There's nothing to be afraid of right?
We don't need to stop them, right?
There's nothing to be afraid of right?
Is not like you could stop them.
My dubs can stop them
Better than Crunchy, let's be honest.
Big tech must be stopped at all costs. The corporatization of the Internet has had devastating effects on both freedom of speech and freedom of creativity.
Literally nothing they can do. The hardest part for them is dealing with a culture of people who are resourceful enough to find shit for free, and who will always regularly translate and network for it.
>implying they're not both G-d's chosen trying to make money off of anime and make it more "progressive" at the same time
Hurry up and release the next season of Baki.
Fuck off shill
Have you seen their originals, they have agenda written all over it
They will fund anime about "hikikimoris" and otaku and fanservice shaming, and maybe about the deplorable situation of animators in the industry
Their billions and billions of dollars will become a loud voice in the industry, just you wait
What good anime are airing on Netflix that Yea Forums doesn't talk about because anons don't want to be associated with normalfaggotry? Devilman and Aggretsuko were pretty good.
What's Netflix's hikikomori anime called?
In 5 years Netflix is gonna buyout KyoAni
I can see it from a mile away
by then, Yea Forums would realize how wrong they were trusting netflix
I'm gonna say the N word!
Not really anime,but Castlevania was pretty good
All it will take is for some massive company like Disney to buy Netflix or otherwise take an interest in distributing anime and we will see the end of the torrent community.
The nips are pretty based. The moment Netflix starts pulling some heavy sjw shit and it starts to fail in nipponland they'll probably back away from touching anime. Nothing to really worry about. Most of the hardcore anime viewers don't even use streaming services. Netflix won't have any sway or power in the industry, at least for a very long, long time.
I give it 5 years before we start seeing anime push the same lgbt agenda up our ass like video games do.
Won't fly in the good old nippon.
Did he ever find his mom and sister? The last few chapters never got translated
If you want this dead industry to get life support, you're on board with Netflix. Otherwise, allow anime to die its slow, painful death that it's on track to do.
Independent artists may still have their balls but all it will take is for studios to see how many shekeru they're going to throw their way.
I hope I'm wrong, I hope the Japs are smart enough to look at what a nightmare the west has become and keep that shit out of their country.
This is netflix. They don't care how much they spend on something if they feel it's gonna sell eventually.
They will try and they will pour billions on it, which is like trillions of yen, more than what most average anime studios earn
They already started pushing SJW shit with their bastardization of Devilman. At this point it's just a matter of time...
Isn't it funny how nobody gave a shit about all the "made by Netflix" anime until Evangelion got a new dub? I wonder why that is. Could it be crossboarders who finally noticed this one because it was one of the few anime they've heard of? Doesn't sound very likely though, does it.
>all it will take is for studios to see how many shekeru they're going to throw their way.
People have been saying this shit for 20 years, that the west is where all the money is and anime studios will start pandering to them en masse any season now. It turns out that no, that's not where all the money is. You're better off worrying about Chinese streaming influencing anime than Western companies nickel and diming them for localization rights.
You don't have to do anything. They'll kill themselves eventually.
Just like the trannies
Japan isn't particularly anti-gay. They're just very traditional and slow to change their views on anything. They also have funny stereotypes about gay people.
Netflix is saving anime with cheap nostalgia pandering like Devilman, trash like Neo Yokio and mediocre subs and dubs?
If it's a real threat, the anime business in Japan might change their business model. But I wouldn't count on it.
Why do american ruin everything they touch
>Most of the hardcore anime viewers don't even use streaming services
No one is targeting the "hardcore" anime viewers, because they aren't buying shit anymore.
>aimed at western audience
>most graphic gay sex scene I've ever seen in a non hentai
>Castlevania was pretty good
It wasn't.
>push agenda
Why is it pushed and you don't see it as something normal? as people accepting gay stuff and just treating it as something normal? how is it "pushed"
The industry is dying
The perfect time to attack and "revolutionize"
Westerners call anybody homophobic if they're not having gay parades 24/7.
There will be so much gay and lesbian anime that they will become their own genres.
You lay fault on the entire general population of the United States?
Our media is hailed as the gold standard of quality and the people who control it have an agenda to destroy nations.
