on the thread then Japanese scan is leaked, another user corrects translation of the korean translation, the mangastream releases theirs, then the last is the official sameday as japan release on mangaplus.

Reddit just steals everything from koreans scans to mangaplus rips

Why are the Koreans so much better than the Japanese?

country bumpkin. could be kansai but we don't actually know where he lived originally

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Oh also can someone explain the whole "He's trapped in a womans body thing"
I didn't understand that. Was she supposed to be crazy because of old age or because she's mentally ill or because she was at one point a guy and then converted to female?

You aren't in any way, gook.

She’s trans

So she is crazy because she's trans, but the thing earlier said that regenerators tend to be emotionless psychopaths as they age... but then again the ones in 4 digits still seemed to have emotions so I guess it fits

she's crazy because she is bored. she was contemplating killing herself because she had no entertainment until the 2 gays showed her footage of Agni.
she seems to be the oldest Immortal since she knew more about the pre frozen world than every other immortal save the ice witch girl. it wouldn't be surprising if the pre-ice world had a viable way of gender change since they had advanced tech such as blessings and armored endoskeletons, she couldn't transition since she would heal any changes to her body

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The most dreaded by the common citizen.

Where's the high-quality color page?

We saw two abilities:

1) She can squash far away humanoid targets by rubbing her hands after making a sacrifice say the targets name. The sacrifice will die without even having agreed to any contract. A rule is probably that she needs to hold authority over the sacrifices life anyways. (e.g. have a bound target that could not resists her) There might be further conditions we do not know about (What about two people with the same? Does she need to know the targets face?).

2) She can resurrect / heal. She was shot clean in the head and looked quite dead, so my guess is resurrection and not healing wounds. My second guess it that it also involves human sacrifice: She has either previously sacrifice humans to give her resurrections or she has designated a sacrifice that died in her place.

As for her demon: Shinigami, duh.

> she couldn't transition since she would heal any changes to her body
This is a fantastically radical view on "sex reassignment surgery" and yet it's just an not very important detail in the back story of a character. I think she even mentioned that surgery is impossible because of her regeneration.

Those are extremely long femurs

Actually we saw a third ability: The guys she killed in the train ended up with huge holes in their stomachs. She probably has at least a second demon that can blow holes in humans -guess what, it's the gun demon.

>inb4 she's the physical representation of the Fox

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Can someone sum up the ending for me please? I've read up to chapter 38 and at this point, it feels like a chore.

is it strange that pochita and denji's relationship is strangely wholesome?

Finish reading it but if you aren't going to

In short
-Ice Witch doesn't exist
-Old humans had all the blessings and could activate and inactivate them at will
-Also had methods to kill themselves as they were all regenerators
-Woman claiming to be the ice witch wants to warm the world, kill humanity, and create new humanity.
-Does this by making what's her name a tree that will warm the world
-MC has a mental breakdown because protagonists story isn't allowed to just end.
-MC kills an entire village and the guy that set him on fire
-MC ruins the plan by rescuing her as she was used as the core for the tree
-She gets amnesia but erases Agni's fire
-Agni and her live on with the survivors from the massacre as they don't recognize him
-Girls, Judialth or whatever it was, is tricked into believing she is Luna
-10 years later Ice witch tells the FUEL village about her plans to save the world
-San can read minds as he's awakened all the blessings and kills her
-Sans village takes new Luna
-Agni gets Domas grandson to set him back on fire
-Goes to the village in a blind rage
-San beats him down but gets set on fire
-Luna reawakens with her memories and frees Agni again
-Agni now has amnesia and is made to believe his name is San
-Luna becomes the tree to warm the world
-Earth warms
-Humanity goes back to war with itself as it seems the world is still infertile and doomed to die
-Countless eons later Earth is destroyed
-Sun and Moon meet up in space
-Big bang happens
-They all die and go to the big movie theatre in the sky

>Are you reading the best manga of 2019, user?
Yes, but Chainsaw Man is not bad too. I hope it won't end as badly as Fire Punch did.

I love theory crafting. It reminds me of the comfy bleach threads before the shipping shitstorm.

soo good

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It was prommising for the first 2/3 of its run but ended being an incoherent story.

Jesus, what a roller coaster. Thank you, user.

>ywn be her pet
why does like has to be so shit bros?

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The twist is that she is the devil all along you dorks

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Denji and Power destined to become something more. His main weakness is blood. His POWER-up can come only from blood.

