>rich as fuck
>wants to destroy capitalism and install communism
sounds about right
>rich as fuck
>wants to destroy capitalism and install communism
sounds about right
Other urls found in this thread:
Every coddled university kid ever, the only thing he's missing is an underpaid hispanic maid working at his house
The fucking retards don’t understand that if commies take over they would be the first to die as their house is torn apart for the poor and their every asset redistributed.
I'm poor I don't have any asset
I’m talking about rich people you fucking dumbass
Can't they just mix capitalism and communism and pick out what works and remove what doesn't?
Ironically only people with their heads up their privileged or ignorant asses defend capitalism. Capitalism drives the excessive exploitation of resources on this planet, which is coming back to fuck us all in the ass in the next decades through climate change.
That's just called capitalism
It's called China.
>be OP
>be a weenie
sounds about right
If only you knew OP...
China isn't communist though, just state-planned infrastructure and expansion with laissez-faire in most other business
Well one advantage of communism is that all the resources sit around unused, I guess.
More like absolutely wasted. Badly allocated and wasted, inefficient use of resources is a hallmark of communism. Remember the holodomor, Lysenkoism and Chernobyl all happened under commie regimes.
You guys are massively simplifying his worldview. He never once said "capitalism bad, communism good" or even specified the ideologies. Capitalism can still exist in his world in which humans are not needed for drone work, even if basic income is a necessity.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
He wasn’t a commie just a utopianist.
You do know that it doesn't have to be either capitalism or communism?
We found the Econ major.
Why aren't poor people supporting communism then? It really can't get worse for them.
it's a kind of Social Nationalism, or SocNat as I've taken to calling it.
Jokes on you, dumbass. Go read about the collapse of complex societies by Joseph Tainter, the IPCC reports, or the countless other books about the inevitable collapse of the thermo-industrial civilisation. Climate change is only the symptom of the problem. I also invite you to learn about positive climate change feedbacks. If you think you'll just have to make the AC during summer, I invite you to write this report : preventionweb.net
Honestly the literature on the subject is so extensive, do you ignorant ass a favour and pick up a book.
The real ideology is using genetic Engineering to create Orks ta krump da 'umies. Da Ork ekonemy iz stable an' kultur/politeks iz simple.
>ESL monkey
You know the USSR was only using you as a proxy against the west, right?
It's probably better for your kind to not think about politics.
That's not what he wanted at all. He wanted to eliminate the need for people to work and install a universal income system.
>/pol/bait thread
Did I click Yea Forums by accident?
There's nothing social in China, it's an authoritarian country but has the same twisted sense of communism Stalin had.
>There's nothing social in China
There's social credit.
Every board has /pol/shit now since everything is political.
You do realise that a lot of Communist revolutionaries were not exactly dirt-poor, down on their luck peasants? Not all of them were aristocrats but the thinkers, the philosophers, the leaders were middle-class and had enough money to get a education somewhere. Some may even belong to old Imperial bureaucratic families.
What matters in the end is that they lead the victorious party and they are on the winning side meaning their heads are the last to go. You can't be a counter-revolutionary if you lead the revolution.
>dismissing facts and science
>hurr durr le communism boggeyman
Assuming the background of strangers on the internet only brings forward your insecurities. I'm from an African country, are you gonna call me a nigger now?
I haven't mentioned any political system, stop being paranoid bitch. Think carefully now before you come up with your next non-sequitur.
Based black man destroying ameripigs with facts and logic
No, but I am going to call you a lapdog of an empire that failed over twenty years ago.
There's nothing
about the modern concept of "climate change". It's just fearmongering.
Yes, the modern lifestyle is unsustainable and we're consuming natural resources at an alarming rate.
The people in the west that like to preach about "climate change" do not care about the issue beyond using it as a bludgeon against the western middle class in the same way that your people were used as a bludgeon against Rhodesia and South Africa.
It's bizarre to see someone from a mostly untapped and un-industrialized region preaching second-hand propaganda from charlatans in the west.
>I haven't mentioned any political system
You specifically stated you were anticaptialist in your initial post.
If you define your political position primarily through an anticapitalist lens, you are likely a Communist (second position), Fascist/Natsoc (third position), or some kind of anarcho primitivist. I have a hard time imagining an African as either a Fascist (complete disregard of positive in-group preference) or an Anprim (you need to have been industrialized in the first place to adopt a NRX ideology such as this).
you should read what Marx says about automation
What does he say?
Except thanks to technology, we'll adapt. Baboon.
that automation will free workers from having to do jobs, leading to a radical change of society that will make Capitalism obsolete because the production of commodities will have a negligible cost
That's the point. Most communists are powered purely by ressentiment. They are privileged brats with no real skills to be part of the elite, so they adopt this shitty revolutionary ideology, thinking they can become the elite once they overthrow the established order. Of course, in reality, they are the stupid bourgeois who inevitably get killed after the revolution, but they all collectively delude themselves into believing they'll be the Stalins of the new world order, not the guys that were locked in the gulags.
Well as a fictional character, we can assume Tadano is actually genuine in his beliefs and just wants people to not have to work if they don't want.
And Chernobyl? And the draining of the Aral Sea? The only environmentalism communism has managed is making everyone poor as fuck to consume shit they don't need. Even then factories will operate to produce useless junk just to keep the masses busy working.
You fell for the trap, mate. I'm not black, I'm north African. Maybe it's high time you stopped trying to put a label on me to put me down more easily and tried to engage with what I'm actually arguing here.
You say there is nothing factual and scientific about climate change? Of course, aside from the hundreds of thousands of scientific publications, the IPCC doing extremely rigorous research (try reading their reports) to convince morons like you, already quantified collapses of biodiversity and number of insects, record breaking temperatures around the world, documented decreased snow cover, crystal clear satellite pictures of melting ice sheets, rising sea levels in Bangladesh, dying coral reef, and innumerable shit happening around the world, climate change is a hoax? What you don't understand is that climate change alone will cause massive migrations. Famines, wars, and deceases. It's weird because you agree that the modern life-style is unsustainable, but think that climate is a hoax.
You say it's weird to see someone from one of the most undeveloped regions of the world preach about climate change, but the problem is that third world countries are the most vulnerable to it. I've talked to many farmers and they keep saying that things are getting weirder and weirder (less rain and more extreme temperatures). Seriously read the shit I mentioned. There is also no way we can stay within the two degrees increase at the rate the world is growing at. Economic growth leads to more pollution and more greenhouse gazes emissions. Two degrees is disastrous for crops. And above three degrees, we go beyond tipping points that will mean hell on this planet.
I am anti-capitalist. Capitalism is not a political system. It is an ideology and an economic system. I don't have some kind of dogmatic prejudice against capitalism, but this system has proved horrible for the planet and the majority of the people. cont.
Kill yourself
Well shit I ended up deleting my message by mistake. Listen buddy, you won't have the luxury to argue about the superiority of you ideology when shit starts hitting the fan. Maybe all those billionaires buying golden bunkers in new-Zealand should tip you off. The people warning about the impending doom do not have much to gain from it. They're not selling ebooks or trying to get elected. They're mostly scholars and engineers who wish to spread awareness about the mess we're in.
Stop sucking Elon Musk's dick and listen to a guy who actually knows his stuff: youtube.com