Good. Let them do it. The bigger the investment, the harder the fall. It's about it selling to not only the japanese otaku but also the western otaku. The moment they realize that slapping goofy pink haircuts on fat/ugly chicks like we've been seeing in videogames doesn't sell well they'll leave anime alone.
Bigger they are, the harder they fall. That kinda thing.
Studios can't make original anime for shit. They rely upon the independent artists almost exclusively. All it takes is the talented artists/writers to say "fuck off shills" for sjws to give up. The nips are notoriously bad at creativity but they are technically amazing at creating beautiful artwork. It takes creativity to create a lot of the wacky shit we see in anime, and that is in short supply. They won't jeopardize the entire industry by taking power away from the artists/writers. It takes madness to be creative, and it's rare.
Look at the shit we see in the west: movies and tv shows are no longer created by a few dudes in board rooms stressing the fuck out about their movies/shows. It's just a bunch of political bullshit now with think-tanks and audience sampling.
>We don't need to stop them, right?
The fuck do you mean "we"? And what could you even do?
First season was fantastic. Netflix whipped them and told them to make it garbage for the second season by doubling the length and telling them to add in some anti-white revenge porn for no fucking reason. The talent is there, it's just whether or not the talent in the west can withstand the temptation of big money and think tanks.
Sony's "global standards"
Because it's not normal. If you want to bugger each other in your own home that's your business but as soon as you start teaching impressionable children that it's a completely normal lifestyle while conveniently leaving out the myriad of health problems and disease that it leads to, then we have a problem. But lgbt can't keep their lifestyle to themselves and act normal, they have to throw it in everyone's face hoping someone will tell them to fuck off so they can have a meltdown over how persecuted they are.
Japanese TV is already flooded with pride about black """Japanese""" athletes who were born abroad and never spent a single day in Japan.
It starts with blanda up and goes from there.
The first season also had some evil Catholic church narrative shoehorned in that was never present in any of the games.
It wasn't even anime, it was just made to look like it.
Mine would
Not really.
Even if there was, there are literally ZERO things you can do to stop them.
The idea is that media is the driving force to change, and not the other way around. Whether this is true or not is up for debate in my mind. Part of it sounds a little too Alex Jones for me, the idea that mass-media is influencing the minds of the masses. Either way, it doesn't change whether it's objectively a negative push or not.
Jesus, that is pathetic.
>The moment they realize that slapping goofy pink haircuts on fat/ugly chicks like we've been seeing in videogames doesn't sell well they'll leave anime alone.
The problem is that gamers weren't interested in pink haired dykes either yet here we are years later with the big developers like Ubisoft and EA still pushing pink haired dykes in their games and making money
They already have a fair share of anime that weren't successful, but somehow, failing with pink hair on fat chick would be a game changer? Is your head ok?
>for sjws to give up
But they never do
>try to influence the original creators to change
>if that doesn't work, try to make their own original "anime" like that guardian spice shit
>nobody will watch that shit and prefer original anime
>buy up distribution rights and censor or ban anything that doesn't suit their agenda
>eventually gaining control of distribution even in Japan like what happened with Basedny.
I actively sub to Crunchyroll and Netflix, aswell as Amazon Prime.
When you're old enough to work, you'll appreciate that people need money to make things
I think you fail to see the implication.
The anime industry, the animation studios, they always have been the same for years, decades, because the people they earn money from are almost all Japanese. That has always the system.
Netflix changes all that. It makes series and anime accessible to a WIDE audience, with a huge chunk in sales.
The anime industry would blossom with Netflix, but it will make them more dependent on western audiences, and SJW shit will happen after
More like globalist standards.
Holy fuck, you're both retarded and have no idea who Warren Ellis is. The entire script was just him masturbating onto paper, smudging it with ink and calling it a day.
People as fragile as you must lead horrible lives; everything is a personal, political attack against your entire race and everything.
Western studio, western perspective. I'm an atheist so I don't privy much to anti-Christian propaganda when it's there, though I'd like to. Maybe I'm too used to it in the media. I'm finding anti-christian propaganda to be less and less palatable.
So they already control Japan's media as well? Time to import a couple hundred thousand Somali refugees to combat those low birth rates.
you can't do anything, blame normalfags, they're the majority and they're all fine with being exploited, they eat this shit up
>blame normalfags
blame yourselves for not buying shit
That is the first part to pushing back against this bullshit. Unless you either don't care or are willingly accepting this horseshit. Either way you are as good as dead to me.