Nobody will be surprised at that. What kind of devil is what gets the brains to thinking.

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wasnt it made blatantly obvious she's not human from the beginning? as long as it's no some dumb shit like a self hating devil or she got bored and wanted to see what the other side was like bs

Everyone wants Power, but Denji needs power

Main point is her eyes. But Aki seen her eyes and still likes her, so here's some explanation, for eyes at least.

> as long as it's no some dumb shit like a self hating devil or she got bored and wanted to see what the other side was like bs
I bet he is gonna pull some cliche about devil falling in love with a human

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she's the fox 100%

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Makima is a Daji

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Yep, and it's great. Love me some My Hero Academia.

Holy shit it's 2017 again?

Fushi is alive i can feel it bros. Him dying was just a prank, his IQ is too high for him to die

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Power without horns looks even cuter. But horns add that spicy cherry on top.

rollin for POWA

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>Still believing this theory
The similarities sure are there, but it might just be indication that she is not human.

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Guys, what if Makima made a deal with the fox to get a pair of the fox' eyes?

>who said "body parts as payment" works only one way
ooooh interesting

literally just look there it's a huge hint to them being the same
it's not the only instance too, their speech patterns are really similar

Who eats dessert at breakfast?

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I wouldn't go so far as to say its the best manga of 2019. There is good ongoing manga. But this is more exciting to anticipate a new release than any other.

>toast with butter and jam AND dessert
She's fucking diabetes devil i swear you

I'd be like that if I got scammed too.

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>best anything
at least fire punch was interesting because we had no idea where it would go, and the novelty hadn't warn off yet, it was still a poorly written jumbled mess, and now chainsaw man is just that, minus the novelty.

Look at how happy Power is.

>tfw she was literal about not getting away from makima

Like I said, their speech being similar could also be indication of something else. Foxes are associated with japanese folklore, Makima (or her devil) could be as well.

Please elaborate, or else you sound like a retard.

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>best manga of 2019
That's Black Clover

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why does she like getting Denji hot and bothered?

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Because she knows that's the best way to get a retarded horny dude to do whatever she says.

>be american
>gun devil shoots you

Rolling for 69

A stone cold fox!

big boobs

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>Shock Value - The Shonen
>Best Manga of 2019

why is Aki and Denji such a jobber bros?

Fuji and Rin-san are trying to take first chapter tweet to 100k RT.


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Is Aki dead?
Is Himeno dead?
Is Denji dead?

"Yes" for now

Aki killed Shadman in a single chapter. Bullshit Lolis are a different matter.

They sure know how to juice every little bit of that event. Anyways, Viz in 4 hours.


I love this guy.
Dude asks where he can vote for CSM, Fujimoto "Maybe internet"
Reminder to cast your vote for CSM if you still haven't.

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That page is sick. I love the use of shadows.

Why is her eye like hat?

Why is the triple sword guy called Shadman here or am I confused


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HQ in 2 days hopefully.

Shadman is a porn artist of questionable taste and morality. He gets attention by drawing controversial shit, and is a meme because of that. His avatar is very similar to the look of the Sword Guy.

so it's color page or poster?

Yeah I know who Shadman is and what he produces, didn't know about the avatar. Thanks.

This guy is a fucking genius I swear


The way Makima's ass is drawn still bothers me. You can't unsee it.


How much is Power's IQ?




I don't speak moon, but if there's a box you want me to click to help it somehow, I'll do it.

>if you go blind
>if/when you have to cover your eyes when I use my devil
Is she forshadowing something?

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Open it in chrome and translate the page. I haven't found an addon for firefox that works as well.

>Open it in chrome
I'd rather learn Japanese.

is this the fire punch of our generation

Fox Slut Plays Silly Boys Like A Damn Fiddle

What would be the Devil you contracted with, user ?

Remember : the more this devil's name/idea/notion inspires fear to humans, the more powerful it is.

>Owl Devil

Is it strong ?

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>Investigation devil
Criminals fear them I guess, it's too broad.

>girlfriend devil
I have no idea how powerful this is.

Extremely powerful, user.
You might pose a real threat to the gun devil.

Wife devil>lover devil>gf devil>>>>>>every other devil

owls are generally pretty creepy, but only minority of people view it that way
so i guess you got discount fox without cool fox mythology
eh at least it's probably cheap

>forum demon
guys i got the shitposting devil
how strong am i

>Teenage devil

Oh fuck kill me now.