See, it's not that it's "pushed" it's that you just don't tolerate it at all, even if 1 out of 2000 shows presented some gay stuff you would still be screeching about an agenda, you will start seeing it more often too, you can call it an agenda or you can read it as people not making a difference about it anymore so it's normalized.
>Part of it sounds a little too Alex Jones for me
It's not that there's a giant conspiracy to destroy the west. Rather it's upper middle class people that go to universities filled with woke teachers and later end up becoming woke journalists, managers, CEOs, politicians, teachers etc.
>being proud of eating shit
>trying to make anime more progressive
>removes the homosex undertones of Shinji and Kaworu
They're trying to sanitize and gentrify anime to make it accessible to normies.
I will lend you my aid, brother
Who fucking cares? As long as they're not acquiring IP to make shows that would have normally been produced by the original creators, what harm is being done? Ignore them and move on.
Fuck you, Osaka spent her childhood in Japan and her sister could speak fluent Japanese
Christianity is almost exclusively associated with violence and horror in the media.
This is a good point. But just because the content is more accessible doesn't mean people will actually want to consume it. You forget that much of our stories come from innate desires that lay dormant in our minds. Sane people won't willingly subject themselves to trashy sjw propaganda. But that's the thing, it requires people to be sane which they fucking aren't.
I'm happy as fuck because no matter what happens I'm gonna just stick to my own guns and my own problems. I'm just telling you niggers what's gonna happen if we don't wise up to it and push back. I have a huge backlog of anime and vidya from back before things started to go to shit. I'm good, dawg.
They're cool for having Welcome to The NHK on there a couple years ago.
Season 2 was shit. It was full of Leftist misanthropy. The show made it seem like the heroes simply spared humanity from its rightfully deserved punishment. The all of villains acted like fucking retards minus Carmilla who is treated like a criminal mastermind because she points out how retarded Dracula is being and how she tricked Hector by fully disclosing her plan betray Dracula to him.
America will eventually ruin anime just like it ruined everything else including its own culture.
Just relax because it's inevitable and make sure you have plenty of your favourites stored away so you can rewatch something decent in the future once these fucking vandals have ruined everything.
I'm thinking of cancelling my Netflix plan since they have fuck-all to watch and they constantly keep increasing their prices.
Never had a Crunchyroll subscription because geoblocking makes it pretty much worthless here. Can't even have Amazon Prime here but again, fuck all to watch.
Yeah and it's kinda sick because most christians I've met have been chill. While mudslimes are certainly not, based on what I've heard. I wouldn't know, I take extra care not to associate with people like them. It's become backwards because christianity was the dominant power structure to white people for a long time. They need to demonize anything that competes with big government/deep state.
Honestly it felt like 6 episodes of the 8 for season 2 were just fucking pointless. The three main characters literally just sat around in a castle dungeon playing "who is gonna fuck the girl" the entire time.
The villains (because they are the "cool" parts of western media) were where any of the "story" happened. Fuck that season was so bad.
Didn't Japan have a couple of anime of trying to get the younger gen to repopulate?
I think it was that father and daughter anime, I forget the name.
>You're better off worrying about Chinese streaming influencing anime than Western companies
I'm fine with this. Being chuuni as fuck aside, Chinese's taste can be pretty based.
>t.14 year old who still gets pocket money
>America will eventually ruin anime
It's not necessarily our fault, nigger. We just won too hard and became too influential and so money hungry banks came after us and needed to reign in our success for their own needs.
Been stocking up for a few years now. Have about 4TB stashed away.
I'm not sure what we can do other than get ready for the shitstorm. Watching our favorite hobbies go to shit will just be the beginning, it's going to get so bad that our Chinese cartoons will be the least of our worries. We need to stock up so we have anime to keep morale up in the bunkers.
Do you people get off to your /pol/ fantasies?
I'm subbed to Crunchy myself for convenience, but if you think that subscribing to these services puts money in the right people's pockets then you're absolutely deluded
If you really want to support the industry then buy paper manga and physical anime. Those 10 bucks monthly are literally a drop in the ocean.
Buy what exactly?
This, honestly.
Look at what's happening in the west. The IPs that are out there are being hijacked by sjws, which happens when the IP gets bigger than the creator's hands. This rarely happens with anime because all anime has relatively short lifespans. Western comics have all been going on for fucking decades and so the original creations are cannibalized by outside artists/writers who are ideological driven rather than wanting to create actual art.
When anime starts going down this path, which is not likely to happen for awhile, then we should start worrying. It'll happen small first, and then snowball into bigger projects. I only hope that certain anime IPs just fucking die before sjws get a hold of them. Looking at you Fate...
Netflix has always given lucrative deals to creators, most of it profit sharing
Not only does the digital streaming service cut costs (other than doing BD sales or at midnight only showings in TV), it enables streamers to a wide audience that they can watch AT ANYTIME OF THE DAY
That would entail to millions and millions of profits. Who wouldn't bite a deal like that??
That's just step 1. The industry will bloom from soaring profits. Anime will enter a golden age financially.
But, after the rise comes the inevitable fall. Step 2 is them becoming dependent on the international audience, rather than the Japanese audience. That's the start of the fall of anime.
SJW agenda would be more obvious on anime by that time, pandering not only to Japs but to the worldwide audience.
And it'll fall like how videogames fell
Speaking personally as the type of fagmaster that buys into this /pol/ shit, no this shit scares the fuck out of me.
You realize you're describing exactly what happened to Devilman? Netflix will keep acquiring classic source material and producing bastardized adaptations in the name of "updating it for a new audience" so they can push leftist garbage not only currently but retroactively
I hope 4.0 will be Netflix only
IP range ban on all Yea Forumsermin, Yea Forumsfags, and /pol/cucks when?
Japanese BD/DVD
Which means that shitty late night ecchi shows will become a thing of the past. This makes me irrevocably sad.
>pandering not only to Japs but to the worldwide audience
At this point it'll probably be so unrecognizable to the japs that they might actually start creating their own underground anime scene again. The ancient art of doujin-games and manga will never be lost to them.
Well you'd be correct.
I went to my local city council today and we voted that Dorohedoro would be a 3DCG Netflix original because it makes our collective penii hard.
So that's why Devilman was utter fucking garbage? I thought it was that Yuasa was a hack.
Where does Violet Evergarden fit into all this?
Anything European is considered evil now.
Nasu is pretty protective over his ip and he was forced by sòy knees to a mobage.
Nothing about FGO is really sjw pandering bullshit though. It's not good story telling, but it isn't leftist garbage by any means.
How long until Netflix realized it’s holding a mountain of debt over it head and collapses?
Are they in some sort of financial trouble?
Are you a christian? I'm just curious.
Yeah,fgo's story is pretty hit or miss there's some actually good chapter and events such as camlot,babylon,LB1 and ccc
But the bad and meh kinda out balances it.
It's not an outsized amount of debt considering their income.
They’ve got over 20 billion in debt right now and are planning to add even more yet for some reason non ones worried about it with rising prices and Disney+ steamrolling in
Nigger, they just shrunk Tifa's tits in the FFVII remake due to an "ethics" department. It's the beginning of the end
Calm down crossboarder. Tifa is still hot as fuck. Big breasts are honestly for retards. I actually, literally, unironically, like the new design.
But it is shitty the REASON why they did it, I'll give you that.
Good. Her tits were always fucking retarded.
I swear to God, it's like I'm on Yea Forums.
I hope 2020's elections finally kills us all.
>But it is shitty the REASON why they did it, I'll give you that.
They did it to meet age ratings requirements. Most likely ESRB, considering how anal American age ratings are.
VEG didn't seem to be pushing an agenda. It was just a very "safe" show for western audiences. Notice the complete lack of fanservice other than maybe some clevage. The first thing that has to be done to anime to make it palatable for westerns is to scrub it of any sexuality unless it's lgbt friendly of course.
Yes I am a Roman Catholic.
It looks like you guys need my help.
Oy vey! How dare you negate Yea Forums's manufactured drama of the month?!
here you go
>SJW shit
>make Kaworu straight
go back
That was due to the incompetence of Khara
I'm so sorry.
>complete lack of fanservice other than maybe some clevage
This isn't that suspicious because most of KyoAni's works have been pretty clean. I think that VEG was the "Avengers" movie for anime. It was the way for Netflix to really try and break into anime by putting just a shit ton of budget into the animation, but not filling in much of the story/world. It was their attempt at getting a quick buck to put concerted effort into other series/venues like Disney is doing with Star Wars.