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This, I actually laugh

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>bond devil
The bane of all loners

>Pelican Devil
ummmm, ok? I'll be fodder then

Pretty damn strong i'd say

>parole demon

>notoriety devil
How strong?

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Pelicans are fucking scary, dude.

i think i won boys

>Republican devil

>beheading devil
I think I’m really strong

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Wriggler demon, i can see it looking rad as fuck

That's actually the less scary type of execution because for a majority of people, beheading is quick and painless.

>Epithelium Devil
So how strong would this be? On one hand if the devil is somehow able to manipulate peoples epithelium cells it would be pretty busted but on the other hand I doubt many people are afraid of epithelium.

>San can read minds as he's awakened all the blessings and kills her
No, he's very intuitive and also insane.

got boogeyman, probably busted

>Crap Devil

I'm not surprised.

>Isolation devil
how powerful is this

>Colon Devil
It is almost 2020.

I'm slow, please help

Adoption Devil. Figures. What do I give it my family? I have none

You would let her do it though.


"become my pet and I'll feed you" is a devil's contract.

>Affect devil
what does that even do

>Creativity devil
do i win

>Gene Devil
CHAD devil right here

>Nothing devil
uh. I mean. does it exist?

>Napkin devil

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>Soul devil

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>Motivation devil

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>Intercourse Devil

You're fucked.

How the fuck is this a noun aint this a verb

>american education

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Well yes I’m American.... haha yes totally

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>food devil
You're f'ed

Effect is the noun. Affect is a verb.

How scary is the Burden Devil?

>sadness devil
b r u h

>Affect is a verb.
and a noun,too. Really, look it up.

>Candidate devil
Honestly could be quite powerful during election seasons


Mangaplus is out.

I mean yeah

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Noodles Devil, striking fear in the hearts of this damned world's university students pulling all-nighters and also poorfags.

who's up for a Viz dump?

do it

why are the devils that contract with devil hunters okay with being race traitors? What do they think is going to happen after the humans wipe out all the non-contracting devils?

1 Life per squash, ie the death row inmates.
No explanation on why she isn't dead from bullets though.

Devils mainly just want to fuck shit up, they aren't a race so much as personifications of terror. There is no loyalty between them beyond stronger devils making weaker devils serve them.

>Don't die Aki
>If you die here, you can't cry for me

>Bagel Devil
I perish

the report post devil

Isn't there an arm's race between countries to procure the strongest devil contracts?
I doubt the government want to seriously wipe out all the devil's, they are probably content to separate the wheat from the chaff and attempt to recruit the powerful devil's. Devil's themselves benefit from a stable source of food or whatever else they want and a lot of them want to get stronger anyway.

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This whole scene was pretty erotic

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ehhh... maybe that's good? I guess it depends on how I describe myself.

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so is it better than fire punch or has it not jumped the shark yet and went crazy over the top

It means you make devils have feels.

>blanket devil

This is counterproductive!

Do Japs not understand that Hawaii is American territory?

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Libertarians dread me as do people I pull over for speeding.

Or the other way around
>Curses, a Sovereign Citizen! And he's "travelling!" My powers have no effect on him!


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Maybe it's not in the manga's timeline? Maybe it belongs to glolious nippon?

Viz is out can somebody else dump. I don't have a pass so it will be very slow otherwise

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>Cover Devil
I don't even know what the fuck

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>plague devil
nothing personal

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>death devil
call me Mr Bones

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>Ankle Demon
Nigga makes the Tomato Demon from Chapter 1 look like Snek.

Is he OK?

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no, he later died in the hospital due to eternal bleeding

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Sawatiri is cute!

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You missed 8

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Could somebody please stitch these together?


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I want to CLIMB Tendo!

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Makima has multiple contracts as does Aki, but a veteran like Himeno doesn't. I wonder if it's just whether you take the initiative or not or if there's a process to acquiring multiple contracts.

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Wonder what’s going to happen now. Is Power gonna come save the day? She’s literally the only one left who can still fight and Makima a few hours away

here you go

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Thank you for your service.

The only two left after the slaughter are the only two that Power would have run away from, so I don't know why she'd pluck up the courage to fight now. I think Denji absorbing all the gibbed blood is more likely.

Thank you for your service.

At most I see her sneaking up to save Aki whatever they left him, if she fights these two she will end up with her ass kicked too.

>Banana Devil

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considering how steep curse devil's fee is. it makes sense that most devil hunters are content with just one.

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>Horn Devil
Anyone afraid of horns? Okay.