You dropped these.
>It was just a very "safe" show for western audiences.
Guess K-ON was really meant for western audiences as well.
I'm not talking about the new NGE sub. Haven't watched it, don't care. Netflix's leftist garbage is in all their original funded productions, though.
Well more power to you. As I said, I'm an atheist but do still wish you the best in the coming onslaught of sjw faggots like probably is and their ilk.
I'd rather have a christian in the room with me than a fucking dirty marxist/commie.
What must happen to a guy that he ends up being this way?
I'm doing pretty damn good, faggot. My life has been fucking great so far because I wasn't an idiot and got the fuck out of bad paths in life. I don't know who you are talking to, but I'm on the right path to living a pretty damn cushy life. I got to where I am by ignoring idiots like you.
Personal integrity. Give it a try sometime.
> ignoring idiots like you
Without much success lately or so it seems. You seem horrifically angry, I doubt you're as well adjusted as you say you are.
>personal integrity now amounts to being a schizoid paranoid neo-nazi on a Bulgarian Babushka Spotting Forum
Just ban any netflix show form Yea Forums.
Move them to Yea Forums instead.
>Calling out that Netflix has a political agenda = nazism
Come on now.
darlifra totally does this too
I'm drunk on sake but am having a great time living life in a nice crib, I have a wife in the other room, a work week at a good job coming up in a day.
I am literally just drinking sake, playing Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, spending time with girls, and stopping to respond to your faggoty ass every so often. I'm fucking happy right now. Get the fuck away from anime faggot.
Sure you are user. :)
shadow projection allows him to function comfortably in life while projecting his anger and fear onto a monolithic, all-powerful Other
>I for one trust my corporate media overlords in bed with the banks and international corporations.
>Anime is something good, beautiful, and unique? Better destroy it!
Unironically this is a good idea, but they should be moved to Yea Forums.
If it's done by a japanese studio but almost entirely funded, scripted, produced, and written/edited by western hands, is it really fully even anime?
I say: ban Violet Evergarden, Devilman Shitshow, and any other horrid anime produced for Netflix from Yea Forums. Then again the Yea Forums mods are all retards now anyway.
It's one's own group that's monolithic. There are a fuckload of Others, all pushing their own respective agendas to improve their own station in the world. Advocating for what you care about is part of personal integrity, even if it's something as minor as a hobby.
Holy shit I did not mean to reddit post this hard. God it looks terrible. I usually post on my phone.
I figured this might trigger some people.
Looks like some mangaka are primed to get shamed into becoming "tolerance'' little bitch.
>personal integrity
Virtually unknown concept to half of the clowns on Yea Forums. This site is full of cucks and degenerates these days. Just look at /gif/, /pol/, Yea Forums, /r9k/, and Yea Forums.
this was meant for
>Netflix is paying the French to ship Africans to Japan
Well, that's exactly what I'd expect.
Easy fix, just ignore Netflix shows. Thanks user! You've helped me solidify what I always knew I should do: get rid of Netflix. I don't even use that garbage platform, and I sure as hell don't pay for it. I just leech of some other random fucking person. I don't think I've ever personally paid for Netflix desu
Sugar and Lightning right?
So, how's Hulu?
Only Netflix anime I watched in last couple years was Devilman and Baki and they were both great and made my read manga.
And what did japs made last couple years? Cuckfest that's DitF?
Looks more like Netflix is trying to salvage whatever good is left before this industry is in complete ruin.
Why would you be afraid of these faggots? Stop watching dubs.
We warned you about the jews Yea Forums but nooo you wouldn't listen. Now our precious allies will perish, and anime will be lost forever.
($0.14 was deposited into your account)
Go Brian Clyde
Trends follow the money, if everyone watches Isekai, you get 100 of them every season. If Hollykikes start to get excite then before you know it Seinfeld really will be anime. Beware the jews user.
>Yea Forums
So those retards come here even harder? It's bad enough that we keep having "is it kino?" threads because those retards can't keep their shitty memes on their shitty board.
Good one
Inshallah and shalom my brother
It's not about the dubs. It's never been about the dubs. The West is compromised. Western media is compromised. Netflix is a western media company. Netflix is gathering a massive amount of influence towards anime that we haven't ever seen before. They are doing it very smartly too. THAT is our cause for concern.