Makima has the gun control devil. That's why she can execute people holding guns, reverse gun wounds, and reflect bullets. It's also why she was chosen to hunt down the gun devil in the first place.

>Medal Demon

lots of people are afraid of success

Unless there's an initial fee to engage in a contract with a devil, you might as well have a few just for the situations where your main can't do the job. But there is probably some bullshit "admin fees" that prevent a devil hunter from being able to pull out sixteen different devils depending on what the situation calls for.

Nicely done.

>Catastrophe Devil
I'd imagine it be up there with the Gun Devil, if not even more powerful because there is always catastrophe somewhere in the world.

some devil's may have clauses in their contract stating that the human can only contract with them alone. I think the devil hunter organisation probably has tons of paperwork on contracts since Arai said human/devil contracts are recognised as law

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>The only two left after the slaughter are the only two that Power would have run away from, so I don't know why she'd pluck up the courage to fight now.

One just stated that he can't fight any more so all she has to do is take out snek lady quickly and she's basically just got a guy with a gun to deal with.

You've got to remember she's got a ridiculously high IQ, so high she was able to trick Denji, himself a nobel prize winner, and defeat him both in straight combat and later on a morale level with her titty squeezings. more likely she couldn't escape with all the other accomplices coming in so she's stuck and now has a chance of winning, so expect her to fuck up properly killing snek, playing with shadman rather than ending him, doing some pre-emptive gloating and getting killed off when snek stands up again

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>Criticism Devil
Who doesn't fear criticism? I'm OP

yeah sounds like our power

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I'm glad the recent chapters brought us more Makima fanart.

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The problem with keeping a devil around is that you need to balance the fear towards it. Make your working with it too public and people will stop fearing it, making it useless. Make it too scary and the fear people feel towards it will make it go out of control.

But it is likely that different Governments keep certain Devils around for contracts.


>playing with shadman rather than ending him, doing some pre-emptive gloating
When she wants to fight, she goes for the kill and doesn't fuck around.

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>Institution devil
Thank you dictatorships

>Damn Devil

yeah the fox devil seems to be the standard for Japan.

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>Species Devil

How powerful would this be and how does this even work, a fear of devils in general causing it to be one of the most if not powerful?

will snake girl join the denji harem? they are going to need replacements after this and all


What Denji harem?

I think that's what kurose and tendou are for. I seriously want denji to have a proper male friend who actually likes him. I looked that would have happened with Arai and Aniki but they got killed

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Notice how he sees something coming that the others don't.

>petticoat devil
I guess Im comic relief then

the kind of devil a private hunter will kill whilst a dozen public sector hunters get mauled by the bear devil

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Wasn't Makima originally coming from Tokyo to Kyoto? Is she going directly to Denji?

she either has some sort of fast travel back or she has a person in Tokyo who can get there for her. they said during the last supper chapter that Makima never stays around for long and she was just in Tokyo for a while because of Denji

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I think he's talking about the one woman that's obviously manipulating him, the woman shaped demon that barely understands human emotion (IE: a typical cat lover) and the woman that is currently a single light load of laundry.

>and the woman that is currently a single light load of laundry.
Delete this.

>a single light load of laundry.

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>Delete this.
Like a one eyed woman.

also the girl who tried to kill him.

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No, I suppose it is because I'm not edgy enough.

i think they will stay as the western branch dudes until the story moves to their location or some demon they are tracking comes to tokyo. then again it's fujimoto so him killing people off like flies isnt beyond him either

Just call them coworkers then, the only one with a harem here is Makima.

You seem to be in the impression that this is Denji's harem when clearly the harem master here is Makima herself

That's exactly what I'm saying.

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Congratulations on obtaining a general and joining the shonenshit elite.

negro, this was a dump thread

>not scrolling up
this was the viz dump thread

someone calling this shit out.

I guess it just comes with the territory of gaining popularity, but it's still a shame

>snap devil
Sounds like it would be incredibly unsettling.

Codpiece devil.

Well, with that rolling shit itt, I can hardly disagree.

This user wins.
You can't beat the cock.

Why do so many faggots participate in that [roll to see what your superpower is!] bullshit? And why are they posting their shitty answer? Nobody's replying. Nobody cares.

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I prove this wrong at least daily.

You cared enough to whine about it.

Looks like マキマさん has been trending on twitter.



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Well there's certainly a lot of blood around.

Punishment devil


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i think we're too far past that point now

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Justice, most likely. All her abilities so far revolve around either punishing the attackers or using hopeless criminals to destroy other criminals and killers.

it's nice that power moving in, united Aki and Denji in one thing.

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Can someone link me to the last dump thread

Last week's Viz? Use Archives. Same time, same place.

for the mangastream
the viz chapters

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Did Kobeni die? I don't think we saw a panel of her corpse, it was only Arai that got shot in the back? She also didn't state her devil contract

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>Did Kobeni die?
Not as far as we know.

Well she could be the one that brings everyone back. Maybe her devil is a time devil. She was only panicking in the hotel when she found out they can't move out and that time is frozen, so nothing her devil does would have helped her.

>Carrot Devil
the bane of fatasses everywhere

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I'm sure we will get more lighthearted moments after this arc, having serious action all the time lowers the impact. Correct me if i'm wrong but even FP had some calm moments between the insanity.

I love them

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hard not to

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How did they just sort of brush off the fact that that first guy and the guy on the walkie-talkie both just got flattened like pancakes out of thin air

kobeni was last seen about to be shot by a single old lady who shot the tall newb, so their's a chance she could have been able to subdue the old lady before getting shot herself.

Attached: kobeni and the end.png (882x872, 321K)

>check em

When will Power rest on Denji's shoulder again?

is this coming week a break week?

Wish they release this as x3056 or higher file dimensions.
Thanks for dumping


Still this one, even moreso because he ruined it immediately by saying he only did it for the titties.

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Now he's half of both.

because he is a man. an honest man. a simple man, but a man all the same.

There's lots of big crazy action and fantastic character scenes, but this simple little bit is probably my favorite.

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>Scrutiny devil
ok then

something about this page reminds me of only god forgives.

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Imagine if the author had freedom to pace the story and characters, instead of having to push forced arcs to not get axed and appeal to the market. Imagine.

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Devils can negotiate, so something like that is a huge gamble.

Is that a Makima

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unironically 1000 but her monster retardation reduces it by a factor of 10. When she's focused she loses the devil retardation

They could play with phobia, like the five most common phobias being the devil generals for the gun or something like that, imagine the Spider devil fucker, who's not afraid of spiders?

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>Profit Devil

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They didn't, they're panicking and trying to get away with Denji while they don't know what's going on.

who is shadman? Is he the sworddevil lad?

who's afraid of profits? Jews would literally one-hit you

There's no devil army, they're all way too selfish to work together.

People are afraid of losing profits or FOMOing on a profitable venture

Every single executive would succumb to Profit Devil

>"your hands where weak... you should have held on until the bounce..."

>Iris devil

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It could be possible she just has a really good contract with the Fox, we’ve seen that demons can change humans appearances if they’ve made a contract, which would explain the eyes.

oh shit i was thinking the exact same thing
Probably cuz Gosling keeps that same stance after his shit gets beaten in by thai God cop

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I love Makima's smile here.

Did anyone actually care about Eyepatch bitch? Gross roastie slut.

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Shut the fuck up, Makima you fucking two faced bitch.

I didn't notice how incredibly long her legs were until you pointed them out. I just thought she was sexy. What the fuck user. Are these the yaoi hands for straight guys?

It was all insanity, even the calm was insane

fuck you you fucking nigger i hope you fucking die for your fucking nigger fucking crimes

Someone make an edit of Makima with extremely long extended legs

>mfw watching all of the fanart of Makima roll in
Himeno BTFO.

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Based taste.

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>still doesn't beat a flat stinky demon


>power canonly doesnt shower
w-what does she smell like bros. Imagine giving her a footrub bros haha.

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After reading fire punch, I won't get attached to side characters. Hell, even eyepatch got nicked this early.

Same. I fucking adore the off panel finger.

Badass, chilling, powerful. The whole curse from the nail sword to the counting, to the final effect were amazing.

Shit and roadkill.

pennies and spoilt milk.

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reading fire punch. Im on chapter 39 and I'm so fucking confused. Is this the past? Why is Agni being mentioned? Whaatt?

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Yeah, i agree with you. Wish CSM just ended. Fucking hate when something i like becomes popular. Shit. Imagine all this lucky U19 series fanbases. What we do to deserve that suffering. WSJ series can exist even with 10 dedicated fans, it's not the biggest in the world manga magazine with 2 millions copies each week.

fuck off contrarian
this is such an NPC thinking

Yeah, i agree with you.

You like it?

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>dagger devil